B_BDOW_Merritt TSA Page 1 of 9 Species - Habitat Model for Barred Owl Original species account/ratings table prepared by Dave Caswell, Lower Nicola Indian Band. Species account and ratings table reviewed and revised by Dan Tyson and Shawn Hilton (RPBio.), Keystone Wildlife Research Ltd, February 2008. Species Data Common Name: Barred Owl Scientific Name: Strix varia Species Code: B-BDOW BC Status: Yellow-listed Identified Wildlife Status: None COSEWIC Status: Not at Risk (BC Conservation Data Center 2006) Project Data Area: Merritt Timber Supply Area Ecoprovince: Southern Interior Ecoregions: Northern Cascade Ranges, Pacific Ranges, Thompson-Okanagan Plateau, Interior Transition Ranges, Okanagan Range Ecosections: Eastern Pacific Ranges (EPR), Guichon Uplands (GUU), Hozameen Ranges (HOR), Nicola Basin (NIB), Okanagan Ranges (OKR), Pavilion Ranges (PAR), Southern Thompson Upland (STU), Thompson Basin (THB) BEC Variants: AT, AT-Emwp, BGxh2, BGxw1, CWHms1, ESSFdc2, ESSFdcp, ESSFmw, ESSFmwp, ESSFxc, ESSFxcp, IDFdk1, IDFdk1a, IDFdk2, IDFxh1, IDFxh1a, IDFxh2, IDFxh2a, MHmm2, MHmm2p, MSdm2, MSmw, MSxk, PPxh1, PPxh2, PPxh2a Map Scale: 1:20,000 February 25, 2008 B_BDOW_Merritt TSA Page 2 of 9 1 Ecology and Habitat Requirements Also known as the Hoot Owl and Wood Owl, the Barred Owl is classified as a raptor or bird of prey. The subspecies found in British Columbia is Strix varia varia, which is the most widespread subspecies in North America. Barred Owls range from 43 cm to 61 cm in length and 470g to 1050g in weight (Mazur and James 2000; Campbell et al. 2005). The wingspan ranges from 1.0 to1.3 m long. Females tend to be slightly larger in size than the males (Campbell et al. 2005). The owls are medium in size, have a large round head, and lack the ear tufts which are often found on other owl species. Both sexes are alike in plumage. The upper breast and throat feathers are marked with dark horizontal bars and sharply contrast with the dark brown vertical streaking on the pale breast and flanks (an excellent field mark to help distinguish the Barred Owl from the similar looking Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina)). The dark brown tail is crossed by distinct bands of brownish-gray. This species has a buff-yellow coloured bill and dark brown or black eyes that are set into the pale brownish-gray facial disk. This species produces a large repertoire of vocalizations which are often given during the day. The most frequently heard call is the 9 note “Who cooks for you, who cooks for you all”. Other vocalizations include a raucous jumble of hoots, cackles and chuckling notes and single loud, high-pitched contact calls and a whinny. 1.1 Diet and Foraging Behaviour Barred Owls are generalist predators depending primarily on small mammals, although their varied diet also includes amphibians, reptiles, fish and arthropods (Bosakowski et al 1987; Hamer et al. 1989; Olsen et al. 1999; Mazur and James 2000). In the Okanagan Valley, a Barred Owl was observed capturing a Northern Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium gnoma) in Penticton and beneath this Barred Owls roost site were the feathers of California Quail (Callipepla californica) (Cannings et al 1987). This species is generally nocturnal, but can be active during any time of the day, especially when supporting young (Allen 1987; Alsop 2001). Barred Owls use tree perches to scan the surrounding area while hunting. Shrub cover in hunting areas tends to be lower than in surrounding forests (Takats 1998). 1.2 Reproduction and Nesting Nests have been described in a number of areas in North America; however, most appear to be associated with natural cavities in large dbh trees (Dunstan and Sample 1972; Devereaux and Mosher 1984; Hamer et al. 1989; Takats 1998; Mazur et al. 1997, Postupalsky et al. 1997). Barred Owls are also known to use stick nests of other raptors or crow’s and have been recorded using the same nest for many years (Olsen et al. 1999). Courtship begins in early March with eggs being laid from late March to mid May. Clutch sizes range from 2 to 4 eggs that are pure white in colour. The incubation period ranges from 21 to 28 days (Takats 1998; Campbell et al. 1990). The male will feed the female at the nest during the incubation period (Takats 1998; Campbell et al. 2005). The fledgling period lasts approximately 42 days (Campbell et al. 1990) and the young are February 25, 2008 B_BDOW_Merritt TSA Page 3 of 9 able to take flight within 50 days (Johnsgard 1988). The longest lifespan of a wild Barred Owl was reported to be 18 years and 2 months from a leg band recovery (USGS 2006). The Barred Owl has a reported lifespan of up to 23 years in captivity (Bumstead 2002). 1.3 Dispersal and Movements The Barred Owl is almost always a year-round resident except during exceptionally harsh winter conditions or possibly during periods of low prey availability. In northern areas of British Columbia, it is suspected that many Barred Owls move southward during the late fall and winter, while in southern areas, it is more or less a sedentary species (Campbell et al. 1990). The home range, which is defended from other Barred Owls and remains relatively consistent between years, measures from 200 to 600 ha, with the greater home range during the winter months (Hamer et al. 1989). In southern areas of the province, the home range is probably occupied year-round (Fenger et al. 2006). 2 Distribution The Barred Owl ranges from east of Great Plains from southern Canada to the Gulf Coast and Florida, and from southeastern Alaska southward to northern California and Idaho, and across central Canada. There are disjunct populations in southern Mexico (Mazur and James 2000). 2.1 Provincial Range A common and widespread resident of the southern half of British Columbia, including Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. The species is uncommon and sparsely distributed throughout the northern boreal forest and boreal and taiga plains, north to the Liard River. Since this species was first recorded in British Columbia in 1943, it has expanded its range and increased in numbers (Fenger et al. 2006). 2.2 Distribution on the Project Area In the Merritt TSA, the CWH, IDF, MH and PP zones will provide suitable breeding habitat for Barred Owl (Stevens 1995). 2.2.1 Elevation Range Reproduction (RE) Sea level to 1,100 m. Living (LI) Sea level to 1,250 m (Campbell et al. 1990). February 25, 2008 B_BDOW_Merritt TSA Page 4 of 9 3 Food/cover Life Requisites and Habitat-Uses 3.1 Reproduction-Eggs (RE) The Barred Owl typically nests in mature coniferous forests composed of species such as Douglas-fir, western red-cedar, spruce and western larch; or mixed forests composed of Douglas-fir, western redcedar, western hemlock and black cottonwood (Campbell et al. 1990). Barred Owls prefer habitats with large trees, high structural diversity in the over story and an open understory (Olsen et al. 1999). Canopy closures greater than 60% are preferred (Allen 1987). Nest sites are often associated with wetland habitats such as lakes, ravines, swamps and river bottomlands, which tend to be more mature and have higher structural diversity. An average dbh of >30 cm has been recorded for trees in nesting stand habitat, with the nest tree tending to be >34 cm dbh. Most of the nest sites/cavities are generally higher than 7 m (Olsen et al. 1999; Allen 1987). In British Columbia nest sites have been recorded in Douglas-fir, western red-cedar, big leaf maple and black cottonwood. Barred Owls have also been recorded nesting in spruce and trembling aspen (Olsen et al. 1999). 3.2 Living (LI) The stand characteristics of living habitat for Barred Owl are generally similar to those of the nesting habitat (Allen 1987; Campbell et al. 1990; Olsen et al. 1999). Mature to old growth stands tend to have lower stem densities, providing more opportunity for flying and hunting in the understory (Haney 1997). Canopy cover of hunting areas tends to be higher than that of surrounding forest, while the understory cover is significantly lower than in the surrounding forest (Takats 1998). Barred Owls will readily use a variety of disturbed habitats and outside of the breeding season they can sometimes be found in unusual locations such as shelterbelts, trees in small city parks and cemeteries and in residential neighbourhoods. Mobbing crows will often alert observers to the presence of owls at these sites. Monthly life requisites for Barred Owl are summarized in Table 1. The life requisites for breeding and living habitat are assumed to be similar therefore living habitat is rated for all seasons (Living LI – All seasons). Table 1. Food/cover Life Requisites rated for Barred Owl in the Merritt TSA. Food/Cover Life Life requisites Month Season Ratings Table Requisite Column Food, Security and Living January-February Winter BBDOW_A Thermal Habitat Food, Security and Reproducing- March Winter BBDOW_A Thermal Habitat Eggs Food, Security and Reproducing- April-May Spring BBDOW_A Thermal Habitat Eggs Food, Security and Reproducing- June-August Summer BBDOW_A Thermal Habitat Eggs Food, Security and Living September-October Fall BBDOW_A Thermal Habitat Food, Security and Living November-December Winter BBDOW_A Thermal Habitat February 25, 2008 B_BDOW_Merritt TSA Page 5 of 9 4 Ratings There is an intermediate knowledge of the habitat requirements of Barred Owl in British Columbia, therefore a 4-class rating scheme will be used (RISC 1999; Table 3). Table 3. Habitat Capability and Suitability 4 Class Rating Scheme (from RIC 1998). % of Provincial Best Rating Code 100% - 76% High H 75% - 26% Moderate M 25% - 1% Low L 0% Nil N 4.1 Provincial Benchmark There is no provincial benchmark for Barred Owl.
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