MARYVILLE COLLEGE BULLETIN MAR I E T EE YV LL , ENNESS ANNUAL CATALOG ISSUE On e Hu n dred an d Twen ty- Secon d Y ear 1940 1941 MARY VI LLE C OLLEG E F OUNDE D 1819 Maryville College is a member of the Southern Asso ci ti n n a o of Colleges a d Secondary Schools, which is the regional accrediting agency; and is on the approved list h A m of t e ssociation of A erican Universities . Maryville is also a member of th e American Council n E u at n h A o d c io , of t e ssociation of American Colleges , f h N n nf r n h - o t e atio al Co e e ce of C urch Related Colleges, h r r of t e P esbyte ian College Union, of the Tennessee t College A ssocia ion , of the Smoky Mountain Athletic n r n n th r r Co fe e ce, a d of o e g oups ; and is on the ap ‘ proved lists of the American Medical Association and the other principal edu cational associations and insti tutions . The College is thus accorded a pla ce not only among the standard a ccredited institutions , but also among the limited number of those of more selective rating. It hr n l h t is C istia , a t ough not sectarian , in i s pur r r m n h poses , p og a , a nd teachi g. T roughout its history it has been organically connected with the Presbyterian h r h . n D r r C u ch in t e U. S . A , a d its i ecto s are elected by the Synod of Tennessee. It is the purpose of this Catalog to present concisely essential information concerning the College. The pages immediately following carry pictures of the central area and of a few of the buildings and s cenes of the three hundred and twenty acre campus . CH APEL ON COMME NCE ME NT DAY WITH BARTLETT AND ALUMNI GYMNASIUM BEYOND MARYVI- LLE COLLEGE BULLETIN ANNUAL CATALO G ISSUE 1 VOL . XXXIX . MAY, 1 940 No. Ann oun cements for the One Hundred and Twenty- Second Year 1940 1941 Register for 1939 1940 The College r es erves the right to mak e n e cess a ry i cha n ges with out further n ot ce . MARYVILLE COLLEGE Maryville , Tenness ee Ma 24 04 at Ma r P le ll e . E n tered 19 vi e Ten u blished q ua rterly by Maryvil Co e g y , , y ll , ' c - c m a il matter . cce ta n c e for ma i in a t s ec a l r a te of s ta e n es see , a s se on d la ss A p l g p i po g 3 A ct of ct ber 3 1917 a uth rize ebr a r 10 19 19 . provided for in Section 1 10 , O o , . o d F u y , AN INTRODUCTION TO MARYVILLE COLLEGE AND TO THIS CATALOG This Catalog ‘ This May issue of TH E MARYVILLE COLLE GE BULLE TIN is the a nnual “ ” f Catalog . It contains in concis e detail mos t o the infor mation “ ” s needed by students and prospec tive students . The Index on the la t “ ” page will serve a s a guide to this information . This I ntroduction aims to as s ist young people and their advi s ers to find readil y the answers to s ome of their immediate and principal questions . The College - Maryville is a coeducational , liberal arts , chur ch rela ted, C hristian e college of approximately 800 students and 80 faculty and officers . Th - students of 1939 1940 came from 3 1 States and Six foreign countries . ’ I is n f s f t o e o the South s older in titutions o higher education, located in the city of Maryville, s ixteen miles from Knoxville , in eas tern Ten nes s ee , and ha s a campus of 320 acres and 20 buildings . The Academic Rating Maryville College holds a s elective pla ce among nationally a c “ credited colleges . It s graduates and credits are accepted by pr ofe s s iou al and graduate s chools on the s ame bas is a s are thos e from other leading institutions . ' The Cours es Oflered E ach student before graduation is required to take work in the s even fields of E nglish , Bible , Foreign Languages , Science or Mathe n maties , His tory , Philos ophy, and Phys ical E ducation, a s outlined o 2 - 2 pages 7 8 . Thes e constitute approximately one half of the entire college cours e, the other half consisting of Work in his major field and of electives . E ach s tudent s elects his major from the following 22 fields : Art , R s E Bible and eligion, Biology, Chemi try, Dramatic Art , conomics , E E ducation , nglis h , French , German , Greek , His tory, Home E conomics , s Latin , Mathematic , Music, Philosophy, Physics , Political Science, Psychology , Sociology, and Spanis h . Maryville does not off er pro fes sional training but does offer foundational cours es for tho s e plan s ning to tudy later for the various profes s ions . Students preparing to teach can arrange their cours es to satis fy certification requirements ff in the di erent States . All graduates of the College receive the de B gree of . A . , except those majoring in Home E conomics who receive B HE that of S . in . TheE xpens es to the Student s s s The expen e to the student, in accordance with the es tabli hed policy of the institution, are very l ow . Students rooming in the dor mitor ies pay to the College approximately $325 a year and those living s in their own home in the community pay approximately $150 . Mary ’ i s s s - v lle pecial tudent help program, in which about two thirds of all s s s tudent participate, include remunerative employment , loans , and a s t s s few de igna ed cholar hip grants . Many students earn part of the money necess ary for their expenses but it i s s eldom possible for one to “ hi ” earn all of s way, and the College doe s not offer general scholar s s to s s hip grant pro pective tudents . ( See page The E ntrance Requirements ( 1 ) Graduation from a standard high s chool with rank in the upper s s s or two third of the cla , an acceptable previou s college record ; and s s s a s s ati factory credential to purpo e , character, pers onality, a nd 2 promis e . ( ) Completion of application before the limits of 300 in s s of 00 the fres hman cla , 8 in the College, and of capacity in the dor mitor ies l . The s s , are fil ed dormitorie , e pecially thos e for women, f usually are filled before the end o the summer . An application blank will be found at the back of this Catalog . The Religious Program D Under Christian irectors and Faculty, Maryville endeavors to in clu de within its program not only tho s e factors which produce s cholas tic excellence , but als o thos e which have proved effective in developing Chris tian character and loyalty . Among thes e are : a Christian ap proach in all fields of instruction ; required and elective cours es in E s Bible , Religiou s ducation, and Chri tian Thought , for which there is a full ins tructional department ; daily chapel and Sunday church s er vices with attendance required ; the ministry of a college pas tor ; the “ ” annual February Meetings during ten days of s pecial s piritual em s s s phas is ; permanent and active student Christian a ociation . To help - young people to be intelligent , honorable , s elf reliant , wholes ome , ’ s s is s . u eful , Chri tian , Maryville aim The Individual Guidance Program The College ha s a well developed plan of individual analysis and f of s - s guidance for all s tudents . The most ef ective the pre ent day te t s s . ing , counseling, and remedial procedure are u ed The Organized E xtra - Curricular Program s Athletic teams have intercollegiate s chedule in football, basket s w s s ball, bas eball , track, tenni , re tling , and wimming ; and there are s intercollegiate s chedules in debate and other forens ics . Mu ical and 96 s dramatic organizations ( listed on pages individual , and other s s group s give numerous public productions . Strong tudent religiou s s s organizations and activities , s tudent publication , tudent club , intra mural athletics and organized ins truction and programs of phys ica l s s education, and variou other plan , provide for both men and women s . varied opportunitie s for expres s ion , experience , and ervice ( See pages 106 THE COLLEGE CALENDAR FOR 1 9 4 0 - 1 9 4 1 FIRS T SE ME S TE R - Sept . 10 16 , Opening program — m . w s . s . Ne s Sept . 10, Tue day, p tudent report — f s . m . R s o s s Sept . 1 1 , Wedne day, a egi tration new tudent ; payment of bills by old or new students who have reg i ster ed .
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