, I Thursday, May 30, 1963 Tllursday•. !4ay 30, T.BE JE.WISH POST Pille Three '. -, :J.963 Page Two THE JEWISH POST . --. ','. " ". ZALMANSHAZAR -Biographical'" Notes ·l!WJSR PoST ALMAN SHAZAR was born .on October 6, pleted his studies in the faculties of history and The Oldest Anglo-Jewish Weekly in Weltem CBnads Z. 1889 at Mir (District of Mirisk) .. knoWn\for . philosophy in the year 1919. (Issued weekly in the interesta of Jewish Community activitlel its.famous yeshivah. In 1892, his family moved In 1916, he founded the ''Poalei Zion" party Z 5 HAZAR - in WinnlPelr and W... tern CanIda) from Mir to Stolebtzi. .' .' in Germany and in "Juedische Rundschau" pub- M~ber of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency In 1905 ZalmanShazar joined the PoaleiZion ··Jishedan appeal in 1918 for the organization .of party and organized a Jewish self-defense in his . ''Hechalutz'' in Europe. He -established the The Third President of Israel PUblished every 'l'himday by EMPIRE PBINTEBSLTD. town of residence and in nearby vjllages. He,.was "Hechalutz" Qrganization iil Germany and par­ national labour conferences Shazar Printers and Pabllahera elected a delegate to the secret conference of theticipated in .the founding conference of the fought the battle of the Jewish com­ RUPERT SHRIAR, Ph.D. LEo J. LEZACB: . "Poalei·Zion"at. Minsk where he met Yltzha. k' . ."Po· a'le"l" Zion" party In' Po. land. munity in' Palestine and endeavoured BditDr AdvertIIl~ J!.anacft Ben-Zvi for the first time and cemeted ties·of At the World Conference of "Poalei Zion" in to implant in the minds of world leaders Head omee: .l244. Main St., WiDDipeg 4, Canada friendship with him that contiriued. down. the . Stockholm (1919) Zalman Shazar was elected HE late PresidentYitzhak Ben-Zvi succeeded iil creat­ and statesmen the justice of the claims ,Subscription: $4.00 per aDDWn . years. Following that was .(together with Dr. N. Syrkiil, Prof. Fineman, Ting "the image of the ideal President of Israel -- a of a homeless peopl~ for an independent Phone JU 9-7331 Eve. Phone mr 9-2989 . Nachum Nir and o~ers) to form a delegration to combination of stateliness with simplicity and popularity. life in its own homeland. AtUNSCOP Authorised _ IeCOnd clau mall .. the Pa.t Otrlce Departmet. '"~~I~stine in: order to study the situation and to· When it became necessary to find a successor to .fill that in 1947 Shazar represented the His~ . ·Otta_·and.forP8J'lllPt o,fpoetap in cash .' 'qrawup plans for activities in the country. The lofty position which has created such a warm ruche for drut -General Fedetation of JeWlSh ,report.of the delegation was published under his I itself in the hearts of the people, one's eyes' were turned Labour and demanded the establishment Department and later ~f. the:P~liLriment . for editorship. During.the delegation's stay in p,ales- 'I to Zalman Shazar who by diIltof his perso!lal trait~,;~' of ra Jewish State in 'PaleStitte~'In Education and Culture m ~1. D~PP!a,~f ..th~ ~~:..t~e,;.:;S .. ~.!,za.,.r participa~ed in tbe in~e.r-Party 'nego­ rich and" multifarious past,. ,his .wide learnmg·· and hIgh April,.·.J~4:8;:~h~~i J~~,~lated,,·the JeWish:AgenCY'heb.a.ih~l,\I!J::ruy;:w:~, agaInS ",tIatI()~,}for the founding of ffie,Histadrut. ·spiritual attainments and his great services to the MQve- "... .', In 1920 he lectured to the Fifth World Con­ =~:: ~.::~J.'e.rrh~I~=~dWe~: ~~A~tett~gii~~6~eliie~f:·;X' ..'t~ts:~! ··ference of the Poalei Zion on the pla.ns for activity eral .rti.uncil,.'iit:.'its.'vu B.'ea.'. sio.n.·.. in T~.'.•. ·.A .•.V1V.·. .'m.o,roet toj"fisth-e'theJL "l>i' , .' Jewisbness"of,;tMiyoung." ,. ", . .......... t and was elected Member of the Bureau' of the As:a meriib~r ofthel!olitical.~m- generation'in the'· ·~P9*~~~.,;OIie has;~~~pn 0 Labour U~ion which lIM its headquarters in mittee set up by thtf,Z~oni~t. Gener~ believe>theref9~ that a8Piisid~t or. t9~·§~te Vienna. Council, Zalman' Shazarparticlpated In of;lsra-eI,~he''M1l contiiluetO exerthiS";-elfoi'ts . In1921, he' was .elected delegate to the i2t;h all the stages of the Jewish struggle at and to use his prestige for the cementing of '. Zionist; Congress. In 1922 he was invited py the the UN for the decision to establish a closer ties'ootween the State and the. Ziomst late ProfessorZvi Chajes to become Lecturer iil Jewish State. When the State emerged Movement.· .' Jewish History at the Jewish Teachers Traiiling he was appointed to a Cabinet post in True to his priilciplesJh8t "one caJll,\otbuild Seminary in Vienna. In 1923, at the 13th Zionist the first Israel Government. As Minis- a future for the Jewish People in the' Diaspora . Congress in Carlsbad, .he. was' elected l1' Member ter of Educati6n andCulture'he. intra- .'.without:a b~ie'·~o.wledge .. of.· .cTewis~.history, of the Zionist General Council., IIi 1924, he settled duced the(:ompulsory.~ucation ,Law ·Shazar IS a ploll~r In the'fieldof BlbIt~~ru,l with his family in Palestine rand was elected in the Knesse't and after piloting it Jewish historical" res~h:Shazar's hlStoncal (together with Chaim Arlosoroff) to the Execu­ through all its readings'he wpleJXleIited. researches ,have shOWn that the. various Messianic tive CO\lllcil of the Histadrut. In June 1925, when that law in the country., Compulsory movementsiliJewrY:were necessary links in the "Davar" newspaper was founded, he was invited :sIiaw, in conversation with &rl Katznelson: education is a corneriltoneiil the work efforlat politicalaridnationallitieration leadiilg by the editor, Berl Katznelson, to join the editorial leader of the Zionist Movement, during the ·19th of integration of the many and various to the emergence of· the State of Israel. The les- :board, and after the death <if Katznelson and·M. Zionist Con,gress at Lucerne, i935. communities 'in Israel. sons draWn .by Shazar. frOm the Shabbetai Zvi Beiliilson, he became its' editor-in-chief, continu': " . Movement serve asra guiding light also to the ing at that post until 1949 when he became a In 1945, he was elected chairman of the With all his being a son of the present generation,.nameIY tha.t ourstrengthJies member- of the Israel Government. ,Histadrut delegation to . the new International Yishuv, deeply rooted in Eretz Israel, within ourselves;arid that so long, asiriternal . In 1929, he was el~ a Member of the Trade. Union Congress iil London. In 1946, he Shazar is nonetheless loyal to maspora enemies do not destroy .our own roots we' ~ave Jewry. Noone knows the Galuthbetter .,. h'" .. f f'xt· 1£·.... Executive of the VaadLeumi (Council of. Pl:\les~, _was among the leaders of the yishuv who declareil than he, and his main concern is to save . riot. Jng to ear rom e erna oes. tine Jews) and on behalf'of the Histadrut'under"" a hunger strike duririg the Passover' festival at ," the Jewish 'People in the Diaspora from .' Shazar couldeasiJy' have made' a great career , .Zalman $bazar, as a student in St..Petersbutg,1!!10. took a mission to Europe (together with ,t~elate·the Vaad Leumi·officesincJerusalem~-in::.protest .. assimilation a.nd degeneration. At all fdrhiniseIrihthe iield of learniilgand research, . ", .. '" . -'.: ' . ',.' Joseph Sprinzak) in order to organize the world against the mandatory authorities forpreventiilg Zionist conventions in Is'rael it is he but he chose to devote his energies to the inter­ invited to Vilnra to become a mem\,)erof.the edi­ Conference for Labour 'Palestine in Berlin. the'departure of "illegal.immigrants" ships from who repeatedly draws the attention of ests of the Movemerit which has succeeded in torialboard of "Der ProletarisCher Gedahk." He In 1930, he edited, together with Chaim Aro- Europe to 'Pl1lestine; the Movement to the situation in. the changing. the :rate of the present generation. also translated the writings of Ber Borochov and . soloff, the monthly "Achdut Haavodah." He par- At the session of the Zionist Generral C(juncil 'T'hl·• .:1 President of the State of IsraeL maspora; it is he who analyses Jewish There is hardly any need to point to the Avner (Yitzhak Ben-Zvi) from Russian into Yid­ ticipated at" the founding conference of the Pales- ' iil London (1947) he was elected a member of the illusions in the Golah and warns against natural trait ,of simplicity that is so 'deeply. in- dish. In the summer of 1907 he was arrested in tine Jewish Labour party and, together with Political Committee to collaborate with the Zion­ · ment of national revival, was deemed worthY-of occupyiriir the dangers, threatening Jewish . exist- grained in Zalman Shazar. .BY ):l~ very origins, Vilna together With the other members of ·the David Ben-Gurion, re~sented the Histadrut at ist Executive in its negotiations at the United ·the presidential offic~. His' many-side~ per80na1ity~nd ence there. As a member of the Zionist upbringing and contacts ·with. th~ J~ish m~.s~s editorial staff of the newspaper. When he was the International Trad~ Union Congress in Stock- Nations. He was a 'member ,of the Political Com- wide attainments meet all the. expectatIOns of that hIgh Executive for the past twelve years, during the greater part of hIS life,. that traIt m released from prison he was admitted to "The -holm., . mittee at Lake Success when the decision \fas office. ' . Zalman Shazar has cemented close ties all its grace' and beauty has become. iilgrained in Academy for Jewish learning" founded in St• In 1933, he went to Poland and in Warsaw taken for the establishment of the State. He was .
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