“The eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” India —2 Chronicles 16:9 Volume 11, Issue 1 The Bible Student Friends of India Committee Newsletter Summer 2011 Austin Williams’ Visit to India Bro. Austin Williams visited the brethren in India since I am here, at least let me hear what Varma has during late 2010. During his visit, he met with the to say. In his mind he started to wonder why Hindus brethren and ecclesia described below: were converting to Christianity. What was the allure? Srinivas He was very curious about this. Varma did not say anything about Christianity on A woman at the age of 25 without children al- this first visit. Instead, Varma invited Srinivas back most looked like a curse had befallen her. She went again and again. It was on Srinivas’ third visit that to a Hindu religious place and made a vow: If blessed Varma asked him about his outlook on Christianity. with a son, she would dedicate him to this god for Srinivas responded that they were the most uncul- life. Each year he would make a pilgrimage back to tured people. They always talked about drinking, this place, cut his hair, and they would pledge sugar, eating, and being merry, and Jesus was their God. or something equivalent, equal to his body weight to Varma then explained to Srinivas about the creation this god. Later, a son was born and they named him of the world and Adam and Eve. He gave Srinivas no Srinivas, after this god. After Srinivas was born, the books or tracts, but Varma told him there is only one family had 4 daughters. Almighty God and Jesus is his Son. Born and raised a Hindu, at the age of twelve, Srinivas was astonished to hear that Jesus was not Srinivas joined the Hindu fundamentalist movement God, in contrast to what he had been told. Varma had which had, as their objective, to make India a purely Srinivas read the Bible and directed him to the Lord’s Hindu country. Srinivas personally liked all of the prayer and to Jesus’ crucifixion, where our Lord ad- castes and Hindu people, but hated everything about dressed God as his Heavenly Father. Srinivas’ curios- Christianity—its people and its religion. He had a ity led him to conclude that there is something unique very close friend, Santosh, who was a Catholic. One about this Bible. No Hindu book, or even the Koran, day, Santosh tried to tell him how Jesus was nailed came close to this. Then Varma explained about the to the cross for all of us. So Srinivas took a sharp plan of God, Adam and Eve, and how sin entered into compass and poked it straight into Santosh’s palm, the world. He explained the Bible’s testimony on how and told him, let us see if any blood comes out of so many languages came about, and why the first your hand since Jesus died for you. Over time, their world was destroyed. The other religious books were friendship grew, and Santosh became his best friend. just stories, but the Bible spoke of reality. Santosh always spoke about Jesus and Srinivas hated This conversation was not designed to convert it with passion. Srinivas, but to encourage Srinivas to examine the When they reached their early 20s, Srinivas was facts. Slowly, Varma began to teach until he came to unemployed. One day, Santosh asked him to visit a the doctrine of resurrection of the dead. This made fellow friend. They visited Varma who greeted them Srinivas really think. He was dumbfounded and warmly and served them coffee and biscuits. When started to cry out of joy. Srinivas found out that Varma was a Christian, he Questions arose in Srinivas’ mind. If Jesus was became interested. He scoped out Varma’s place so a son of God, who was God’s wife? This sounds like he could report back to his militant leader that there a Hindu god. Why did Jesus die and suffer, and for was a Christian actively involved in converting Hin- whose sake? Because of my sins? dus to Christianity. Srinivas began to develop a plan This was a turning point for Srinivas. He wanted to to attack Varma. He was used to desecrating Chris- be immersed and follow the Lord. He quit worshiping tian places of worship and inflicting bodily harm on idols. When his family came to know this, they were the people of this persuasion. furious. They reminded him that he had been born be- In the meantime, Srinivas was visiting Varma cause of the Hindu god’s blessing, therefore, he should mainly because of the coffee and refreshments. His not abandon Hinduism. They told him, you cannot host was very kind and caring. Srinivas’ attitude was, leave Hinduism or we will all die because of the curse. Page 1 The Hindu fundamentalist group he belonged to wanted to chase him out of the area where they lived. They made a big show of wanting to chase his whole family out of the area by demolishing their house. To prevent Srinivas from leaving the Hindu faith, his parents hoped to marry him to a Hindu girl. In the meantime, Srinivas announced that he would marry a fellow Christian. This was the final straw. Srinivas’ parents gave him a final warning! If you do this, we will never see you again. Meanwhile, his parents called the Chris- tian girl’s parents and warned them not to come to their city, or they would be chopped into pieces. Srinivas packed his belongings and left home with Church built by Korean mission on Bro. Ramanna’s farm nowhere to go. He left with only his books, especially The son went to this theological school and stud- the Bible which he treasured. ied for 8 years, after which he enrolled in the Mas- The wedding cards for his marriage to the Chris- ters program, M. Divinity. The son also taught him- tian girl were printed and the date was announced. self Greek and Hebrew. The Korean mission built a No one from the family came to the wedding, ex- church on Ramanna’s farmland so that they could cept one of his sisters. Nevertheless, many brethren proselyte other villagers. helped Srinivas, notably Ebenezar and Varma. Meanwhile, Bro. Ravi (described later in this ar- Srinivas is now married to Annie, a fellow Bible ticle), regularly traveled to a nearby village where he Student, and they have a lovely 4 year-old daughter. assisted a pastor named Job in visiting other nearby His parents live in the same place. Recently, Srinivas’ villages to preach the Gospel. When Job asked Bro. mother had a massive heart attack, and Annie cared Ravi for money and realized that all he would get for her. This helped bring the family back together. from Bro. Ravi was the Truth, they parted company. The family’s attitude toward Srinivas has changed. After this, Bro. Ravi would fin- Compared with his previous life of drinking and ish his studies in the village, and worldliness, Srinivas has become a good citizen with then walk 8 miles to the closest a productive life. The family loves him, and his wife town to catch a bus to take him and he take good care of his parents. Srinivas is 10 back home. During one of those years into his consecration and continually striving walks, Bro. Ravi met another to please God daily. person who then took him to Nagenahalli Ecclesia Bro. Ramanna. Bro. Ramanna Twenty-two years ago, Bro. Ramanna was a Hindu introduced Bro. Ravi to his son, with 5 brothers who lived together in a joint family. Prabhakar, and instructed him His wife was very sick and, after appealing to many to be taught by Br. Ravi. Hindu gods for her healing, they reached out to the Prabhakar was already in- Lord, and she recovered. They believed that Jesus volved in giving Biblical lessons Bro. Prabhakar was the reason for her recovery. to four individuals. At his first meeting with Bro. Ravi, Since there was no Christian church in their vil- he inquired about Bro. Ravi’s educational background. lage, Bro. Ramanna started to bring a Pentecostal Did he have any degrees, courses, or certificates? How pastor from the city to witness to the villagers. His could he teach this when he was not even qualified to objective was to preach the Good News, and serve the do so? After a brief introduction about the Word of God, Lord. Because of this, all his brothers and relatives Prabhakar learned how God’s Word can be shared and ostracized him and his family. They made sure that interpreted by the measure of the Holy Spirit. Bro. Ramanna was thrown out of their community Next, Prabhakar wanted to know if Bro. Ravi and the village. could explain Revelation, prophecies, etc. He wanted Bro. Ramanna and his family of 7 children moved the date of our Lord’s second coming. Bro. Ravi was to a wilderness place and started a farm. They called taken aback with a question like this. God has not re- the villagers to join them in their worship and praise. vealed the date in such a simple format. Bro. Ravi re- As the worship of God started to grow, one of Bro. Ra- sponded by first explaining the first advent and later manna’s 5 children started to perform voodoo, witch- the second advent.
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