![Arxiv:1907.03494V2 [Cond-Mat.Mes-Hall] 29 Oct 2019](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Single and bilayer graphene on the topological insulator Bi2Se3: Electronic and spin-orbit properties from first-principles Klaus Zollner1, ∗ and Jaroslav Fabian1 1Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany (Dated: October 30, 2019) We present a detailed study of the electronic and spin-orbit properties of single and bilayer graphene in proximity to the topological insulator Bi2Se3. Our approach is based on first-principles calculations, combined with symmetry derived model Hamiltonians that capture the low-energy band properties. We consider single and bilayer graphene on 1{3 quintuple layers of Bi2Se3 and extract orbital and proximity induced spin-orbit coupling (SOC) parameters. We find that graphene gets significantly hole doped (350 meV), but the linear dispersion is preserved. The proximity induced SOC parameters are about 1 meV in magnitude, and are of valley-Zeeman type. The induced SOC depends weakly on the number of quintuple layers of Bi2Se3. We also study the effect of a transverse electric field, that is applied across heterostructures of single and bilayer graphene above 1 quintuple layer of Bi2Se3. Our results show that band offsets, as well as proximity induced SOC parameters can be tuned by the field. Most interesting is the case of bilayer graphene, in which the band gap, originating from the intrinsic dipole of the heterostructure, can be closed and reopened again, with inverted band character. The switching of the strong proximity SOC from the conduction to the valence band realizes a spin-orbit valve. Additionally, we find a giant increase of the proximity induced SOC of about 200%, when we decrease the interlayer distance between graphene and Bi2Se3 by only 10%. Finally, for a different substrate material Bi2Te2Se, band offsets are significantly different, with the graphene Dirac point located at the Fermi level, while the induced SOC strength stays similar in magnitude compared to the Bi2Se3 substrate. Keywords: spintronics, graphene, heterostructures, proximity spin-orbit coupling, topological insulator I. INTRODUCTION are in between the 2D and 3D regime, depending on how many QLs one investigates. Nevertheless, they are im- portant for practical applications35, due to their topolog- 1{3 Van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures and emerg- ically protected36,37 and well conducting surface states38, 4 ing proximity effects are an ideal platform to induce and for proximity induced phenomena39{42, since strong tailored properties in two-dimensional (2D) materials. SOC is present. When the topological insulators act as a Prominent 2D material examples are semimetallic single substrate, the 2D regime (1{2 QLs) is sufficient, as prox- 5 layer graphene (SLG), semiconducting transition-metal imity effects are of short range nature. dichalcogenides6 (TMDCs), and insulating hexagonal 7 8 Recently, the interface engineering of 2D materials has boron-nitride (hBN). Recently, also superconductors 43,44 9{14 become an important topic . Experimentalists and (NbSe2), and ferro- and antiferromagnets (CrI3, theorists are searching for material combinations with Cr2Ge2Te6, MnPSe3) have been added to the list novel properties. Graphene, due to its extremely high of 2D materials. Within this ever-expanding field electron mobility45 and intrinsically small SOC46, is per- of vdW structures, there already are subfields, such fectly suited for spintronics. In addition, this mono- as valleytronics15{18, straintronics19{21, twistronics22,23, 24{26 layer carbon sheet can be efficiently manipulated by short and spintronics , wherein several major achievements range proximity effects. have been made, for example optical spin injection27 in 28 One can induce strong SOC, as well as magnetism SLG or tunable valley polarization in a TMDC , which in SLG39{41,47{49. Similar to a TMDC47,48, a topo- are only possible due to vdW heterostructures and prox- logical insulator strongly enhances the rather weak in- imity effects. trinsic SOC of SLG from 10 µeV46, to about 1{ Another important large class of materials are the 2 meV39,41. Phase coherent transport measurements 29 three-dimensional (3D) topological insulators such as of SLG on Bi1:5Sb0:5Te1:7Se1:3 have shown Dyakonov- arXiv:1907.03494v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 29 Oct 2019 Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3, and Sb2Te3, which are also layered crys- Perel type spin relaxation with proximity induced SOC tals, consisting of quintuple layers (QLs) of alternating of at least 2.5 meV41. First-principles calculations of chalcogen (Se, Te) and pnictogen (Bi, Sb) atoms, which SLG on Bi2Se3 have found either pure intrinsic or valley- are held together by vdW forces. However, the char- Zeeman type SOC in the meV range, depending on the acteristic Dirac states with spin-momentum locking30 twist angle39. As a consequence of the large induced emerge only when the top and bottom surfaces of the SOC in SLG, the spin lifetimes of electrons significantly topological insulator decouple, occurring at already 5{ decrease39,50, from nanoseconds down to the picosecond 6 QLs, as demonstrated by angle resolved photoemis- range. Giant spin lifetime anisotropies, the ratio of out- sion spectroscopy31 and first-principles calculations32{34. of-plane to in-plane spin lifetimes, can be achieved39,50. Since each QL is about 1 nm in thickness, these materials Bilayer graphene (BLG) is even more interesting, since 2 only the layer closest to the proximitizing material gets esting is the BLG case, in which only the low energy con- modified, allowing for highly efficient tuning of the prox- duction band is strongly spin-orbit split for zero field, as imity properties by gating and doping. Recent studies a consequence of short range proximity effects, and atom have shown short range proximity induced exchange or and layer localized energy states. The tuning of the or- 51{53 SOC in BLG on Cr2Ge2Te6 or WSe2 . Due to the bital gap of BLG, by gradually increasing the field, leads unique and tunable low energy band structure of BLG, to a gap closing and subsequent reopening, now with a all-electrical control of spin relaxation and polarization strongly spin-orbit split valence band. Consequently, a can be achieved in such heterostructures. The proposed spin-orbit valve effect can be realized, similar to BLG spin-orbit and exchange valve effects51,52 in proximitized on a TMDC52. An interlayer distance study, between BLG can lead to new opportunities for spintronics de- SLG and the Bi2Se3 substrate, shows a giant increase vices. So far, there are only few experimental studies54{57 of the proximity induced SOC of about 200%, when we of BLG on Bi2Se3. However, there is no detailed ex- decrease the interlayer distance by only 10%. Further- perimental and theoretical study of the electronic and more, an atomically modified substrate Bi2Te2Se, leads spin-orbit properties of BLG interfaced with topological to a significantly different band alignment and enhanced insulators. proximity SOC in SLG. The Dirac point of SLG, as well The open questions we would like to address are as fol- as the surface states of the topological insulator, are now lows. In the case of SLG on Bi2Se3, when valley-Zeeman located at the Fermi level. Especially this system holds SOC is predicted to be present39 for 1 QL, how does promise, for the simultaneous study of two very different the presence of more QLs influence this interesting re- spin-orbit fields: in-plane spin-momentum locking from sult? (The result is interesting, since in the topological the topological insulator and out-of-plane proximity in- substrate the spin-orbit fields are in-plane, while the in- duced spin-orbit field from SLG. duced valley-Zeeman fields in graphene are out-of-plane). Another important question is, what is the influence of the topological insulator on BLG? What are the band off- II. GEOMETRY & COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS sets, doping levels, and orbital and spin-orbit proximity effects? How does the interlayer distance between SLG and Bi2Se3 affect the magnitude of proximity SOC? Also, can an electric field tune SOC in SLG and BLG in prox- imity to the topological insulator? Strong hole doping of 39 the SLG on Bi2Se3 is predicted . Can one find a differ- 3.3 Å ent topological insulator with a better band alignment, such that the graphene Dirac point is near EF ? 3.5 Å In this article we investigate these questions using first- principles calculations of SLG and BLG on the topolog- ical insulator Bi2Se3. We study the proximity induced SOC in SLG and BLG, originating from the topologi- cal insulator, by varying the number of QLs of Bi2Se3 from 1{3. Symmetry-derived low energy tight-binding model Hamiltonians for SLG and BLG are fitted to the first-principles band structures, to extract orbital and spin-orbit parameters of the proximitized materials. Our results show, that the dispersion of SLG (BLG) is pre- served, but strong hole doping appears, as the Dirac point is about 350 meV (200 meV) above the Fermi level. The proximity induced SOC is about 1 meV in magnitude, but with opposite sign for A and B sublattice, the so C called valley-Zeeman type. We find that the intrinsic Bi SOC parameters increase by about 10%, for every QL of Se Bi2Se3 that we add, up to 3QLs. As proximity effects are short ranged, we expect this increase to saturate. Furthermore, we study the effect of a transverse elec- tric field on the low energy band parameters, for 1QL of Bi2Se3 proximitizing SLG and BLG. The electric field can tune the SOC parameters, which can have significant impact for tuning spin lifetimes in SLG and BLG. In ad- FIG. 1. (Color online) Geometry of SLG or BLG above 1{ dition, the surface states of the topological insulator, as 3 QLs of Bi2Se3. We highlighted the SLG/1QL structure, well as the Dirac points of SLG and BLG, can be tuned which is the minimal geometry we consider.
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