c: ..,0 ·-ca ·-(,) 0 en en <( c: E ::s -<( "C c: ca -"C c: ::s 0 't- ~ 4) z ~ 0 ..,> ·-..en Q) ·-> Queen Elizabeth II Library. ·-.. 0 §.f!.ecial R en.ort to Alumni E. 4) :E • ueen lZQ et II I Li rary • ..... The Queen Elizabeth II Library at the exams were over so that we would not Centre Library will remain in its present • Memorial University of Newfoundland disturb the students. We expect to have location. • - opened its doors to students, faculty, and everything moved by February l ." The new library is of easy access to staff on January 11, 1982. The impressive Mr. Ellis said the library is designed to disabled persons and has been designed with five-story building, which has one of the hold twenty years of growth at the rate of them in mind. All levels can be reached by largest reading areas east of Montreal, is a growth in 1975 ·- about 45,000 volumes elevators. tribute to the confidence placed in Memorial annually. The first level, connected to the by its former students, students·, employ~es, "This rate of growth has declined underground tunnel system contains a mini the national and provincial corporate sector, slightly and we are good until at least the conference centre, the library's Audio Visual the provincial government as well as the year 2000 without having to add new storage Resource Centre, Computing Services general public. It was from these sources areas," said Mr. Elis ... By the time all of our Office, Printing Office and shortly, the primarily that funds were raised to construct space is used up, at least one-thrid of our University book store. and equip the new library with the provincial collection will be high enough so that step On the second level, there are the public government matching each dollar raised ladders will have to be used to reach it." services and general office space, the through the Anniversary Fund and the The Queen Elizabeth II Library Information Desk, the Book Check Out Alumni Annual Fund. contains over 36 miles - 57.93 kilometers - area, catalogues, indexes, reference and The Memorial University of New­ of shelving and has a floor space of 200,000 government documents. foundland Alumni Association played an square feet - 18,588 square meters. There The third level contains the Centre for important role in having the library are 30 miles - 42.28 kilometers - of Newfoundland Studies and the Periodical constructed. In 1978, the Association agreed electrical conducr, I. 9 miles - 3.06 Section. Level four houses 60 per cent of the to the release of $850,000 held in the Student kilometers - of mechanical piping and book collection and level five the remainder Union Building Trust to _help get the library 90,000 locally made bricks used in of the book collection as well as the Map under way. (The Council of the Students construction. Centre. Union, in a referendum also approved the The Queen Elizabeth Library is five The library has seating for 2,000 people release of the funds from the Trust. The times the size of former Henrietta Harvey compared to 700 in the former library and money represented principal plus interest on Library Building. It houses all the materials has a capacity for 1,600,000 volumes. funds collected from students between 1960 located in this building, the Periodicals in Alumni are permitted to have borrow­ and 1970 for a Student Union Building.) the Temporary Building, as well as the ing privileges. Contact the Alumni Affairs Education Library. The Health Sciences Office 737-86~ for further information. When the University established the (See pages 4 and 5) Anniversary Fund in 1979, the Association also agreed that former students could make contributions to this fund and therefore to the Queen Elizabeth II Library through the Alumni Annual Fund. (A full report on the Alumni Annual Fund will be given in the 1981 Alumni A nnllal next issue of LU MINUS. See elsewhere in \ this issue for a Fund update.) M Associate Librarian Richard Ellis said Fund surpasses target! QO a-., work on moving the 850,000 volumes from The Memorial University of New­ earmarked for the Queen Elizabeth II I storage and other areas began November 23, -QO foundland Alumni Association's Alumni Library. -a-., 1981. Annual Fund campaign for 1981 ended Members of the Alumni Annual ... 1 -~ December 31. Preliminary figures Fund Council are: Co-Chairpersons c: ··we started moving from the O'Leary - Avenue facility on November 23," said Mr.· indicate that over $65,000 was contrib­ Daphne Pratt House, MU C'37 and ·-~ - Ellis. (250,000 volumes from the circulating uted during the year - $15,000 over the Elizabeth Scammell Reynolds M.ed'78; ~~ collection plus reference and government goal of $50,000. This m?rks the third year Honorary Fund Chairman, Gerald documents have been stored in a warehouse · in a row that the Fund has gone over the TiUey, B.Comm, '68 and Honorary there for several years due to lack of space in target. President of the Century Club, Dr. the Main Library). "Transfer of material A detailed report on the f'und will be Arthur Scammell, MUC'33. The Execu:­ from the Main Library began December 16 given in the next issue of ALUMINU. tive Committee of the National Board of and the Education Library was moved on Most of the f'unds have been Directors serves as Ex Officio Members. December 17. We could have made these moves earlier but we decided to wait until Luminus 2 February 3, 1982 CAMPUS CAPSULE Appointed Vice-president (Administration and Finance) Wa vne Thistle, B.SC.(Hons) '68, B.ED. '68, M.A. '71, was appointed Vice­ preside~t (Administration and Finance) of Memorial University effective January 19, 1982. Mr. Thistle h~s been employed by the. Univers~ty since 1968 servin.g as Assi.stant • Registrar, Associate Registrar, Special Assistant to the Vice-president (Administration and Finance) Deputy Registrar and from 1976 until his present appointment, Registrar. He retains his position of Legal Counsel to the University. Named Registrar and Deputy Registrar Glen Col/ins B.Sc, '69, M.Sc, '74, B.Ed. '77, was promoted to Registrar of Memorial University and Marie O'Dea, B.A (Hons) '66, M.A., '68 promoted to Deputy Registrar, effective January 19, 1982. Mr. Collins joined the Office of the Registrar of the University in 197,0 as Assistant Registrar, was appointed Associate Registrar in 1973 and Deputy Registrar in 1976. Mrs. O'Deajoined the Office of the Registrar in 1968 ~s Admissions Officer, was appointed Assistant Registrar in 1970 ,and Associate Registrar in 1975. Increase in Enrolment There was a 13 per cent increase in enrolment at Memorial University in the 1982 Winter Semester compared to the 1981 Winter Semester. Preliminary figures show there are 6,354 full time students and 1268 Part-time students on the St..... John's Campus and 589 at the Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Corner Brook. No figures were available at press time for Off Campus Part-time Students and Graduate Studies. Visits Memorial Dr. Otto Tucker illustrates how his elbow­ (L-R) Phil Griffiths, Education student; Dr. The Honorable W. Anthony Paddon, C.M., M.D., D.Sc., Lieutenant-Governor length fur mittens are used in the Far North. Tucker. of Newfoundland and Labrador made his first call to Memorial as the Visitor to the University, on Friday, De~em ber 4, 1981. Under the Memorial University of Newfoundland Act, the Province's Lieutenant Governor is designated Visitor to the .. University during his term of Office and while the privileges and responsibilities of the Office are not specifically identified, the customs of other Canadian and There's a bond Commonwealth Universities serve as a guide. His Honour ~as received by the University President Dr. Leslie Harris, other Officers of the University, and toured the Maritime History Group and the Folklore and Language Archive. Fall Convocation between NWT 'veterans' Approximately 475 undergraduate and graduate degrees were awarded at Memorial's Fall Convocation held October 31, 1981, in the St. John's Arts and As Dr. Otto Tucker draped the colorful "This is too much of a coincidence," Culture Centre. Well known artist David Alexander Colville, who is also Chancellor yarn harness over Education student Phil said Tucker, staring... That you should walk of Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S. was awarded the Honorary Doctor of Letters Griffiths' shoulders and urged him to pull on by right now." Degree.· Baxter Thomas Gillard, Mayor of Englee, received the Honorary Doctor. of the luxuriant elbow-length fox mittens, a Laws Degree. Gioia Marcohi Braga, daughter of the late Marchese Senat1or crowd started to gather. Phil Riggs, a 1972 MUN graduate, Guglielmo Marconi received the Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree and the "You see, if the dog sled driver loses his originally from Glovertown, now teaching distinguished Canadian Chemist, Dr. Raymond Urge/ .Lemieux was awarded the gloves for any reason, they won't fly off at Hare Bay, was attending a Special Honorary Doctor of Science Degree. behind and be lost," he was explaining. Education conference at MUN. He just happened t<:> pass by as the display case was , Obituaries Curriculum Materials Centre, Faculty being opened. v of Education, in conjunction with Dr. Dr. Averil Margaret Lysaght, who received an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree Tucker, Student Teaching, had mounted a Riggs, it transpired, had also been a from Memorial at Spring Convocation, 1979 died in London, England, August 21, display on the Far North, behind a glass case teacher at Aklavik, at the same school where · 1981.
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