MANDLA-DISTRICT-PLAN BACKWARD-REGION-GRANT-FUND (2007-12) MANDLA MAP-OF-THE- DISTRICT--MANDLA • Total-population(2001-Census) - 894236 • Female - 446280(49.9%) • Male - 447986(50.1%) • Sex-ratio - 996 • Rural-population- - 802322(89.72%) • Urban-population- - 91914 (10.28%) • ST-population- - 501967(56.13%) • SC-population- - 32906 (3.67%) Cont. •Total-Area -965559-hac. •Forest-area -592979-hac (61.41%) •Agriculture-land -215606-hac (22.32%) •Barren-land -64492- hac. (6.68%) •Tehsil -4 •Janpad-panchayat -9 •Gram-Panchayat --493 •Village - -1234 •Members-of-ZP --16 •Members-of-JP -155 •Total-sarpanch -493 •Total-up-sarpanch -493 •Total-panch -7641 •Literacy -59.6% Block No.-of- No.-of- Total Rural-Population Tehsil Panchayats Villages Population (%-of-total- Total Male Female Sex-Ratio SC ST distt.-pop.) (%-of- (%-of-tot- (%-of-tot- total- rural-pop.) rural- block- pop.) pop.) Nainpur Nainpur 74 164 145783 114411 57082 57329 1004 6376 61961 (16.3%) (78.5%) (5.6%) (54.2%) Mandla Mandla 81 174 189798 129256 65165 64091 984 5249 63264 (21.2%) (68.1%) (4.1%) (48.9%) Mohgaon 38 87 65702 65702 32446 33256 1025 2748 39827 (7.3%) (100%) (4.2%) (60.6%) Ghughri 46 96 79060 79060 38727 40333 1041 1431 61029 (8.8%) (100%) (1.8%) (77.2%) Bichhiya Bichhiya 73 196 136969 136969 68857 68112 989 9174 73223 (15.3%) (100%) (6.7%) (53.5%) Mawai 52 143 80869 80869 40231 40638 1010 1053 60283 (9.0%) (100%) (1.3%) (74.5%) Niwas Niwas 40 105 62151 62151 31081 31070 1000 4647 39520 (6.9%) (100%) (7.5%) (63.6%) Bijadandi 40 139 63709 63709 32110 31599 984 613 52906 (7.1%) (100%) (1.0%) (83.0%) Narainganj 49 130 70882 70882 35385 35497 1003 1615 49954 (7.9%) (100%) (2.3%) (70.5%) Overall-District 493 1234 894236 802322 400731 401591 1002 32906- 501967- (100%) (89.7%) (4.1%) (62.6%) National State District 1,02,70,15,247 6,03,85,118 8,94,236 Source:-Census-of-India,-2001 Fig.1 Bloc k-w ise Share of Total Population 9% 15% 7% 9% 22% 7% 7% 16 % 8% Nainpur Mandla Mohgaon Ghughri Bichhiya Mawai Niwas Bijadandi Narainganj Block-Name Abandon Total- <200 200-499 500-999 1000-1999 2000-4999 >5000 Population ed-village Villages Nainpur 5 13 59 61 23 3 0 164 Mandla 0 19 65 57 27 6 0 174 Mohgaon 0 1 36 36 13 1 0 87 Ghughri 0 2 29 50 14 1 0 96 Bichhiya 4 31 73 59 21 7 1 196 Mawai 0 13 74 49 7 0 0 143 Niwas 5 12 40 40 7 1 0 105 Bijadandi 3 30 62 38 6 0 0 139 Narainganj 3 18 56 47 6 0 0 130 Overall- 20 139 494 437 124 19 1 1234 District Block-Name <-5000 5000-9999 10000-19999 20000-49999 >50000 Total-Towns Population Nainpur 0 1 0 1 0 2 Mandla 0 1 0 0 1 2 Overall-District 0 2 0 1 1 4 Source:-District-Statistical-Handbook,-2003-Distt.-Planning-and-Statistical-Office,-Mandla Block wise classification of village by Population Size 80 70 Abandoned village 60 <200 50 200-499 40 30 500-999 20 1000-1999 10 2000-4999 0 >5000 Nainpur Mandla Mohgaon Ghugri bichhiya Mawai Niwas Bijadandi Narainganj Non- Barren Land Net Other Un tapped Total Agricult land Block under Sown Uncultivabl Cultivable Area ural Name Forest Area e land Land Land Nainpur 69115 10010 44662 7995 10451 3030 3698 Mandla 54218 10544 39730 6667 4439 2428 2189 Mohgaon 32780 5168 33238 3830 3597 1805 946 Ghughri 65477 15494 24046 6054 11173 2433 2732 Bichhiya 67735 20996 38639 5030 5106 4070 1409 Mawai 53104 9378 31370 5183 7357 2750 1932 Niwas 40052 4225 20652 3682 7746 1224 2711 Bijadandi 44821 11621 23192 7826 5505 1205 2366 Narainganj 39854 7248 26564 7066 6458 781 1722 Overall 965559 593082 282093 53333 61832 19726 19705 District Source: District Statistical Handbook, 2003 Distt. Planning and Statistical Office, Mandla 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- Main-Crops 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Rice 742 837 509 782 631 Wheat 787 630 665 681 490 Jowar 1090 861 491 942 456 Maize 1526 1388 1681 1994 740 Kodo-Kutki 275 231 89 213 296 Grams 794 612 333 703 444 Tuwar 1171 998 480 1110 815 Groundnuts - 750 667 833 229 Alsi 275 255 147 289 165 Soyabean 811 701 365 766 461 Mustard 717 546 245 596 470 Jute 325 277 145 270 262 Total-Avg.- 774 674 485 765 455 Crops Source:-District-Statistical-Handbook,-2003-Distt.-Planning-and-Statistical-Office,-Mandla Agriculturist Agricultural- Cottage- Other- Main-workers Marginal- Total--workers Total-non- %-workers-out- Block- Labourers Industry workers workers workers of-total- population M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F Tot 46. Nainpur 17383 9843 7510 8549 449 216 6796 888 32142 19496 387 4729 32529 24225 28823 35990 53.0 40.2 7 233 43. Mandla 17892 12265 9625 10324 836 344 14270 42713 25264 891 4629 43404 29893 41844 52522 50.9 36.3 1 7 56. Mohgaon 12081 10457 2850 3885 261 101 1284 267 16476 14710 145 1379 16621 16089 12275 12995 57.5 55.3 4 61. Ghughri 16461 5308 2330 2779 196 79 1205 371 20192 18537 308 2721 20500 21258 13146 13543 60.9 60.1 0 50. Bichhiya 21087 12851 6939 9143 393 115 4044 638 32463 22747 315 4385 32778 27132 27323 32210 54.5 45.7 2 58. Mawai 15093 10764 3561 5519 226 113 1428 378 20308 16774 493 3860 20801 20634 14851 15112 58.3 57.7 0 54. Niwas 8901 5833 2881 5413 602 154 2224 149 15508 11549 82 2416 15590 13965 11713 13257 57.1 51.3 2 56. Bijadandi 10896 8887 2950 4048 265 124 1465 188 15576 13247 271 1973 15847 15220 11770 12251 57.4 55.4 4 52. Narainganj 11901 7952 3519 5577 323 114 1572 202 17315 13845 84 2235 17399 16080 14380 15444 54.7 51.0 9 Overall- District 132689 94160 42165 55237 3551 1360 34288 5412 212693 159169 2776 28327 215469 184496 176125 203324 55.0 47.6 51.3 Source:-District-Statistical-Handbook,-2003-Distt.-Planning-and-Statistical-Office,-Mandla- Total- Block- Cow Buffalo Others Poultry Livestock Name Nainpur 51268 11050 9849 72167 3317 Mandla 53169 12838 11327 77334 15650 Mohgaon 20202 4322 5732 30256 8014 Ghughri 27134 8225 14029 49388 10716 Bichhiya 55791 11379 11880 79040 15080 Mawai 35252 11590 12952 59794 19984 Niwas 45855 13346 14633 73834 15036 Bijadandi 28762 4868 6963 40593 32762 Narainganj 18523 4208 12013 34744 11012 Overall- 335956 81826 184478 602260 131571 District Source:-District-Statistical-Handbook,-2003-Distt.-Planning-and-Statistical-Office,-Mandla Net-Irrigated-Area-to- Net-Irrigated-Area Net-Sown-Area Block-Name Net-Sown-Area-(in-%age) Nainpur 9345 34551 27.14 Mandla 3281 27457 11.74 Mohgaon 264 16937 1.51 Ghughri 40 27210 0.14 Bichhiya 4003 30180 12.86 Mawai 18 24974 0.07 Niwas 1121 20614 5.48 Bijadandi 354 16308 2.17 Narainganj 526 17375 3.17 Overall-District 18952 215606 8.70 National State District 40.2 37.4 8.70 Source:-District-Statistical-Handbook,-2005-Distt.-Planning-and-Statistical-Office,-Mandla- 35000 Fi 30000 g. ) 7 Ha 25000 B in loc ( 20000 a e k 15000 -w Ar i 10000 se N 5000 e t I rr 0 iga te Nainpur d a nd S Mandla o w n A Mohgaon re a Ghughri Bichhiya net i Mawai t rr igat e d ar Niwas ea Bijadandi Narainganj Year Block-Name 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 -Nainpur 894.0 902.2 1052.2 1299.4 1085.4 1230.1 1268.1 Mandla 980.8 1378.6 1029.6 1402.3 1184.4 1479.0 1164.0 Mohgaon 867.8 1169.9 783.0 1543.0 1523.5 1514.7 960.1 Ghughri 869.0 1421.0 1022.0 1447.0 1532.6 1336.0 855.0 Bichhiya 966.4 1461.7 898.1 1472.0 1332.6 1577.1 1062.8 Mawai 1224.8 1453.1 1194.6 1877.9 1356.6 1635.9 1223.0 Niwas 1209.0 1315.4 1182.2 1833.8 1661.0 2000.2 1354.7 Bijadandi 870.5 1382.2 1598.7 1650.1 1752.3 1727.8 1212.3 Narainganj 589.7 1102.2 701.5 1118.8 917.3 1519.3 810.0 Overall- 946.3 1237.3 1052.6 1516.03 1371.74 1557.8 1101.1 District Source:-District-Statistical-Handbook,-2003-Distt.-Planning-and-Statistical-Office,-Mandla S.No Name-of-Block 1984-Pre- 1991-Pre- 2001-Pre- 2005-Pre- 2006-Pre- . Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon 1 Mandla 7.34 8.16 8.19 7.98 7.70 2 Nainpur 7.92 7.29 8.28 7.78 7.70 3 Bichhiya 5.60 7.18 7.17 8.00 7.82 4 Mawai N.A. 6.05 6.98 5.74 5.58 5 Ghughri 7.1 6.45 6.15 5.95 5.72 6 Narayanganj 8.07 7.40 7.11 5.78 5.42 7 Bijadandi 4.80 5.08 4.90 3.12 2.93 8 Niwas 7.55 8.53 8.7 8.70 8.43 9 Mohgaon N.A. 4.57 5.10 3.05 3.51 TOTAL 6.91 6.75 6.95 6.23 6.09 Source:-District-Ground-Water-Survey,-Office-of-the-Asstt.-Geohydrologist,-Mandla- Total Literacy-Rate Urban-Literates Rural-Literates Block-Name Literates Male Female Literacy-rate Male Female Literacy-rate Nainpur 80,978 71.1 12,798 10,216 83.03 35679 22,285 59.1 Mandla 93,849 72.6 25,200 20,362 86.22 42,544 26,105 53.1 Mohgaon 29,507 50.4 NA NA NA 18,932 10,575 50.4 Ghughri 28,690 42.5 NA NA NA 18,884 9,806 42.5 Bichhiya 69,203 56.2 NA NA NA 43,647 25,556 56.2 Mawai 32,059 39.6 NA NA NA 20,820 11,239 39.6 Niwas 30,347 55.1 NA NA NA 18,853 11,494 55.1 Bijadandi 31,261 56.5 NA NA NA 19,555 11,706 56.5 Narainganj 31,133 43.9 NA NA NA 19,815 11,318 43.9 Overall-District 446998 59.6% 37998 30578 84.6% 23,8501 13,9921 56.5% Fig.3 Block-wise Total Literates LITERACY National State District 200.00 TOTAL 64.8 63.7 59.6 MALE 75.3 76.1 65.1 150.00 ) 000s FEMALE 53.7 50.3 54.2 ' 100.00 n i ( n l p o P 50.00 0.00 r i i j la on ri ya a s d an pu nd a gh an g i n hg hhi aw iwa d in Ma hu ic M N ija Na Mo G B B ara N Bl ocks total literates t ot al popul at i on Source:-Census-of-India,-2001 Name-Of- Maternal-Mortality- Infant--Mortality-Rate S.No Block Rate- (Per-thousand-live- .
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