THE EVENING STAR, WASHJNGTON, D. C„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1930, B-3 and Mra. Chewning during the holi- ready been made for the Midshipmen Blagden terrace, Washington, are then he has served u chief of staff of Zoo* to Philadelphia; Army- MAIDEN Pint Lieut. Jel- days, and some or her classmates, Miss dance that will be held at the stopping at Hotel Everglades, Miami, NAME WORTH sls the Hawaiian Division, m a director of ferion C. Campbell, Field Artillery, Tuesday evening, during their Winter visit Florida. Hostess the Industrial College In this city and from Port Mary Hansford Wallace, Miss Anne Navy Country Club in Diplomatic 8111, Okie., to the Panama m SOCIETY December 30. At this rate “It is believed CHICAGO. December 19 (JP).— What’* at Atlanta, Oa. Canal Zone; Capt. Ottmann W. Free- Green and Miss Virginia Darling, who by the two Mr. John Paul de Berry of Shanghi, Col. vr club officials that even with China, in a name? Mr*. George Vldmer, Cavalry, has born, Infantry, Bioux Falls. 8. Dak., large during is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Kathryn Kessler been to (Continued From Second Page.) came to Washington for the ball last additions erected the Sum- Smith figured transferred from Omaha, Nebr., Fort Benning, Oa . Capt. WUUam a mer the building will be crowded to B. at their home on Massachu- her maiden name was worth to the 434th Field Artillery at Mont- Williams, Medical evening, are also house guests of Mr. setts avenue. than Administrative of the Chewning. capacity. more sls a week. gomery, Ala.; MaJ. Harold E. Albaugh, Corps, from Hawaii to the Army Medi- Mr. and Mrs. Sherby in honor and Mrs. Dental Corps, engagement of thefr daughter to Mr. Preceding the ball Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mary Coleman Worthington, who She was given the choice of alimony from Hawaii to River- cal Center, this city; Second Lieut. Pot-Boilera Fair Offering side, Calif.; Egbert Cowan, 81mon which waa announced last Harold Armour Dodge and their daugh- is making her home at Sweet Briar, to that amount or her maiden name, MaJ. W. Robert E. Cron, Jr., Quartermaster Dodge, Fascinating Christinas Gifts. is Dental Corps, from Riverside, Calif., to Corpe, from Fort Monroe, Sunday. ter, Miss Dorothy were hosts at Va.. spending the Christmas holidays Miss Kathryn Mironde, Va., to Lang- wedding place in compliment opportunity and un- parents. when she ap- Hawaii; Capt. Leigh I. Harvey, In- ley Field, Va. Master Sergt. The took in the Italian a dinner dance to Miss An to secure odd with her Mr. and Mrs. William peared before Harry John L garden of the Mayflower Hotel. Dr. Si- Herndon in the palm court of the May- usual gifts to suit the whimsies of the Coleman Worthington, at their home JHHg Judge A. Lewis fantry, from Augusta, Me., to Walter Sifers, Infantry, at Fort George O. % megp ins yesterday for a mon, father Os the bridegroom, officiat- flower. most particular persons will be found on Park road. ft divorce from her hus- Reed General Hospital, this city; First Meade, Md.. has been transferred to recently band. Ernest. Lieut. Clarence E. Jones, the ing. at 6 o’clock in the presence of a in the Christmas* Gift Shop She took Quartermas- retired list on his own application small company of relatives and intimate Mrs. Cabot Stevens announces that established Just for the holiday season Mr. and Mrs. Noah Johnson and their the name. ter Corps, from Panama Canal after more than SO years’ service. friends. The alcove of the garden was Mrs. Edward R. Keys, vice president, in the annex of the Arts Club, at 2015 daughter, of St. Louis, have ar- —a transformed into a veritable garden Womans’ Board, will serve as chair- Eye street. Reminders of the famous rived in Washington and are stopping with preens and flowers and a wedding man of the Christmas activities at the pot-boilers’ fair appear In the distinc- at the Potomac Park Apartments. supper was served in the Jefferson hospital, assisted by Mrs. Robert H. tive wares offered, consisting of paint- ARMY*ORDERS room immediately after the ceremony, McNefll, Mrs. Ogilvie Shumate, Mrs. ings. sketches, prints, curios, draperies, Wm <o McGovern, who Is chairman Jewelry, priced .M§jM for the small company which witnessed F. X. of books ana barbaric all FOURTH BRITISH Col J. c*rr. Signal the Christmas dance; Mrs. Joseph R. complete during the PRINCE Irvlnir u. 8. II the rite for a clearance Corps, recently stationed at headquar- The bride wore a gown of white satin, Slzoo, Mrs. R. L. Roth, Mrs. John final week of the kale. \A booking office ters of the Fourth Kirkwood. Mrs William B. Millard, Mrs. EXPECTED TO BE DUKE Corps Area at At- the long skirt made of'narrow ruffles for the reservaation of boxes and tickets lanta, Oa„ has reported William A. Morgan, Mrs. Charles A. forth-coming Bal Boheme has at the War and Just escaping the floor. The tight for the Department for duty as executive officer fitting sleeveless bodice was trimmed Stott, Mrs. Warren F. Haines, Mrs. been opened in the shop, which is deco- Desire in Scotland to Revive Edin- to Assistant a point Jerome Clark. Mrs. William C. Sterling, modernistic Secretary Frederick H. with rare old rose lace bertha rated with the delightfully burgh Title May Raise George Payne. In that office, he succeeds MaJ. Ladies— was arranged Miss Justine Corby, Miss Anne Southaw costumes designed for and her tulle veil in a cartoons of the Gen. George V. H. Moseley, |j close fitting cap with lace at the back Somer and debutantes who are aiding the moon pageant, to be featured in the who has to Seat as Peer. been detailed as deputy chief of staff and dainty sprays of orange olossoms the social service Christmas work. Arts Club ball of 1931. of the Army. You will find the men folks Th; to By the Associated Press. enthusias- on each side. She wore long white Christmas dance is be tomor- Col. Carr is Wisconsin, gloves and carried white orchids and row night at 8 o’clock for all the Mr. and Mrs. Ithainor B. Peters o! LONDON. December 19—The Dally from and en- tically receptive of gifts ? t / jJPj tered the Army as a second lieutenant bearing the Mode lilies of the valley. nursing staff and internes of the hos- 4520 Georgia avenue will be Joined to- Express says it is expected in official -Bfi V pital. of infantry in July, 1898. Most of his label. That Ihbel is to Miss Sylvia Sherby was maid of honor day by their daughter, Mias Lillian A. quarters that Prince George, fourth son [ ' /' j early them the stamp of a service Was in the Philippines, for her sister and Mr. Daniel Sherby, Santa Claus will make personal Peters, a student at Marietta College, of the British monarch, will be created J mPmm where he took an active approved fashion her brother, was best man. • Miss visit and carol singers will entertain. Marietta, Ohio, who will spend her his twenty-eighth ¦HU part in the and sound quality; whila a duke on birthday MRS. OTTO WADSTED, suppression of the follow- Sherby's costume was of pale blue crepe All i,he members of the Ladles’ Aid and vacation from school with them. anniversary, December 20. ing Insurrection you attend, Wife of the new Minister of Denmark, the Spanish War. Later he took will enjoy the advantage of selection made on the new lines with long skirt Junior Aid are Invited to from The paper adds there is a general part in the troubles hemline, fitted bodice 8 to 9 o’clock, with the dance from 9 Miss Frances Evans Staley returned who has arrived in the Capital with , along the Mexican from a wealthful interesting- and round and desire in Scotland that the title of her husband. —Harris-EWtng Photo. border, and in the occupation of Cuba. assortment at She to 12 o’clock. to Washington today to visit her Edinburgh revived, normal waistline. wore no hat and parents, Duke of be with During the War he served suc- carried talisman roses. Mr. and Mrs. I. Frank Staley, suggestions may World ly low prices. Miss Jocelyn Plowden Hibberd left during the holidays. Miss Staley, an this be chosen for the cessively in France as signal officer, Mr. and Mrs. Sherby received their young prince. The last holder of the Oldest Woman Dies. 2d Division, 4th Army Corps guests the last evening for Toronto “and Quebec, alumna of Holton-Arms School, is a and 3d after dinner in the ball room, where she will remain about a month title was Prince Alfred, son of Queen MAGALLANES, Chile, December 19 Army, and later with the Army of where an orchestra played for dancing. student of Cornell University, and a Victoria and uncle of the present King. to take part In the Winter sports fes- member of Alpha Zeta Chapter of UP). —Felipa Contreras, who recently occupation in Germany. He reached They were assisted by the bride and The conferring of the dukedom would the grade of July. 1920, Simon, tivities. Sigma Kappa Sorority. colonel in and bridegroom and Dr. and Mrs. entitle Prince George to sit as a peer told a census taker she was “more than was graduated from the Army War parent* of the bridegroom. Mrs. Sherby More than 250 reservations have al- Mr. and Mrs. David L. Frank, 4720 in the House of Lords. 140 yean old,” died today. College in the following year.
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