this August 2006 No. 460 issue $4.00 MUFON Director-elect ames Carrion, right, Mutual UFO ~6twork resent's MUFON Award )r Excellence in Ufology retiring Director John chuessler, page 13. ames McDonald's files rchived at University of .rizona Library, p. 5. Independent confirma- on adds credibility to 'alifornia cases, p. 11. MUFON Forum: a yeti !lit, p. 12. Calendar, p. 12. 2006 Symposium pre- ntations available, p. 17. Marketplace,- p. 23 Columns John Schuessler 2 Filer's Files 15 Ted Phillips 18 Stan Friedman 20 Gavin McLeod 24 The sighting of this object fr as only the beginning of n Midwestem erlcozrnter which involved strange odors, physical traces, and possible illness. The article begins on page 3. August 2006 umber 460 MUFON, .. r? John & Kathy Schuessler receiving accolades from members all to retire UFO Journal - over the world. After six years at the helm of At the annual July meeting of the I. (USPS 002-970) MUFON. Kathy and I have decided it Business Board we discussed succes- (ISSN 0270-6822) is time to step down. sion planning for key MUFON person- As you all know. MUFON now has nel. This was stimulated by my notifi- Mutual UFO Network an announced cation back in January that Kathy and I Post Office Box 369 Mission with would like to retire by the end of 2006. Morrison, CO 80465-0369 Goals and It was clear that all board members Tel: 303-932-7709 Strategies were capable of running MUFON, but Fax: 303-932-9279 aimed at keep- many of them were not in a position in ing MUFON their careers that they wanted to make International Director on track. the change right now. John F. Schuessler, M.S. And the or- Finally. after thorough deliberation. - Tel: 303-932-7709 ganization is the board concluded that my successor now guided by should be James Carrion of Bellvue. [email protected] ' an excellent CO. ' -. - Jolrtr Schrressler Business Board This decision was made by examin- lnterntional Director .Elect of Directors. MUFON is financially ing the needs of MUFON, where our James Carrion,. M.S.' stable and funds are being allocated for strategic plan was aiming to take the special projects like the Pandora docu- organization in the future. and how well Editor: ment scanning project. James' background matched the Dwight Connelly, M.S. We have an outstanding new Direc- MUFON needs. 14026 Ridgelawn Road tor of Investigations who will imple- With James also living in Colorado. Martinsville, IL 62442 ment a host of improvements in the in- we can coordinate the hand-over of the Tel: (217)382-4502 vestigations realm. Our MUFON UFO International Director's job from me to [email protected] Jo~tnlnledited by Dwight Connelly is (Continued on page 22) i ' Columnists:. Change of address and subscription/extra copies inquiries should be George Filer,: M.B.A. sent to MUFON, P.O. Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369. - Stanton Friedman, M.S. Copyright 2006 by the Mutual UFO Network. All Rights Reserved Gavin A. J. McLeod No pan of thls document may be reproduced In any form w~thoutthe wr~nenpermlss~on of the Copyr~ght . Ted Phillips Owners. Perm~ss~onIS hereby granted to quote up to 200 words of any one article p~owdedthe author IS credited. and the statement. "Copyr~ght2006 by the Mutual UFO Network. P.O. Box 369. Morrnson. CO 80465-0369" 1s included Staff artist The contents of the MUFON UFO Journalare determ~nedby the editor. and do not necessar~lyreflect the othc~alposlt~on of the Mutual UFO Network. Oplnlons expressed are solely those of the lnd~vldualauthors and John Egerton - column~sts.and do not necessar~lyreflect the oplnlon of the edltor or staff of MUFON. The Mutual UFO Network. Inc IS exempt from Federal Income Tax under Sectlon 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON IS a publicly supponed organ~zat~onof the type described In Sect~on509 (a) (2). Donors MUFON staff photographer. may deduct contr~but~onsfrom the~rFederal Income Tax Bequests, legacies. dev~ses.transfers. or g~hsare also --NickRoesler deduct~blefor estate and g~ttpurposes. provided they meet the apphcable provlslons of Sectlons 2055.2106. and 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON IS a Texas nonprof~tcorporation. The MUFON UFO Journal~spubl~shed monthly by the Mutual UFO Nerwork. Inc . Morrison, CO. Second MUFON on the internet: Class postage pald at Versailles. MO. 1 lnd~v~dualMembership $45/year U.S . $55 outslde the U S http:~/ Famdy members $10 per person addmonal Student (18 years and under) $35 U S and $45 outs~detne U.S Donor: $1 001year. Profess~onal8250lyear. Patron: $500/year - MUFON e-mail address: ' Benefactor (Lifet~meMember): $ 1,000 Flrsr class Journal dellvery (in envelopes) U S and Canada only 8121year addltlonal mufonhq - Air Mail Journal dellvery to all other countries outslde the United States. 935lyear addmonal - s - - Postmaster Send form 3579 to adv~sechange of address to MUFON UFO Journal. P 0 Box 369. Morr~son. MUFON ~mateurkadio Net: CO 80465.0369 40 ,meters -. 7.240 MHz Sundays noon EST or EDST MUFON's mission is the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit - bf humanity--- through investigation, research; & education. , - .z , ! Sighting, odors, physical traces, & illness in Midwest encounter By William Puckett MUFON Field Investigtor bizarre adventure awaited Dottie and Danny Phillips Aupon embarking on a trip from Eagle Rock. MO, to a resort near Mount Gilead. OH. They left home in their truck and camper at about 3 PM on Aug. 23, 2005. By midnight they were heading east on 1-70 a few miles west of India- napolis. Dottie (primary wimess) was driving, and noticed what appeared to be a fire to the north. (See the encounter 1 lo- towards the east-northeast. red blotches over her skin. She also cation on map.) She saw lights rising Effects of encounters noticed that black flakes would fall when from the fire which appeared to follow Dottie noticed that her new shoes, she brushed her hair. their vehicle. which were never worn before the trip, Danny had similar symptoms. Dottie She immediately noticed a strong had begun to peel after the first encoun- had some pre-existing medical prob- odor similar to creosol, burnt tar, and ter near Indianapolis.' After the second lems, but these problems were differ- sulfuric acid. encounter, the surface of the shoes be- ent. She finally saw a physician on Oct. They continued their journey, and a gan to flake and peel. (See photo on 11, and told the doctor about her UFO couple of hours later pulled off the side following page.) encounters. of the road to get some sleep. They The day after the second encounter, The doctor was not surprised, and awoke around daylight and continued black residue from the shoes collected seemed to have knowledge of physical their journey, stopping for breakfast and on a carpet of a relative's house. effects caused by being in the vicinity running a few errands along the way. The couple returned home to Eagle of UFOs. (He worked for NASA un- They arrived at the Ohio resort about 2 Rock on Aug. 30. Dottie reported her der a grant for the University of Arkan- PM. incident near Indianapolis to the FBI sas to find evidence of extraterrestrial At about 6 PM on Aug. 24 the couple office in Indianapolis. life.') left the resort and drove to Danny's The FBI said that no fire had oc- He diagnosed Dottie's illness as father's house in nearby Marion, OH. curred on the date and location seen by chemical pneumonia and severe kidney They arrived at about 7 PM and left the couple, and they criticized Dottie infection. He told her that any radia- about 10:45 PM. Eastbound on high- for not reporting the incident sooner. tion effects "from these kinds of things way 95, they noticed a large light to the Dottie then called Homeland Secu- will be the dissipating kind." north. rity and reported both incidents. Home- Dottie visited the same doctor two They turned north onto highway 61. land Security said that they couldn't in- weeks later, and the treatment which had It was about midnight, and they were vestigate, due to being involved with been prescribed by the doctor was five miles down the road when they saw Hurricane Katrina. working. Recently, however, both a large craft directly ahead of them and Dottie also reported the incidents to Dottie and Danny have become quite over the highway. (See front cover, and the local sheriff, and was met with skep- ill. note the encounter 2 location in the ticism. Dottie has been diagnosed with a map.) The medical diagnosis neural disorder that apparently can be They passed directly underneath the Both Danny and Dottie were not feel- caused from chemical exposure. Danny craft. Again they smelled a very strong ing well when they returned to Eagle is also having severe digestive problems. odor similar to that from their first en- Rock. Dottie had severe digestive Chemical analysis of the shoes (see -counter. The craft was moving slowly problems, was coughing a lot, and had discussion below) suggests that phenols August ,2006 MUFON UFO Journal 3 could have been the substance respon- Irnmergut's The Polynrer HandboohA sible for leaching of the material from lists only four materials known to at- the surface of the shoes. tackldissolve poly(urethane). Some of the symptoms experienced "These are phenol. m-cresol (a phe- by Dottie (and Danny) are characteris- nolic derivative).
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