University of Dayton eCommons The nivU ersity of Dayton Magazine Marketing and Communications 10-1-1947 The niU versity of Dayton Alumnus, October 1947 University of Dayton Magazine Follow this and additional works at: http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag Recommended Citation University of Dayton Magazine, "The nivU ersity of Dayton Alumnus, October 1947" (1947). The University of Dayton Magazine. 93. http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag/93 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The University of Dayton Magazine by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. DRUM MAJOR RECEIVES HONORS OCTOBER • 1947 CLEVELAND CHAPTER REORGANIZED The Cleveland Chapter of the U. D . Alumni Association held its first meeting on August 12, 1947, at the Allerton Hotel. Joe Gavin, football coach at U. D. and former Cleveland Holy Name ESTABLISHED 1929 coach, wa the guest speaker. H e told alumni members about the com­ Vol. XIII October, 194 7 No.7 ing football season. Mary Shay '44 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... Editor At thi meeting it was decided that a business meeting would be William J. Guensche, Jr., '47 . .... ... ....... ... Sports Editor held on Sept. 17, at Cathedral Latin "Entered a second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, High School. Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Archie Leary could not preside, due to illness in his family, so Bill Issued Monthly- O ctober through June Mayer, '25, capably took over. SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Member hip in the Alumni Associa­ A nominating committee, consist­ tion, $4.00. Subscription alone, $2.00. Single copies, 25 cents. ing of Wm. D. Avery, '13; Charles Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Mehling, '34; Clem K ern er, '29; Association of the Univer ity of Dayton." Dan Fitzsimmons, '33, and Robert For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The Uni­ Eubbing, '43, was appointed. This ver ity of Dayton, D ayton, Ohio." committee met after the regular meeting, and selected nominees a follows: Pre ident: Archie Leary, '25 ; Victor H. Warner, '29. Vice-President: Charles F. Gaking, '34; Earl R. H endricks, '41. Cleveland Chapter . 2 Secretary : Wm. E. Mayer, '25; Joseph C. Jira, '31. Homecoming . ... ... ..... ... ... .. .... ... .. .. ... ... ... .. 3, 4 Treasurer: Thomas W. Hoban, '35; George A. Madden, '42. Toledo Chapter . 3 Election of officers will be held at the next meeting. At thi time fur­ Sports . .. ... ..... .... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ......... 4, 5, 6 ther nominations from the floor will be in order. The elected officers wi ll Clas Note • • • • 0 ••••• • • •• 0 • • • • ••• 0 ••••• 0 • • • •• • 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 • • 6, 7, 8 serve for a period of six months only. At the completion of this time, a permanent organization will be in THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON existence, and another regular elec­ tion will be held. Clem Kerner was appointed -OFFICERS- H omecoming Chairman, and a great President .. .......... ... ... .. ELM ER J. WILL, '3 7, Dayton, Ohio many members have expressed their Vice-President . ... .. .... .. ... .... R. C. BROWN, '34, New York, N. Y. intention of attending. Treasurer . ... .. .. .. .. .. JoHN PADLEY, '40, Dayton, Ohio The members present at the Au­ ( T erms expire H omecoming, 1948) gust meeting included : John V. S ecretary . ........ ..... .. .. .. MARY SHAY, '44, ( Appointive office) Brady, '26; Mr. and Mrs. John D . Byrne, '25 ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles - DIRECTORS- G. Dehler, '29; Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ferron, '39; Charles F. Gaking, T erms expire Homecoming, 1947- CHARLES WHALEN, SR. , '07, Dayton (Continued on pa"e 3) CHARLES R EILING, SR., Dayton T erms expire Homecoming, 1948- DR. JoHN DucHAK, '31, Dayton ADAM WE STERKAMP, '31, Cincinnati FRONT COVER: Bob Dawson, T erms expire Homecoming, 1949- F. G. BELANICH, '27, Ceveland U. of D . drum major, has marched FRANK MAR HALL, '31, Sidney, Ohio him elf into a lifetime membership with two leading associations. ALUMNI MEMBERS After 19 years of baton twirling, - BOARD OF ATHLETIC CONTROL- and I 0 years of teaching, Bob has been made a member in the All­ T erm expire January, 1947- GEORGE KRAMER, '25, Dayton American Drum Major A sociation, RoBERT LAN G, '32, Dayton and the All-American Drum and T erm expire January, 1948- R oBERT M . PAYNE, '22, Dayton Bugle Corps and Band A sociation. LoUis J. TscHum, '34, Dayton H e is the only Ohioan holding mem­ T erms expire January, 1949- MARTIN KuNTZ, '12, D ayton bership in the former organization. J. ELLIS MAYL, '08, Dayton 2 U. D. WELCOMES ALUMNI AS TOLEDO CHAPTER HOMECOMING PLANS ARE COMPLETED HOLDS MEETING With the coming of another foot­ installation of the newl y elected In an effort to reactivate the T o­ ball season here at the University of board members will take place. Fol­ ledo Chapter of the University of Dayton, plans have been completed lowing the meeting, an informal re­ Dayton Alumni Association, the first for the annual Homecoming week­ ception will be held. Sandwiches will post-war meeting was held Septem­ end, which was such a memorable be served from 12 noon until 1 :30. ber 16, 1947 at the Catholic Club in event las t year. J. Ellis May!, '08, is chairman of Toledo. For all of you who were present the luncheon and will be assisted by Because of the lack of response for the 1946 Homecoming, it means Margaret Carroll, '46, Milt M cGuire, at this meeting, the continuation of another grand time, with the tradi­ '47, and Robert M . Payne, '22. the chapter is questionable. During tional bonfire, the Alumni M ass, the the cour e of the meeting, it was de­ business meeting, registration for a GAME cided that another meeting would be new year, a great football game, and held O ctober 22, at Bill Malone's The Homecoming game between a climax in the U . D. Homecoming home, 2638 Cheltenham Road, To­ the Xavier "Musketeers" and the Dance at the Biltmore Hotel. ledo. U . D. "Flyers" is scheduled for 2:15. If you were not fortunate enough If the members of this chapter to have been present last year, you With the "Flyers" winning their first two games against Scranton and wish to ee it continue, please phone surely have heard many of your Bill at LA 5827, or send him the friends speak about the fun packed Bowling Green, this game will prove that "Gavin's boys" are out to win. post card which you have received reunion week-end. If yo u have not stating that you will be present. a lready done so, most probably you The members present at the Sep­ are making your own plans to be DINNERS tember meeting included: Jack Car­ right on the spot for this year's cele­ After the game and preceeding roll, '39; Jennie Belle-Campbell, '44 ; bration. the dance, many of the classes have Thoma H. Glick, '40 ; Richard Things start happening on Hal­ arranged for dinners and reunions. Kinn, '45, and Miss Becky McCar­ loween. The traditional bonfire and The members of these classes have thy; Bill Malone, '33; Paul O'­ pep rally begins at 8 :30 p.m. on been notified, and this is merely a Rourke, '43, Miss Eleanor Balkely ; " Old Varsity," Friday, O ctober 31. reminder to you to send your reser­ Anne E. Pennell, '45 ; Leo Showel, Brief speeches will be made by the vation to your Class Secretary im­ '46 ; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Welter, '39 ; coaches, players, and guests. The mediately. Jack Wilcoz, '39; Walter Zach, '43, U . D. band and the cheerleaders will and M ary Shay, '44, Alumni Secre­ be present to lead the songs and tary. cheers. RESERVATIONS An effort is being made to secure hotel rooms for out-of-town alumni. REGISTRATION Rooms are being held at a ll Dayton Mr . Va. J. Pernu h, '41 ; J. J. D. Polley, '11; Mr. and Mrs. Donald hotels. Re ervations must be made Registration will begin on Satur­ Sands, '41 ; Cy Scharf, '24; Mr. and "not later than O ctober 25, directl y day morning at 9 :00. You will find Mrs. K arl Schrieber, '40; Vic War­ desks provided for this purpose in to the Alumni Secretary. Please state type of accommodations- single or ner, '30; Rev. Joseph Zeinz, S.M ., the main corridor in St. Mary's H all. '47; and M ary Shay, '44, Alumni double- and tim e of arrival, when Upon registering you will be given Secretary. your "card to the campus," so don't making your reservations. In addition to the above, the fol­ fail to make this yo ur first stopping lowing were present for the Septem­ place of the day. DANCE ber meeting: Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Cline, '30, is chairman of J. The Homecoming dance wi ll be Uebbing, '43; H enry Froelick, '47; registration and will be assisted by held at the Biltmore Hotel, Saturday Mr. and Mr . Earl R . H endricks, 4 1 ; Eileen Fie!, '39, Buena Greer, '43, night from 9 :30 until 1 a.m. It will and H elen Richards, '45. Lee J. Goesling, '98, and son ; Paul be informal, and Earl Holderman's O'Donnell, '24; T om Gilmore, Dan orchestra will play to suit your style. Fitz immon , '33; Wm. F. Avery, MASS The large and small ballrooms have ' 13; George A. Madden, '42; Joseph A Ma s will be offered at 10 :00 been engaged to accommodate the T. Faust, '34; Gilbert Gowan, '32 ; a. m.
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