2 '.THE LEE COUNTY JOURNAL—FRIDAY, FEBEUARY 15, 1597 THE LEE COUNTY JOURNAL COMPLETE WEEK'S GUIDE WAGA-TV CHANNEL 5 1:00 Lone Ranger 2:00 Sportareel 3:30 Bob Crosby FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1957 2:00 Major Hockey ?3? RsskrtbaU CBS 3:45 let* Go 4.1S Wrestling 4:00 Brumter Day 4:43 Beauty Hint* 6:30 To Be Announced ATLANTA, GEORGIA 4:38 Edge of Night WSB-TV CHANNEL 2 5:00 Sky King 3:48 FSU Sports Pared* 7:00 Good MornMr anew 8:09 Mlckev «ouse Club WRBL-TV CHANNEL 4 S 30 aoidler of Fortune 8:00 Annie OakJ«y 8:00 Bob Brandy tc Kid* NBC 8:15 Rural Rhythm 7:30 Captain Kangaroo 8 00 Stars of the Orand Ola Ours U:i0 Romper Rooan 6iS5 House of Fabrics ATLANTA GEORGIA CBS 8:30 Ozark Jubilee «:« New* 7:00 Evening Edition 8:48 Sportacop* 9:00 Of All Thing* 7 00 Jim Bowie 9:30 Arthur Godfrey 7:10 Weather Outlook ® Dsjioles programs transmitt­ COLUMBUS, GEORGIA 7.30 The Buccaneers 7:00 Lawrence Welk 7:13 Douglas Sdward* 1:00 Ballard Show 9:43 Valiant Lady ed is RCA compatible color. 8:08 Jackie Oleason Show 10:00 Our Mr Sun 7:30 Robin Hood 7:SS Thought far Tttsssy 9 00 Oale Storm Show 0:30 My Friend nicks 8:80 Bums tc Allen Test Pattern 9:00 Royal Playhouse 10:30 Strike It R.CJ1 8:00 CaDtaln Kangaroo 9.30 Hey Jeannle 11:00 Perry'* Kitchen 8:30 Talent Scouts XziS, Morning Devotion* 10:00 Cunsmoka 9:30 Qunaraoiu. 9:00 I Love L.UC.V 7rtK> Today •:M Cartoon Carnival 10:30 You're On Your Own 10:00 To Be Announced II IS New* 9:30 December Bride 7:*S Ceorjrta News 10:00 Studio Four 11 00 Lawrence Welk Show 10:30 Hit Parade 11 30 Inauguration 10:00 Cheyenne 7:39 Today 12:00 Owl Playhouse 11:00 Bowling Tim* 11 IS Inauguration Bail 11:00 Late Edition 7-W Georgia New* 12:30 News & Sign Off 11 43 Guiding LJght 11.15 Night Beat *:C0 Today 13:00 New* at rroon 11:45 Sign Off S:S4 Geonri* Newa Hat Strike ItaSk^ WRBL-TV CHANNEL 4 13-10 TV Ranch *VX> Today 1*00 Valiant xJJ> CBS 13-30 As the Earth Turn* »:SS Today in Ceonda UsU LOTS Of Lit* tt30 House Party *:30 Suite WAGA-TV CHANNEL S COLUMBUS, GEORGIA •:00 The Big Payoff WMAZ-TV CHANNEL 13 10:03 Borne 1*:4» Quldlng tith) CBS 9:25 Thought For -TasUr 3.30 Bob Crosby 11:00 The Price Is RUM }:J2 Walter Cronkit* News 9:30 Captain Kangaroo 3:00 Brighter Day ABC. CBS. NBC II SO Truth or Consequences ATLANTA. GEORGIA 10:30 Cartoon Carnival 3 15 Secret Storm 13:00 News J:2S World Tarns 10:48 Cartow. Csatsslm 3:30 Edge of Night VtziS Tie Tae Ootum 3:00 Our Mis* Brooks 12:3C Hidiev ben at Tae News 3:30 Bob Crosby MACptf, GEORGIA 13:30 It Could Be To* 7 00 Good Morning Show H bbT 9 00 Children's Gospel Hour 12:45 Saturday Showcase 4 00 Valiant Lady 1:00 Armchair Flax******* 13 ° 1 -00 Sat. Showcase 4 IS A Woman's World 7 00 Good Morning 3:30 Tennessee XmM 10 00 School Oi tne Air 3:00 Bis Payoff 10 30 Texas Rangers 2:00 Major League Hockey 4 13 Secret Storm 8.00 Captain Kangaroo 3:00 NBC Matinee* 3:30 Bob Crosby 4 15 Chatt. Hayrlde 3 00 Movie Matinee 9 00 Little Bascals 4-00 Queen For A Day 11 00 Ola TOD 9:30 Herb Johnson Show 3:4S To Be Announced 11 IS Tax Telethon 5:00 Yesterday's Newsreel 8:00 Christmas Show 4 43 Modern Romanesa 4:00 Brighter bay 5 13 Brandy Time 6 05 Soon* Tempo 10.00 Garry Moor* 5-00 Comedy Tim* 12 on IV Kancn PHILCO 4 IS Secret Storm 1 00 Special Lone Ranger Show S.30 Beat the Clock 8 10 World New* 10:30 Arthur Godfrey 0 30 Mv Lrttle Margie 4:30 Edge of Night 8:00 Cisco KIO 8 IS Douglas Edward* 11.30 Strike It Rich Studio A 0-00 Clubhonse Qanf 2 00 Ico Hockey •:** Robin Hood 12.00 Almanac • TELEVISION •:00 Mickey Mouse Clue 4 is School of the Air 8:30 Pet Time 8:00 Bob Brandy 4u The Kid* 8 30 Annie Oakley T:M Bum* & Allen 13.15 Love oi Life Armchair Adventure 8*5 Weather 4:45 Kartoon Komlca 8:48 Newsreel 7 00 My Friend Fllcka 7:80 Talent* Scouts 13:30 Search for Tomorrow Kartoon Frollks • KADIO 6:50 News . .. 5 00 Foreign Legionnaire 8 00 Charlie Parrel Show 12:45 Guiding Licht 7 00 Dr Christian 7:00 Evening Wltton 5.30 Boot* ana Saddle Playhouse 7 30 Ballard Show Home 7:10 Weather Outlook 8:00 Jackie Oleason 11 00 World r»e»» 1:00 New* • PHONOGRAPH 7 JO Coke Time 8:00 Cisco Kid 11 OS Double Feature Playhouse 1 10 Hayloft Jamboree The Price Is Right 7 43 NBC News 7:18 Douglas Edwards It News 8-30 Beat the Cloea, 9 00 Oale Storm Show 7 30 Bin Tin Tin 9:30 Hey. Jeannle 11 30 Strike It Rich 1.30 Havloft Jamboree 11 30 Truth or Consequences 8100 Blondie 7 uo JaoRie Oleason 2:00 Our Miss Brooks Tic Tac Dough «.'yice 8 00 West Point 7 30 Stage Show 10-00 Ounsmoke 12 00 Soles an j r 8 30 Life of Riley 8.30 Zane Oray Theater 10.30 You're On Your Own 2:30 House Party Rural Report B 00 On Trial 8 00 Two For The Money WRBL-TV CHANNEL 4 3.00 Big Pavotf 12 30 000 Mr. Adam tc Xvs> 8 30 Hey Jeannle 11 00 Ray Anthony Show F Pepper Report* • SO Big Stonr 3:30 Bob Crosby 1 00 Love of Life to 00 Olllctte Cavalcade of Snorts 8 30 Playhouse of Star* 9-00 Gunsmokft 1000 The Lineup WALB-TV CHANNEL 10 CBS 4:00 Brighter Day 1-15 Strike It Rich ROBISON 10.-4S Red Barber's Corner* 9 30 Ford Star Jubilee 4 IS Secret Storm 1.30 11.00 Newsroom 10 30 Person to Person in 00 Fawny Playhouse COLUMBUS. GEORGIA Menus 'n Manners 11 on Lata Edition 10 30 You're On Your Own NBC, ABC, DUMONT 4 30 Edge of Night 2.00 Meet The Neighbors APPLIANCE CENTER 11 30 Tonight 7 SS Thought For Today 5-00 Superman 3 00 13.30 Evening Reflections 11 IS Nifht Beat 11 03 Talmadge Series ALBANY. GEORGIA Edge of Night 8 00 Caoiaju Kanararoo 5 30 Little Rascals 3.30 :•••» BIOJCJ 5U-: : n. ^ 12 33 Sign Cm 8 00 Cartoon Carnival 5:45 Vesoer Time Afternoon 11 10 Sports Final 1000 Howdy Doody 4:00 Secret Storm 10 30 1 Married Joan 9 30 At Home With Rorell 8 00 Georgia Ramblers WAGA-TV CHANNEL 5 10 00 Studio Four 6 30 NewB Sports 4 15 Brighter Day WMAZ-TV CHANNEL 15 II 45 Parade oi Progress 11 00 Fury 4 30 11 30 Cowboy Theatre 11 00 Time For Prayer 6 40 SDorts Kartoon Froliks CBS WCTV - CHANNEL I 10.30 Godfrey Time 6.45 Douglas Edwards 4:45 CU-cle o Bsncn WAGA-TV CHANNEL 5" ABC. CBS. NBC 12 30 Mr Wizard 5:00 THOMASVILLE. GEORGIA 1 00 Western Theatre 11.30 Presidential Inauguration 7 00 Life of Riley Cowt»y G-Men CBS ATLANTA. GEORGIA 13 00 Valiant Lady 7 30 Hit Parade 6 00 F Pepper News MACON. GEORGIA 2 30 NBA Basketball Game 6 30 * ATLANTA, GEORGIA i 9 30 Studio A S 00 Rileah Park Races 13 IS Love Of Life 8 00 Burns & Allen 6-45 Snorts - Weather 7 00 Good Momma I 00 Good Momma dhow 1J 30 Search for Tomorrow H 30 Voice of rucstone Weather St Fashions 7:0ft Good Morning.Show KOQs Captain Kangaroo 9 4S Bobo The Hobo S 30 Movie Mstlnee 6 55 7.30 Captain Kangaroo 7 30 Family Playhoue* 10-00 Howdv i>ood« 7 00 Ozark Jubilee 11 45 Guiding Light 9 00 I Love Lucy 7 00 Garden Notes SWT Little Rascals ft 30 Roinner Room 1 00 Early EdlUon 9 30 December Bride Jackpot 8 30 Romper Room t-30 Herb Johnson 900 Of All Thinks 10 30 Saturday Sunday School 7 30 People Are Funny 7 15 • 00 Of Ail Things 8 00 Perry Como* 1 OS Spec & Doyle Show 10 00 Cheyenne 7 30 10:00 Garrv Moore 10 00 Parry's Kitchen 10 45 Kartoon* 1 30 As The World Turn* 11 00 News hpona. Weather Eddie Arnold Time 9 30 Arthur Godfrev 10:30 The Polka Dots ID 30 Strike It Rich 11 00 Fury 9 00 Saturday Spectacular 8 00 Celebrity Playhouse 10.00 20th Century Fox Hour 10.00 2 no Our Miss Brooks II 10 Night Show 11 30 Strike It Rich U uO News at Eleven 11 30 Cowboy Theatre George uobel 2 30 Houseparty 8 30 Dr Hudson Secret Journal 11:00 News at Eleven Mr Wizard 10 30 Your Hit Parade 1? SO News & Sign Off 13 00 Almanac U IS Love of Lli* 12 30 2 uo liig Payoff 9 00 The Millionaire 11 15 Lore Of life 12 IS Love of Life 12 00 News 1 00 Lone Ranger 11 00 Living Room Theater 9 30 Man Behind The Badge 11 30 Search For Tomorrow 13 30 Search For Tomorrow 12-30 Search for Tomorrow 10 no This Is Your Life 11 45 Guiding Light 12 48 Guldlns Light 12.45 Guidina Light 10 30 Count of Monte Cristo 12 00 News at Noon 1 00 News 13 30 As Tn» «arth Turns TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1957 11 00 Nlte Show 12 10 TV Ranch 1 10 Hayloft Jamboree 100 Robert VI- Lewi* SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1957 12 30 As The Earth Turns 2 no Our Miss Brooks 1 30 House Party 1 00 Robert Q Lewis Z 30 House Party 2:00 Big Payoff VVSB-TV CHANNEL 2 WRBL-TV CHANNEL 4 WSB-TV CHANNEL 2 1 30 House Party 3 00 The Bis Pavotf 2.30 Bob Crosby WRBL-TV CHANNEL 4 WRBL-TV CHANNEL 4 2 0C Big Payoff 3 30 Bob Brosbv 3 0e Brighter Day COLUMBUS.
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