Southern Health Board annual report 1995 Item Type Report Authors Southern Health Board (SHB) Rights SHB Download date 01/10/2021 07:10:51 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/44876 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse Southern Health Board Bord Slainte An Deiscirt Caring for People Annual Report ;\nnuai Repon 1995 - INDEX - PAGE Index Introduction : Chief Executive Officer Board Members and Management Team Community Care Programme Acute Hospitals Programme Mental Health & Mental Handicap Services Programme Department of Public Health FiceDepamnent Personnei Department Technical Senices Department Management Senices Department ANNUAL RFPORT 1995 1995 saw c.5e sr--aued Fnplmen~zz:cri sf :he ?Jaclonai .i'eaiz:= Strategy 2nd a cmprener.si7e szogress reporr ;gas submizted rc che Geparrxenc cf .?eair:-.. The Xinisrer _'or, 3eaic:: and cificlais frsm .?ls. ceparrzenr net 50rh cie 3oard and t.+e :!aagemenc _"?am in June 1395. %e ,~isiz:.?as 3 ver:/ successf;.l and significan~one. !1EW ;:?JC?II^:I +.lcnasises c:?e r2quizzx?r.r ;f snsuzi:q z.$e deiirJery cf i quality service. .A wr:/ successful "Pocus on Quality" Seminar was heid in Blarney In October 1995. Guesc speakers lame izom Zngland, ocher .Yeait?: Boards, - Deparzaenc :f .Veal t.9, irisn Society for Quality I.? Heait-lcare and zwo of our own szaff representing the group of trained Quality Facilitators jn the Board. Work commenced in December 1995 on a Quaiity Improvement Strategy and t.9i.s will be launched in 1996. The Health Strategy, in recognising the major contribution of health care staff, emphasises the need for further nmuragement and support. 1 am pleased to say t.9at much k-as achieved in 1995 in encouraging and supporting the sersonal and professionai development of staff. I wish to record my personal thanks to all staff for their continued dedication and commirment to our task of "Caring for People". I also wish KO record my appreciation of the loyalty and commitment of the Management Team t.5roughouc the year and I thank the Chairman and Members of :he Board for their support througnout 1995. SEAN HURLEY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER -- SOUTHERN HEALTH BOARD .MEMBERS AND MANAGEMENT TEAM at December 31st. 1995 L CHAIRMAN AJd. J. Dennehy VICE-CHAIRMAN - Dr. A.J. Stynes APPOINTED BY CORK CORPORATION:- .Uderman J. De~ehy,"Avondale", Westside Estate, Togher. Cork Sen. D. Cregan, 7, Elmgrove, Ballinlough, Cork Cllr. F. Xash, 1 Gouldmgs Cottages. Dillons Cross, Cork. Cllr. C. O'Leq, 1 St. Rita's Avenue, Gurranebraher, Cork. Cllr. D. Wallace, 63 Memon Court, Monrenotte, Cork. APPOXNTED BY CORK COUNTY COUNCIL.- Cllr. M. Creed, T.D., Codrum, Macrooq Co. Cork. Cllr. F. Crowley, T.D., Strand Street, Kanturk, Co. Cork. Cllr. V O'Callaghan, Barmy Bay Hotel, Bantry, Co. Cork. Cllr. B. O'Keeffe, T.D., 8 Westcliffe, BallincoUig, Co. Cork. CUr. S. O'SuUivan, 11 Crestfield Downs, Hazelwood, Glanmire, Co. Cork. Cllr. J. Roche, Clough, Rockchapel, Co. Cork. CUr. T. Ryan, "Ardiield", Dripsey, Co. Cork. APPOINTED BY KERRY COUNTY COUNCIL- Cllr. M. Cahill, Rossbeigh, Glenbeigh, Co. Kerry. CUr. T. Fleming, Scartaglen Viage, Farranfore, Co. Kerry. Cllr. T. Foley, 28 St. John's Park, Tralee, Co. Keny. Cllr. J. Healy-Rae, Main Street, Kilgarvan, Co. Kerry. CUr. B. O'Connell, 15 Main Street, Castleisland, Co. Kerry. Cllr. M. Spring, 37 Racecourse Lawn, Tralee, Co. Kerry. ELECTED BY REGISTERED MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS:- ?&. S. Baker, F.RC.S., "Carhukeal", Bantry, Co. Cork. Dr. C. Bred'i Consultant Physician, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork. Mr. T.F. Buckley, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Cork University Hospital, Wdton, Cork Dr. J.G. Corr, M.B., Glenbrook, Co. Cork. Dr. C. Molloy, G.P.,'Lucerne', Hettyiield, Douglas, Cork. Dr. P. Murray, Consultant Psychiatrist, Child and Famiiy Clinic, Lota, Glanmire, Co. Cork. Dr. T. O'Connor, Consultant Obstetrician, St. Fibarr's Hospital, Cork. Dr. AJ. Stynes, 26 Templevale, Ballintemple, Cork Annual Report 1995 ELECTED BY REGISTERED PSYCHIATRIC NURSES:- Ms. H M. Henry, Nurse Tutor. Our Ladv's Hospital, Lee Road. Cork ELECTED BY REGISTERED NURSES:- MS. Mona Clancv, Public Heahn Surse. Cathenne Street. Youghal. Co Cor'ic ELECTED BY REGISTERED DENTISTS:- Dr. Eoin O'Flyq Principal Denral Surgeon. 4, Rochestown Rise, Rochesrown. Cork. ELECTED BY REGISTERED PHARMACEUTICAL CBEMISTSIREGISTERED DISPENSING CHEMISTSIDRUGGISTS:- .Mr. P. Duffy, WSI, Oak6eid. Hettyiield, Douglas Road, Cork. APPOINTED BY THE MJA7STER FOR EIEALTH:- Mr. D. Lyons, Tower, Blarney, Co. Cork. Cur. D. Moman, T.D., Gonnascarty, Ballyrnakeera, Co. Cork. Cllr. John O'Donoghue, T.D.. i4 Main Street, Caherciveen Co. Kerry MANAGEMENT TEAM Mr. S& Hurley, Chief Executive Officer Mr. Tony McNamara, Genera1 Manager, Cork University Hospitals Group Mr. Pat Madden, Programme *Manager, Community Care Mr. Tom O'Dwyer, Programme Manager, Mental Health & Mental Handicap Services Dr. Elizabeth Keane, Director of Public Health Mr. Denis Fenton, Personnel Officer Ms. Raymonde O'Sullivan, Finance Officer Mr. Joe Casey, Technical Senices Officer Mr. Jack Somers, Managernenr Services Officer COMMUNITY CARE PROGRAMME REVIEW OF 1995 Southern Henlth Board 'Caringfor People' i COWWNITY CARE PROGRAMME Framework of Communitv Care Sewices The hadrange of services are under five sub-proerammes : Community Protection. Community Health. CommuniN Welfare. Handicapped Services, Support Services. Communitv Protection Proeramme The key areas of activity in this area are the immunisation and vaccination programme, pre- school and chiid heaith services: health education programme and environmental heaith service. Progress in 1995 The Board's services under this sub-programme continued in 1995 with the following spec& events worthy of comment : * The employmenr of a Health Promotion Officer The establishment of a Child Health Advisory Group Environmental Health Service Developments:- * The establishment of a computerised data base system for Environmental Health Officersto assist in the recording of data in accordance with E.U. Legslation. Planning of the new Public Analyst Laboratory continued during 1995 and the Board was pleased to receive the approval of the Department of Health to incorporate a new Food Hygiene Laboratory as part of the overall development. .A new system of professional staff training was introduced together with a broadening of the availability of hygiene education carried out by Environmental Health Officers Communitv Health Proeramme This sub-programme covers areas such as senices for the elderly including domiciliary nursing; dental services; ophthalmic and aural services; maternity and infant care; community drugs schemes; and general practitioner services. Progress in 1995 Considerable progress was made during 1995 under the sub-programme. The more notable developments were : The commencement of a review of the Public Health Nursing Services. The setting up of a Steering Group in connection with the review of Services for the Older Person. The computerisation of the stores system for the Cork City and South Cork Community Care areas. Comrnun~r).Care 1995 Comrnunitv Welfare The senices includeri under this sub-programme are the personal sociai services inciuding child care and famdv suppon. cash weifare payments and home helps. Progress in 1995 The Board's child care. family suppon and personal social seMces continue to be areas of major development and 1995 saw a considerable increase in activity. The implementation of the Child Care Act 1991 requires a sustained programme of investment to provide additional staff in tne cornmumy, and to develop new and improved res~dentialand community responses. The Department of Health provided E1.7m to hnd The Board's Child Care Action Plan for 1995 A total of 45 additional child care posts were approved. .-\ range of other developments were put in place and are outlined in the Review of Child Care Se~ces,1995. Bandicaooed Services Programme This sub-programme includes the payment of allowances and grants to the disabled and the provision of rehabilitation, training and services for those with a physical or sensory handicap. Progress in 1995 ,' There has been a continued emphasis placed on the development of services for those with a physical or sensory handicap and a concerted effort is being made to improve the quality of life of those affected by such a disability. Ln 1995 additional hndiig was provided to allow the Board to employ : 0 3 Speech Therapists 0 1 Senior Physiotherapist 0 4 Nurses The additional allocation also allowed the Board to make extra fundig available to a number of voluntary organisations. The development of respite care continued in the Boards area. Community Care 1995 Sunoon Services Procramme This sub-programme includes suppon services ior the Community Care prozramme such as area headquarters administrative staff. community medical staff. community weifare officers. physiotherapists. community workers and other paramedical staff who provide support services for each of the carious sub-programmes. Other areas include the G.P. Unit, Regstration Department, Public Analyst Laboratory, Nursing Homes Unit and the S.T.D.Clinic. The 1995, Department of Health allocation enabled the continuation of the Board's support services to the Community Care programme. Sigmficant progress has however also been made in a number of areas, including: A Senior Community Physiotherapist was appointed to the Cork City and South Cork area. Two Senior Comrnuni~Occupationd Therapists were appoinred - one to Cork City & South Cork and the other
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