1 Ò ÚÖÐ ×ØÖ× Ò ÄÓ ÖÓÙÔ ÐÜ× ÄÅ Ò ÓÖÒÜ M. Maio1, L. Baldacci1, G. Clementini1, C. Greco1, M. Gullieuszik2, E.V. Held2, E. Poretti3, L. Rizzi2, A. Bragaglia1, E. Carretta2, L. Di Fabrizio4, R. Gratton2, E. Taribello1 1 INAF - Osserv. Astron. di Bologna, via Ranzani 1, 40127 Bologna, Italy 2 INAF - Osserv. Astron. di Padova, Vicolo dell’Osservatorio 5, 35122 Padova, Italy 3 INAF - Osserv. Astron. di Brera, Via Bianchi 46, 23807 Merate, Italy 4 INAF - Centro Galileo Galilei & Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, PO Box 565, 38700 Santa Cruz de La Palma, Spain Abstract. We briefly review our photometric and spectroscopic study of RR Lyrae variable stars in the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), that allowed us to reconcile the so-called short and long distance moduli of the LMC on the value µLMC = 18.51 ± 0.085 mag. Then we present preliminary results from the photometric study of a 33’×34’ area in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy containing the stellar clusters Fornax 3 (NGC 1049) and 6. We identified about 1000 candidate variables in this field of Fornax, and report the first detection and measure of about 60 RR Lyrae variable stars in the globular cluster Fornax 3. Key words. Magellanic Clouds – Fornax – Variable stars – Distance scale 1. Introduction 2. The Large Magellanic Cloud Variable stars are important to set the as- tronomical distance scale, and to sample The distance to the LMC has for a long time remained uncertain notwithstanding arXiv:astro-ph/0303666v2 28 Apr 2003 different stellar populations in galaxies. RR Lyrae stars, in particular, trace the old- its vicinity to the Milky Way. In fact, the est stellar component and are the primary LMC distance modulus from different in- Population II distance indicators in the dicators ranges from about 18.3 mag (e.g. Local Group galaxies. Baade-Wesselink and statistical parallax methods: Fernley et al. 1998a,b) to about Send offprint requests to: M. Maio 18.7 mag (e.g. Cepheid trigonometric par- Correspondence to: allaxes: Feast & Catchpole 1997). In the fol- [email protected] lowing, we present the results of our study 2 M. Maio et al.: Distance scale and variable stars in LMC and Fornax Fig. 1. Left panel: V vs B − V color - magnitude diagram of our LMC Field A. Larger symbols mark the variables identified in this area. Right panel: examples of our light curves. of variable stars in the LMC and its im- the V light curves (Jurksic & Kov´acs 1996, pact on the short and long distance scale Kov´acs & Walker 2001) for 29 RRab’s. controversy. All these different estimates are in very We obtained time series photometric good agreement to each other, once differ- data (72 V , 41 B, and 15 I frames) of ences in the adopted metallicity scales are two 13’ × 13’ fields (Field A and B) close properly taken into account and give an av- to the bar of the LMC and derived light erage metal abundance of [Fe/H]=−1.5. curves accurate to 0.02-0.03 mag, for 125 We used the VLT spectroscopic metal- RR Lyrae stars (77 RRab’s, 38 RRc’s, 10 licity determinations and our estimates double-mode pulsators RRd’s), 4 anoma- of the average luminosities of the RR lous Cepheids, 11 classical Cepheids, 11 Lyrae stars and reddening, to derive the eclipsing binaries, and one δ Scuti star. luminosity-metallicity relation followed by Figure 1 shows, on the left, the loca- the LMC RR Lyrae stars: tion of the variable stars in the HR diagram of Field A; variables are plotted accord- < V0(RR) >= [0.214(±0.047)] × ([Fe/H]+ ing to their intensity-average magnitudes and colors. On the right, we show the light 1.5)+19.064(±0.017) curves for an RRab, an RRc, an RRd and an eclipsing binary in our sample. (Clementini et al. 2003, Gratton et al. 2003, We also derived metallicities for a to- in preparation). tal number of about 100 of the RR Lyrae Our estimate of the dereddened aver- stars using different methods. We applied age luminosity of the RR Lyrae stars in the ∆S method (Preston 1959) to 6 RRd’s the LMC bar is < V (RR) >0= 19.06 mag (Bragaglia et al. 2001), and a revised ver- (at [Fe/H] = −1.5 dex). This value was sion of this technique to spectra obtained combined with a number of recent inde- with FORS at the VLT in 2001 for 101 pendent estimates for the absolute magni- RR Lyrae stars in our sample. Finally, pho- tude of the RR Lyrae stars (e.g. Gratton et tometric metallicities were estimated from al. 2002, Cacciari et al. 2000) to estimate parameters of the Fourier decomposition of the LMC distance. The distance moduli so M. Maio et al.: Distance scale and variable stars in LMC and Fornax 3 Fig. 2. On the left: Instrumental color-magnitude diagram of chip #7; candidate variables are marked as larger symbols. In the center: image 95” × 95” of the globular cluster NGC 1049, with candidate variables marked as filled squares. On the right: examples of light curves in Fornax 3, [panels (a) and (b)], and in the field, [panels (c) and (d)]. derived where compared with the most re- Fornax dSph have never been adequately cent and accurate LMC distance determi- surveyed for variability, in spite of clear nations from several other Population I and indications, from their HB morphologies, II distance indicators, reaching 1 σ conver- that they should indeed contain RR Lyrae gence on a distance modulus of µLMC = variables (Buonanno et al. 1998,1999). ± 18.51 0.085 mag, as fully described in Fornax 3, one of the two clusters that Clementini et al. (2003). lie in our Fornax field, is quite metal- poor ([Fe/H=−1.96 ±0.20, Buonanno et al. 3. The Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy 1998) and has a relatively well populated Located about 140 Kpc from the Milky Horizontal Branch (HB) characterized by Way, Fornax is a dwarf spheroidal galaxy a very extended HB blue tail. Buonanno et (dSph) dominated by an intermediate-age al. (1998) identified 66 candidate RR Lyrae stellar population (Stetson et al. 1998, stars in this cluster from their limited HST Saviane et al. 2000). There is also evidence data. for an old stellar component, since the We observed an area of 34’ × 33’ North galaxy contains 5 globular clusters and field to the Fornax dSph center with the Wild population as old and metal-poor as that Field Imager (WFI) of the 2.2 m ESO- in globular clusters (Saviane et al. 2000). MPI telescope, with the larger part of the The field of Fornax dSph has been inves- galaxy in chip #6 and #7 of the WFI tigated for variability by Bersier & Wood mosaic. We obtained time series B and (2002) who surveyed a half square de- V photometry (18 V and 62 B frames). gree covering the central region and found Photometric reductions using the packages about 600 variables (among which 515 RR DAOPHOT/ALLSTAR II (Stetson 1998) Lyrae). However, because of the small tele- and ALLFRAME (Stetson 1994) are in scope size and the mediocre seeing condi- progress. Candidate variables were iden- tions of their observations, RR Lyrae are tified using the package ISIS 2.1 (Alard close to the detection limit of their pho- 2000) that works with the image subtrac- tometry, and their observations did not re- tion method. We detected 335 candidate sult in high quality light curves. GCs of variable stars in chip #6 and 190 candidate 4 M. Maio et al.: Distance scale and variable stars in LMC and Fornax variables in chip #7. The globular cluster Bragaglia, A., Gratton, R.G., Carretta, Fornax 3 falls in chip #6. We selected a E., Clementini, G., Di Fabrizio, L. & box of 95” × 95” centered in the core of Marconi, M. 2001, AJ, 122, 207 Fornax 3 and in this area we find about Buonanno, R., Corsi, C.E., Zinn, R., Fusi 70 candidate variables. Even if decontam- Pecci, F., Hardy, E. & Suntzeff, N.B. 1998, ination from the field variables has not AJ, 501, L33 been made yet, these candidate variables Buonanno, R., Corsi, C.E., Castellani, M., are very likely to belong to the cluster, and Marconi, G., Fusi Pecci, F., Zinn, R. 1999, since most of them fall on the cluster HB, AJ, 118, 1671 they are RR Lyrae stars. This is the first Cacciari, C., Clementini, G., Castelli, F. detection and measure of the variable stars & Melandri, F. 2000, in ASP Conf. Ser. in one of Fornax dSph galaxy globular clus- 203, The Impact of Large Scale Surveys on ter system. Figure 2 shows in the left panel Pulsating Stars Research, ed. L. Szabados the (v, v-b) instrumental color-magnitude & D. Kurtz (San Francisco: ASP), ASP, diagram of Fornax dSph field in chip #6, 176 and in the central panel an image of the Clementini, G., Gratton, R.G., Bragaglia, globular cluster Fornax 3. In both pan- A., Carretta, E., Di Fabrizio, L. & Maio, els the candidate variables are marked by M. 2003, AJ, 125, 1309 filled circles. Finally, the right panel shows Fernley, J., Barnes, T. G., Skillen, I., some preliminary light curves of RR Lyrae Hawley, S. L., Hanley, C. J., Evans, D. stars in Fornax GC3 (panels a and b) and W., Solano, E. & Garrido, R. 1998, A&A, Fornax dSph field (panels c and d). These 330, 515 are DAOPHOT instrumental differential b Fernley, J., Skillen, I., Carney, B.
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