1 9 Vector 3 THE CRITICAL JOURNAL OF THE BSFA £2.25 May/ June 1997 Tomorrow Had Already Happened Jack Womack interviewed by Andrew M. Butler Vector Review of the Year Cyborg Sex and Violence Hardback Reviews - page 16 Letters - page 3 Paperback Reviews - page 26 ECTOR Published by the BSFA e 1997. ISSN - 0505 1448 All opinions are are those of the individual contributors and should not necessarily be taken as the views of the editor or the BSFA. Production and General Editing Contents Tony Cullen - 16 Weaver's Way, Camden, London, NW! OXE Editorial Email: tcullen@as- lonsb . demon. co. uk The View From Mount Pleasant by Andrew M. Features, Editorial and Letters Butler Andrew M. Butler - Flat 3, 28 Louis Street, Hull, '!'<I> H UJ ILY Letters to Vector Email: A. M. Butler@english. hull. ac. uk Tomorrow Had Already Happened Gary Daikin - 5 Lydford Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH 11 8SN Jack Womack interviewed by Andrew M. Book Reviews Butler P:ml Kincaid 60 Bournemouth Road, Folkestone, Books of the Year - 1996 Kent CTI9 SAZ A Review edited by Paul Kincaid Email: mks_pk@cix. compulink . co . uk Cognitive Mapping 8: Violence 14 by Paul Kincaid PDC Copyprint, 11 Jeffries Passage Guildford, Surrey From Fn·day to Mahdi 15 GUI 4AP Mary Anne Lever on Cyborg Sex and Violence First Impressions 16 Apology: The pho1ographon1hecoverofthelast,ssue ofVN:tor"':i.s misukenly credited to Jim Bums. h was, of cour.;r.. a pho1 ogr.iph of Stephen Hardback and Original Paperback Reviews Palmer,counesyofOrbit. edited by Paul Kincaid Pulp Fiction 26 Cover: Jack Wom:ick counesy of Harper Collim. Paperback Reviews edited by Tanya Brown The British Science Fiction Association Lid. Limited by guarantee. Company No. 92 1500. Registered Address: 60 Bournemouth Road, Folkestone, Kent. CT19 SAZ BSFA Membership UK Residents: £18 or £12 (unwa ed) er ear. Please en uire for overseas rates RENEWALS AND NEW MEMBERS - PAUL BILLINGER, 1 LONG Row CLOSE, EVERDON, DAVENTRY, NORTHANTS NNl l 3BE USA Enquiries - Cy Chauvin, 14248 Wilfred Street, Detroit, Ml 48213 USA Other BSFA Publications Focus: Carol Ann Green, Flat 3, 141 Princes Avenue, Hull HUS JDL Julie Venner, 42 Walgrave Street, Newland Avenue, Hull, HUS 2LT Email: JulieV@staff .humber . ac . uk Matrix: Chris Terran, 9 Beechwood Court, Back Beechwood Grove, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS4 2HS BSFA Officials Administrator - Maureen Kincaid Speller, 60 Bournemouth Road, Fqlkestone, Kent CT19 5AZ Email: mks_pk@cix. compulink. co . uk Treasurer - Elizabeth Billinger, 1 Long Row Close, Everdon, Daventry, Northams NNll JBE Email: billinger@enterprise . net Publications Manager - Steve Jeffery, 44 White Way, Kid!ington, Oxon, OXS 2XA Orbiters - Carol Ann G reen, Flat 3, 141 Princes Avenue, Hull HUS JDL Awards - Chris Hill, Rook's Cottage, 3 Lynch Hill, Whitchurch, Hants RG28 7ND Publicity/Promotions - Claire Brialey, 26 Northampton Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 7HA Mark Plummer, 14 Northway Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 6JE London Meeting Coordinator - Paul Hood, 27 Strawberry Lane, Tiptrce, Essex COS 0K.X 0II0Rl,\L - The View from l\lounf Pleasant The nearest I have been to violence recently was in Liverpool, wa lking back from the Speaking Science Fiction conference 10 my bed fo r the night - or what passes for 'for the night ' after four a.m. - when someone tossed a crate of milk bonles in my general direction. Someone had checked that I didn't want a taxi ordering - was it safe? - but I'd responded that I'd walked through city centres I didn't know in the middle of the night for almost a decade and had never come to harm yet. There's always a first time, of course. I stood on the verge of an act of violence - intellectually speaking, and quite trivial compared 10 a baseball bat - when the next day (later the same dayn I risked a LETTERS TO VECTOR comparison between Anthony Burgess and Jack Womack, misrepresenting both . At the same conference, Veronica Wt' btg111 with two lt11v, ~uni onto 111 from 10me time fuck. Mike Hollinger had suggested that A Clockwork Orange and Bn.in wniu from the Chai" ,r1T,:1 j,m before O:mstm.as, ~rd, in Random Acts of Senseless Violence were modernist and mpome to the lettm m V«ior 190: postmodernist examples of the same construction/ This ii probably my first letter to V«tor (memory not wh.11 it U$td deconstruction of identity through language and violence. 10 be), but I have on a few rare occa.sions written to M.itrix. I have a She didn'J an nounce a causal link, as I came close 10, broad sweep & lartdy uncritical view of F &:: SF h3ving brgun with which is just as well given what you will learn Womack's Vari;o Stanco i.n 195], & Tolkien in 1957! At one time I ,·:u a opinion of Burgess in the interview contained within these member of the Brum Group in the days of Nov.icon I, and for pages. inform~ choice on the F & SF scene, mainly rdy on BSF A & Kubrick's fi lm of A Clockwork Orange was withdrawn Andromeda ca talogues. from this country by its director, as he began to become As m ost F & SF fans probably stan~ by borrowing from blamed for every act of violence in the land. Cronenberg's friends & then 1he local library, may I PLEAD for FIRST Crash was gomg to lead lo a series of copycat car accidents gettini;/orderinga loan copy of New F & SF, then buying the pb to re-read and/or keep. That way you suppon the Authors, make more - and note {wi th thanks to the Daily Maif) that the BBFC SF choices for library rc:ukrs, :uid conserve a valuable resource that includes among its members the ex-wife of Malcolm 'Alex­ is under thrc.it. from-A-C/ockwork-Orange' McDowell. But the BBFC - San h Goldntt; I agree that the (minitlcd?) F.iiryLmd was an having showed it to a room of disabled people who did not unwonhy winner of the Clarke Award - didn"t get 10 finish it proceed to have an orgy on the coach home - have now myself, but had expectations after reading P.is,qu.ile'JAngel. granted the film an 18 certificate, whilst the tabloids were Mike Mason: 1-fo letter was great - he should be co-opted/ distracted by the smal l matter of an e lection being persuaded to write regularly :u a Columnist. announced. Chri.1 Hill: More ;i.grccmcn1, but I s1i1l read & enjoy f;im;uy. Having seen A Clockwork Orange - it has dated badly - not caring for Cyberpunk, and though I enjoyed H4wkwood J Voy.igt by Paul Kearney, it crammed in too many familiar 1hcmes to I'd suggest it might benefit from George Lucas adding some ful ly ca tegorise i1. To the Fantasy writers list I would add M. Gentle extra digita l violence. Srar Wars remixed is meant to be the and B. Hambly. sf event of 1997, a strange phenomenon which displays an Jac k Hughes; Finally. I love awful puns, so how many 1rees did odd sense of family values, a nostalgia for nostalgia and a we dcmoli, h to publish his letter? stunning disregard for life. As Kevin Smith's characters discuss in his much more In Fcbru4ry Philip Muldowney wrote, wicing some diua1i.Jfoction worthy film Clerks: was it really moral to have killed the with the ful,mce oftht 11iag;;1zme: hundreds of constr uc ti on workers rebuilding the Death Star in Return of the Jedi, or did they deserve it as they were I wonikr if the time has come to r~ V«ior? Fioanci;i.l obviously workmg for the evil empire? (I r also has a exigencies fore~ 1hc merger of p,.P"'fuck /nf~o, and since 1hcn, i1 h:u really had no de.o r character. h comes across as more assembled succinct comment on the respecti ve strengths of episode 1hao edited. Like the old ikfinition of a camel. an animal designed five and six of the saga: 'Empire had the better ending. Luke by a commincc. A question: v.·i1h five mcmben on the editorial loses his hand and finds out Vader is his father. Han is team, who is dolllg the nccrlllg? frozen and caplured by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down T akc the present issue, 191. 20 ou1 or 32 pages arc reviews. note. Just like in real life. All Jedi had was a bunch of Knock out the Booksponing pi«c (a review by any other name) :uid Muppets.') the editorial. and you arc left with ten pages of non-review material. Sta r Wars was old-fashioned space opera, the sort of Why is V«tor just a rcvicwzioe, and not a lot dsc now? thing we hke to thmk we left behmd wnh E E 'Doc' Smith. You might well argue that it is essential 1bat the rcvic,-s arc the On the other hand, look at all 1he space opera in the BSFA hcan of the mancr. There arc precious few places where you un Best Books of 1996 Poll - perhaps the pendulum has find decent sf reviews now. Ouuidc of lmerzone, and the capsulat~ book reviews of SFX, 1hcrc 1s h3rdly :uiywhcrc that you ,:.on get a swung back to gung-ho adventures. And with that thought, bro.id overview of the sf Of! the market. The general press seem to 0 my little brothers, my droogs, let us proceed to the rest of h.ivc abandoned any pretence of sf reviewing v.·hauocvcr.
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