4454 erton, Stapeley, Walgherton, Willaston, parish" of Grand Junction Railway Company, or such other Nantwich, township of Nantwich, Nantwich Willas- company or companies, or persons aforesaid, to pur- ton, Beamheath, Alyeston otherwise Alvaston, Stoke, chase, rent, work, or construct, the said intended Cholmondeston, Bunbury, Wardle, Hanghton, Calve- railways and works,.or any part of the same, and to- ley, Tilston Feamall, Alpraham, Bunbury, Tiverton, take tolls and duties upon or in respect thereof, and Over, Wettenhall-, Darnhall, Oulton Lowe, Marton, to raise money for the purposes aforesaid*. And it is- Tarporley, Rushton, Eaton, Utkinton, Delamere, Oak- further proposed by the said' Bill or Bills to authorise mere, Eddisbury, Little Budworth,. White-gate other- the union, or amalgamation of the said company or wise New-church^ Marton, Davenhatti, Eaton, Vale companies proposed to be incorporated by the said Royal, Hartford, Cuddington, Weaverham, Acton, Bill or Bills, with the said Cambrian and Grand MiddetoitGrange, Crowton, Norley, Kingsley, New- Junction Railway Company, upon such terms and ton, Manley, Alvanley, Netherton, Overton, Wood- conditions as may be mutually agreed upon, and to houses, Bradley otherwise Netherton, Overton, authorise the company to be formed by such union Woodhouses, and Bradley, Frodsham, Kingswood, or amalgamation, to use and work the said railways Aston, Sut'ton,. Dutton, Preston-on-the-Hill, Preston and works, and to take tolls in respect thereof. Brook, Norton, Weston^ Clifton otherwise Rock- Dated this tenth day of November 1845. savage, Stockham, Halton, Higher Runcorn, Lower; Runcprn* and Runcorn, all in the county of Chester. Edwards, Mason, and* Edwards^ London; And it is intended to apply for powers in the said T. B. B. Stevens, Tamworth, Solicitors Bill or Bills to make lateral deviations from the line for the Bill. of the proposed works to the extent or within the limits defined upon the plans hereinafter mentioned, and also to cross, divert, alter, or stop up, whether Pontefract, Doncaster, Worksop, and Mansfield Junc- temporarily or permanently, all such turnpike roads,: tion Railway. parish roads, and other highways, rivers, streams, OTICE is hereby given that it is intended to sewers, canals, navigations, reservoirs, railways, and; apply to Parliament in the ensuing session for tram roads, within the said parishes, townships, and an Act or Acts for making and maintaining a extra parochial and other places aforesaid, or some of railway, with all proper and convenient stations, them, as it may be necessary, to cross, divert, alter, erections, bridges, wharfs, landing places, ware- or stop up, for the purposes of the said works. houses, works, communications, approaches, and con- And notice is hereby further given, that duplicate veniences connected therewith, which railway will plans and sections of the said railways and works, commence by a junction or junctions with a certain together with books of reference thereto, will be de- railway, called "The Wakefield, Pontefract., and posited for public, inspection with the Clerk of the Goole Railway," now in the course of formation in. Peace for the county of Salop,, at his, office at Shrews- pursuance of an Act passed in the last session of Par- bury, in the same county, and with tire Clerk of the liament, at or near the crossing of the said railway, on Peace for the county of Stafford, at his office at Staf- the Leeds and Barnsdale turnpike-road, in the town- ford, in the same county, and with the CJerJc of the ship of Tanshelf, in the parish of Pontefract, in the Peace for the county of Chester, at his office at Ches- West Riding of the county of York, and will termi- ter, in the same county, on or before the thirtieth day nate at or near Portland Wharf, near White Bear- of November 1845, and on or before the thirty-first lane, in the parish of Mansfield, in the county of day of December next, a copy of so much of the plans Nottingham, and which said railway and works will and sections as relates to each parish in. or through pass from, in, through, or into the following parishes, which the said rail ways, and works are intended to be townships, hamlets, districts, tithings, townlands, made, together with a book of reference thereto, will extra-parochial, and other places following, or some be deposited with the parish clerk of each such parish, of them (that is to-say), Pontefract, Monkhill, Ponte- at his place of abode. fract Park District, Tanshelf, Feafcherstone, Ferry- And notice is: hereby further given, that it is in- bridge otherwise Ferry Fiystone, Purston Jaglm tended by the said Bill or Bills to incorporate a com- otherwise Peerst'on Jaglin- otherwise Purston Jaeklin pany or companies, for the purpose of carrying into otherwise Peerston Jacklin, Carletbn, East Hard- effect the proposed works, or some part thereof, and wick, Barrington, Stapleton, Houndhill, Ackworth, to apply for powers for the compulsory purchase of Wentbridge, Kirk Smeaton, Thorpe Audlin, Roger- lands and houses, and to vary or extinguish all rights thorpe, Walton Wood, Badsworth, Upton, Upton and privileges in any manner connected with the Beacon, North Elmshall, Wrangbrook, Barnsdale, lands and houses proposed to be taken for the pur- Skelbrook, Skelbrook Park, Robin Hood's Well, poses aforesaid ; and also: to levy tolls, rates, or duties, South Elmshall, Campsall, Sutton, Burghwallis, upon or im respect of the said railways and works, and Hampole, Hamphall Stubbs, Hampole Priory, Skel- to alter existing tolls, rates, or duties,, and to confer,, Ibw, Carcroft, Owston, Red House, Adwick-le-Street, vary, or extinguish, exemptions from the payment of Pigburn otherwise Pickburn, Brodsworth, Brods- tolls, rates, and duties, and other rights and pri- worth - cum - Pigburn, and Scorsby, Woodlands, vileges.. Hangthwaite, Sandal!,. Nook, Langthwaite, High- And it is also proposed, in and by the said Bill, of field, Tilts, Scawt-horpe, otherwise Scawthorpe Farm, Bills to empower the said company to be tiiereby in- Stockbridge, Langthwaite>-with-Tilts, Pigburn Leys, corporated, to let on lease; sell, or transfer, the said Scawsby, Scawsby Leys,. Marr, Bentley-with-Arksey, intended railways and works, or any part of the- same,, Bentley, Arksey, CUsworth, Cusworth Park, Bodies, or the tolls thereof, to a company proposed to b-e- Newton, Anchorage Farm, Sprotbrough, otherwise incorporated and called the Cambrian and Grand Sprotborough, the river Dun navigation and the Junction Railway Company, or to any other railway branches thereof, the river Cheswold, Wheatley, company or companies, or persons with whose line- or Wheat!ey-cum-Sandall, Long Sandall, Doncaster, lines the said intendsed railways or wouks may unite,, Hexthorpe"-wit?h-Balby, Hexthorpe, Balby, Car House, and to delegate to the said Cambrian and; Grand: Car Grange, Warmsworth, Westfield, Rossington, Junction Railway Company, or to such other com- Rossifogton' Grange1, High fillers, low Ellers, Besa- pany or companies, or persons as aforesaid, the .exe- carr, Top-hall, Arflrthorpe, Cantley, ILoversall, Saint cution of all or any of the powers of the said intended! Catharines, Alver-ley House, Wadworth, Catharine or Bills, and to authorise the said Cambrian an'di Well Stream, Wadworth Mills, Holins Carr, Hesley.
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