May 2007 465/1 Information No. 465 (English) May 2007 Indonesia: Interreligious Dialogue Symposium Oblate representatives from various countries in the on the role and position of women in the Indonesian Asia-Oceania region gathered in Yogyakarta, Indo- Muslim Society in which she promoted vigorously a nesia, for a 3-day Interreligious Dialogue Sympo- Muslim form of contemporary gender equality in the sium on Islam, March 3-6, 2007. The symposium family and wider society.” was a follow-up of the mandate of the 34th General Chapter 2004, “That the General Council and Each contribution was followed by questions and Oblate units explore, facilitate, and support the discussion. Time was also allotted for some Oblates existence and establishment of communities and to share their varying experiences in ministry among support groups of Oblates whose focus will be Muslims, some of which were hopeful, some ex- inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue, par- tremely demanding and exhausting. ticularly in Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist milieus, and among autochthonous people.”(WH 6). Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world and is known as a tolerant society. The rise of ex- The gathering was organized by the Asia/Oceania tremist Islam in the country, however, is threatening Interreligious Dialogue Committee headed by Fr. the peaceful co-existence and harmonious relation- Andri ATMAKA, the Provincial of Indonesia, with ship of Muslims and Christians. Fr. Sowriappan LOORTHUSAMY (India) and Fr.Roberto LAYSON (Philippines) as members. Fr. Oblates from Natal, Senegal, Sahara, Indonesia and Oswald FIRTH, Assistant General and portfolio Philippines also shared their experiences, pointing holder of Mission and Ministries and Fr. Federico out the difficulties as well as the successes in their LABAGLAY, General Councillor from the Asia- dialogue with other religions, especially Islam. It is Oceania region, were present and were collabora- clear that for Oblates working in this part of the re- tors in organizing this symposium. gion, particularly in the Islam contexts, interreligious Dialogue is no longer a choice. It is an imperative. Twenty-six Oblates participated in the event. Most In February of this year, Pope Benedict XVI said of them were from the AO region, but three repre- that “interreligious and intercultural dialogue is no sentatives from the Africa-Madagascar region also at- longer an option but a vital necessity for our time.” tended. The Symposium brought together Oblates Hans Kung said, “To be religious nowadays is to be who minister in 15 countries. As far as country of origin interreligious.” is concerned, 11 countries were represented. One day of the symposium was spent visiting and The first and major part of the Symposium included interacting with Muslims in an Islamic boarding presentations by four Muslim speakers and by two school or Muslim seminary. Then there followed a Catholic Priests on different aspects of Indonesian visit to a Buddhist monastery, hosted by a friendly, Muslim society. All were very informative as com- elderly, frank, and down-to-earth monk. He ex- plementary parts of a complex jigsaw puzzle. “Most plained small their witness is within the overwhelm- captivating for me”, noted Garth MICHELSON ingly Muslim society, some 86% of Indonesia’s (Natal), “was the input by Mrs Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin population. 465/2 May 2007 From there, the group went to the famous Borobudur portant events in the next two years. Buddhist temple, eight storeys high and built of lava rock from a 9th century volcanic eruption and com- The first item will be an Assembly of all the Oblates pleted in its final form at the end of the last century. of the Indonesian Province to talk about inter-reli- The climb to the top was breathtaking, literally, with gious dialogue. The outcome of the assembly will, it some of the Oblates’ deciding, half way up, to wait is hoped, synergize the Province to make interreligious/ for the rest to return down. cultural dialogue an integral part of their mission. During group discussions on the final day, as a The second item will be a gathering in the Asia-Oceania possible action plan, the participants drew up some region sometime next year in Thailand. This meeting principles, identified key areas of concern and for- will focus on ministry with Indigenous Peoples, with mulated approaches and strategies on how to en- special attention to the Hmong. (Information for this gage in dialogue. In a follow-up meeting, the AO- article from Garth Michelson and Roberto Layson) IRD Committee planned to accomplish two im- General Administration Postulation Committee meets for the first time Blessed Joseph Cebula, it seems that the Polish Oblates are very interested in achieving his canoni- After having been established by Father General and zation, but, since he was beatified with a group, it his Council, the General Postulation Committee met would be difficult to have him canonized separately. for the first time on March 16 to see how to ad- vance the Oblate Causes. Members of the com- Victor LELIÈVRE: Yves Beaudoin has already mittee are Joaquín MARTÍNEZ, General Postula- delivered the Positio to the Congregation for the tor; Paolo ARCHIATI as link with the General Causes of Saints. It is number 300 on the waiting Council; and three other members: Nicola FERRRA, list. It could move up significantly, all the way to Yvon BEAUDOIN, and Angelo PELIS. After a number 70, if the presumed miracle, currently being brief prayer, the members discussed the following studied, is real. agenda: Mario BORZAGA and his catechist Paul Thoj Saint Eugene de Mazenod: The discussion Xyooj: Angelo Pelis, his postulator, assures us that centered on how to proceed with the Congregation the cause is proceeding very well. The diocesan of Divine Worship so that he might be inscribed in phase in Trent is almost finished. The tribunal needs the Universal Calendar on May 21, under the cat- to go first of all to France to facilitate the testimony egory of Optional Memorial, for the whole Church. of the eye-witness Laotians living there. It would be important to invite the bishops, begin- ning with Oblate bishops, and then those in whose The Oblate Martyrs of Spain: Joaquín Martínez dioceses we Oblates work, asking them to send let- told of the situation in Rome. Given the huge number ters of petition to this Vatican office. The provincials of presumed Spanish martyrs, they want to beatify a will also need to be involved. large group of those whose Positio had been deliv- ered in Rome before 2001. That of the Oblates The Oblates already beatified: Joseph GÉRARD came in 2003. So they are waiting at the door, so to and Joseph CEBULA. As for the former, it was being speak. We plan to try to see if they can be included in rumored that the Oblates of Lesotho were satisfied the prior group, but that does not seem very probable. with beatification. However, Fr. Emile MOTEAPHALA, the provincial, in his recent visit Charles Dominique ALBINI: Nicola Ferrara re- to Rome, categorically denied that and assured us ports that after a long silence, he is beginning to hear that Fr. Emile TSASANE, vice-postulator, is spread- something about it. Recently, there has been talk of ing the devotion, aided by a young Oblate. As for a presumed miracle which, if it were accepted as May 2007 465/3 valid, would give a green light for the beatification. sanctity of these Servants of God. In May, Frs. Ferrara and Martínez will go to Cor- sica for the celebration of his “birthday into heaven,” Anthology of Oblate sanctity: It has been sug- May 20, and to foster the knowledge and devotion gested that we publish a book that pulls together the to the Apostle of the Island. biographies of our “saints” and other outstanding Oblates, instead of publishing separate booklets. Martyrs of Laos: This Cause includes not only 6 Oblates, but also a diocesan priest, some mission- Masses celebrated for the Oblate Causes: In aries from the Foreign Missions of Paris, and five the past, this plan worked well and was helpful. Now lay catechists. The postulator, Roland JACQUES, it is less so because there are fewer stipends offered is working at his usual speed and has already put by the faithful. It would be good to find a way to together 180 pages of biographies. The bishops of gather Mass intentions for one Cause or the other. Laos are very interested in this Cause. There was also a discussion about the Postulation Promotion of other Oblate Causes: Vita Museum: how to make it more interesting and how GRANDIN, Ovid CHARLEBOIS and Anton to encourage guests at the General House to visit it. KOWALCZIK. There are obstacles foreign to the Also, Oblates in general might be interested to know Causes in themselves, such as the present relation- that there is material available at the Postulation (pic- ship of the Oblates with the First Nation peoples of tures, posters, brochures, and books). Most of it is Canada. But the biggest problem is finding those free for the asking. willing to spread the devotion and the reputation of Africa-Madagascar NATAL mission was “officially opened on September 2, 1855 An important anniversary of First Evangeliza- in a Zulu hut which had been decorated and arranged tion to resemble a chapel. About a hundred Zulus were present.” (Catholic Beginnings in Natal and Be- This year the Catholic Church in Southern Africa will yond p. 50). This site was closed in 1856 after a celebrate an extraordinary event. It is something that tribal dispute. Father (now Blessed) Joseph has immense significance in the history of mission. It GERARD and Father Victor BOMPART returned is the commemoration of the first Catholic evangeli- to re-establish the mission in February 1858 once sation of the indigenous peoples of Southern Africa they had obtained a mission site.
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