University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 9-7-1995 Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 05, September 7, 1995 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 05, September 7, 1995" (1995). Central Florida Future. 1319. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1319 Culpepper named Division I-AA offensive player of the week-p. 14 The Flori Future Get a jump on next I The 'Noles give 0-town a demonstration year's job market a recruiting-consulting firm in New D Internships and York. Whil e Ha nigan 's research ) preparation will shows a modest upturn in 1994 , th e get you the job · damage has been done. Not only are fewer ent~y-level jobs available you want. upon graduation (only half as many COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE as 1989), but in anticipation of this Special to the Future reduced hiring, many internship pro­ grams have been scaled back as As fall gets underway, on- well. campus job interviews begin on These data mean that honing many colleges and universities your job-interviewing skills is more around the nation'. For college se- important than ever, if only because niors, four years (in some cases students will land a smaller number five or six years) of study must of interviews this year than in past now be transformed into mean- years. But few students spend as ingful employment. For younger much time preparing for the job college students, no more sum- interview as they do working on mers of mowing lawns or their resume. Both, however, are babysitting the neighbor's kids. equally important. Here are some of It's time to get an internship, one the tips on maximizing your inter­ • with challenging projects and ex.: viewing skills: posure to a n~w field. Fortunately, I. Sell yourself only after at this time ~f year, companies you know what the company is look- start flocking to campus in search ing for. Employers hire people to of young people to fill entry-level solve problems. Your first task, then, positions. is to determine the solution. Play up But unlike the I 980's, when your strengths but anticipate and many companies came to campus ~~a. efully rebut objections to your and a high proportion of the job- strengths. Tell the truth: most em­ see~i ng graduating classes re- players can sniff out exaggeration. ceived at least on job offer, the 2. Be ready for standard as '90s bring a new corporate man- well as off-the-wall questions. Em- tra: to be a lean, mean machine, . players will naturally ask you about companies must cut jobs. The end your past jobs, personal interests result: overall hiring of college and education. But some employers photo/HUNT grads nationwide fell 55 percent also wanttoevaluate how you would The Florida State Seminoles put on quite a demonstration for all Central Florid~ fans between 1989 and 1993 , accord- handle certain job situations and .Saturday in the Citrus Bowl. The Golden Knights play FSU in Tallahassee on Sept. 23 ing to Hanigan Consulting Group, see INTERN, page 7 at 7:00 p.m. and promises to put Daunte and the crew _to the test. Sb.ldent Government by JOE CHABUS Staff writer the Wild Pizza da ring the restaurant's • operati ng hours, students eating dinner Not enough senators made the may watch the senators at work. Stu:­ quorum call Sunday evening, cancel­ dent Govern ment officials hope stu­ ing the 38th session ofthe 27th senate. dents witnessi ng senate actions will Despite the cancellation, fall senate encourage more involvement in cam­ meeting dates were announced. The pus po li tics . Wild Pizza will be the most common I think it is a great idea for us to site for futu re meetings, which have meet in The Wild Pizza because stu­ been changed from Sunday nights to dents are going in there to eat and they Thursdays at 7 p.m .. have to listen to the senate meetings. It Currently, senate meetings are will increase student government held at the University Dining Room, awareness and it will get students in­ ·but a scheduling conflict caused the volved with the issues on campus, senate to look for a new home. The especially with the legislative and ex­ Wild Pizza offers interesting attributes ecutive branches, Student Government which corresponds with the Jack of Vice-President Frank Amoros said. stud_e nt attention given to senate meet­ The Wild Pizza will host eigh t ings. The most noticeable attribute meetings in the fall semester, the Uni­ being greater senate visibility. Senate versity Dining Room two, and the meetings begin at the same time The Student Center Auditorium will host Wild Pizza opens for dinner. Since four, the first happening this Thursday senate meetings will be occurring at at 7 p.m. News 1-9 Opinion 10-11 Classifieds 12 Features 17-23 Jeffrey takes ~is hat off at the Acting Studio-F-3 Sports 13-16,24 The UCF Office of Student Activities and Division of Student-Affairs will be facilitating a seminar on Communication: "The· Key To Success" • This is an. exciting opportunity for the University's community of student leaders to work • together and expand their · awareness of communication. • • • - The Office·of Student Activities • invites the officers or leader representatives • of your organization to attend the • 7th Annual Leaders' Seminar • at the Grand Ballroom &.. Courtyard • catered by Puff 'n Stuff · . • .Saturday, September 16~ ~ _ 995 • 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. • RSVP by Friday, September 8 • to the Office of Student Activities .. Student Center Room 198, 823-6471 • • Casual Dress Lunch is provided • Sept 7, 1995 • The Central Florida Future • 3 take !~ Police~ <~·~~: Beat • Sommer Russell, a resident of · «~ .. •Steve Katsaris, the RA repre- Volusia Hall, and Danielle Ses­ Po[lc~ enting housing for Seminole sions, a resident ofBroward Hall, Hall , reported that someone reported that belween 12:30 a.m . damaged the doors of Lynne • and 2 a.m. on Salurday Aug. 12, • Christopher West reported that Ciardulli and Joy Porters' dorm they found a total of$645.missing someone stole his wallet out of his room doors by setting fire to from their wallets after leaving gym bag in the men's locker room in the flyers tacked on the them. four men alone for a few minutes the Arena on Aug. 24 around 7 p.m . • Craig Beal reported that An­ in Ms. Russell's·dorm room. The •Several students in one of the dorms drea Henley struck him in the money later turned up and no have reported numerous harassing face several times after a dis­ • charges were filed. phone calls. They ask that the perpe­ cussion on the basketball courts • George Michael Starks alleges trator stop. next to the pool. More students take Kaplan's courses every that his project manager, Ken • Gary Campbell of SCA reported year than any other test prep company's. Grostic, forged his name on that someone damaged (and re­ •A white male was arrested on Call us today to find out why. $52,000 worth of checks while moved) some of the safety poles Aug 28 for possession of less 1-800-KAP-TEST working for him on the ATO house located in front of Student' Center than 20 grams of cannabis. at 4419 Greek Ct. between June Auditorium on Aug 22 around mid­ KAP·LAN of 1994 and January of 1995. night. The answer to the test question. GEAR UP FOR Survival check list o Phone cords and accessories IN THE DORM o Alarm clock or clock radio 5899 o TV, VCR and video accessories -- 4999 Upright cordless phone Voice-activated won't tie you down o Security devices micro answerer CCT circuitry provides·excellent Don't miss important calls clarity and range. Handy base­ ,.o Computer and accessories . when you're not in your to-handset paging. #43 -1oosMs room. Remote operation. #43-752MB o Batteries 2499 o Stereo equipment, speakers Basic trim phone and audio accessories saves space Heavy-duty llashlight Lighted keypad for dialing o in the dark. Three colors. ( White, #43 -585MB. Almond, \~ #43-586MB. Gray, #43-587MB ! o Smoke alarm 3491 o Part-time job (see the manager AM/FM cassette music or y~ur local Radio Shack store> system with E-Bass .. Compact speakers let you share the music, headphones let you 7!~ listen privately. #14-1209MB Shielded die-cast • 2-way A/V speaker ~. 1 99 Great for use near PC 19 or TV. 4" woofer and Indoor TV /FM antenna 1" soft-dome tweeter. Black, #40-2048MB. improves reception White, #40-2059MB Fine-tuning control for clearer picture and sound. #15-1808MB • IN THE CLASSROOM AC accessories to power your dorm 4-outlet adapter. 2-prong. #s1-2s21Ms •.•....... •....... _....•. 2.99 6-outlet surge protector in metal housing. #s1-2131M •••. 22.99 3999 I 6-outlet adapter. For 3-prong outlets. 11s1-2s22Ms •..•..•...•. 3.99 • 6-outlet power strip. Master on/off switch. 11s1-21s0Ms ..•.•.. 8.99 Microcassette Single outlet spike protector. us1-2791Ms •....••.••. ••••.•..• . 6.99 6-ft. 3-outlet ext.
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