The cabs ____ the same rates as those ____ by horse-drawn cabs and were ____ quite popular, ____ the Prince of Wales (the ____ King Edward VII) travelled in ____. The cabs quickly This movie is terrible! The acting ____ known as "hummingbirds" for ____ is bad and I was bored the entire noise made by their motors and their time. There was no plot and distinctive black and ____ livery. nothing interesting happened. I Passengers ____ ____ the interior was really surprised since I had fittings were ____ when compared to very high expectations. I want 103 ____ cabs but there ____ some minutes of my life back! complaints ____ the ____ lighting made them too ____ to those outside ____. negative charged, used, initially, even, future, became, the, yellow, reported, that, luxurious, horse-drawn, were that, internal, conspicuous, cab Wikipedia Wikipedia and the Toronto Books Corpus 100 million parameters 200 million parameters 100 billion tokens 200 billion tokens Adam optimizer SGD with momentum T t T T T T5 "translate English to German: That is good." T5 "Das ist gut." "cola sentence: The "not acceptable" course is jumping well." T5 "stsb sentence1: The rhino grazed on the grass. sentence2: A rhino "3.8" is grazing in a field." T5 "summarize: state authorities dispatched emergency crews tuesday to "six people hospitalized after survey the damage after an onslaught a storm in attala county." of severe weather in mississippi…" T5 "translate English to German: That is good." "cola sentence: The "Das ist gut." course is jumping well." "not acceptable" "stsb sentence1: The rhino grazed on the grass. sentence2: A rhino T5 is grazing in a field." "3.8" "summarize: state authorities "six people hospitalized after dispatched emergency crews tuesday to a storm in attala county." survey the damage after an onslaught of severe weather in mississippi…" == lemon the lemon, citrus limon (l.) osbeck, is a species of small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family == lemon rutaceae, native to south asia, primarily north eastern india. == wheelbarrowthe lemon, ==citrus treaty limon of paris(l.) osbeck, (1763) is a species of small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family the tree's ellipsoidal yellow fruit is used for a wheelbarrow== oklahomarutaceae, is a small city native thehand-propelled treaty to south of paris, asia, vehicle, also primarily known north as the treaty of == treaty of paris (1763) culinary and non-culinary purposes throughout usually with justeastern one wheel, india.1763, designed was signed to be on 10 february 1763 by the pushed and guided by a singlekingdoms person of greatusing britain, two france and spain, with == oklahoma citythe world, primarily for its== juice, lemon which has both oklahoma city (/oʊkləˌhoʊmə -/), often shortened ==the running treaty of man paris, (tv also series)handles known at as the thethe rear, treaty tree's or byof ellipsoidal portugala sail to push inyellow agreement, the fruit is afterused greatfor britain's victory culinary and cleaning uses.[2] the pulp and rind to okc, is the capital and largest city of the u.s. 1763, was signed on 10ancient february wheelbarrow 1763culinary by the by and wind.over non-culinary francethe term and purposes spain during throughout the seven== wheelbarrow years' war. oklahoma city (/o(zest)ʊklə ˌarehoʊ ==alsomə wheelbarrow -/),used often in cooking shortenedthe lemon, and citrus baking. limon the (l.) osbeck, stateis a species of oklahoma. of the county seat of oklahoma == treaty of paris (1763) runningkingdoms man of greatwas classified britain,"wheelbarrow" france as an and "urbanthe is spain, madeworld, action with of primarily two words: for its "wheel" juice, andwhich has both to okc, is the capitaljuice andof the largest lemon city is ofabout thesmall u.s.5% evergreen to 6% citric tree acid, in the floweringcounty,[8] plant family the city ranks 27th among united states == treaty of paris (1763) variety";portugal== lemon a in genre agreement, of variety"barrow." after shows great "barrow" in britain'sculinary an urban is a victory derivationand the cleaning signing of theuses.[2] of oldthe treaty the pulp formally and== rind endedtreatya wheelbarrow ofthe paris seven (1763) is a small hand-propelled vehicle, with a ph ofa wheelbarrow around 2.2, rutaceae,giving is a small it a native sour hand-propelled taste. to south the asia, vehicle, primarily cities north in population. the population grew following the treaty of paris, also known as the treaty of state of oklahoma. the county seat of oklahomaenvironment.[1]over france and spainthe mcs during and theguests seven were years' to war. usually with just one wheel, designed to be distinctive== wheelbarrow sour taste of lemon juice makes it a english the"bearwe" 2010(zest) census,which are wasalso years'with aused thedevice war, populationin known cookingused foras estimatedand the baking.french and thethe indian treaty1763, war of wasin paris, signed also knownon 10 february as the treaty 1763 of by the county,[8] the city ranks 27thusually== amongtreaty with of united justpariseastern one states(1763) wheel, india.the lemon,designed citrus to be limon (l.) osbeck,== lemon is a species of the treatypushed of paris,and guided also known by a single as the person treaty usingof two complete missions atcarrying a landmark loads. tojuice win ofthe the the lemon north is americanabout 5% totheatre,[1] 6% citric and acid, marked kingdoms the of great britain, france and spain, with cities in population.key ingredientthe== treatypopulationpushed ofin drinksparis and grew guided(1763) and following foods by a singlesuch as person using two to have increased to 643,648 as of july 2017.[5] 1763, was signed on 10 february 1763 by the race.[2]the signingsmall the evergreen ofshow the hastreaty tree since formallyin the shifted flowering ended withto a morethea plant ph seven of beginningfamily around 2.2, of givingan era itof a british sour taste. dominance1763, thehandles was outsidesigned at the on rear, 10 februaryor by a sail 1763 to pushby the the lemonade== treatya wheelbarrow ofhandles and paris lemon (1763)at isthe meringue athe smallrear, tree's or hand-propelled pie...by ellipsoidal a sail to push yellow vehicle, the fruit is usedas of for 2015, == the treaty oklahoma of paris city (1763) metropolitan area kingdomsportugal of great in agreement, britain, france after and great spain, britain's with victory the 2010 census, with the populationthe treaty of estimated paris, alsofamiliaryears' rutaceae, known war, reality-variety known as native the astreaty== to thewheelbarrow show south offrench concept asia, andthe primarily indianlemon, focused war citrusnorth on in limon (l.) osbeck, is a specieskingdoms ofancient of wheelbarrowgreat britain, byfrance wind. and the spain, term with usually with just one wheel, designed== lemon to be the wheelbarrowhad a populationdistinctive is designed sourofeurope.[2] 1,358,452,[9] to taste distribute ofgreat lemon and britainthe juice the and makes france it aeachportugal returnedover in france agreement, and spain after during great britain'sthe seven victory years' war. to have increased to 643,648the treatyancient1763, as of ofwas paris,wheelbarrow july signed 2017.[5]alsoculinary knownonthe by 10and northeastern wind. february as non-culinary the american the india. treaty 1763term of theatre,[1]purposesby the throughoutandsmall marked evergreen the tree in the flowering plant familyportugal "wheelbarrow" in agreement, is made after ofgreat two britain's words: "wheel"victory and the treatypushed of paris,and guided also known by a singlegames. as the person treatyit has usinggarneredof twoweight attention ofoklahoma its as loadkey being betweeningredientcity-shawnee the much the in wheeldrinksof combined the andandterritory the foodsstatistical that such they area as had capturedover france and spain during the seven years' war. as of 2015, the oklahoma1763, "wheelbarrow"city kingdomswas metropolitan signed of on greatthe is 10 madeworld,area februarybritain, of primarily two france 1763 words: forandby theits "wheel" spain,a juice,wheelbarrow with andwhich hasrutaceae, is a both smallthe treatynative hand-propelled ofto paris,south also asia, vehicle, known primarily as thenorth treatyover "barrow." franceof and "barrow" spain during is a derivation the seven of years' the old war. 1763,handles was signed at the on rear, 10 februaryor by comebackbeginninga sail 1763 to pushby of program the an the era offoroperator, british yoo jae-suk, dominance so enablinglemonade the main outside the mcand duringconvenient lemon the war,meringue carriage but great ofpie... britain gained muchthe signing of of the treaty formally ended the seven had a population of 1,358,452,[9]kingdoms"barrow."portugal of and great "barrow"in theagreement, culinarybritain, is a france derivationand after cleaning andthe great lemon,spain,of britain's theuses.[2]usually witholdcitrus victory the limonwith pulphad just (l.) easternanda populationoneosbeck, rind1763, wheel, india. is was aofdesigned species 1,459,758signed oftoon be residents,[9]10 february 1763 by the ofeurope.[2] thethe program, tree's great ellipsoidal afterbritain heavierleaving and yellow france goodand fruit bulkier eachsunday's is used returned loads forfrance's than would possessions be possible in north america.english "bearwe" which was a device used for kingdomsancientenglish of wheelbarrowgreat "bearwe" britain,(zest) byfrancewhich wind. are wasandalso the spain, asmall usedterm device inwithevergreen cookingused
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