T. C. SELÇUK ÜN İVERS İTES İ SOSYAL B İLİMLER ENST İTÜSÜ YABANCI D İLLER E Ğİ TİMİ ANA B İLİM DALI İNG İLİZCE Ö ĞRETMENL İĞİ B İLİM DALI ESK İ YUNAN VE ROMA M İTOLOJ İSİNİN İNG İLİZCE MESLEK İ YABANCI D İL DERSLER İNDE MATERYAL OLARAK KULLANIMI ( S.Ü. BEY ŞEH İR MESLEK YÜKSEKOKULU TUR İZM REHBERL İĞİ PROGRAMI ÖRNE Ğİ ) YÜKSEK L İSANS TEZ İ DANI ŞMAN Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nazlı GÜNDÜZ HAZIRLAYAN İhsan GÜNE Ş KONYA 2008 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to all who have supported and guided me in this thesis but most of all to Assist. Prof. Dr. Nazlı GÜNDÜZ for her enduring advice and patience from the beginning to the end. It would not have been possible without her help. I also wish to thank my students who took part in this study. Above all, I feel obliged to extend my deepest thanks to my wife, Emine, and my children for their patience, warm support and understanding they have shown during my long hours of study. iii ABSTRACT Because of the lack of published course materials for foreign language classes in tourist guide training courses, the foreign language teachers have to prepare their own teaching materials. The purpose of this study is to investigate how useful the stories of Greek and Roman mythology are when they are developed and used as teaching materials in the English lessons of tourist guiding programmes. To achieve this goal, a brief literature review has been made on Greek and Roman mythology, vocabulary and cultural values derived from the ancient world and the tourist guide training systems in Turkey and in some other countries have been compared. Within this aim, the stories of Greek and Roman mythology are developed and used as teaching materials in a short model course of 18 lessons which is applied to the first class students of tourist guiding programme of Selçuk University Bey şehir Vocational School of Higher Education. Before the short model course was carried out, it was decided to apply a questionnaire in order to determine the expectations and the needs of the students. After the experimental course, a second questionnaire was applied in order to research the students’ opinions on the lessons. The results of both questionnaires have been compared to asses how well the developed materials covered students’ needs and expectations. iv ÖZET Turist rehberli ği e ğitimi veren eğitim kurumlarında İngilizce derslerinde kullanılmak amacıyla hazırlanmı ş ders materyallerinin neredeyse hiç olmamasından dolayı, bu kurumlarda çalı şan İngilizce ö ğretmenleri kendi ders materyallerini hazırlamak zorundadırlar. Bu çalı şma, turist rehberli ği e ğitimi veren programlarda, eski Yunan ve Roma mitolojik öykülerinin ders materyali olarak geli ştirilip kullanılmasının ne kadar faydalı oldu ğunu ara ştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaca ula şmak için, Yunan ve Roma mitolojileri, bu mitolojilerden gelen sözcükler, atasözleri ve deyimler, ve Türkiye ile bazı ülkelerin turist rehberi e ğitim sistemi üzerine bir literatür taraması yapılmı ştır. Yunan ve Roma mitolojik öyküleri ders materyali olarak geli ştirilmi ş ve geli ştirilen materyaller Selçuk Üniversitesi Bey şehir Meslek Yüksekokulu Turist Rehberli ği Programı birinci sınıflarında mesleki yabancı dil derslerinde 18 ders saati kullanılmı ştır. Bu uygulamadan önce, ö ğrencilerin derslerden beklentilerini saptamak amacıyla bir anket; uygulamadan sonra ise, ö ğrencilerin uygulanan dersler hakkındaki dü şüncelerini ölçmek amacıyla ikinci bir anket yapılmı ştır. Her iki anketin sonuçları uygulanan derslerin ö ğrencilerin beklentilerini ve ihtiyaçlarını ne kadar karşıladı ğını de ğerlendirmek amacıyla kar şıla ştırılmı ştır. v LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Do you want to be a tourist guide? .......................................................................... 23 Table 2 Would you prefer being an English teacher or a tourist guide? ................................ 24 Table 3 Have you ever worked as a tourist guide? ............................................................... 24 Table 4 What is your gender? .............................................................................................. 24 Table 5 How old are you? .................................................................................................... 24 Table 6 How much do you know about mythology? ............................................................ 25 Table 7 How much grammar do you expect and think you need to cover your English classes? ................................................................................................................................ 25 Table 8 How much Vocabulary do you expect and think you need to cover your English classes? ................................................................................................................................ 25 Table 9 How much Reading do you expect and think you need to cover your English classes? ............................................................................................................................................ 26 Table 10 How much Writing do you expect and think you need to cover your English classes? ...... 26 Table 11 How much Listening do you expect and think you need to cover your English classes ? ... 26 Table 12 How much Speaking do you expect and think you need to cover your English classes? .... 27 Table 13 How much Pronunciation do you expect and think you need to cover your English classes? ................................................................................................................................ 27 Table 14 How much Translation do you expect and think you need to cover your English classes? ................................................................................................................................ 27 Table 15 A Crosstable of Students’ Needs and Expectations................................................ 28 Table 16 Please state the number of classes you attended. ................................................... 31 Table 17 How much do you think you improved the following? .......................................... 32 Table 18 Please say how much you coped with the following. ............................................. 33 Table 19 How useful were the pre-reading activities? .......................................................... 34 Table 20 How useful were the post-reading activities? ........................................................ 36 Table 21 Please say how much you enjoyed the lessons........................................................ 37 Table 22 A crosstable of the first and second questionnaire. ................................................ 38 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................... i ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... iii ÖZET ................................................................................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................... vi CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Background to the Study ............................................................................................. 1 1.2. Problems of Teaching Foreign Languages to Tour Guide Students .............................. 3 1.3. The purpose of the Study ............................................................................................. 5 1.4. Hypotheses .................................................................................................................. 5 1.5. Research Methodology ................................................................................................ 6 CHAPTER 2 .......................................................................................................................... 8 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................................................................. 8 2.1. Greek and Roman Mythology ...................................................................................... 8 2.2. Vocabulary and Cultural Values Derived from the Ancient World ............................... 9 2.2.1. The Myth of Hercules ......................................................................................... 10 2.2.2 The Myth of the Trojan War ................................................................................ 11 2.2.3. The Myth of Cupid and Psyche ........................................................................... 14 2.3. Comparison of Tour Guide Training in Turkey and other Countries .......................... 17 2.3.1. Tourist Guide Training in the USA ..................................................................... 17 2.3.2. Tourist Guide Training in Scotland ..................................................................... 18 2.3.3. Tourist Guide Training in Greece........................................................................ 18 2.3.4. Tourist Guide Training in Iceland ....................................................................... 19 2.3.5. Tourist Guide Training in London .....................................................................
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