20 - MANCF{ESTB:R h e r a l d , Thursclav. Jan 12 1989 w n M JHOMES MISCELLANEOUS w I for r en t |F0R RENT CARTER’S m o r t e m EAST HARTFORD/Glos- G A R A G E For rent. One tonbury line. Seven J car, $75, 2car,$125. Call SpeciolisliD <fifl room Cape with 649-8855. We Inspect Our screened porch, oar­ coacih fired Jassitled Dinner honors age, nice lot, first floor Placing an ad In i IBDDKKEEPING/ CARPENTRY/ OK Used Car Where laundry hook-ups. In­ Is easy. Just cal 643-2711, HEATING/ MISCELLANEOUS go o d year /13 INCOME TAX REMODELING King’s sacjrifici side of house Is brand ( PLUMBING [services new. $975 plus utilities. You’d Least Suspect i'i'iiliiiriT' Security. No pets. 872- S&S HOME GSL Building Mainte­ 4381, 649-5400, 647-9040. Merchandise 1988 INCOME TAXES PJ'i Plumbing, Heating & IMPROVEMENTS nance Co. Commercl- Take the Carter Used Car of your choice BOLTON. Five room Consultation / Preparation & REPAIRS Air Conditioning al/ResIdentlal building Ranch, Vi acre, oar­ Boilers, pumps, hot water repairs and home Im­ for a test drive and to the mechanic of I FUEL OIL/COAL/ Indlyiduals / "No Job'Too Small" age. $795 plus utilities. tanks, new and provements. Interior your choice. You’ll find out they’re as Security, $1550. 872- I FIREWOOD Sole Proprietors n*oi8t9r*d and ruHy Inaurad replacements. FREE ESTIMATES and exterior painting, 3487. FREE ESTIMATES light carpentry. Com­ good as we say they are^______ SEASONED firewood for Dan Mosler 6 4 9 .3 3 2 9 647.Q593 643 9649/228-9616 plete lanitorlal ser­ sole. Cut, split and COVENTRY DUPLEX Custom built homaa. addlUona. vice. Experienced, rel­ 86 CHEVY CORVETTE delivered. $35 per load. M & M O I L Off Route 44A. 2 year* old. CARPENTRY/ ramodaiing, wood aiding, dacka, iable, free estimates. Cp8.. V8. Auto. AC, PS. PB. B o m St«r80. 742-1182. I roofing, concrata work, maaonry A Ml *21,995 Kitchen, lemlly room, two PLUMBING a HEATING 643-0304. QIm 8 Top*. LMthtr & more bedroomt, 1 bath. Annual REMODELING pbaaaa of conatructlon. If y o u 'n $(ek of oontracton not • OH Burner Service & Sales laaia *675.00 par month. I PETS AND nturning your eall$ • coll u$l SNOW REMOVAL. Call Helen at 643-2487, FARRAND REMODfUNG Fully Inaurad • Fraa Eatlmataa • Automatic Oil Delivery Resldentlal- 8-4:30 weekdaya. I SUPPLIES Room additions, decks, roof­ MAR Construction • Well Pumps Sales & Service Commerclal. Drive­ USED CARS ing, siding, windows and gutt­ iEaurhpatpr Hfrali FREE. Three cats. Box ef Maecfeeatar • Water Heaterc (Eisctric s o») ways, starting at $15. ers. All types of remodeling and Call Bob, 872-8841. 85 BUICK REGAL trained. Quiet, laid repairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. 643-1720 Ask for Msrk • Bathroom & Kitchen Cpe., V6, Auto, AC. PS, PB, leJSTORE AND back. Take one or all Remodeling Bus. 647 8509 Cruise, Tilt Wheel, Stereo, Vinyl i' W I OFFICE SPACE three. Call 645-1492, PAINTING/ • Senior Citizen Discounts Roof.................................. leave message.______ Res. 645 6849 G A Y & SON *7495 PAPERING • Electric work by Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents STORES and Offices for F R E E Puppy to a good Precision Electric MASONRY [t Friday, Jan. 13, 1989 Brick, block and stone, 87 TOYOTA TERCEL rent. 400-1500 sauare home. Eight weeks old. HOUSE FREE ESTIMATES feet. Rent starting at Wall Papering & ceramic tile, marble and 4 Dr, DX, 4 Cyl., Auto, AC. PS. Black lab and German concrete. Rear Defog, Stereo............... $275. Excellent loca- RENOVATIONS Phono: 649-2871 *7995 Shepherd. Call 643- Ranovata 1 room or antira houaa. Painting No lob Is too small I h tlon. 647-9223, 649-5334. 8102. Strip old piaatar walla. Inaulata. Residential, Commercial, ahaatrock and flnlah. Alto Intarlor References 8, Insurance. 282-7341 o r 627-8973 86 OLDS CALAIS MANCHESTER. Office I MISCELLANEOUS Sup. Cpe., 4 Cyl., Auto, AC. PS. building In Ideal loca­ q t painting. Call I I MISCELLANEOUS Marty Maltson, 649-4431 [SERVICES PB, Stereo Cass, Rear Defog.... tion, ample parking. *8395 Skill, not luck, J S j j m SALE G47”3808y laava maaaaga. Gary McHugh, 643-9321 Sewer job Suitable for doctors, ANGELIC HOME 88 CHEV BERETTA dentists, attorneys. In­ EIGHT month old water- 4 SEASONS REMODELING HAWKES TREE SERVICE CARE REGISTRY surance, etc. R.D. M u r­ Cpe., V6, Auto, AC. PS. PB, bed, $325. Courthouse • Additions • Decks ROOFING/ Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump LOCAL REQISTRY OFFERS Stereo............................... dock, 643-2692. QUALITY CARE... H brings $50,000 One Gold membership, • Roofing • Repair SIDING removal. Free estimates. *10,995 MANCHESTER. Hart­ 12'/3 months left for Special consideration tor LOWER COST TO CLIENTS... COMPANIONS. HOMEMAKERS. 87 CHEV CAVALIER ford Road, Dairy Small Jobs Welcomed elderly and handicapped. $450. Compared to reg­ MANCHESTER NURSES 'CS'. 4 Dr., 4 Cyl., Auto. AC, PS, Queen Plaza. 1200-3600 ular price of $700 plus. Senior Citizen Discount si Bv Len Ausfer ROOFING PB, Stereo, Rear Defog.......... halted for square feet available. Eric 649-3426.0_______ 647-7553 647-1956 *7495 S Manchesfer Herald Call Chris at 645-6559 Holiday Special High traffic, busy retail WOODEN Storm win­ i area. Call F&D Annuli All types of rooting • repairs. 83 FORD MUSTANG g Karen Claing of Manchester has quite a story dows and screens. Let us remodel your kitchen or 2 Dr. Hatch, 4 Cyl., Auto, AC, PS, Realty, 649-6544 or 643- bath from door to celling. We aKITCHEN & BATH I to tell about her trip to Las Vegas. She visited 36x51 and 31x51 $6 a set. 2 0 % Off PB, Stereo Cass, Rear Defog.... 1772. 649-7538_____________ offer cablnete, yanitles, coun- *4495 I the city in Nevada known for gambling, and tertopa whatever your needs T H R E E offices for rent. CARPET for living room 645-8830 REMODELING I came home $50,000 richer. Will rent Individual or are. Call Ralph Nadeau at 79 CHEV CHEVETTE and dining area, 18x12. Bowling, not the slot machines, was her inspection any part. Furnished or From the smallest repair to the largest renovation, 2 Dr., 4 Cyl., Auto, Low Mileage Very good condition. 643-6004 ticket to fame. unfurnished. Reasona­ Coll 649-7236 after 6pm. [FLOORING our own craftsmen do the complete job — *1595 ble, pleasant surround­ KHcken A Bath Design Center The 36-year-old Manchester resident flew to 1971 & 1972 S K I-0 0 0 and neatly and on schedule. Bv Alex GIrelll to the mall area are in the right ings. Manchester/East S& G H O M E 87 CHEV NOVA Las Vegas for three days of bowling in locations. Hartford line, near Mercury Snowmobile Visit our showroom or call for a free estimate. 2 Dr„ 4 Cyl., Auto, AC. PS. PB, Manchesfer Herald IMPROVEMENT FLOORiSANDiNG mid-December for the Dunkin’ Donuts Na­ And he said the subcontractor highway. 528-1783. with trailer, $700 or Stereo, Rear Defog............... Complata homt ranovationa • Floors like new 649-5400 *7995 best offer. 649-7985 af­ Intador/aRttrlor paintirtg. tional Bowling Challenge, and came home with The developers of the $70 has been ordered not to install ter 7pm. • Specializing In older floora Dacka/kltcTtana/batti ramodaling. HERITAGE KITCHEN and 88 CHEV CAPRICE the second-place prize of $50,000. million mall in Buckland have any more lines until any needed 107 J INDUSTRIAL Roofing. • Natural & stained floora LEGAL NOTICE • No waxing anymore 4 Dr., V6, Auto. AC, PS, PB. "I can’t describe the feeling. I still haven’t agreed to halt construction of corrections are made. Werbner PROPERTY Fraa faf/mafaa BATH CENTER, INC. John VeifilHe - 6466750 Stereo, Rear Defog............... *10,495 come down yet," Claing, general manager of sewer lines at the mall site until said the town is concerned that TO ENROLLED MEMBERS 871-6552 or 872-6550 182 W. Middle Turnpike, Manchester some blasting may probably be MANCHESTER. 3400 and OF THE DEMOCRATIC John A. Bailey Associates of East Hartford, a lines already installed without PARTY OF THE TOWN OF 85 AUDI 4000S proper permits are tested and needed to make the corrections 2400 square foot Indus­ BOLTON, CONNECTICUT: sales promotion firm, said Thursday. trial space. Loading 4 Dr., 4 Cyl., Auto, AC, PS, PB, P corrected if necessary, officials and that the blasting could Pursuont to the provisions Windows & Dr. Locks, Cruise Claing, a bowler for 17 years, entered local dock, parking. Wood­ ■^MISCELLANEOUS Iq ^ cars Ig^ lC A R S RnTRUCKS/VANS said. damage the existing lines or of the State Election Laws Control, Stereo.................... competition at the Silver Lanes in East land Industrial Park. and the Rules of the Demo­ E l l FOR SALE 1 1 ^ FOR SALE EU for s ale |2£jF0R SALE *8995 Representatives of the others if they were installed Principals Only. 643- Hartford. The competition requires a bowler to cratic Party, you are hereby Chicago-based Homart Develop­ before the corrections are made. 2121. warned that a caucus will be 1983 MERCURY Grande FORD. F150, 1988, 4x4, 5 86 BUICK SKYHAWK bowl near his or her average, but not over. held on Tues., Jon. 17,1989,at ment Co. agreed after separate Werbner said there is no M arauls. Four door se­ litre, V8, automatic, Cpe., 4 Cyl., Auto, PS. PB, "You had to get close to your average but not LEGAL NOTICE 8:00 P.M., at Library, Bolton Cruise Control, Tilt Wheel, meetings with officials of the dispute between the town and REPUBLICAN CAUCUS Center Road, Bolton, CT.
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