DIRECTORY.] GENERAL INFORMATION 509 WEST HUMBERSTONE CONSTITUTIONAL LEICESTERSHIRE CHESS CLUB. Mem­ CLUB, 2 Layton road.. George M. Johnson, bers meet at Windsor Cafe, corner of East st. & secretary ; Ernest Preston, steward. London rd. Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, 7.30 to 10 p.m. Subscription 7s. 6d. a year. NORTH EVINGTON INSTITUTE, Sa, About 70 mep1bers. Hon. Treasurer & Secretary, Asfordby street, N.E. W. Morris, sec. Thomas Sharland, 33 Saxe Coburg st. LEICESTERSIDRE FOOTBAI,L ASSOCIA­ TION.-Cha.irman, Mark Billson; Hon. Sec. THE GRA.NBY CHESS CLUB. Members of F. L. Jinks, 27 Devonshire street; about 250 this club meet on Mon. Wed. & Sat. for play affiliated clubs. Subscription: Senior clubs, at the Granby Coffee Tavern. Subscription, 10s. 6d. per annum; Junior clubs, 5s. per ls. a quarter ; the members play chess & annum ; Minor clubs, 2s. 6d. per annum. draughts during the day at any of the Com­ Holders of Senior Cup, Leicester Fosse; Junior pany's houses. Cup, North Coolville P.S.A. South Wigston ABBEY, SPINNEY HILL, VICTORIA, United; Leicester Boro' Shield, St. Andrews; WESTERN & WESTCOTES PARKS.-Open J,eicester Boro' Medal Competition, Carey Hall ; free March to October inclusive, 6 a.m. to dusk, Winners of County District Medal Competitions, November to February inclusive, 7 a.m. to dusk. Ashby Hastys, St. Slery, Loughborough C. & On the Tues. & Wed. following August Bank W., Hinckley Church, Rotherby, Thurmaston. Holiday a fee is charged for admission to the Representative on the English Football Council, Flower Show in Ab bey Park. Recreation Mark Billson. grounds. St. Margaret's Pasture, Belgrave road, LEICESTER FOOTBALL CLUB.-Head- Uppingham road, Welford road, Filbert street, quarters, Club house, The Ground, Aylestone rd. Aylestone & Fosse road. There are about 1,300 members. Subscription is STAMFORD CLUB CO. LIMITED(convivial), 10s. 6d. a year. President, J. Collier; Hon. Sec. 43 Humberstone gate. About 90 members; 20s. T. H. Crumbie, Halford st. (T.N. 480).-Fosse a year. Secretary, Harry Wye; Manager, John Football Co. Ltd. play on Filbert Street grounds. Thomas ~Iarkham. Sec. Louis Ford; offices on ground, Filbert st. THE ABBEY PARK BOWLING CLUB has LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET over 50 members. Subscription, 12s. 6d. per CLUB. President, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of annum. President, George Morris; Treasurer, Lanesborough; eight Vice-Presidents; Com­ H. Rimmington; Hon. Sec. Waiter John Shaw, mittee of 15. Hon. Treasurer, J. Parsons; Hon. 40! Curzon street. Sec. G. E. Rudd; Captain, C. J. B. Wood; Secretary, S. C. Packer, 2 N ewarke st. There MIDL~W COUNTIES BOWLING ASSOCIA­ are 1,550 members. The annual meeting is in TION.-This Association comprises twenty-eight March. Subscription, £1 1s. per annum (5s. clubs, seven in Leicester, Kettering three, Ashby extra for a ladies' transferable ticket), which two, Loughborough three, Northampton one, give-s admission to the county matches, & entitles W ellingborough one, Melt on Mow bray one, Coal­ members to practise on the ground. The cricket ville one, Bedford three, Hinckley one, Olney ground is <Jn t,he Ayle.stone ro·ad. one, Irthlingborough one, Rugby two & Shep­ shed one. Three silver cups are competed for ARUNDEL CRICKET CLUB, Aylestone road. annually; there are four competitions rink, the pairs & the single handed, during June & July, NATIONAL CYCLISTS' UNION. In the the Association cup on the last Thursday m Leicester Centre, about 25 clubs are affiliated (sub­ June. President, Mr. E. Pickard; Vice-Presi­ scription 12s. 6d. per annum each; private mem­ dents, Messrs. Alfred Lewis, G. D. Orchard & bers, Ss.); over 1,000 m6mbers. Head-quarters. T. G. Beale; Treasurer, Joseph Fletcher; Hon. Horse & Groom hotel, 51 Humberstone gate. Sec. F. W. Lilburn, 27 Melbourne road. Chairman, Charles Mawley Griffin, 89 Belgrave gate; Treasurer, A. E. Kirk, 20 Stretton rd. THE LEICESTER BOWLI~G CLUB, Vic­ THE CYCLISTS' TOURING CLUB numbers toria road. Numbers, 85 members; annual sub­ about 20,000 members all over the world (300 in scription, £1 lls. 6d. ; members must be share­ Leicestershire). Chief Consul for the county, holders. President, H. W. Gibson; Vice-Presi­ Thomas John Webb, 101 Ashby road, Lough­ dent, F. W. Haskard; Hon. Treasurer, A. G. borough; Leicester Consul, A. J. Reeve, 20 Mill Chamberlin; Hon. Sec. C.Brook,21 Westleigh rd. Hill lane. In the Leicestershire District Association assistance is given to members in WESTCOTES BOWLING & TENNIS CLUB, running-down cases &c. & facilities given for Sykefield avenue.-Hon. Secs. S. C. Winks social intercourse & cycle tours. Hon. Sec. B. (bowls), C. H. Cowdell (tennis). L. ~IcQuillin, 52 Friar la. Official Hotels, Bell, Campbell, Cobden, White Hart. Official Re­ T.l<:ICESTER ROWING CLUB, Established pairers, Stnrgess Waiter E. & Co. 62 N arborough 1882.-50 members. Boat house, The N ewarkes. rd. & G. Willia,ms, Y.M. C.A. buildings, London rd. President, The Mayor (Aid. J. Russell Frears); Captain F. Richards; Hon. Sec. C. F. Bray, 5 LEICESTERSHIRE RUGBY UNION.-Presi­ Welford rd. ; Hon. Treasurer, H. Palfreyman, dent, Councillor J. Parsons; Hon. Treasurer, H. St. John's rd. Annual subscription, 3ls. 6d. ; W. Johnson; Hon. Sec. S. C. Packer, 153 Upper­ entrance fee, 10s. 6d. ; annual meeting in ,April. ton rd. Leicester. Over 70 teams affiliated. Competitions, Rolleston Charity Cups, Leicester­ AYLESTONE BOATHOUSE TEN}.~S CLUB. shire Senior Cup, Leicestershire Junior Cup, -Hon. Secretary, F. Paget, Middleton st. Leicestershire Rugby Combination 5 Divisions. Leicestershire Rugby Sunday School Combination SWIMMING CLUBS.-Leicester & County 2 Divisions, & Leicestershire Rugby Thursday Amateur Swimming Association & Humane Combination. Representative English Rugby Society, formed in 1891, to promote a knowledge Union, S. C. Packer; Representatives Midland of swimming & the resuscitation of the apparently Counties Union, S. C. Packer & J. Barnes. drowned as well as to recognise acts of bravery. Upwards of 20 clubs are affiliated with the Asso­ ROLLESTON CHARITY CUPS COMPETI­ ciation. President, Sir Samuel Faire J.P.; Hon. TION. President, Sir J<Jhn F. L. Rolleston Sec. A. E. Kendall, 5 Hoby st. The Leicester ~LP.; two Vice-Presidents; Hon. Sec. S. C. Swimming Club, established 1881. numbers 130 Packer, 153 Uppe.rton rd. Leicester. Two Cups mf'mbers. Tuition free to members. Captain, competed fDT annually under Rugby & Associa­ G. W. Massey. Sec. H. Thomsett, 9 St. Mar­ tion rules; proceeds from gates pr~ented to the tin's.-Leicester Ladies' Swimming Club, founded local charities. in 1902. Preddent, Lady Fa ire ; Hon. Secretary, .
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