/ / . V' ^ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1964 f AGE TWENTY iianr^fBbr ,1Eopttiitg N^raUi ATwrafE DUb Net Ptmb Ron Th* WMthcr For the Week Buded FwM M t o f 0 . B. WeattMT Saam a ■VFW Auxiliary ■will aponaor ITovMBbflr 7, 1M4 About Town a card party tonight at 8 at breeny, cooler tedey, the post home. 14J39 high ciw, oooler teolght, low hi M e; eoaajr, pICMMt Genior- San Buddhiam, a liberal re- Polish National Alliance, r of the Anait Eumttig raUi llalon, will be the l.<^ic of the Group 1988, will meet tomor­ eC dranfastlaa' Oliutonbury Unltarian-Univer- row at 2 p.m. at 77 North St. M m e h mat0r« A CUy of Village Charm saliat Fellowahip meeting' Sun­ day at 10:30 a.m. at'Maaonic Members of the American Hall, 3639 Main St. Dan Street­ Legion will meet tonight at VOL. LXXjOV. NO. 89 (TWELVE PA6E9-TV SECHON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1964 (Ctesalfled AdvertMog ea Page PRICE SEVEN CENTO er 'Will Introduce the topic and 7:15 at Holmes Funeral GET IT NOW at IXXJEXXKB preaent aeveral of the "Ko- Home, 400 Main St., to pay res­ ana” and other readings from pects to Charles Rogowskl, a Zen. The meeting la open to member. the public. Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Events The tadiea of S t James will Ladies of Columbus, will meet Syria Lodges UN Complaint sponsor a card party tonight at Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the K. of 3 In the school hall .The party C. Hall. Mrs. Lionel Les.sard ‘In State Is open to the public. Refresh­ will give a plastic demonstra­ ments will be served. tion after the meeting. Mrs. Where SERVICE 1$ John Daley Ls chairman. Re­ Dllworth Cornell Post, Amer­ freshments will be .served. Plane Crashes After New Border Incident ican Liegion. will sponsor a dance and buffet Saturday from Steamers, cherrystone clams Near Airport 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the post and clam chowder will be served home. Mike Gates and his or­ tonight from 7 to 9 at the Elks TEL AVIV, Israel (AP)'^*'’lssued in Damascus, the capital<^where Ambassador Rafik Asha^shells and World War II Oer* Club. Bissell St. Members, their BRISTOL (AP) — A chestra 'Will provide the music. — Syria has lodged an ur­ of Syria, said its-side suffered 7 accused Israel of launching the man tanks. wives and guests are welcome dead and 26 injured. aerial attack "to poison the at­ The dance is open to members ight plane failed to make a gent complaint with the The Israeli radio said a school and guests. There 'w^lll be no Our BEST PRODUCTl The Israeli spoke.sman mosphere of the forthcoming bam, museum, agricultural and safe landing at Johnny- Manchesert Wing Patrol of United Nations after Is­ U.N. General As.sembly" ses­ charge for admission. cake Airport last night and charged that Syria started the electrical equipment, a fu^l Senior Girl'Scout Troop 618 will raeli jets battered Arab fight with an attack on gn Isr­ sion. It also complained to the tank and two houses were de­ U sponsor a bake sale Saturday Miss Arlyne M. Garrlty of crashed in the woods. aeli patrol. He said the jets U.N. Truce Observation Com­ stroyed in the settlements. at 10 a.m. at the Grand-Way Conyiare and seemdiy... The pilot, Peter Redman, 21, outposts in the heaviest Manchester has been named to went into action with napalm mission In Jeru.saJem, Tension had been building up Store, Manchester Parkade. of Bristol was badly cut and border fight between the (jellied petroleum) and gunfire The Israeli spokesman along the 50-mile border, scene “Who’s Who in American Col­ Proceeds from sale of home­ his passenger 21 - year - old ft leges and Universities’’ for 1965. two nations in recent years. after the Syrians heavily dam­ charged that Israeli jet fighters of a number of recent clashes. made food 'Will apply toward Jamee T. Scarltt also of Bris­ Each side blamed the other aged collective settlements at "finally smashed" the Syrian I.sraeli engineers are in the A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the cost of fuel for airplane tol suffered a broken leg. Harold W. Garrily, 141 Pitkin MOTGROLA for starting the 100-minute clash Dan and Shaar Hyishuv. positions after the Syrians ig­ area preparing for Israel’s plM flight training. Since Scaritt couldn’t walk, Friday along the frontier 25 St., she is a senior majoring in The Syrian communique said nored a call by the U.N. truce to divert the waters of the Jor­ Redman, bleeding profusely, miles north of the Sea of Gali­ Israeli artillery shelled two team for a cea.se-fire. dan River from the Sea of Gali­ speech «at Emerson College, Members of Kehler Circle. went stumbling through the lee. U.N. ob.server.s, who super­ Boston, a\l-«'grad>iate of Man- unarmed Arab villages at Hama The spokesman said the Syri­ lee to the Negev Desert. The WSCS, of South Methodist woods for help. vise a shaky cease-fire in the and Azyziat in the demilitarized an barrage against the settle­ Arab world opposes the plan ’ Chester High School. Church will meet tomorrow at At 12:30 a.m. he arrived at area, begaii an investigation of zone. It .said Syrian forces ments spread from one' to five and some observers fear the 10:45 a.m, at the W. P. Qulsh Hogan’s Cider Mill on Rt. 4, the battle. .struck back against five Israeli po.sitions. He said the Syrians issue could spark a new Middle Everv Member Canvas.s of Funeral Home, 225 Main St., to about a quarter mile from the An Israeli army spokesman border settlements and military used machinegun fire, mortar East crisis. Zion Lutheran Church will be attend the funeral of Mrs. Stel­ wrecked plane. said 3 Israelis were killed and positions. |.-i£ held Sunday. Preparation for la Hoffman, a member. The owner. State Rep. Mor­ 11 others injured, 5 seriously. Syria protested to the U.N. those making the canvass, who ris B. Hogan, R-Burlington, A Syrian army communique Security Council in New York were unable to attend the first C(fa/65 called State Police. Ignored Order to Halt meeting, will meet tonight at h the new generation of Color TV Redman, whose father, Rob­ 7:15 in the assembly room of Personal Notices ert, o'wns the Bristol Pattern the church. Supplies and direc­ Co., told Staite Police what he tions will be distributed to the could and then was rushed to American Guard Fires •ntlre corps of visitors at 8. In Memoriam Bristol Hospital. Of Mrs. David R. Cole, died No­ State Police, with Hogan ac­ vember 3. 1%4. The iK>em below companying them, set out to is nubli5hed at request of friends look for Scaritt and the plane. At Red Military Car of Mr,«. Cole. Shortly before 2 a.m. they •COODBYK■ 20tlf Century Sir Walter Raleigh Arrives heard someone shouting. It RUMMAGE I will not sav timl you have died. turned out to be Scaritt. His HEIDELBERG, Germany (AP)—A Soviet military You are just leaving on a long trip. Sussex University student Peter Horne rushes to the scene like a modern Sir right leg appeared to be brok­ To set .sail across the bar with the en but otherwise he looked in mission sedan was fired on by an American guard when outgoing tide. Walter Raleigh. The youth tossed his black plastic raincoat over a puddle it failed to obey orders to halt, U.S. Army headquar­ Over the unknown sen to the unseen better shape than Redman. SALE shor<*. in the path of Queen Elizabeth, making a tour of the university. But the Scaritt told State Police Red­ ters in Europe announced here today. Queen smiled at the gallant gesture and stepped around both puddle and rain­ man had come in from the north T h e incident occurred,*------------------------ ------------------ ■ You IvAve gone to join the ones so dear tn you. coat. (AP Photofax.) to make his landing, decided as Wednesday when the car ap­ has a similar mission attached In that Big House on the Hill he toughed down that it would proached a restricted U.S. mili­ to the Soviets in East Germany. SAT., NOV. 14th In that land called Unknown. From where there never is a return. be better to approach from t^e tary area near Nuernberg, the U.S. Army headquarters has south, and pulled the plane in> Army said. protested to th« So(det military 9 A.M. to 12 NOON You are leaving me with many and into a sharp left bank. Un- The vehicle’s two occupants, a liaison misMon, located in fond memories , Soviet colonel and an enlisted Frankfurt, that the Soviet car at the That will always linger with me. Vatican Council Approves U>le to make altitude, the plane As I travel thnmgh the pathway of flopped down in the trees. There man driver, were detained for violated a well-marked restrict­ life. was reportedly a strong cross about 10 hours and then re- ed military area. So now I will just say Good Bye. Lithuanian Haii Mabel. wind blowing at tbe time. lea.sed. The Soviet sedan entered the The Soviet military liaison restricted area at around 1:30 on Oolvvay Street David Model Y2SCKS8MP Scaritt was taken to Hunger- 23” overall diag. tube meas.; Christian Unity Schema ford Hospital in Torrington.
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