A BI-ANNUAL PUBLICATION OF ALLIED LAND COMMAND MAGAZINE FALL 2018 Page 8 Page 10 Page 13 Page 17 Page 22 Assumption of Command Terrain Walk Creval Update TRJN 2018 LIVEX Ukraine Letter of Cooperation CONTENTS Command Message 4 e LANDPOWER magazine is a CSEL Message 6 bi-annual publication produced by Allied Land Command (LANDCOM) dedicated Assumption of Command 8 to the promotion of actions and ideas, contributing to the improvement of the 9 NATO Force Structure (NFS) eciency Mobile Training Team and eectiveness. e views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reect The Terrain Walk 10 those of the LANDCOM Commander, SACEUR, NATO or its member nations Creval Update 13 and cannot be quoted as an ocial statement of those entities. An electronic version that includes additional links to OCC E&F in Armenia / CIS MTT 14 in-depth articles, supplementary articles and an ability to provide online comments Lessons Learned 15 is available from the LANDCOM website (www.lc.nato.int). Logistic Stretch 16 Trident Juncture 18 LIVEX 17 International NCO Winter Camp 18 To contact the LANDPOWER Magazine sta and/or to submit an article to be LANDCOM Map 20 considered for publication in the next issue, please use the following contacts: Ukraine Signs Letter of Cooperation 22 E-mail: [email protected] First Mountain Warfare Congress 23 Postal: Public Aairs Oce General Vecihi Akin Garrison The Comprehensive Approach in Action 26 35148 Izmir / Turkey VALIANT LYNX 2018 28 All articles are edited for length and content. Securing the Northeastern Borderlands 30 Sergeant Yahya 32 34 e LANDPOWER Magazine sta: Colonel Kanat Barmanbaev's Interview LTC David Olson (USA) LANDCOM Visitors 35 SFC Jonathan Fernandez (ESP) Mr. Charles Entraygues (FRA) LANDCOM Events 36 German Shooting Competition 38 LAND POWER 3 ALLIED LAND COMMAND Commander's Message Leutenant General John C. omson III Commander My name is omson, and I am reinforcing the essential linkage between a proud Allied Land Command Warrior! LANDCOM and the Graduated Response It is a tremendous honor and privilege Forces (Land) on the one hand, and Allied to serve in your ranks. Aer only a few armies and national land forces on the other. weeks, I am highly impressed with the professionalism and dedication of our Speed of Relevance magnicent Land Domain teammates, as Recent events clearly dictate that we must be well as the importance of our mission and ready to respond quickly for both crisis and responsibilities. Special thanks to Lieuten- collective defense. is applies not only to ant General Darryl Williams for his superb the pool of high readiness forces, but also to leadership and to Lieutenant General Paolo follow-on forces, reinforcements, and various Ruggiero for managing an excellent transi- C2 capabilities. It also applies to planning, tion. Looking ahead, it is clear that we have indicators and warnings, decision-making, an outstanding opportunity to strengthen and individual and organizational deploya- the team as we get to the hard work of bility. We must invest now to ensure we are implementing NATO Command Structure capable of dominant combined arms opera- Adaptation (NCS-A). Agreed upon by tions to prevail in high-intensity warghting. the Alliance members, NCS-A is the rst Accordingly, our training and exercises must time in decades that reform does not mean also adapt to provide us with repetition and reduction. However, NCS-A involves more prociency to build agile and competent than just adding personnel and rening or- command and control capability that ensures ganizational structure. Rather, it is cultural Fit for Purpose we seize and retain the initiative. Deter and change to make us t for purpose in today’s For LANDCOM, NCS-A is a broad eort defend – our collective tasks – extend far complex, dynamic, and uncertain security involving change to be relevant in our beyond this command, but I am condent environment, as well as being able to adapt environment. Our role to provide land that the Land Domain will lead this historic and operate at the speed of relevance. domain readiness, interoperability, stand- change because of the teamwork among our ardization, and competency remains the great Warriors who understand that we must Cultural Change same, but in the context of a 360-degree be “Ready Now.” Implementing change is tough business, approach underpinned by new and rened requiring leaders at echelon to understand processes to make us t for purpose. Over Strengthening the Land Domain and embrace it to make it successful. is the coming months, we will work together is is a very important and rewarding time means that we must be transparent, can- with SHAPE on several new concepts nest- to be part of the Land Domain team, forging didly sharing insights and lessons along the ed under NCS-A. ese “big rocks” include land power dominance and adaptation. Over way, and gain “buy-in” from organizational the Readiness, the Reinforcement, and the the past year, our collective knowledge and members. I was once told that “change is Enablement initiatives. We will play a key expertise resulted in the enhanced Forward inevitable, but growth is optional”. is role in these and other emerging concepts Presence (eFP) Lessons Learned Handbook, For the Soldier! quote is tting as we shi our mind-set to a to meet the strategic challenges facing the the certication of Multi-National Division 360-degree approach, provide more exible Alliance. Within LANDCOM, we will also South-East (MND-SE), and signicant and agile command and control (C2) capa- develop a detailed roadmap with tangible contributions to tailored Forward Presence bility, foster multi-domain operations, and milestones to achieve the capabilities to (tFP). We are grateful to all of our team- improve responsiveness to counter near- meet adaptation goals. Meanwhile, as we mates from the Alliance, the Nations, and peer threats. Ultimately, NCS-A allows move through implementation, LAND- the Partners for their contributions. In us to more eectively execute warghting COM remains responsible for providing addition to pressing forward on NCS-A, for the range of military operations and Land Component Command (LCC) capa- we will close 2018 by robust participation dominate the land domain. bility to SHAPE. ese important initia- in Trident Juncture, certication of the 1st tives are all interconnected lines of eort, German-Netherlands Corps (1GNC) in 4 LAND POWER Our role to provide land domain readiness, interoperability, standardization, and competency remains the same, but in the context of a 360-degree approach under-pinned by new and refined processes to make us fit for purpose. Le: German army machine gunner prepares to re during Noble Ledger 2014. Below: A Norwegian army patrol from the Telemark Batallion pauses during Joint Viking 2017. preparation for their NATO Response Force HQ role in 2019, as well as certication of Multinational Division North-East (MND- NE) to achieve Full Operational Capability (FOC). Our collective contributions will ensure we do our part to strengthen the Alliance. You have my total commitment to ensuring warghting readiness, land power expertise, and most importantly, teamwork. ank you for who you are, what you do, and what you stand for. For the Soldier! LAND POWER 5 ALLIED LAND COMMAND Command Senior Enlisted Leader's Message Chef Warrant Ocer Stephen A. Rce Command Senor Enlsted Leader As we look towards the last quarter I was lucky to have had the privilege to of Supreme Allied Commander Europe´s serve with you. For the newcomers, "Hoş (SACEUR’s) 2018 vision or “Year of De- geldiniz!" or Welcome to the LANDCOM cision”, it only seems tting to take stock family! I look forward to working with of what we have accomplished, and what you all, including our new Commander we have still have le to nish in 2018. At LTG John C. omson III. the time of writing this article we are post “Brussels Summit” and within NATO’s low e past initiatives and completed manning period, it makes sense during this LANDCOM activities since hosting the natural pause to look back at our accom- 12th LANDCOM Corps Commanders’ plishments during LANDCOM’s “Year of Conference (LC3) in March in Izmir are Transition” while also ensuring conditions too numerous to list, but, I would like to are set for future activities that still require recognize some past highlights which had leadership for LANDCOM success. NCO participation. First things rst, I feel it important to rec- e LANDCOM evaluation team which ognize the leadership and commitment of conducted the Combat Readiness Evalu- some 30% of the headquarters sta that have ation (CREVAL) on 19-23 March which been posted out from within our unit lines, certied Multinational Division South- up to and including our past Commander, LTG Darryl A. Williams. To the outgoing sta, East (MND-SE) had NCO participation, your professionalism and expertise will truly be missed, and LANDCOM wishes you and which is a denite sustain. NCOs are your families a smooth transition to your next appointments. Good luck to all of you going more than capable of providing added forward and know that you will always be members of the greater LANDCOM family. To value during CREVAL tasks. Twice a year our past Commander, I feel it is necessary to recognize your steadfast commitment to the LANDCOM conducts CREVAL Seminar Command and the soldiers within it. Sir, you are a true ambassador of the LANDCOM training in house, and having NCOs motto “For the Soldier!” and I personally want to acknowledge and thank you in your taking part in this training, provides us steadfast support for Non-commissioned ocers (NCOs) and NCO initiatives. You were a with the opportunity to slowly build the model Commander in championing the Command Team concept for others to follow, and NCO CREVAL capacity, which provides CWO Stephen RICE during the LTG John THOMSON Assumption of Command Ceremony.
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