Offi ce Location Phone Number Adjutant General’s Offi ce Topeka 785.274.1001 Advanced Turbine Engine Army Maintenance (ATEAM) Fort Riley 785.239.8151 Army Aviation Support Facility #1 Topeka 785.861.3818 Army Aviation Support Facility #2 Salina 785.822.3450 Chaplain’s Offi ce Topeka 785.274.1514 Combined Support Maintenance Shop (CSMS) Topeka 785.274.1351 Command Historian Topeka 785.862.1042 Counter Drug Topeka 785.861.3936 785.861.3937 Division of Emergency Management Topeka 785.274.1409 Employer Support of the Guard and Reserves Topeka 785.274.1559 Enlisted Personnel Topeka 785.274.1084 Equal Employment Opportunity Division Topeka 785.274.1166 785.274.1168 Education Services Topeka 785.274.1060 785.274.1068 Facilities Engineering Topeka 785.274.1140 Family Programs Topeka 785.274.1512 785.274.1553 785.274.1171 Federal Human Resources Offi ce Topeka 785.274.1180 Field Maintenance Shop #1 Hays 785.625.2118 Field Maintenance Shop #2 Iola 620.365.4042 Field Maintenance Shop #3 Wichita 316.267.7763 Field Maintenance Shop #4 Hutchinson 620.728.4280 KS - Adjutant General’s Department Page 3 Offi ce Location Phone Number Field Maintenance Shop #5 Sabetha 785.284.2901 Field Maintenance Shop #7 Kansas City 913.279.7851 Field Maintenance Shop #8 Ottawa 785.242.8754 Field Maintenance Shop #9 Topeka 785.274.1370 Field Maintenance Shop #11 Salina 785.823.7864 Field Maintenance Shop #13 Dodge City 620.225.6363 Geospatial Technologies Topeka 785.274.1610 Great Plains Joint Training Center Salina 785.826.3733 Information Management Topeka 785.274.1111 Inspector General Topeka 785.274.1020 Joint Forces Headquarters Kansas Director of the Joint Staff Topeka 785.274.1380 Chief of Staff Topeka 785.274.1141 State Command Sergeant Major Topeka 785.274.1006 J-1 Director of Manpower and Personnel Topeka 785.274.1181 J-2 Intelligence Directorate Topeka 785.274.1387 J-3 Operations Directorate Topeka 785.274.1101 J-4 Logistics Directorate Topeka 785.274.1942 J-5/7 Directorate of Strategic Plans, Policy and International Affairs Topeka 785.274.1046 J-6 Director of Command, Control, Communication and Computers Topeka 785.274.1031 J-8 Director of Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Topeka 785.274.1202 Joint Forces Headquarters Kansas-Air Component Director of Staff Topeka 785.274.1472 Military Personnel Management Offi cer Topeka 785.274.1473 Noncommissioned Offi cer in Charge, Personnel Manager Topeka 785.274.1474 Personnel Craftsman Topeka 785.274.1475 Joint Operation Center Topeka 785.274.1117 Judge Advocate General Topeka 785.274.1027 Kansas Army National Guard Chief of Staff Topeka 785.274.1010 Command Sergeant Major Topeka 785.274.1056 1st Battalion, 161st Field Artillery Wichita 316.943.4219 1st Battalion, 108th Aviation Topeka 785.861.3978 785.861.3980 2nd Battalion, 130th Field Artillery Hiawatha 785.742.5650 2nd Battalion, 137th Infantry Kansas City 913.279.7823 69th Troop Command Topeka 785.861.3910 785.861.3917 102nd Military History Detachment Topeka 785.862.1042 105th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment Topeka 785.274.1902 169th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion Olathe 913.782.8512 235th Training Regiment Salina 785.822.6612 287th Special Troop Battalion Hays 785.623.6421 287th Sustainment Brigade Wichita 316.681.6200 35th Division Fort Leavenworth 913.758.5002 Page 4 KS - Adjutant General’s Department Offi ce Location Phone Number 635th Regional Support Group Hutchinson 620.728.4250 891st Engineer Battalion Iola 620.365.4030 Kansas Air National Guard 184th Intelligence Wing 184th IW Headquarters Wichita 316.759.7003 184th IW Family Readiness Wichita 316.759.7092 Community Support Wichita 316.759.7004 190th Air Refueling Wing 190th ARW Headquarters Topeka 785.861.4791 190th ARW Family Readiness Topeka 785.861.4940 Community Support Topeka 785.861.4593 Kansas Division of Emergency Management (KDEM) KDEM Deputy Director Topeka 785.274.1403 KDEM Administrative Specialist Topeka 785.274.1409 KDEM Fiscal Branch Director Topeka 785.274.1415 KDEM Response and Recovery Branch Director Topeka 785.274.1406 KDEM Technological Hazards Administrator Topeka 785.274.1394 KDEM Planning and Mitigation Branch Director Topeka 785.274.1431 KDEM Training Offi ce Topeka 785.274.1413 KDEM Preparedness Offi cer Topeka 785.274.1404 Kansas Division of Homeland Security Topeka 785.274.1500 Logistics Topeka 785.274.1544 Maneuver Area Training Equipment Site (MATES) Fort Riley 785.239.6077 Military Archives Topeka 785.274.1099 Military Funeral Honors Topeka 785.274.1036 Military Identifi cation Cards (CAC) Topeka 785.274.1517 785.274.1532 785.274.1083 785.274.1536 Military Support Topeka 785.274.1128 Museum of the Kansas National Guard Topeka 785.862.1020 National Guard Association of Kansas Topeka 785.862.1066 Occupational Health Offi ce Topeka 785.861.3537 Offi cer Personnel Topeka 785.274.1070 Operations Topeka 785.274.1101 Personnel Information Services Branch Topeka 785.274.1083 785.274.1086 785.274.1052 Premobilization Training Assistance and Evaluation Team Salina 785.274.1804 785.826.3731 Public Affairs Offi ce Topeka 785.274.1190 785.274.1192 785.274.1194 Readiness Sustainment Maintenance Site (RSMS) Fort Riley 785.239.8891 Readiness Sustainment Maintenance Site #2 (RSMS) Salina 785.286.3749 Recruiting and Retention Topeka 785.274.1097 KS - Adjutant General’s Department Page 5 Offi ce Location Phone Number Safety Offi ce Topeka 785.861.3876 Security Offi ce 24/7 Phone Line Topeka 785.274.1155 Armed Forces Reserve Center Security Topeka 785.861.3998 Access/Prox Cards (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Topeka 785.274.1480 1st Shift Topeka 785.274.1539 2nd Shift Topeka 785.274.1576 3rd Shift Topeka 785.274.1538 STARBASE – Topeka Topeka 785.861.4196 STARBASE – Salina Salina 785.866.6602 STARBASE – Wichita Wichita 316.759.7096 STARBASE – Kansas City Kansas City 913.279.7858 State Army Aviation Offi ce Topeka 785.861.3971 State Command Sergeant Major Topeka 785.274.1006 State Comptroller’s Offi ce Topeka 785.274.1451 State Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Coordinator Topeka 785.274.1610 State Human Resources Offi ce Topeka 785.274.1392 State Partnership Program Topeka 785.274.1548 State Surgeon Topeka 785.274.1864 Surface Maintenance Offi ce Topeka 785.274.1340 Transition Assistance Advisor Topeka 785.274.1129 Tricare Topeka 785.274.1164 Tricare – Reserve Select Topeka 785.274.1517 United States Property and Fiscal Offi ce Deputy USPFO Topeka 785.274.1202 Accounting Topeka 785.274.1234 AFCOS Administrator Topeka 785.274.1222 AGR Pay Topeka 785.274.1244 Budget Topeka 785.274.1222 Clothing Issue Facility Topeka 785.274.1312 Comptroller Division Chief Topeka 785.274.1232 Cooperative Agreements Topeka 785.274.1213 Data Processing Division Chief Topeka 785.274.1251 DTS Administrator Topeka 785.274.1220 DTS Vouchers Topeka 785.274.1225 HP/Oracle Access Topeka 785.274.1255 Internal Review Division Chief Topeka 785.274.1261 Material Management Topeka 785.274.1275 Military Pay Topeka 785.274.1240 Mobilization Pay Topeka 785.274.1242 Morale Support Funds Topeka 785.274.1202 Property Management Topeka 785.274.1272 Purchase Card Topeka 785.274.1214 Purchasing and Contracting Division Chief Topeka 785.274.1218 Recycling Fund Topeka 785.274.1280 Page 6 KS - Adjutant General’s Department Offi ce Location Phone Number Stock Control Topeka 785.274.1282 Supply and Services Division Chief Topeka 785.274.1301 Technician Pay Topeka 785.274.1228 Transportation Topeka 785.274.1285 Travel Card Topeka 785.274.1220 Travel Vouchers Topeka 785.274.1205 Vendor Payments Topeka 785.274.1231 Warehouse Topeka 785.274.1282 Workforce Support Division Chief Topeka 785.274.1183 Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Topeka 785.274.1211 KS - Adjutant General’s Department Page 7.
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