LosconLoscon 3434 WelcomeWelcome to the LogbookLogbook of the “DIG”“DIG” LAX Marriott November 23 - 25, 2007 Robert J. Sawyer Author Guest Theresa Mather Artist Guest Capt. David West Reynolds Fan Guest Dr. James Robinson Music Guest 1 2 Table of Contents Anime .................................. Pg 68 Kids’ Night Out ..................... Pg 63 Art Show .............................. Pg 66 Listening Lounge .................. Pg 71 Awards Masquerade .......................... Pg 59 Evans-Freehafer ................ Pg 56 Members List ................. Pg 75-79 Forry ................................. Pg 57 Office / Lost & Found .......... Pg 71 Rotsler .............................. Pg 58 Photography/Videotape Policies .... Pg 70 Autographs .......................... Pg 73 Programming Panels ....... Pg 38-47 Bios Regency Dancing .................. Pg 62 Author Guest of Honor .........Pg 8-11 Registration .......................... Pg 71 Artist Guest of Honor ........ Pg 12-13 Room Parties ........................ Pg 63 Music Guest of Honor ........ Pg 16-17 Security Fan Guest of Honor ................. Pg 14 Rules & Regulations ..... Pg 70,73 Program Guests ........... Pg 30-37 No Smoking Policy ............. Pg 73 Blood Drive ........................... Pg 53 Weapons Policy ........... Pg 70,73 Chair’s Message .................. Pg 4-5 Special Needs ....................... Pg 60 Children’s Programming ........ Pg 68 Special Stories Committee & Staff ............. Pg 6-7 Peking Man .................. Pg 18-22 Computer Lounge ................ Pg 62 Dr. Arizona and the: Con Suite ............................. Pg 62 Planet of the Mummies ... Pg 24-25 Daily Zine ............................. Pg 72 Quasi-Mayan Menace ... Pg 26-27 Dealers’ Room ...................... Pg 61 Fossils of Mars ............. Pg 28-29 Exhibits ................................ Pg 69 Teen Programming ............... Pg 66 Fan Tables ............................ Pg 72 Toy Drive ............................. Pg 47 Fanzine Lounge .................... Pg 40 Volunteers ........................... Pg 73 Filking ............................. Pg 64-65 Gaming ................................. Pg 69 Guide: Advertisers ....................... Pg 80 Program Book Art ............. Pg 80 Convention Map .......... Pg 40-41 Hall Costume Awards ........... Pg 60 History LASFS ......................... Pg 50-55 Loscon ........................ Pg 48-49 Ice Cream Social ................... Pg 58 Information .......................... Pg 61 3 A Message From The Expedition Leader Excavation Report for Loscon 34: The Dig Several years ago when I came up with the idea of an Archaeology Theme for a Loscon convention, it was simply a pipe dream and it still stuns me that it has become a reality. I thank all the LASFS members who voted me the opportunity to share this dream with them and to all my wonderful dedicated committee members who have helped me make it that such characters can be found his- come true. As always with any conven- torically, but using them in a futuristic tion chair looking back, I know that I could context just seems anachronistic to me. have done better in many areas but was Unfortunately, most of these treat- also taught many things, including to ments do seem to see archaeologists, trust in the people I selected. Through along with their methods and ethics, as all the trials and tribulations that affected being as trapped in the ancient past as me physically, technically and financially its field of study is. Paleontology has over the past year, this outstanding com- been a bit better treated by science fic- mittee has picked up the slack when tion as a field of scientific study with a needed and showed their tremendous future, even if a potentially disastrous ability to perform their volunteer jobs one ala “Jurassic Park”. Still, unfortu- even in the face of their own difficulties. nately, most of the paleontology related I especially thank my vice-chair Sherri Be- stories have centered around not pale- noun, my secretary Marcia Minsky, and ontology as a field but around the dis- Arlene Satin for keeping me up to date covery of a live dinosaur (think “won- when I had communication problems and derful old object”). In fact, paleonto- providing much moral support. Mean- logical science fiction has its own bane while, I thank both Tadao Tomomatsu in that most stories seem to be stuck and Christian McGuire for sharing with me in the Cretaceous. By holding a science their knowledge as well as their confi- fiction convention with a theme specifi- dence that I could do this job. Above all cally looking at the future of these two I would like to thank my late friend fields of study, I hope that I might in- Michael Mason and dedicate this exca- spire some leaders in the field of sci- vation to his memory since most of my ence fiction to improve the treatment ideas developed in long, often late-night, of archaeology and paleontology in their conversations with him. work. Archaeology is a scientific field that has The Guests of Honor for Loscon 34 were been frequently overlooked or ill-used in specially selected with this theme in science fiction. Most often archaeology mind. Robert J. Sawyer has explored can only be found as a launching point both paleontology and archaeology or other plot item, usually in the form of themes in his writing. His Quintaglio a discovery of a wonderful old object. series has shown dinosaurs as they Sometimes these stories decide to fol- might have evolved if their extinction low the “Indiana Jones” model and have was avoided. One of these dinosaurs is the main character as an archaeologist even shown performing standard pale- that seems to spend all his/her time try- ontological/archaeological methods and ing to find some particular treasure and further explores the gray area which fighting evil figures to do so. It is true 4 merges these two sciences (which are simply currently separated by the ab- interpretation but hey ... I’m the chair ;). sence/presence of intelligence). It still Dr. James Robinson came to my atten- strikes me as fate that the logo for tion many years ago as “Dr. Jane”. Ev- Loscon 34, which was developed long ery time I was introduced as an archae- before I selected him as GOH, mirrors a ologist at a convention, it was inevitable picture that he already had on his web- that the person would then respond with site. My Artist Guest of Honor Theresa “Do you know Dr. Jane?”. The gift of Mather has explored a wide range of ar- several CD’s made me determined to tistic expression by painting on a vari- have him present as a Music Guest of ety of materials. These works are what Honor. The aspect of those CD’s that she has become well-known for within impressed me was the song writing skill the science fiction convention circuit. involved in capturing the spirit of pale- Dragons are a common theme in her art- ontology into song. Even if he did not work and, to stretch the connection a continue as a paleontologist, I still wanted bit, dinosaur bones are considered to to honor that song writing ability as well be the basis of the development of as to honor him for the contributions he dragon mythology. Theresa also has has made to the filk community at large. explored the history of a particular mode I hope you all get to benefit from my of artistic expression by restoring car- selections and get a feeling for the wide ousels and doing the necessary histori- expanse of expressions of our theme. cal research involved. Since this work involves an aspect of material culture, Loscon began primarily as a literary sci- it can be in fact categorized within the ence fiction convention but has over the fields of historical archaeology, museum years expanded to being a general sci- studies, and even experimental archae- ence fiction convention exploring all av- ology. I must admit that my choice of enues of expression. This development her for Artist Guest of Honor was also has mirrored the expansion of the field highly influenced by our collaborative of science fiction itself. Our community work. My Fan Guest of Honor could be can now be viewed as a sub-culture with considered to not be a “traditional” its own individual sub-cultures. In this choice. David West Reynolds is an ar- respect, I have always viewed a general chaeologist like me, but it was specifi- science fiction convention like Loscon as cally his research related to Star Wars an opportunity for all these sub-cultures as reported in the “Star Wars Insider” to get together and celebrate our larger that first brought him to my attention community. It is a time to share our in- many years ago. I vowed then that if I dividual interests and enthusiasms with ever ran a convention he would be one like-minded people and help to inspire the of my guests. Someone who would go acceptance of the unordinary that we to the lengths to travel to Tunisia to collectively ascribe to but do not always find the filming locations for the origi- practice. Here at Loscon I hope that you nal Star Wars trilogy is definitely a true explore outside your own sub-sub-cul- blue fan. His story since then is one of ture and make contact with and enjoy a fan that has “made it” and now can the wide range of opportunities available be considered a definite professional in to you here. If you leave Loscon with his field. It is his contribution to Star nothing else, I hope you leave with an Wars and Indiana Jones fandom through understanding of the width of our sci- his writing and work that I am honoring ence fiction culture and that you have by making him Fan Guest of Honor. He excavated a wider amount of it than you has brought to the rest of us the many have ever before (even if you still didn’t facts and information that real fans ap- quite get it). preciate, and the skills he brought to the task he acquired due to his archaeo- Keep Digging, logical training.
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