US 20080095364Al (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0095364 A1 Candelore et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 24, 2008 (54) PARTIAL ENCRYPTION (60) Provisional application No. 60/296,673, ?led on Jun. 6, 2001. Provisional application No. 60/304,241, ?led (76) Inventors: Brant L. Candelore, Escondido, CA on Jul. 10, 2001. Provisional application No. 60/304, (US); Robert Allan Unger, El Cajon, 131, ?led on Jul. 10, 2001. Provisional application CA (US); Leo M. PedloW JR., No. 60/343,710, ?led on Oct. 26, 2001. Ramona, CA (US) Publication Classi?cation Correspondence Address: MILLER PATENT SERVICES (51) Int. Cl. 2500 DOCKERY LANE H04N 7/167 (2006.01) RALEIGH, NC 27606 (US) (52) US. Cl. ............................................................ .. 380/212 (21) Appl. No.: 12/001,561 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: Dec. 12, 2007 Related US. Application Data A multiple partial encryption device consistent With certain embodiments has an input for receiving a unencrypted video (60) Continuation of application No. 11/903,809, ?led on signal. An encryption arrangement produces a partially Sep. 25, 2007, Which is a continuation of application multiple encrypted video signal from the unencrypted video No. 11/282,139, ?led on Nov. 18, 2005, noW Pat. No. signal. An output provides the partially multiple encrypted 7,319,753, Which is a division of application No. video signal. This abstract is not to be considered limiting, 10/037,499, ?led on Jan. 2, 2002, noW Pat. No. since other embodiments may deviate from the features 7,151,831. described in this abstract. CABLE SYSTEM 122 [36 HEAD END TELEVISION I 128 / SET-TOP BOX MANUFACTURER - A SYSTEM TELEVISION IN FORMATION CONDITIONAL SET ACCESS CLEAR VIDEO SYSTEM - A CLEAR AUDIO CABLE SYSTEM 40) PROGRAM 136 SPECIFIC / INFORMATION TELEVISION ' \129 SET-TOP BOX CONDITIONAL MANUFACTURER - B ACCESS TELEVISION SYSTEM - A CONDITIONAL SET ACCESS CONDITIONAL SYSTEM - B ACCESS I SYSTEM - B\ 140 j 124 Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 1 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 3 3/ .QIv mm moi“:5E mm Skk- Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 2 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 \wv 31 mm mm? / ow .QEN mm mm? ~5689>1 SE96<- 2596/m- v2.)9E m9] izoEazoo $52Al1 4<zoEQzoo $52A1 Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 3 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 $\ Al (I \ ml /ovw / 8 wow oNN SEEOONEO_n__Own_w J2.0. Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 4 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 NEXT PACKET YES I l 262 PACKET PACKET I ENCRYPTION ENCRYPTION \_ A B FIG. 4 C EA INSERTINTO [264 254\ OUTPUT EB REMAP PID _ STREAM Secondary PID \ STREAM|—->OUTPUT CCCCCCEAEBCCCCC' \ I / \ I I Primary PID Primary PID NEXT PACKET PRIMARY Pl D SECONDARY PACKET? Pl D PACKET? 292 REMAP PID ENCRYPTED? @ .. DECRYPT f 296 288 , 278 NO J, DROP / SEND PACKET TO PAC KET DECODER L FIG. 5 Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 5 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 /own XOmmOPFww d , ovl/ O 0") mm ZO_ww< .OZOOmw/ womlj+ mSE55,/- 5210011O?zOmmw 0mmwrm wwm / Al Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 6 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 NEXT PACKET PACKET?SELECT YES l 358 i 350 f PACKET PACKET ENCRYPTION ENCRYPTION A B FIG. 7 EA 362 J 354 366 \ INSERT INTO f OUTPUT 4 EB REMAP PID STREAM Secondary PID -\ STREAML-—->OUTPUT CCCCCCEAEBCCCCCC Primary PID Primary PID 370 374 NEXT PACKET NO EA PACKET? EB PACKET? 384 I /— DROP \_DECRYPT 380 PACKET ; REMAP PID 388-/ l FIG. 8 EDECODER 4— 378 Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 7 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 vvv mm wmw \ov 0 q. Jomw / , M4040Own=> 5“)8v 4<zo_k_azoo E55m- wmv TI852 Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 8 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 11 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 1 FIG. 13 RECEIVE F FEED 806 l DESCRAMBLE \ 810 SELECT PACKETS FOR 814 "' DUAL ENCRYPTION i DUPLICATE SELECTED ICOO O PACKETS AND REMAP SELECTED PACKETS TO TWO \ NEW PIDS 818 i DUAL ENCRYPT REMAPPED /- PACKETS ACCORDING TO 822 P|D l REMAP CLEAR PACKETS TO '\ SAME PID AS LEGACY 826 ENCRYPTED PACKETS l Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 12 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 85521120202N6|\ \50z_<_>_# > Q6. ,fNS2m\ Ill:69$0085 _>_Om2302.52 0E5.88%B3E@9509 105330050z_mmaoowamwxwi?simoAl A 8.5226aim“; 8985832%9amwtammwknm 0GE1 8m C8\ >803655cm ExomaumEEEow Ewza595._ Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 13 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 @258 ‘Imczzooxo 52¢28628%?N6 \\ > mwooowa09%. EmzE $582203 . E5@9509 3mf$50809 3m2m .\ o8 GE2‘mwtpmwmEnm 4 M396 Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2008 Sheet 14 0f 16 US 2008/0095364 A1 @252855521N6\\ $562203 . 3.5;@9509 __ __ __ __ 3m9$0080If3mNS o3// IQ \ 1l|iIrl|I JlI.I|lI mom moimm?mkémoA|_|5665350oi$0085nAlA. GEmmtnmmmtpm.2 86 US 2008/0095364 A1 Apr. 24, 2008 PARTIAL ENCRYPTION that pulls the signal from the air and delivers it to a demodulator, Which in turn provides video to a display and CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED audio to speakers. In a cable system the modulated channels DOCUMENTS are carried over a cable. There may also be an in-band or [0001] This application is continuation of US. application out-of-band feed of a program guide indicating What pro Ser. No. 11/903,809 ?led Sep. 25, 2007 Which is a continu grams are available and the associated tuning information. ation of application Ser. No. 10/282,139 ?led Nov. 18, 2005 The number of cable channels is ?nite and limited by Which is a division of US. application Ser. No. 10/037,499 equipment/cable bandWidth. Cable distribution systems ?led Jan. 2, 2002 (US. Pat. No. 7,151,831), and further require a signi?cant capital investment and are expensive to claims priority bene?t of US. provisional patent application upgrade. Ser. No. 60/296,673 ?led Jun. 6, 2001 to Candelore, et al. [0005] Much of television content is valuable to its pro entitled “Method for Allowing Multiple CA Providers to ducers, therefore copyright holders Want to control access Interoperate in a Content Delivery System by Sending Video and restrict copies. Examples of typically protected material in the Clear for Some Content, and Dual Carriage of Audio include feature ?lms, sporting events, and adult program and Dual Carriage of Video and Audio for Other Content”, ming. Conditional access (CA) systems are used to control and provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/304,241 ?led availability of programming in content delivery systems Jul. 10, 2001 to Unger et al., entitled “Independent Selective such as cable systems. CA systems come as matched setsi Encryptions of Program Content for Dual Carriage”, and one part is integrated into the cable system headend and provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/304,131 ?led Jul. encrypts premium content, the other part provides decryp 10, 2001 to Candelore et al., entitled “Method for AlloWing tion and is built into the set-top boxes (STB) installed in Multiple CA Providers to Interoperate in a Content Delivery user’s homes. Several CA systems are used in the cable System by Partial Scrambling Content on a Time Slice industry including those provided by NDS (N eWport Beach, Basis” and to US. provisional patent application Ser. No. Calif.), Motorola (Schaumberg, Ill.) and Scienti?c Atlanta 60/343,710, ?led on Oct. 26, 2001 to Candelore et al., (Atlanta, Ga.). This matched set aspect of CA systems has entitled “Television Encryption Systems”, docket number the effect that the “legacy” vendor is locked in as the SNY-R4646.01 entitled “Critical Packet Partial Encryption” supplier of additional STBs. Since the various technologies to Unger et al. This application is also related to Ser. No. for conditional access are not mutually compatible (and are 10/038,217; docket number SNY-R4646.02 entitled “Time often proprietary), any neW potential supplier is forced to Division Partial Encryption” to Candelore et al., Ser. No. license the legacy CA. Thus, the cable operator ?nds itself 10/038,032; docket number SNY-R4646.03 entitled unable to acquire neWer technology or competing technol “Elementary Stream Partial Encryption” to Candelore et al., ogy from other set-top box manufacturers since the tech Ser. No. 10/037,914; and docket number SNY-R4646.05 nology oWners are often unWilling to cooperate, or charge entitled “Decoding and Decrypting of Partially Encrypted reasonable license fees. This in?exibility can be especially Information” to Unger et al., Ser. No. 10/037,498. These troublesome When cable companies With disparate CA sys patent applications are hereby incorporated by reference tems are merged. Service providers Would like more than herein. one source for STBs for any number of reasons. COPYRIGHT NOTICE [0006] Once a cable operator picks an encryption scheme, it is dif?cult to change or upgrade the content encryption [0002] A portion of the disclosure of this patent document scheme Without introducing a backWard compatible decod contains material Which is subject to copyright protection. ing device (eg set-top box). Providing multiple mode The copyright oWner has no objection to the facsimile capability in neW set-top boxes to handle multiple encryp reproduction of the patent document or the patent disclosure, tion systems can add substantial cost to any neW set-top box, as it appears in the Patent and Trademark Of?ce patent ?le providing that the technology can be made available to the or records, but otherWise reserves all copyright rights What STB vendor to provide the multiple decryption capability. soever.
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