County Kerry Wastewater and Sludge Strategy Technical Assessment – Phase 1 5. BALLYFERRITER 5.1 INTRODUCTION Baile An Fheirtéarigh (Ballyferriter) is a village located to the south of Smerwick Harbour, approximately 9 km northwest of An Daingean (Dingle) on the R559 Slea Head Drive. It acts as a service centre for the surrounding hinterland and facilities include a shop (to the west of the village), four public houses, a hotel, a café and craft shop, and a museum. There are also a number of important community facilities in the area including a national school, church, and community based local development offices. A number of bed and breakfasts and holiday homes cater for tourists visiting the area. Figure 5.1: Location Map -~-~4...-.,..-- For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. 5.2 EXISTING SYSTEM 5.2.1 Existing Network The existing sewerage network in the village consists of approximately 3.9km of 150-300mm diameter sewer. The network extends significantly beyond the development boundary established in the Local Area Plan for the village. The network gravitates to an Imhoff tank located approximately 1.5 km to the north east of the village. The existing network layout is indicated on Figure 5.2. RPS/MCW0435RP0042A01 33 Rev. A01 EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:48:38 County Kerry Wastewater and Sludge Strategy Technical Assessment – Phase 1 Figure 5.2: Existing Collection System 5.2.2 Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant The network discharges to an Imhoff tank located approximately 1.5km outside the village. Treated effluent is discharged to an unnamed local river, which in turn discharges to Smerwick Harbour. It is reported that the existing treatment system is currently operating at capacity. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. 5.3 FUTURE POPULATION & DRAINAGE AREAS 5.3.1 Population Projections Using the 2008 An Post GeoDirectory, there are an estimated 45 residential properties within the village development boundary, with a further 49 permanent residences served by the existing network outside the boundary. At occupancy rate of 2.75 this gives a current permanent residential population of ((45+49) x 2.75=) 259 people served by the scheme. It is likely that some of these may be privately owned second/holiday homes, but it is not possible to estimate their number without census data for the village, which is not available for a village of this size. In addition, there is a development (Tithe Saoire Na Cluainte) consisting of 16 holiday homes with the village. Assuming a peak occupancy rate of 4, the holiday cottages could accommodate a peak seasonal population of 64 people. The projected permanent population within the development boundary of Baile An Fheirtéarigh in 2028 is 278 (Ref. Appendix 1 – Population Forecast). In addition, allowance should be made for some growth in population in the areas served by the scheme outside the development boundary, given the extent of the area currently served. Appendix 1 – Population Forecast allows for 0.45% p.a. growth in rural areas rate, which applied to the RPS/MCW0435RP0042A01 34 Rev. A01 EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:48:38 County Kerry Wastewater and Sludge Strategy Technical Assessment – Phase 1 current population served outside of the boundary gives a 2028 rural population served of 148 people. It is a stated objective of the Local Area Plan for the village that “provision will not be made for holiday home developments in order to allow for the development of a village which has a permanent year round population”, and hence and so no allowance is made for an increase in the current estimated peak seasonal population of 46 people. Planning permission (part full planning, part outline planning) has recently been granted to Údarás Na Gaelteachta to construct 4 buildings to facilitate community and educational services including Irish administration services. This includes the development of an Irish college to operate during the summer months. The planning application included the provision of a wastewater treatment system for a population equivalent of 151, discharging to the existing network. It is recommended that provision be made in this Strategy for the future collection and treatment of the full foul load from the proposed development. Hence, the population served by the scheme in 2028 during peak summer months is estimated as (278 + 148 + 46 + 151 =) 623 people. The village currently has a limited range of facilities and services. Allowing a 20% of the domestic population as the contribution of non-domestic load would seem appropriate and results in a 2028 peak season population equivalent for the scheme of (623 x 1.2 =) 748pe. A 0.89Ha site has been zoned for “Community/Light Industry/Commercial” to the north of the village centre. If the site were developed for either community facilities or commercial services then any contributing load would include in the 15% allowance for non-domestic demand made above. If however the area is developed by a light industry then an allowance for additional wastewater load should be made. A typical design figure for light industry is a flow of 14m³/Ha/d, which equates to (0.89 x 14=) 12.5m³. At an assumed a per capita flow rate of 180l/cld, this equates to a population equivalent of (12.5/0.180=) 69pe. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. On the basis that site zoned “Community/Light Industry/Commercial” could be developed by for light industry, an additional allowance of 69pe should be made. This gives a future (2028) design population equivalent of (748 + 69=) 817pe, say 820pe. 5.3.2 Development Area The “West Dingle Peninsula Settlements Local Area Plan” identifies an overall development area of 20.6Ha, the boundary for which is shown in Figure 5.3. It also provides a number of sites for permanent residential development, totalling 7.54Ha. RPS/MCW0435RP0042A01 35 Rev. A01 EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:48:38 County Kerry Wastewater and Sludge Strategy Technical Assessment – Phase 1 Figure 5.3: Development Boundary for Baile An Fheirtéarigh Guidelines for Planning Authorities on Residential Density” published by the DEHLG states that “In greenfield sites or those sites for which a Local or Action Plan is appropriate, public open space should be provided at a minimum rate of 15% of the total site area. This allocation should be in the form of useful open spaces within residential developments and, where appropriate, larger neighbourhood parks to serve the wider community.” Hence it is assumed that 15% of the areas detailed above will be provided for open/amenity space, leaving (7.54/1.15=) 6.56Ha available For for inspection development. purposes only. At an assumed development density Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. if 15 units/Ha, this could provide an additional 98 permament residences. The capacity of the lands zoned for residential development in the Local Area Plan to accommodate the projected population growth within the development boundary to 2028 is assessed in Table 5.1. Table 5.1: Capacity of Zoned Residential Land to Accommodate Projected Growth Projected future permanent population (within Dev. Bound.) A 278 Persons Current permanent housing stock (within Dev. Bound.) B 45 Units Assumed future occupancy rate C 2.4 Persons/unit Future population to reside in current housing stock D=BxC 108 Persons Future population for which new housing is required E=A-D 170 Persons Additional houses required at assumed future occupancy rate F=E/C 71 Units Additional houses available from full development of zoned land G 98 Units Redundancy Factor H=G/F 1.38 RPS/MCW0435RP0042A01 36 Rev. A01 EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:48:38 County Kerry Wastewater and Sludge Strategy Technical Assessment – Phase 1 Table 5.1 shows that the current area of land zoned for residential development has 1.4 times the capacity required to provide for the projected population growth within the development boundary (154 people) to 2028. 5.4 PROPOSED NETWORK 5.4.1 Foul Sewer Network Although part of the existing network is 150mm in diameter, which in general is deemed inadequate on a public system, it is recommended that the system outside the development boundary to the west be retained since it is serving a limited number of houses. The existing 225-300mm diameter sewer is believed to be adequate to cater for the 2028 population. Some remedial work may be required on the existing pipes. It is assumed that 15% of the existing system will need remedial work, and this is included in the estimated costs. 5.4.2 Storm Sewer Network Section 5.3(f) of the Brief identifies the need to “provide for foul sewage and storm drainage collection systems as separate systems to the greatest extent practicable“. Solely providing a foul network will not meet this criterion and will in time, it is suggested, result in a combined system. Consequently it is proposed to provide a separate storm network to cater for runoff from impermeable areas within the development boundary. The Lloyd Davies formula, as noted below, was used to calculate the run-off from the area in question. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Q = 2.78 Ap I where: Q = run off in litres/sec Ap = impervious area in hectares. I = rainfall intensity in mm/hr. A rainfall intensity (I) of 50mm/hr was applied, and an impermeability factor of 0.35 was assumed. The total area included in the local area plan for Baile An Fheirtéarigh is approximately 21 ha, and the calculated run off using the above formula is calculated to be 1,022 l/s.
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