@ GE Thorn Lamps Catalogue March /99/ @ GE Thorn Lamps Canlogue March 199í FLUORESCENT TUBES Compact Fluorescent Lmps ó-8 Main Rmge Linear Tubes 9-1ó Miscellmeous Fluorescent Tubes 17 19 General Infomat¡on 20 DISCHARGE LAMPS 21 General Lamp Infomation 22-23 Sodiun Lamps 24 30 Mercry Lmps 31-33 Metål Halide 34 38 Bem Lmp Dischilge Lamps for Spec¡al Applietions 40 ÌNC-ANDESCENT LAMPS 41 General Lamp Infomation 42 M¿dastylelightRmge 43-47 General Lighting Seûice Lamps 48-50 Spftial Seryice Lamps 51-53 Decorative 54 55 56-57 Line Illushations 58{0 Tmgden Halogen Lmps & Lmpholders 6145 Lamp Caps 66 PHOTOGR,APHIC, AUTO & MINTATURE LAMPS 67 Projector Lmps 68 Theatre SDotlisht lmDs 69 Photographic Lamps 70 Auto & Miniatue Lmps 7t-73 CONDITIONS OF SALE 7ç75 2 What is GE Thom Lamps Limited GE Thorn Lamps Limited Thorn Lighting GE Thom is the U.K.'s newest lighting company. Formed Thom Lighting is the largest U.K. lighting manufacturer as a joint venture between two of the industry's leading and also the ma¡ket leader in the U.K., the Nordic count¡ies players, GE Thom combines the global expertise of GE, and Australasia. It has produced many innovative light the World's largest manufactwer of lightsources, and sources as well as a wide range of standard products, and is Thom Lighting, the U.K.'s market leader. This new alliance the world's largest light fittings manufacturer outside Japan provides a winning combination that willbecome the and the US. dominant force for lightsources in the U.K. Thom Lighting has marketing operations in 20 countries, GE Thom's activities are dedicated to supplying eleven of which also have manufacturing plants. lightsources. With over 1,500 products, our General Electric of the US has no con¡rection wiih the comprehensive range will guarantee that whether your English company of a similar name. requirement is for a ó0W GLS bulb, 4ft fluo¡escent fube, a linear tungsten halogen lamp, or a high performance metal halide lamp, then GE Thom will always be your first choice. And ou¡ extensive new produci development programme will ensure that GE Thom s ability to supply your everyday requirements willbe complemented by the most innovative, advanced lightsources available, including the 10W 2D compact fluorescent lamp, Arcstream metal halide lamp and colowed sealed beam minor lamps. Ou¡ commiiment to developing the very latest products is matched only by our commitment to providing a qualiLy product. All our U.K. factories have or will shortly attain 855750, giving you the confidence that when you buy GE Thom, you will be buying reliability, safety and per{ormance at all times. GE Lighting GE Lighting, North America's leading lighting manufaclurer, produces a complete range of lamps including incandescent, fluorescent, high intensity discharge, photo, automotive and miniature lamps for both consumer and industrial markets. GE Lighting employs 35,000 people worldwide including GE Tungsram Lighting and has 55 manufactuiing locations including those in the US, Hungary Germany, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Venezuela, Mexico, Turkey, the Philippines and Korea. Most recently GE Lighting acquired the majority share of Tungsram of Hungary the largest single investment to date by a westem company in Eastem Europe. 3 þ FLUORESCET\TT TUBES J'? I Compact Fluorescent Lamps Application These compact fluorescent lamps are designed as replacements for GLS lamps and long fluorescent tubes. 1óW 2D lamps replace GLS lamps of up to 100W whilst the larger 28 and 38W 2D lamps replace lamps of between 150 and 200W. The 38W 2D is an ideal light package for use in 300 x 300mm modular ceiling systems. 2L lamps replace long fluorescent tubes of at least twice their length and are used in commercial premises, e.g. shops, offices and hotels, whilst the smaller sizes are ideal fo¡ outdoor amenity lighting. The elechonically ballasted 40W 2L is the optimum size and performance package for ó00 x ó00mm modules, which together with its ideal length (leaving no dark areas at the edges), and high frequency benefits (lack of flicker, instant starting and economy of operation) make it the ultimate solution for situations where only the best is good enough. Colours Both 2D and 2L lamps use Polylux phosphors for high light output and good colour rendering. 2D lamps are available in Polylux 2700 which closely matches the colour of tungsten filament lamps for most indoor applications and Polylux 3500 to match the standard commercial lighting colour. lóW versions are also available in seven vibrant colou¡ed hues fo¡ decorative and display use. 2L lamps are available in Polylux 3500, as the standard UK colour fo¡ commercial lighting, as well as Polylux 3000 for a warmer effect and Polylux 4000 to produce a cooler, more businesslike effect. 6 Compact Fluorescent Lamps 2D Lamps DIMENSÌONS Tvpe A B C D Weiehts lóW 2D t40 1,40 27 15 65 28Wand38W2D 205 2oS 35 24 130 -t I Cap Options 1ów The 2-pin version is standard and includes a built-in starter switch, A 4'pin version is also available without intemal B slarter for use in special applications, e.g. emergency and transDort lishtins. 28w The 4-pin cap is standard but a 2-pin version is available for replacement purposes only. 38w To order f Specify, for example, " 1.6W. 2D Z-pin 2700K" ELECTRICAL DATA Rated Objective Tube Tube Average Watts Watts Volts Amps Life (hro) t6 15,5 97 0.20 5,000 28 28 107 0.32 10,000 38 38 110 0.43 10.000 Colour Options and Lumens* Polylux Polylux 2700 3500 Red Green BIue Peach Lemon Lilac Maeenta lóW 100 hr 1050 1050 850 1400 400 I000 1050 575 700 2000 ttr 925 28W 100 hr 2050 2050 2000 hr 1850 I850 38w ',r00 hr 2950 2950 2000 hr 2600 2600 'Light output is at optimum operating conditions. OPERATINC POSITION 1o and 28W Any 38w Any except.where leg "ct'is higher than bends "p m uder to keep region Ø ofcap. as cool .7 I Compact Fluorescent Lamps til 2L Lamps DIMENSIONS (mm - Rated W B c D I Weight g 18 40 225 23.6 20 43.9 96 24 40 320 23.6 20 43.9 132 36 40 4t5 23.6 20 43.9 1,68 40 40 530 23.6 20 43.9 215 ELECTRICAL DATA Rated Objective Tube Tube Average wâtts watts volts anps r¿ted life (hre) 't8.2 l8 61 0.37 7,500 24.4 91 0.J4 7,500 36 36.4 112 0.43 7,500 40' 40 126 0.32 10,000 Values given are for operation on electronic ballasts. B Colour Options and Lumens A {0 ¡ All sizes available in Polylux 3000, 3500 and 4000 - same lumen outputs. L C l00hr lumens 2000hr lumens D r8w 1200 1130 24w r800 1690 3ów 2900 2725 40w 3500 3300 8 Fluorescent Tubes - Main Range Definition of Lamp Types Polylux Tubes: THORN Polylux tubes are high efficiency, high colour rendering tri-phosphor tubes which are recommended for TitðRN all new installations. Polylux phosphors produce about 12% more light than conventional phosphors and give high colour rendering gORf, values. In the standa¡d 2ómm diameter Krypton filled versions, the¡e is also an 870 saving of energy for equivalent light output. These lamps also have excellent light output maintenance. Pluslux Tubes: THORN Pluslux tubes are 2ómm diameter ve¡sions of the standard colou¡ range. They offer the 870 energy saving of trrypion filled tubes without the inc¡eased light output and improved colour rendering characteristics of Polylux tubes. Standard Tubes: Argon filled tubes usually 38mrn in diameter, but some ratings are in 2ómm diameter (e.g. 18" 15W,3' 30W, 1050mm 40W and 5' 50W). The phosphors are split into two types - ordinary and specialist. O Ordinary phosphors are generally halophosphates and comprise the colou¡s of White Warm White, Cool White, Natu¡al and TropicalDaylight and are used for general lighting. O Specialists phosphors are of the Deluxe type and are used for specific applications. For example 'Kolor-rite, Northlight, Ailificial Daylight, De Luxe Natural, Colour Data Rosetta, G¡olux and colours. CIE/ Chromaticity CIBSE CIE Co-ordinates Type CCT Ra Group Clas x Y Polylux 2700 2700 U lB wam 0.464 0.41'6 Polvlux 3000 2950 85 1B wam 0.440 0.402 3500 3400 85 1B 0.415 0.402 4000 4000 85 1B 0.380 0.377 Pluslux 3000 Wam White 2900 51 J wam 0.440 0.403 Pluslux 1500 White 3500 54 3 intermeliâle 0.409 4000 CoolWhite 4200 58 3 cool 0.372 0.375 Natural 4000 73 , cool 0.381 0.37 5 93 1A cold 0.317 0.324 Artificial ó500 1A 0,313 0.329 "Kolor-¡ite 4000 89 1B 0.380 0.377 Deluxe Natur¿l 3500 92 1A intemediate 0.393 0.35ó Rosetta 3200 8ó 1B wam 0.385 0.310 Grolux 4 wam 0.i22 0.329 For furlher infomation see Data Sheet 4:92.9. CCT Co¡related Colour Temperature SPD - Spectral Power Dlstribuiion See pages 10- I2. 9 Fluorescent Tubes Main Range Spectral Fower Distribution Curves POLYLUX 2700 POLYLUX 3OOO ) ! å P POLYLUX 3500 PLUSLUX 35OO : : NATUNAL â 3 10 Fluorescent Tubes Main Range Spectral Power Distribution Curves I E ! i { P I 3 ROSETA E I ã TROPICAL DAYLIGHT 3 I I 8 I z 11 Fluorescent Tubes Main Range BLUE 2 : I Ë I I ? P Ë g T2 Fluorescent Tubes Main Range Light Output Data 5FT 58WATT KRYPTON/ARGON T8 LAMP The lumen outputs quoted are measured at 25"C in 1 acco¡dance with 8S1853, i.e.
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