m 7 .1- ' I nUDAT« JULY M, ki M iy C 1 SS6 , e« V . O greatar Hirtford eommnnltlea tarad ahowars or tkundas^ VFW Units Host ; • ' -.''..'r, to continue to use water prud­ showers by laita afternoon or 13,j evening, the bureau saML Fuller Head N. iSvenfs ently. feDowui by Drier air will baOmne wan Council Meeting Total rainfall o f 1.67 ,was re­ C o n v e m ■ i witb ekaaee sd r « f IU b - corded in Hartford between astabllshad over the state to­ Of UF Drive Cky •/ FWafR Chmrm tU annual Wednesday night and tha time night wtUi mostly lair skies The VFW PoM and Ms Auk- In State and little temperature change, PAINTING AND „ tlM hOBM ot this morning whan the rgin Robert P. Fuller, prisldent of lUary will host ths Hartford- ____ Hfitfy lUtnlnt- sackened Into an ihsignlficant tomorrow will be a mostly sun­ Tolland Counties oounoU moot­ DECOIIATIN* TOL. L X X n s , NO. S40 (TWWLTS P A O n-i-T y SBCnON) > MANCH18TBR, CONN., SAIUSDAT, JULY 11, 1M4 se Page 19) PRICE SEVEN e m t from Page One) ny day with temperatures in Colonial Board Co. and its af­ t . A U to i Late- A fenffat wlU diissle. filiates, has been named fund ing to ba held at 7:M p.m. to­ PBiHfB 60-2896 fei OTmd at 7:80 pm . Tlian the 80s. counting system led it to be­ Most of Connecticut received drive chairman for the 1964-65 morrow at the post home. Thom­ CWl BveOiMri — * * «|a.ba si*tain li« aad gamaa. la lieve that reopening the ques­ from an inch to an inch and a United Fund campaign. as nilian, commander, and aaaa at rata tha avaat will ba tion wcnSd "expose the Navy to half, though some areas in the Tha appointment was an­ GOP Document Half Done haig at tiM liTH ohibrooaia, 4S ooimtaiclaims and offsets that extreme northwest comer of the Slanko Critical, nounced today by the campaign Mrs. Mary Bogash, president, Reapportioning Convention Hheol St For Informatiaa and would greatly outweigh the ex- state recorded less than a half executive committee o f the both of Hartford, will preside. laaarrattena mamban may call oeasive premium charges in Inch. Fell Down Stairs United Fund of Manchester. The council is comprised of 88 M m . DavM M. Newlrth. 109 Ool- posts Sind 21 auxiliaries-from question.'’ Fuller is a director o f the m RENTALS Mnboa S t, ehalnnan. Extended Forecast United Fund as well as of the the area. v Michael Stanko. 57, of Ken­ Delegates from the Manches­ May Be State GOFs Plan Water Ban Off WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) — sington, owner of the Oak St. Savings Bank of Manchester, «ba BriHah Amaiioan Ohib ter post will be Keith Dunphy, srLEM im i Predict Fight Although clouds still cover most arlll, is in St. Francis HosplUl the Manchester branch of the will bold a danoa tor mamban HARTFORD (AP) — The Lawrence Moran, Philip De- MetropoliUn District Commis- of. Connecticut this morning, a head Injury received In a fall Connecticut Bank it Trust Co. meusey and William Durn. De­ •AS MsIim HARTFORD (AP) — Intervenors In Uiay convention delegates who draw and guaaU tomorrow from 9 drier air just to the west was and ths Regional Board of the p.m. to 1 a.m. at tha ehibhouM. (MDC) today lifted its nlne- down a flight of stairs last legates from the auxiliary will • AM M a d M i rsapporUonment case. up a reapportionmsnt plan dw -old ban on lawn sprinkling, producing mostly sunny skies night. His condition is critical, Hartford Electric LightyCo. He •onatitutional convention to The court will not meet again would not have a personal OiarUa Vatrick’a orehaatra will is a former officer and director include Mrs. Oracs Graves, as the rain that has been fall­ from the Hudson River Valley a hospital spokesman says. reapportion the Connecticut on the case until July 33, when stake in a legislative seat. tundata tfm music. of the Manchester Chamber of Augusta Boulet and Mrs. Ger­ •A l TimM ing since Wednesday night be­ westward, the U.S. Weather trude Buchanan. legislature may be the sub- it will have another conference Legislators for many yean Over Platform Manchester police said he fell Bureau said at midday. Condi­ Commerce. Robert P. Fuller gan to taper off and Connecti­ ■.....1 ste.lr.i at 161 Brookfield After the husineas meeting re­ m D o d M f t ^ c e of a Republicfin pro­ with attorneys. have been Unable to agree on Ospt cart F. C9air of tha cut residents looked forward to tions over the state will gradu­ He also, served on the Com­ P I AJcom is in Ban Frandaco for attempts to redietrict the State St., and was taken to Manches- War n Air Force veteran. He freshments will he served by o r a . Dnitad Stataa Air Force, son of the re-emerg^nce of the sun. ally Improve from west to east munity College Advisory Coun­ posal before a federal court,' the Republican national oonven- Senate or find a new plan of SA N F R A N a S C O (A P )— Republican platform writ- Mr. and Mrs. Famand I. Clair this afternoon with partly sun­ ' - • . rmorial Hospital. He was cil, and 1st a corporator of Man­ has been general manager of Mrs. Florian Bolduc and Mrs. 6*16 M A IN ____ reports indicated yester­ A spokesman said sufficient Florence Streeter. The auxiliary Pbsm 90-2881 tion, and was not available for representation for the House. era completed the first half of their 1964 campaign of IS Saulters Rd., was recently rain had fallen to Justify lift­ ny skies in all sections by eve­ < — d to St. Francis Hos­ chester Memorial Hospital. Colonial BMTd since 1961, and was named president of the will have a gift table, with Mrs. day. State Republicans sub- comment The convention plan has the document early today. It reportedly was met with satis­ named a distinguished graduate ing the ban, but he asked the ning, the bureau said. pital this nioraing. A graduate of Johns Hopkins Other Republican leaden ad­ drawback that voters may re­ University,- Fuller is a World firm in 1963. Marie Hale In charge. BiiUed a “ proposal . and of the Air TmirerBit3r's academic hu>Cs 370,000 customers in 10 However, there could be scat- . olice are still investigating. hered to the court restriction ject convention proposals in the faction from supporters of both ^ n . Barry Goldwater Instmctor course at Maxwell timetable” to a special against diacuesing detaUe o f the referendum, leaving the situa­ and (}ov. William W . Scranton. Air Force Base, Ala. He has three-judge federal court at meeting end declined comment tion unchanged. However, backers of the rival'^----------------------------------------------— bean reassigned as assistant There was speculation, how­ The court is expected to re­ candidates lor president predict ■ of air sdanca with ttie a meeting of judges and at­ Scranton urgently sou|^, that ever, the Republicans may have ceive the Supreme Oourt’e of- predicted a fight later in the the 1964 law—against which Force Raeerva Offlcar torneys last week. But the proposed that a special session riclal mandate In the Connect­ day when the l(X)-man platform Goldwater voted—to constitu­ TralolBg Oorpa unit at tha Uni> court has kept details of the of the legialature be called for icut case before the July 33 committee convenes in closed tional. Fsratty of Ooimeettcut meeting secret. the purpose of convening a con- meeting. session again to write the last Although argument within the Speculation that the "pro­ atltutional oonvention. Such a At that time, the lower half of theplatform. committee seemed certain to Miss RIU KlngSbunr, dacugh- posal’’ conaiatad o f a state con- convention must be authorised court’s ordei in the reappor­ Goldwater forces remained in continue, Scranton hopes of tar of Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. ■tltutional convention was given by the Legislature. tionment ease, will be in effect firm control ol the committee's getting a platform that would Kingsbury, 21 Main S t Talcott- further impetus yeateraay by All proposals from such a Its order i& that all state leg- operations with the Scranton embarrass (Joldwater apparmt- vUIe, qualified for tha dean's a published report fram Waah- convention would ultimately go lalatora be elected at large un­ backers fighting stubbornly to ly have been doused. list for the last term of the bigtoh that former GOP Na­ before the voters In a referen­ less the General Assembly re­ rescue some of the underdog Scranton told a news confer­ i 196S-M three-term academic candidate's planks from the tional Chairman Meade Alcorn dum. apportions both Houses of near­ ence Friday that "the whole y ealendar at Alleghany Oidlega, baa issued such a call. Reports say that an advan­ ly eoual population districts. scrap pile. (platform-writing) process is a Meadvllle, Pa. Alcorn la attorney for the tage of this plan is that the It had ruled that the present Sen. Hugh Scott, field manag­ rigged one.” He said a draft, apportionment ol both houses er for Scranton, said he saw officially finished by the execu­ Zion BvangeUcal Isitheran was in violation of the U.S. "no major objections" to the tive committee of the platform Church council will meet to- cMiatitutlon. The Supreme Court wording so far. panel, had been largely written idght at 7:80 at the church. upheld thla ruling.
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