animals TODAY Pig ‘Welfare’ Code Egypt Investigation Sea Shepherd ... and much more! Vol. 15 - No. 1 - 2007 The magazine speaking up for all animals animals TODAY Vol. 15 - No. 1 - 2007 Examination of the review processes reveals We’ve been conditioned by past generations that, despite what government and industry to accept the eating of animals. Yet more and would like the public to believe, they had little more we are learning of the health impacts to do with animal welfare. Rather, the priority connected to the consumption of animals, has been for the ‘welfare’ of industry operators. the impact of animal agriculture on the envi- ronment, and the suffering of animals in the Does government have a responsibility to production and slaughter process. We know consider the welfare of the millions of non- that we don’t have to eat animals to survive or voting Australian animals in this country? The to be healthy, meaning that the tremendous answer is yes – both legislatively and ethically. suffering inherent in the production of ‘food’ However, for as long as the responsibility for animals is totallly unnecessary. It becomes a the welfare of agricultural animals is deter- personal choice , and with that choice comes mined by Primary Industries Ministers – whose repercussions for animals, humans and the main interest is the furthering of rural indus- environment that few people are willing to tries - there is no prospect of animal welfare acknowledge. being given appropriate consideration. This ‘conflict of conscience’ has played a Directions... It is impossible not to acknowledge the com- significant role in assisting governments and mon denominator regarding those animals industries to reduce ‘food’ animals to the During the past seven years Animals Australia whom our legislation is failing to protect: They status of ‘commodities’ in our legislation. ‘Out has been involved in two government reviews are the ones that we call ‘food’. of sight, out of mind’ is a convenient mind set of Codes of Practice relating to intensive for producers, consumers and governments. animal industries – the battery hen review in Paul McCartney once said that if slaugh- 2001 and more recently the review of the pig terhouses had glass walls the world would There is no doubt that within the range of Code of Practice. be vegetarian. I believe that he is not far off human thought we see represented an entire the truth. And what does that tell us about spectrum of opinion: from those who believe The outcomes of both reviews have been humanity? That somewhere deep down we that animals are here solely to benefit human- nothing short of tragic for Australian animals. have a conflict of conscience. ity to those who believe that our role on this planet is that of guardian, carer, or equal. Amidst such diverse human opinion, what is clear is that, when it comes to suffering, an animal’s ability to suffer is no different from Contents our own. We have ethically determined that we have the responsibility to legislatively Pig ‘Welfare’ Code: It was Never About the Pigs… 4 protect some species from harm - we must now accept that we have the responsibility to SaveBabe.com Update 5 protect all species from harm. In Brief 6 Recent positive international developments Animals Australia Investigation: Why we had to Re-visit Egypt 7 - such as the announcement by the world’s Promoting Animal Rights by Promoting Reform 10 largest pig producer, US-based Smithfield Foods, that it will voluntarily phase-out sow Why the Caged Bird Sings 11 stalls and Burger King’s (US) decision to source Edgar’s Mission: Interview with Pam Ahern 12 eggs and pork products from more welfare- friendly systems - reveal that thankfully the Sea Shepherd: Chasing the Whalers 16 path to change is not dependant on the Interview with Steven White 18 decisions of politicians; rather, it lies within the power of consumers expressing their con- Ticks & Crosses 20 demnation of animal cruelty through making Reviews 21 compassionate and cruelty-free choices. Piper’s Page 22 Member Societies and Acknowledgements 23 Glenys Glenys Oogjes, Executive Director Vol. 15 - No. 1 - 2007 animals TODAY Pig ‘Welfare’ Code It was never about the pigs… The disappointing outcome of the pig ‘welfare’ Code review provides further proof of the complete political disregard for animal welfare, and the close alliance between government and cruel animal industries in Australia. On April 20th the Primary Industries The Code recognises that: “the Ministerial Council (PIMC) consisting of state basic requirement for the welfare primary industries ministers and Federal of pigs is a husbandry system, agriculture Minister Peter McGauran rubber- managed by trained and skilled stamped recommendations that will allow stock-people, appropriate to the cruel confinement of over a million pregnant pigs’ physical, health and and mother sows for the next decade. behavioural needs”. An examination of this government-led The Code recognises that one review process reveals its total disregard for of the basic needs of pigs is the community opinion, international precedents, ‘opportunity to display appropriate Farrowing Crate compassion and ethics. The review process patterns of behaviour’. disregarded even the pre-eminent pig welfare science that underpinned the phase out of Not even the most consummate politician Whilst we are outraged by this further sow stalls in the EU. could argue that sow stalls or farrowing crates confirmation of the political disregard for provide for pigs’ behavioural needs – and yet the welfare of production animals, thankfully The brazen nature of the government/industry PIMC Ministers voted to continue to allow this is one cruel animal industry that doesn’t alliance is further revealed by the PIMC deci- them, confirming that this review was never require the intervention of government to sion which shamelessly ignored the welfare about the welfare of pigs, but about the bring it to its knees. requirements stated in preliminary of the ‘Code’. welfare of industry operators. Consumer pressure has been responsible for recent positive developments in the US – including the world’s largest pig producer, The new Code will continue to permit: Smithfield Foods, which is three times the size of the entire Australian pig industry, announc- ing that it will voluntarily phase out sow stalls • The keeping of sows in stalls so small they cannot turn around, for up to the entire 16 over the next 10 years. A week later the largest weeks of each pregnancy, for a further ten years; Canadian pork producer Maple Leaf followed • The use of ‘farrowing crates’, again, so small that the sow cannot take more than a suit. step forward or back and not turn around or properly interact with her piglets; The key to change for pigs in Australia rests • The tail-docking of piglets without any pain relief; not with politicians, but with every member • The teeth-clipping of piglets without any pain relief; of the community who cares about animal welfare refusing to financially support this • The castration of male piglets without any pain relief; cruel confinement of breeding pigs. • The lack of any requirement for bedding, nesting material for sows, or manipulable materials for these curious animals; This appalling and unjustifiable government decision provides savebabe.com with greater • No requirement for fibrous food for pregnant sows such that their hunger is chronic. ammunition than ever before! • animals TODAY Vol. 15 - No. 1 - 2007 SaveBabe.com Update Since the launch of savebabe.com in 2004, Our Pro Pig Pledge initiative has been hugely an Australian animal protection organisation our campaign to highlight the plight of successful, with more than 0,000 caring resulted in the homing of 2 piglets who millions of Australian pigs and to change Australians making the Pro Pig Pledge not would otherwise have lived short, miserable the way these curious, intelligent animals to support the cruelty of factory-farming by lives in factory farms. We were also delighted live has reached many hundreds of opting to buy only free-range pork – or not to to be involved in the making of ‘Where are thousands of consumers around Australia. buy pork at all! Individually, these Pledgers are they now?’, a bonus feature on the world- making a huge difference to the lives of indi- wide release of the Charlotte’s Web DVD. Our vidual animals – together, message that pigs are they are sending a clear intelligent, curious, The overwhelming message that informed delightful animals will response to these animals’ Australians will not tolerate be heard by millions of cruelty, however disguised it people throughout the plight has been shock— may be by glossy marketing world – and we hope people simply don’t know and packaging! that many of them that behind the closed will think twice about We are also delighted to where pork, bacon and doors of factory-farms have been involved in a ham come from; pigs and behind the glossy somewhat unlikely partner- who, just like Wilbur’ ship – when savebabe.com ‘don’t want to die’! marketing and packaging teamed up with Hollywood of pork products millions of film studio Paramount Dakota Fanning with Pam Ahern & Wilbur Our savebabe.com Pictures to help pigs! We at the premiere of Charlotte’s Web campaign is going pigs are subject to terrible were thrilled to be involved from strength to suffering. in homing the 2 piglets used to play ‘Wilbur’ strength, and we hope that you will help us in the Hollywood blockbuster version of to inform even more people about the plight E.B. White’s classic story Charlotte’s Web. This of Australian pigs. You can do this in many But by educating consumers, savebabe.com unlikely partner- ways; donate to our campaign to fund further is changing the way these animals live.
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