TOMMUNOMUS009765028B2 U VIDUTULINUNUNUN (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 ,765 , 028 B2 Woollam (45 ) Date of Patent: * Sep . 19 , 2017 ( 54 ) CRYSTALLINE FREEBASE FORMS OF A ( 56 ) References Cited BIPHENYL COMPOUND U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS (71 ) Applicant: THERAVANCE BIOPHARMA R & D 3 , 903 , 137 A 9 / 1975 Miura et al. IP , LLC , South San Francisco , CA 6 , 693, 202 B1 2 /2004 Aggen et al . (US ) 7 , 524 , 880 B2 4 / 2009 Li et al . 7 , 700 , 777 B2 4 / 2010 Axt et al. ( 72 ) Inventor: Grahame Woollam , Basel (CH ) 8 , 242 , 137 B2 8 / 2012 Axt et al. 8 ,377 , 965 B2 2 / 2013 Axt et al. 8 , 541 , 451 B2 9 / 2013 Woollam ( 73 ) Assignee : Theravance Biopharma R & D IP , 8 , 716, 313 B2 5 / 2014 Axt et al. 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C07D 211/ 62 ( 2013 .01 ) ; A61K 9 / 124 The invention provides two crystalline freebase forms of ( 2013 .01 ) ; A61K 9 / 1623 ( 2013 .01 ) ; A61K biphenyl- 2 - ylcarbamic acid 1 - ( 2 - { [ 4 - ( 4 - carbamoylpiperi 31 /4545 (2013 .01 ) ; A61K 45 / 06 (2013 .01 ) ; din - 1 -ylmethyl ) benzoyl ] methylamino } ethyl) piperidin - 4 - yl CO7D 401/ 12 ( 2013. 01 ) ; C07B 2200 / 13 ester. The invention also provides pharmaceutical composi (2013 .01 ) tions comprising the crystalline freebase or prepared using (58 ) Field of Classification Search the crystalline freebases ; processes and intermediates for CPC .. CO7D 211/ 62 ; CO7D 401/ 12 ; C07B preparing the crystalline freebases, and methods of using the 2200 / 13 ; A61K 31/ 4545 ; A61K 9 / 124 ; crystalline freebases to treat a pulmonary disorder . A61K 9 / 1623 ; A61K 45 /06 See application file for complete search history . 6 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets U . S . Patent Sep. 19 , 2017 Sheet 1 of 4 US 9 , 765 ,028 B2 Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww KKKKKKKKKEMBER Wwwwwwwwww 2000 INTENSITY(COUNTS) RRRRRRRERAWRR * ARARK A . ht -2xxxwww me.www LOOK per for the Without Brasserie est to get i per ales Ombingunanana SYKEHypomponangman to 15 20200 ) 25 35 FIG . *1 www . DXYYYYYYYTEK 3000 WARNKARA www. INNO WWWtners verseW LIO LAN th WAKARYERERE 1000 inter mm HACKERTO wwwwww Select many other states t hat the one thing mandoline Onlaynmanagmennnnnnn mesemawanawwwwwwgmansmaskers annen pense www * * FIGwwwvoor . 2 U . S . Patent Sep. 19 , 2017 Sheet 2 of 4 US 9 , 765 ,028 B2 Warwin - INTENSITY(COUNTS) w T DES tys.west porno tube the same thing tryto get fit * the statement to the national NOVO * * 1000 * www www WWW WASSA . 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S . Patent Sep . 19, 2017 Sheet 4 of 4 US 9 , 765 ,028 B2 100 .5 129. 15°C Seguimento 10. 2955 % 100. 0 wwwwwww 10 .01770mg ) WEIGHT(%) WwwwwwwwwwwAAAAAAAAAAAA 109 .77°C macarenemplomy tong three A AAAAAA 99. 0 mphima aprangaran S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 TEMPERATUI E FIG . 7 US 9 , 765 , 028 B2 CRYSTALLINE FREEBASE FORMS OF A oped for administering therapeutic agents by inhalation BIPHENYL COMPOUND including dry powder inhalers (DPI ) , metered - dose inhalers (MDI ) and nebulizer inhalers . When preparing pharmaceu CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED tical compositions and formulations for use in such devices , APPLICATIONS 5 it is highly desirable to have a crystalline form of the therapeutic agent that is neither hygroscopic nor deliques This application is a continuation of U . S . application Ser. cent and which has a relatively high melting point thereby No . 14 / 955 ,515 , filed on Dec. 1 , 2015 ; which application is a continuation of U . S . application Ser. No . 14 /547 ,455 , filed allowing the material to be micronized without significant on Nov . 19 , 2014 (now U . S . Pat . No . 9 , 226 ,896 B2 ) ; which 10 decomposition . Although crystalline freebase forms of the application is a continuation of U . S . application Ser . No. compound of formula I have been reported in U . S . Patent 13 / 973 , 174 , filed Aug . 22 , 2013 (now U . S . Pat . No . 8 , 921 , Publication No. 2007 /0112027 to Axt et al. as Form I and 396 B2 ) ; which application is a divisional of U . S . applica Form II , the crystalline freebase forms of the present inven tion Ser . No . 12 / 835 , 964 , filed Jul. 14 , 2010 (now U . S . Pat . tion have different and particularly useful properties , includ No . 8 , 541 , 451 B2) ; which application claims the benefit of 15 ing higher melting points . U . S . Provisional Application No . 61/ 225, 803, filed on Jul. 15 , 2009 ; the entire disclosures of which are incorporated SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION herein by reference . One aspect of the invention relates to crystalline freebase BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 20 forms of biphenyl- 2 - ylcarbamic acid 1 - ( 2 - { [ 4 - ( 4 - carbam oylpiperidin - 1 - ylmethyl) benzoyl ]methylamino } ethyl ) pip Field of the Invention eridin - 4 -yl ester characterized by a powder X - ray diffraction The present invention relates to novel crystalline forms of pattern comprising diffraction peaks at 20 values of 6 . 6 + 0 . 1 , a biphenyl compound , which are expected to be useful for 13 . 1 + 0 . 1 , 18 . 6 + 0 . 1 , 19 . 7 + 0 . 1 , and 20 . 2 + 0 . 1 . treating pulmonary disorders. The invention also relates to 25 Another aspect of the invention relates to a crystalline pharmaceutical compositions comprising the crystalline freebase of biphenyl- 2 - ylcarbamic acid 1 - ( 2 - { [ 4 - ( 4 - carbam compounds or prepared from such compounds , processes oylpiperidin - 1 - ylmethyl) benzoyl ]methylamino } ethyl ) pip and intermediates for preparing such crystalline compounds eridin - 4 -yl ester, designated as form III , which is character and methods of using such compounds to treat a pulmonary ized by a powder X - ray diffraction pattern comprising disorder . 30 diffraction peaks at 20 values of 6 . 6 + 0 . 1 , 13 . 1 + 0 . 1 , State of the Art 18 . 6 + 0 . 1 , 19 . 7 + 0 . 1 , and 20 . 2 + 0 . 1 ; and further characterized U . S . Patent Publication No. 2005 /0203133 to Mammen et by having five or more additional diffraction peaks at 20 al . discloses novel biphenyl compounds that are expected to values selected from 8 . 8 : 0 . 1 , 10 .
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