WAILS . From San Frincite Konoiua, April 19. For San Francesco: China, April ro. From Vancouver: Niagara, April 11. JFr Vancouver: mi Makura. April 30. m 1'venlng Hullntln. KhL. 1882. No 5142 14 -- 11)15.-1- 4 JJawaiian Star. Vol. XXII. No. 71x3 IWliKS HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, APRIL 1!. IWGKS TRICE FIVE CENTO F--4 IS RAISED iHOUSE SPLIT ON TBHORB. B fJM P Ill HffiF UU u id 12 FEET, TOWED VOTE; KUPIOEA NdTE REPORT U. S SENDSillON TURKEY CALLS ON HIM EXPERTS DECLARE TO COMMAND BIG ARMY SiTUATIOIJ TO17AnD SHORE HOLDS HIS SEAT CHINA, POINTING OUT TREATY t Associated Press Service by Federal Wirelesso 1 1 Ai'f-'mmm- SHOWS GERMANY AND AUSTRIA Lifting Gear Shows Strength Member Under Fire as "Mor- LONCON. Eng., April 19.-- A Renter's despatch from Peking says that and Submarine Is "Broken In Move to the United States has sent a note on the China negotiations to both China Ld ally Unfit" Loses and Japan, indicating that the United States has certain treaty rights in J Out" of Ocean Bed "Investigate" Judge Ashford China from which she will not recede. The Chinese believe this note will CONCENTRATING ON THE EAST have a "valuable moral effect" on the situation. ONE WIRE CABLE PARTS The house this afternoon vigorously AND WORK IS DELAYED, debated whether to expel Representa- BRITISH BEGIN IMPORTANT DRIVE ON GERMAN LINE IN tive Kupihea. NOTED ENLISTED BUT ONLY TEMPORARILY HON, BELGIUM BERLIN DENIES ATTACKS ARE SUCCESSFUL Representative Aiu, who exonerated Kupihea in his minority report, spoke - - REPORT VON HINDENBERG PRESIDES AT COUNCIL OF Diver Loughman Slowty Re- - i at lenath anaintt the Ravwlina reao- - POLAR EXPLORER, SHOULD GET WAR WHICH DECIDES TO PRESS EASTERN CAMPAIGN cowing From Effects of lution of expulsion. fill Long The vote was just be'ur--Divi- ng Immersion Saturday reached tAssociated Fress Ser.ce by Federal Wireless. Crew Ready to Do A MORE FACILITIES LONDON, England, April 19. That the Germans have WhaPS Required But MOre thus being lost as It requires a two-llnrfar- -0 VISITOR HERE ' - abandoned their plans for a general offensive in France is in- M-s- u vote to pass measure. Un- a Trine MM thirds the vimti-ws- nip may ivi ituthere is a reconsideration of some ferred from the-intimatio- of official communications to the Be Necessary sort Kupihea will retain his seat. Sir Douglas on Way to Aus- Associated Press by Federal Wireless Italian cabinet and the text of German official statements. Following isJtthe vote: Ayes Brown, F-- been Coney, Gar- Hope A A hope of France has The submarine has raised Cooke, Crockett, Fassoth, tralia Sees Little ' Kconnnnannunnnaan It is said that penetrating further into 12 feef, and again rests on the bottom, cia, Huddy, Isenberg, Lota, Lyman, tt Gen. von der Goltr, who first - For Stefansson j D. been abandoned. slightly Inshore from her original po- Rawlins, Tavares Watkins, William- i WASHINGTON, C. April tt came- - into prominence last fall HjtlOll. son, 15. Noes Aiu, W. tt 19. The Anti-Saloo- n League tt Holsteln, total - during the western campaign, and This was announcement of Crawford, E. Crawford, Good Sir Douglas Mawson. the great po- M to s.er.tarv of the naval H. J. - was later sent to Turkey to bo- 1 la r explorer who was recently knight- h. officers when salvage work was knock - nets, Hale. Kaupiko, Kawtwehi, Kula, a War Garrison that the Hawaiian up military b-- George in recognition of lster the Ottoman TO CONCENTRATE ON THE EAST? ed off at 7 o'clock this morning Mak'ekau, Nawahme! Silva, Vieira and v Ki,nS U military posts are not receiving w after his organization. a Bight of trenuous endeavor at the Waiahoio, total 13. his contribution to science during tt their share of the morfey appro- - tt two years' stay on con- scene of operations. There is 12 feet,' before the Antarctic tt priated by Congress to provide tt LONDON, England, April 19. A despatch from Geneva Fernandez was excused just tinent completed in February of last more cable on the drums of the Boist- - tho roil ca because of illness. tt for recreation facilities for en-- tt tag gear than when a start was made, year, is a through passenger on the tt listed men. tt AVIATOR GARROS gives the impression that the Austrians and Germans have, to break out the F-- 4 from her berth Kupihea attempted to cloud the Sonoma today bound for Australia. a a decided to concentrate their strength on the campaign against: a In the sand which is the best of proof j88uef t j8 asserted, before the con-1- 0 Sir Douglas comes from three . the Russians the east. those In charge thH upward prog-- glderatlon of Rawlins resolution of months' lecture tour of the eastern baaoaaasaaaasnaaa in ress has actually been made. -n- niKn mm hfnr th hnxio states. .In which he told of bis won- - A PRISONER, SAY It is reported that a council of war has been held with The smallest of the four wire cables - in win-societi- es committee of the whole by the Intro- derfu' experiences Antarctic HEAD Gen. von Hindenberg presiding, which determined upon a f.Un? BUbmfIne Parted about 2 duction .this morning of a resolution ters. before scientific of uni REUTER'S He ftr? one . 1 T-r versities. lectured month 1 Z to Investigate Judge Ashford. follow transfer of Austrian heavy artillery from the German positions -i-T- andrrl?.'..crthis afternoon a heavi-- lng the charges made by Kupihea last m Broadway theater. New York. GERMAN REPORTS er cable is being substituted. Actual -- ,,, wur there being such a demand that the around Verdun to Poland. It is reported further that the - lifting operations may not be resumed Drlyate character bua explorer had to speak every day and DEAD; SUICIDE, council decided to send to Cracow the Hungarian artiHery UD"4rn,W.1 P uSwhofor' ln tlS KuPIhea 8ald that W ttohV8umteh'hiHechV0aWs, which has been used on the western front. nearly four hours Saturday iras a P dL let 'arTfol& ofTS gelogS 'department of Official Cablegram Declares oner 223 feet below the Of 'ZJh? Fifth l surface the ttiottav!Sa of the Unlversfty of Adelaide. He will SAY OFFICIALS Famous French Flier .n;i water. nabie to go up or down, ,ecture there for s!x months and then ClaMI Drive German to the fouling Of hia life line aroundo1nrW 1ZL 2enT.U..l! return to Eurone. Hsum that the Taken By Enemy French on one of the holding cables. Is reported ' "v I pecial reportt on re-- war has uPset expioraticn. j beUer this afternoon. r He is not ab-- crramlttee's the Plar One of France's most famous and ? Belgium ont-o- 1USted investigation, according to Dr. Mawson's expedition resulted in AHswiatrd Press by Federal Wireless Positions Succeed Bolutely f danger but everything daring aviators, Garros, has been tak- in s.. the; to largest geog- - points to hut recovery."' He is able to" resolution, were be forwarded the addition to Antarctic LONDON, Eng., April 19 Baron en prisoner by the Germans, accord, t0 congress, the chief raphy contributed by on? party. He take nourishment and to talk to hls 9. Herbert Oe Reuter, managing director a today . from : off Supreme explored 1200 ing .to cablegram LONDON; .England,; April 19. The British have begun a companions, . but it will probably be J?t(ce,pfBthe.UnUed States miles of Adlie land, the 0f the Reciter's Telegram Agency, died German sources. The cablegram Curt,k:a,na "to Washington offi- - existence of which has been in aS;. the-Germa- n' 'come days' oefore be , completely re- .other suddenly here today. The autnorities says: sharp drive against important section of lino ' .'since it was first sighted by. Admiral cover-f mm thn terrific DnrAii and ctalfcT,;t;; mmm...... as vw w v w "WASHINGTON, D. C, April 19. .'' ' ht4ngliswscyere r-r Rejprfsenmlve . Kawewehl moved Wilkes of the United States navy in which holds Belgium The 4. .A. physical shock of hia experience. Direr The Baron waspro by the Headquarters report, April .,19: . the reJcIutiftn be referred to the 1S33. ... TfieN i': Frank Crlllr. who went below and that death of.liH Vv1fer4sT' ThtJNiaay. Her Yp res the EngtlsfrHave French clm;tiiatrthe British attack has resulied 1n; ; - "South of 1 "WhiclT of freed VLouchman -- at the risk of his "Judiciary ccTrtIttee," meant The chief feature Mawson's.ex- po- v - been ejected from small German 200 is- HI prchaWff Ejarooses of was the fact that lie in , nt. the capture of yards of German trenches. , own life, suffermg. no effects; Aeih to the, the Ption vis, . ,nter-e- His only so Is Irt the sitions which they still occupied Eng. Although "intestfgatrohV' it waa said, and Ma- - touch ;wlth civtllzaUon almost all. o n.f exhausted from bis efforts at . be- -- Brttl.K army' lish attacks along the railroad , keKulOeeh'e,d Kupihea the two years spent on the, Antarctic m quickly clanging depths. Crlllr waa the motion. - tween Ypfes and Combines, broke .lximselt when he camout of the this and demanded a sne-- contlneat The reat advance madQ. - r.-- i ; rebuce.at TV Tn- -- " very heavy losses.' Berlin; - Rep- - bv 8denoe in recent years enabled c.neA Uo I down with Declares Germans Retake compression chamber Saturday after- cia! committee. At thisjjuncture Jiim. rLt uUiLi IU J' the French avla? to study the regions In . "Near Golmunster noon, and a night's, rest, put him oVreslnatUe'iKorman Hawaii .
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