INDEX OF GEOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL NAMES Abington, 140 Attaquin (family), 38, 71, Abner, 86 124, 130 Accord pond, 97 Attaquin, Martha, 56 Acushena, 55 Attaquin, Solomon, 113 Adommas, 117 i Attucks, Crispus, 137 Alben, 86 Aucouch, 112 j Alexander, 53 Awashonks, 36, 86 Allen, 86 Aywit, Sam, 92 Alvas, 125 Baker, 124, 131 Alvis, 124 Bancroft, 140 Ames, 112 Banks, Charles, L., 24, 115, Amie, 70, 87 116, 117 Amos, 124 Barnstable, 122, 131 Amos, Captain, 127, 129 Barnstable county, 124 Amos, Horatio, 93, 136 Bass river, 131, 132 Amos, Mrs. Horatio, 133 Basset (family), 112 Annawon, 37, 55, 58, 60-67 Basset, Captain, 129 Annawon's Rock, 36, 67 Belain, 111, 112 Anthony, 112 Bencroft, 140 Apes, William, 90 Benjamin, 87 Appoban, 92 Betty, 70 Aquene ut, 116 Betty's Neck, 23, 34, 70, 72, Aquetneck, 35 87 Aquinuh, 116 BilHngsgate, 122, 132 Asher, 125 Blackwater brook, 116 Ashimut, 122 Asnemscutt pond, 70 Blackwell, 79, 89 Black, Aspinet, 119, 121, 123, 132 William, 102 Assawampsett lake, 22, 23, Block island, 106 24, 28, 29, 31, 40, 59, 69, Blodgett, 137 72 Blue Hills, 138 Assawampsett neck, 74 Boston, 79, 94, 96, 97, 98, Assonet river, 76 138 Asuhmequin, 67 Boston harbor, 43, 101 143 144 TERRITORIAL SUBDIVISIONS Bourne, Rev. Richard, 89, Chappelle, I\Irs. Mary, 43, 91, 122, 132 45, 138-142 Bowyer, 112 Charles river, 99 Boyden, 79 Chase (family), 131 Brett, Rev. Silas, 82 Chase, H. E., 16 Briant, 125 Chatham, 107, 122, 132 Bridgewater, 40, 53, 97 Cheesehahchamuk, 117 Bristol, 53, 94 Chelsea, 101 Brooks, 131 Chickataubut, 40, 95, 97, Brown (family), 112, 124 98, 103 Brown, Alonzo, 87 Chilmark, 117 Burr, 140 Chippascuit, 77 Burrill, 140 Christiantown, 8, 112, 117 Butler, 124 Chummucks, Isaac, 90 Buttler, Thorn, 92 Chummucks, Jacob, 90 Buzzards bay, 76, 118 Chuppipoggut pond, 70 Cakunnoyu, Elisha, 92 Church (family), 83 Cakunnoyu, old, 92 Church, Benjamin, 81 Cakunnoyu, Robert, 92 Church, Captain, 12, 15, 26, Cakunnoyu, Sam, 92 28, 29, 37, 47, 60-66, 68, Canonicus, 34 74, 77 Canton, 138, 139, 140, 142 Church, Colonel, 129 Capawack, 109 Coatuit, 122 Cape Cod, 8, 36, 72, 91, 94, Coaxet, 55 105, 107, 108, 110, 118- Cobb, 131 121, 123, 127, 129, 132, Cockaway, Betty, 86 134 Codtaumut, 122 Carr- Saunders, A. M., 14 Cohasset, 91 Carsar, 125 Cole, 112 Casco, 125, 129 Compton, 37, 55 Cash, 131 Conant (family), 79, 89, 93 Cato, 102 Conant, Cynthia, 38, 60 Caunbatant, 69 Conant, Ezra, 79 Cawatoquisset river, 55 Conant, Melissa, 60 Cawnacome, 76 Concord, 44, 100, 137 Cepoge, 109 Concord river, 102 Cesar (family), 125 Coneconam, 76, 131 Cesar, Adrian, 42 Conet, 79, 89, 93 Ceturn, 125 Connecticut, 15, 103, 120, Chackakust neck, 55 125 Chappaquiddick island, 8, Conot, 93 110, 111, 116, 117, 125 Connot, John, 92 AND BOUNDARIES 145 Connot, Will, 92 Deming, 112 Cook, 111, 112, 131 Denison, 79 Coombs (family), 124, 125, Devine, 112 130 Deyo, S. L., 124 Coombs, Dorias, 73 Diamond, 112 Cooper, 112, 118, 124 Dillingham, James, 92 Corbitant, 69 Dodge, 112 Corsa, 112 Dorchester, 103 Courtland, 78 Dorhas, 92 Cowett, 125 Douglass, 79 Craig, 131 Drake, S. G., 10, 15, 16, 18, Crank, 86 22, 34, 35, 53, 57, 58, 61, Crocker, 131 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 89, Crouch, 79 94, 97, 98, 102, 105, 110, Crowd (family), 140 120, 122, 125, 127, 131 Cuff, 112 Drummond, 86 Cuffe, 79 Dubuque, Hugo A., 80, 82, Cuffee, 86 86 ^ Cummaquid, 131 Dudley, 78, 137 Curdoody, 111 Duxbury, 97 Curtis, 112 Earle, J. Milton, 8, 72, 77, Cutshamakin, 102, 103 80,86, 111, 112, 124, 131, Cutshamekin, 141 140 Cutshamequin, 103 Easkissy, 53 Cymon, 72 Eastham, 122, 132 Daniel, 92 Easton, 112 Daniel, Captain, 129 Edgartown, 112, 115, 117 Daniel's island, 108, 109, Edwards, 125 111, 134 Eliot, John, 12, 18, 44, 103 Danzell, 79 Elisha, 140 Dartmouth, 8, 55, 79 Elizabeth islands, 115, 127 Dartmouth path, 70 Ellis (family), 78-80, 131 David, 112 Ellis, Lizzie, 41 Davidson, D. S., 13 Epanow, 114 Davis, 140 Fall River, 8, 78, 80-84 Davis, Rebeckah, 142 Falmouth, 122 Dedham, 55 Felix, Mary, 87 Deep Bottom, 8, 112 Fletcher, 41, 78, 89 Deer island, 101 Folger, 79 De Grasse, 112, 125 Foller, 125 Demas, James, 86 Forbes, Dr., 57 146 TERRITORIAL SUBDIVISIONS Foster, 140 Hersch, 79, 89, 125 Fowler, 78, 79, 125 Hiacoomes, 130 Fowling pond, 57 Hicks, 125 Francis, 112 Hinckley, Governor, 122 Freeman, 86, 112, 125 Hinson, 125 Freetown, 80-82 Hirsch, 89. See Hersch Gardner (family), 79, 86, Holland, 125 89, 125 Holloway, 131 Gardner, Russel, 39 Holmes, 112, 125 Gay Head, 8, 46, 48-52, 57, Homes' Hole, 117 94, 110, 112, 116, 117 Hood, Robert, 92 Gerard, Rosanna, 57 Hopo, 92 Glen Echo lake, 139 Howard, 112 Godfrey, 125 Howwoswee, 112 Goodrich, 111, 112 Hubbard, 12, 13, 15. 16, 61, Gookin, 29, 47 68 Gould, 87, 111. 5eg Mitch- Hunt, 91, 140 ell, Zerviah Gould Huntoon, 141 Grant, 112 Hutchinson, 15 Great Quittacus, 26, 30 Hyannis, 131 Haght, Jacob, 92 Indian Lane, 139, 140, 141 Haght, Rebecka, 92 Indian Neck, 123 Haght, widow of Manamat, Ipswich, 117 I 92 Isle of Rhodes, 36 Half-way pond, 90 lyanough, 114, 131, 132 Halifax, 77 Jackson, 79, 112, 125, 140 Hallowell, A. I., 72, 80 James (family), 92, 112, 125 Hammond (family), 125 James, King, 97, 103 Hammond, Mrs., 78 Jeffers (family), 112, 118 Harris, 111, 112 Jeffers, Lucina, 48 Hart, A. B., 29 Jeffers, Thomas, 49, 118 Harwich, 122 Jepherson, 137 Haskell, 131 Jerard, 112 Haskins, 112 Joab, 111 Hassanamisco, 8, 137 Job, 92 Hemenway, 72 Johnson, 78, 112, 125 Hendricks, 125 Jonas (family), 89, HI, 125 Henry, 112 Jonas, Mary, 62 Herring Pond, 8, 38, 39, 41, Jonas, widow, 92 42, 78, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, Jone, 89 120 Jones, 79, 87, 125 I AND BOUNDARIES 147 Jonus, Rafe, 92 Manatahqua, 102 Jopet, John, 92 Manchester, 44 Jopet, widow, 92 Manjutquet, 116 Jordan, 112 Manning, 112, 125 Joseph (family), 111 Manomet, 76, 118, 131 Joseph, Peter, 92 Manomet point, 76 Jouns, Raph, 92 Manomet pond, 76 Keecomewett, 55 Manomoy, 132 Keepigon, 117 Mansfield, 139, 140 Keeter, 125 Manuel, 140 Kekamuit, 55 Marblehead, 99, 101 Kennedy, 125 Margeshtats, 92 King James, 97, 103 Marlboro, 8 King Philip, 10, 12, 13, 15, Marthas Vineyard, 8, 24, 16, 31, 40, 55, 57, 58, 60, 40, 105, 107-111, 115, 66-70, 74, 76, 77, 81, 85, 117, 120, 130 87, 105, 115, 127, 133 Martin, 112 King Philip's Lookout, 24, Masconomet, 117 57 Masconomo, 44 Kitchamakin, 141 Mashow, 125 Knobb, 79 Mashpee, 8, 72, 78, 89, 91, Kobbe, Gustave, 115 93, 94, 104, 106, 107, 110, Kutchamakin, 103 112, 113, 120, 122-124, Kutshamakin, 18 130, 131, 134 Labrador, 11, 13 Mashpee neck, 108 Landry, 86 Mashpee pond, 107 Law, Celia, 54 Mashpee river, 113 Layton, 111, 125 Mashpee road, 126 Lee, 72, 125 Mason, 86 Lewis, 112, 140 Masquomoh swamp, 70 Lindsay, Lindsey, 86, 132 Massachusetts bay, 116 Lippett, 125 Massasoit, 17, 34, 35, 40, Long pond, 27, 28, 29 51, 52, 55, 69, 70, 81, 87, Low, 125 95, 96, 98, 130 Lynn, 43, 99, 102 Mastucksett, 76, 77 Lyons, 125 Mather, 29, 68 MacLeod, \Vm. Christie, Mathews, 112 23,47 Mattakees, 122 Madison, 112 Mattapan, 139 Mahtoaanum, 92 Mattapoisett, 55, 74 Mamatakesett, Matthew, 24 8, 80 j Mayhew, 148 TERRITORIAL SUBDIVISIONS Mayhew, Thomas, Jr., 110, Nahant, 102 118 Nahaton, 103 Meeshawn, 122 Nahattawants, 44 Merrimac river, 109 Namasket river, 40, 69, 70, Miantonomo, 34 97 Middleboro, 8, 72, 83, 87, Nanepashemet, 99, 100, 101 93, 96, 120, 125 Nanomut, widow, 92 Miller, 79 Nantucket, 105, 106, 107, Mills (family), 125 108 Mills, Ferdinand, 124 Nanuntenoo, 129 Mills, Lewis, 80, 99 Narragansett, 79, 109 Mills, William, 58 Narragansett bav, 35, 53, Milton, 103 55, 67 Mingo, 112, 125 Natick, 8, 12, 103, 137 Miohqsoo, 114 Nauset, 107, 122, 132 Mitchell (family), 86, 87 Naushon, 114, 115 Mitchell, Zerviah Gould, Nebe, Elizabeth, 86 17, 19, 83, 87 Neponset, 98, 138 Mittark, 116 Neponset river, 40, 138 Mohegan, 125 Nevers, 112 Moho, Aunt Dinah, 140 New Bedford, 55, 74, 79, 90, Monamoyik, 132 94 Monomoy, 107, 132 Nick, Isaac, 92 Monomoyik, 122 Nickerson, 78, 89, 131 Monroe, 72 Nobsquassit, 122 Montauk, 125 Nohtooksaet, 116 Montaup, 57 Nokatay island, 55 Montowampate, 101 Nope, 109 Mooney, James, 12, 13, 88, North Abington, 16, 83 89, 140 North river, 97 Moore, 140 Northrup, 86 Morton, 29 North Watuppa pond, 81 Moses, Sam, 129 Nova Scotia, 79 Moskituash brook, 55 Numuh, Jonas, 92 Mount Hope, 57 Numuh, Will, 92 Mount Hope bay, 53 Numuk, Lazarus, 92 Mount Hope neck, 35 Numuk, Moses, 92 Munponset pond, 58, 77 Numuk, Will, Jr., 92 Mye (family), 125 Nunnepaug, 117 Mye, James, 59 Nunnuit, Peter, 68 Myoxeo, 114 Nunpoak, 117 AND BOUNDARIES 149 Oakley (family), 125 Peny, Jag, 92 Oakley, George, 88 Perry (family), 86 Oakley, Irving, 82 Perry, Fanny L., 84 Obatinnewat, 98 Perry, Leroy C, 20, 21, 86 Obtakiest, 98 Petanowowet, 67 Ochrey, 125 Peter, Old, 92 Ockray, 112 Peters, 112 Ockree, 88 Petonanuit, 81 Ockry, 125 Phebe, 87 Oliver, 93 Philip, See King Philip Ollever (family), 92, 93 Plant, 76 Ollever, John, 92 Pierce, E. W., 16, 58, 87. Omphannut, 116 See Peirse Onset, 94 Piowant, 76 Orleans, 131 Pispoqutt, 122 Otas, James, 92 Pletcher, 89 Ouasson, 132 Plymouth, 34, 52, 53, 68, 77, Ousamequin, 34, 35, 40, 52 80,88-91,94,97,98, 118, Page, 86 122 Pahkepunnasso, 110, 117 Pocasset, 35, 68, 69 Pamet river, 119 Pocasset neck, 67 Papasquash neck, 55 Pocknet (family), 58, 93, Papom, 92, 93 124, 125, 130 Parker, 78 Pocknet, Austin, 95 Parker river, 114 Pocknet, Lester, 96 Passaconaway, 102 Pognet (family), 93, 130 Passonagesit, 96 Pognet, Angeline, 69 Patuxet, 52 Pognet, Olivia, 66 Pawpoesit, 122 Pognet, Phoebe, 65, 68 Pawtucket, 129 Pokanoket, 53, 57 Pawtucket river, 35 Poksha pond, 30 Pearl, Raymond, 14 Pompey, 125 Peirse, Captain, 129 Pomppashpissit, 91, 122 Peksuot, 105 Ponit, 117 Pells (family), 72, 125 Poog, widow, 92, 93 Pells, Foster, 72, 90 Popmonet, Popnonet, 93, Pembroke, 80 130 Penachason, 115, 127 Popmonet, Simon, 130 Penekese, 115 Portland, 129 Penhallow, S., 15 Potanumaquut, 122 Pennacook, 44, 100, 109 Potts, 79 Penobscot, 100 Powell, 112 150 TERRITORIAL SUBDIVISIONS Pratt, 78 Rose, 112 Prince, J.
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