TTIE 3IOKNIXG OltEGOXIAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 19 1G. 15 coming University of Oregon-Orego- n' AMVSFMKNTS. MEETtXfl NOTICES. Aggie football battle on the Corvallis KGHANCE IS UNMOVED field next Saturday. Great prepara- SOME RECORDS HIT CAMEL1A CHAPTER. .NO. tions are being made for the home- Broadway Taj O. E. Stated communication coming festivities. at lor this (Monday) evening, froct.l. e e e Main 1. A IKS HEILIG H ordr pf W. M. Myron R. Jackson, of Conn., F-- Norwich. 23-24-- MAR1ET rEROEINSON. The Bank of California NEXT NOV. 25 was elected to captain the 1917 football HARMONY LODGE. NO.J2. De- team at Trinity College, Hartford. National Association. 8peclal-Prir-e Mats. Frt. and Sat. A. K. AND A. M. Special com- "P. L." Sticks by Original Conn. Committee Refuses to Allow Lieklrr & Co.'i munication tn:s (Monday) eve. m m m o"c'.ock. Work in t Captain .t A. Visitor, welcom. mand on Cubs. Jeff Healy. of the Columbia All New Athletic Marks. drrcc ec. University. New Tork. eleven. Is ex- 100 TEOPLE V. M. DE UN. pected to be back in time to play with Capital paid in Gold Coin $8,500,000.00 WA&JilNiiTON LODCJE. NO. his team In the last game of the sea- 4. A. F. AND A. M. Special son. He was severely injured early communication tills (MorjJav) Surplus and Undivided Profits 58,433,608.51 e. in the campaign and It was only about vr. 7 o'clock. E Mn and Buro-sld- PILOT NOT YET SELECTED 10 days ago away KELLY'S TIME REJECTED E. A. degree. Mi. tors that he threw his welcome. Ordt-- v.". !. crutches. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS J K. RICHMOND. Sec. The University of Chicago Alumni WILLAMETTE LODGE. No S. gave A. K. AND A. M. Special Coach Stagg and the members of Issue Commercial Letters of Credit covering importation mis (Monday! even- - Chicago Tans Want Former Hero the Maroon team much praise at the Quarter-Mll- o Feat Ruled Out Be In u ciok. Work banquet in University Club in Chicago of merchandise, as well as Letters of Credit for use of travel- durte. Visitors e!corna-- . to Liead Team, but Manage- recently. The alumni passed resolu- cause Track "Was Not Sleasured S. WEEKS. tions favoring the numbering of foot- ers throughout the United States and Foreign Countries. Bincrn Jewelry, buttons, caarroa. plna ment Doesn't Indicate That Accord New EMELtM - ball player3. in With BEN lllB Naw aesigna. Jaecer Bros. 131- 6iXta at. Change Will Be Made. Standard of A. A. TJ. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits Arab. Catnrl. Horse. Itankeya. r"RIEILJlNrKR'S. Jewelers. Emnlems. Many of the Eastern aggregations Class Pins and Presentation Medalsfr Ues.ana are having a hard time trying to prac- Box Office Open Today. ana estimates furcisaed Irea. Slu Waaa. tice. Most of the gridirons of the Head Office San Francisco Sale East are covered with snow or are Eve's, floor 2: balcony. $1 .v. fl, Ve; If outsiders succeed in dictating to frozen, and from all accounts there NEW TORK. Nov. 19. Many dele- Itallerv res4r ed, "Oc: tdmlwlon, roe. riTD. Both FTi. and Sat. Mats. : Floor $1.50. Hospital. stockholders of the Chicago National will be rejoicing when the 1916 season gates, representing divi- BRANCH-ThirdandStarkSt- LfCA." M Prllwoo'l ifnerI Nt. the various reets Balcony, f 1. 75c. Mc. Oal!ery rS4?rTd. et 1 Roy comes to a close next week. PORTLAND &0e. City Country la." Marc-r- A. Lut.t. ."" an-- League club, then Frank Le Chance sions of the Amateur Athletic Union, and Mail orders ree'd. J H ar.d mother of lie. en A ohv?k, monT orders. luca. Sir . J. B. la in line to return to his old Job. arrived today to ddrs !ettr. n- - Charlotte l.uca. To permit boys practice here attend the annual A. W. T. Inclose addressed 1- Hsrtley. dele-pat- es to football WM. MacRAE. J. T. BURTCHAELL, Pancle. Portland: Mrs. - L. Wurart. merely because and other sports at night, the city of meeting of the National organization, and Frank W. Lucas, of sa 1 ra-ci- to. have gathered in convention and Pittsburg, Pa., will have powerful elec- to be held tomorrow. The members Manager Asst. Manager Notlce ot funeral later. named the P. L. tric lights installed in the various city of the legislation and record commit- MF1ER In Tu ron. Ari: . Nov. 19 " It is said that the men who control playgrounds, according announce beloved daughter of Mrs. Jne ua. the destinies of the Cubs haven't been to tees held preliminary sessions today, Meier and U.a lata WKlism 1. Meier tu- ment by w. F. Ashe, superintendent of at which they prepared reports. services hold, in Port.and. consulted about the selection of the big City their Brwy, A Morrison ners! t f is in any league the Bureau of Recreation. to be presented and passed upon at BAKER Nouce later. 'allfornlan. It fitting a Always hhow Quality. Nov. 19. Mrs. Annla tomorrow s of BENSON In this cltr. -- I In the country for magnates to deny meeting. een Biy. Y . s "Willamette University will work Its new le Toniffht berjraln night, all seats 2!c only. Chsppe.le. Recon. Ptm n.ny story that breaks before the own-fr- The walk record of Jsu. 7. 1S4T. late of l'er.ver. CO;0. team overtime in hopes of having it 2:06:06 5. made by Renz at ALX WEEK MATS. WED.. SAT. a funeral parlor. are ready to make their own an in the best possible condition to meet Edward are at llolman nouncements. The bare denial from Celtic Park. New York, was rejected Nov. H, Rudolph a s;ed S the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club by on indif- Kl'DOIfH P!er & Chicago headquarters that Chance Is Sat- the committee account of LAW veais. P.msins at Dunning MciolM not being would carry no eleven on Multnomah Field next ferent timing. Dave S. Caldwell. Bos- be "THE OF parlcra. of funeral later. considered urday. The be selected can sent fotlc e weight if it weren't that Charles officials will ton Athletic Association, who was ac- OLSON Nov. 1 3. Chr O'.son. aKed 1- LAND" s -5 HOLIDAY THE WefiKhman. president, is a rare later. credited with 1.13 for 600 yards at Georce Broadhursfe powerful and grip- y.ais. Remslr.s si Punning t Mci.ntee the by this bank pallors. Notice of funeral later: individual- - in that onne vou corner him Newark. N. J., will not have his mark ping drama. Most intense melodrama n a. n o accepted, no of modern times. lieauUf uily staged wit tact will own l n to it. because there was border and acted. vveeghman says he noth- - around the track. for you to rOEB-U- , NOTICES. that knows PLAYER GIVEN SPOKANE Evenlnirs ?c. 50?. Pirn, and Pat. lnr of the move and that there is little Kelly's Rejected. LW Soc, Wed. Mat- - All go Record points Mats.. bargain FBANV.TTT1 The funeral services of Ernll to over. can be abroad s. chance for It This 2!c. mo-rr- be- Is The committee also rejected the time fiats Ktar.tetti. Z:, 2 taken for an absolute fact, but there 24 2-- 5 220-ya- rd MONEY Next week A a.d .ri. "Fotash Perlmutter. of Mrs. Emll rranrilll. a of seconds for a low loved husband -. nother angle to be considered. Minor of Mr. and M- rranllMi. JOHN--SO- hurdle around a turn made by Fred and son Jac.h t ity stockholders of the club are not UXCIiB SAMS MUST LET GO OF ar.l brotli-- r of Orl and I'a.ll Franrll-- satisfied Joe W. Kelly, Los Angeles, as no entry and MM Ida Zonttlni, of ar.d J"'l" with Tinker. OR or programmes were printed in or by mail of Thellil.funeral eorluc I.OlulILIX. blanks Fransittl. l'ortl;.J. - If the Cub owners as a whole were keeping governing will leave the roUKnc- establl.sliineut ot willing to talk business with Chance, with the laws the j A Momgoiin-r- at ot:i, running of events. j Finlev nd pjroceed t 1t is more than likely that the demands Manager IS In at 4i tolay (Mondavi. old-tim- e League President Rules That Because the track measured al litn and Uavis. whera of the West Side favorite 12 the Catheural. 10 M. Friends in- would bring negotiations to an abrupt Savage Must Stick to Agreement stead of inches from the border, the Consult rna-- s 1U be said at A. Cemetery. Lniversity of Chicago middle-distan- ce vited. Interment Klvervuw halt. The Chicago Nationals are trying Early man,. In ol'.v at the Ists residence.. to retrench and not go deeper Made in Fall. Blng Dlsmond, was not allowed OFFEP. this Nov. into the 47 5 440 re- tho Deiondorf apartments. 1!. Julius mire, and $50,000 two years' work his world's mark of for us M Offer, sged 4 years. Be'oved hus- for ya rds. of up t - - of OlfT. father Florence would aid greatly in putting them 19. ft- band l::io d pennant-wlnue- VANCOUVER, B. C, Nov. Moose Disapproval was expressed regarding Offer. Friends invited to to their necks unless a r and Hail fce he, 1 runner-u- p Johnson or Clem Loughlin, the Winni the examination of the legislative com garding funeral strvlcfs.
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