----- -----_._.- __ -_._------------,,-----------'-' '"",-,- , , .. " , .. :'- ,,----.'- - - .. ;:~",,::, .,...• ".~ .. -. Page Seventy-five Thursday, March 29, 1945 THE JEWISH POST THE JEWISH POST Thursday, March 29, 1945. '!?age Seventy-four ough going-over in the dramatized, 'THE GRASS". When the boys ,desqribing his experiences while children of the Home. Together with ,Mrs. Spivak was active in many incidents so as to warn the returning blithely ignored the sign, a Holly- under fire was read ,by Lieut. 1. L. ~I her husband, she spent almost all Jewish organizations but the crown­ "Hotel Berlin", produced by Louis I~trictly escapist fare from Hollywood in their pockets. war. of the pitfalls that await hhn. Eddie II wood writer suggested he change it Rosenbaum, R.C.A. her waking hours at the Home, and ing glory of her work was the Chll­ F. Edelman (who recently com-I and producing its own serious films, Investment sharks will get a thor­ "Casablanca" was first shown, al­ ••• ft.n··-OO- will- also have the co-operation, of to: "KEEP OFF THE COLONEL'S \ J. Wilder, irrunediate past presi- her life was ciosely knit with the dren~s Home. She was one of the- "'OUR FILM pleted "A Song to Remember") and Samuel _ Goldwyn~s "The Little most at the time President Roosevelt banks around the country wheI,'e GRASS", It worked! _ dent, spoke on the activity of the lives of the youngsters. Many chil- founders of the Home, and, for 21 and Prime Minister Churchill made based on the Vicki Baum novel, is Faxes", written by Lillian Hellman OLLEGE' any doubt exists as to the soundness --- Dominion Command, especially on dren brought up in _the Home and years until her death, the president FOLK the name of the place famous by more timely, with the expected ar- and acquired some time ago by the C THEATRE of an investment the G.l. will be Monash Branch Initiates their representation to the govern- now scattered far and wide (many of its Ladies' society. rival of the Russians in ~erlin, Soviets) is being dubbed into Rus- By LEON GUTTERMAN meeting there to discuss war prob­ MAIN at TELEPHONE directed to seek out their counsel, 1.4 New Army Veterans ment in matters of rehabilitation, of them 1n the armed forcea) have Besides her husband, the promi- (Copyright, 1945, JTA, Inc.) lems. "Edge of Darkness' coincided Ach! Those timely Warner Bros! ,sian for release in that country~ 53696 which, of course, will be gratis. Fourteen new army veterans were insurance principal, rotation leave. always looked upon her as' their' nent commWlity, Mr. D. Spivak, , .,. CHURCH ... III * American films, by the way, have almost perfectly with the sharp at­ FRI .• SAT., MON.• MAR. ::10, 31, APR. 2 Eddie's writers are now preparing initiated into the General Monash Dual pensions and re-establishment mother and carried on correspond- Mrs. Spivak is survived ,by the fol- Hollywood. tention given suddenly at that time 'heretofore been shown with suh- The unexpected death of Holly­ Fred MacMurray * Dorothy Lamour the script for the series, which will branch, Canadian Legion, by W. W. credit for small businesses were also ence with her. lowing children: Mrs. M. Kagna, titles in Russia. The race between Russia and to Norway and Quisling betrayal of naugurated ,'n a few weeks. Shinoff, chairman of the initiating d''ISCUSse. d'M r. W'ld'1 er a Iso an- At'mos mOVIng scene occurre d a t an dElar and I rvln. g Lyons,on- Edm wood's brilliant young producer­ Friend of G.1. in battle dress, "AND THE ANGELS SING" be Warner _ Brqs. to see which would the country, "Passage to Marseille" - on the ~mme program - (adult) " III >II III director Mark Sandrich (he was only team at a meeting held Monday eve- nounced the formation of a Jewish her funeral, when children of the tonj W. and F. Spivak, Toronto; be first to open the doors of "Hotel came along to the nation's theatres Eddie ,Cantor will continue his inte~­ Chester Morris Nancy KellY SCOOPS: The Ritz Brothers are ning, March 12, at the General branch in Hamilton. Home, no longer able to contain Mrs. 'J:. J. Wei,dm an, W··llUUpeg; M rs. 44) came 'as a terrific shock to the est in them after they have returned "TORNADO" Berlin" has been won by the War­ just about the thne of the second being dickered by Mike Todd for Monash headquarters.' W. r. Krisman spoke on the com- t h emse1 ves, 1be gan to cry, " Mo. ther. 1 J . L. D 0 r£m an, T om, k'm, S as.;k M 1's. entire fihn colony, and the motion TUES.. 'WED., THURS.,- APRIL 3, 4, 5 ners; -It was the first speed event invasion of Europe by the Allies, to this country for hospitalization or starring roles in "Ritz Hotel", an ori- Addressing' the newly-initiated th I" d th h h . b' M SSP ik ff d picture industry last week. I knew ing Jewish Welfare Fund campaign mo er. an 'e entire crowd w ic B. Ro mson, r5. , _e 0 an 'to get a Hollywood reaction since to be mustered out of the service. Don Ameche Danll Andrews made through that very port. Mark well and very deeply feel his ginal musical comedy which will be members, W" 1. Krisman, president and, appeaedI for sympa:th etic, and h a d ,come t 0 pay Its. I ast respects t 0 M ..D S plV. ak ,0f W·lIllupeg;aswe . 11 as Mr; Byrnes banned racing for the The curreni: "Objective, Burma!" With the full backing' and SUppOl·t "WING AND A PItAYER" one of his independent, film pro- Dr the branch, pointed out how proud active support. this fine woman wept with these 16 grandchildren and' one great- passing. of federal, civic and fraternal organ­ - for laughs - (general) duration. is rna tching daily headlines concern­ Olsen and Johnson du.ctions.' ... Henny Youngman got the branch was of the accomplish- · h'ch 11 'h eartb rokid en mourners. gran ch'ld I . At the time of his death Mark was Th t ing the progress of the Allied war 1n izations, he will do a dramatic vig­ . "GHOST CATCHERS" off the best curfew gag when he ments of the' Jewish lads in the, e mee mg, W I was very we Through a cornbinatlon of luck and in the midst of preparing the enter­ nette on his radio program each attended, supported the application that theatre, and "Destination Tokyo" It's "PYREX" Gift Nitc at the observed: ,"Night club owners are services and' the im-portant part the circumstances, Warners has had a tainment program for the Academy week exposing racketeers, gimmick of the city to have Winnipeg de­ series of unusually timely picture preceded only a short space of time College every Thursday. 10 suffering from Third Degree Eyrnesll Canadian Legion is to play in re- BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS PASSOVER the actual start of the regular bomb­ Awards ,night. He also was ready~g €uys and other shady characters who Pyrex gifts - 2 table lamps. .. Al Jolson has checked out of habilitation and re-establishment. clared a "congested area". Joe Silver, releases which matched the rapidly the Irving Berlin musicaJ, "Blue ing of that enemy capitat prey on soldiers with bonus money W.OOOUUOO_UO the hospital after serious illness and A letter was -read from Ben of the sick visiting committee, re- , changing focus of the present world Skies", to have rolled June 1, and for ............................. , , ported that his conunittee had visited will convalesce at his Beverley Hills Malkin, Free Press war correspond- all the Jewish lads confined in Deer Bowyer Boag Limited which Irving was returning to' this home.... John Garfield, who has ent, greeting; the members: "You country from' the South ~acific Heartiest Good Wishes Best Wishes to All Our Jewish Friends and is! yen to do a Broadway 'pl~y, leaves veterans rUm;t know how we feel Lodge, hospital during the past PLUMBING, HEATING AND VENTILATING ,where he has been appearing with -for New York this week to look over about mail here. 'It's about the most month. Following the meeting, mov- "This Is the Army". to You All for a Patrons for a Joyous ing pictures supplied by the Win­ AIR CONDITIONING Passover the script mart... -. As any'screen- welcome gift we can receive- from Sandrich, along with being one of writer knows, the use of the right home. That is, because most of the nipeg Hydro were shown. Refresh­ Hollywood's ace producer-directors, word in the right place can often boys are so afraid of being forgotten, ments were then served by Mr,' Automatic Sprinkler Equipment ' Wineberg and his committee. (his recent hits: "So Proudly We Very Joyous Sheet Metal Work and Roofing The Management and Staff work wonders. A corporal in charge they've been away such a long time, Hail", "I Love a Soldier", and his of the 'of barracks at a Californian camp that when they do receive mail, they 157 3 =tIl ~ I last "Here Come the Waves") also PHONE 26979 Passover put up a sign reading: "~EEP OFF are mighty 'pleased." Another letter, was unusually prominent in patriotic ~ ~. 45 OLIVIA STREET • WINNIPEG, MAN. and film industry affairs and accom­ TIVOLI ............ ............. ATRIBUTE TO plished outstanding work for the • ........................... Joyous Hebrew University in Palestine. His THEATRE ACADEMY FLOWER SHOP JOE ROSENBERG, Proprietor MRS. D. SPIVAK passing 'removes from Filmland's AND JOYOUS PASSOVER GREETINGS If it's Cut Flowers, or potted plants you are after, we always have charitable circles one who rendered GAIETY The death of Mrs.
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