INSIDE: l Reactions to developments in Ukraine – pages 2-3 l Friends of Ukraine Coalition established – page 4 l Ukraine at the Winter Olympics in Sochi – pages 10-11 THEPublished U by theKRAINIAN Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationEEKLY Vol. LXXXII No. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2014 $1/$2 in Ukraine Ukraine becomes war zone as violence escalates At least 105 civilians reported killed in Kyiv by Zenon Zawada KYIV – The capital’s centra district became a war zone on February 18 after protest marches to Parliamentl turned deadly, igniting at least three days of street battles between activists and law enforce- ment authorities, who attempted to liqui- date the Maidan (Independence Square) with gunfire and firebombing. At least 105 civilians died in the Kyiv conflict between February 18 and 20, many of them by gunfire. The deadliest day was February 20, with more than 70 reportedly killed. More than 1,000 were injured since February 18 and 77 were arrested, 19 of them imprisoned for at least two months. The Internal Affairs Ministry reported 10 dead law enforcement officers, killed by gunfire, and more than 445 injured. The Trade Union building on the Maidan that served as the protest’s headquarters was burnt by the morning of February 19, injuring more than 40. The prior day, activ- ists set fire to the Party of Regions head- quarters, killing at least one employee and injuring several. Zenon Zawada The Trade Union building, which served as the Maidan’s headquarters, burns on the morning of February 19. Internal Army sol- (Continued on page 8) diers used their water cannons to drench protesters instead of extinguishing the fire. Twitter storms buffet global DigitalMaidan efforts by Matthew Dubas storm to adjust to the changing environ- Chelak and Andrea Chalupa, who messaged ment of the Euro-Maidan, these tweets Ina Kirsch, managing director for the PARSIPANY, N.J. – The Euro-Maidan pro- have been re-Tweeted by celebrities, European Center for a Modern Ukraine, tests in Kyiv and across Ukraine, as well as including Russell Brand, Richard Branson, which is President Viktor Yanukovych’s lob- the diaspora, have found ways to generate Vera Farmiga, Prime Minister Jean-Marc bying arm in Europe. Ms. Chelak and Ms. more interest and attention on the deterio- Ayrault of France, the band Pussy Riot, Chalupa let Ms. Kirsch know that she has rating situation through digital media, chess master Garry Kasparov and others. blood on her hands following the shooting including video, photos and articles. This Participants are tweeting in more than deaths of Euro-Maidan protesters in effort, known as the DigitalMaidan, has uti- seven languages, including Hebrew, Dutch, Ukraine. lized the Internet-based Twitter social Japanese and French. Following that exchange, the Twitter media as the platform to get Ukraine’s story DigitalMaidan analytics indicate that storm idea began to take shape. “This was a to the world. Ukrainians inside Ukraine are the No. 1 par- great way to bring together the talent; the One such event organized by the ticipants in these Twitter storms, and the eagerness to help really created good ener- DigitalMaidan has been the weekly – and effort has beaten out topics such as Justin gy,” Ms. Chalupa noted. now almost daily – Twitter “storms” that Bieber and the Grammy Awards. During a In Washington, Alexandra Chalupa, have bombarded television stations, news- storm on Monday, January 27, Ukrainians Andrea’s sister, works on coordinating the papers, celebrities, high-profile individuals, sent approximately seven tweets per second information for Congress, the White House as well as government officials, with infor- and #DigitalMaidan (the hashtag) was num- and Ukrainian disapora organizations in mation about Ukraine’s protests through ber one during that week. Subsequent the area. “tweets.” By using certain hashtags, which storms have been held on Mondays and Another sideffect of the DigitalMaidan, group the messages together and allow Thursdays at 10 a.m., with a scheduling Ms. Chalupa highlighted, is that all users to see what is “trending,” the Euro- change to noon to accommodate the seven- Ukrainian diaspora leaders from every Maidan and Ukraine have hit number one hour time difference in Ukraine. country are talking to one another, and for several hours on the global social media The project got off the ground on could help rally pressure on the oligarchs Mark Matla service during these storms. Monday, January 20, following a Twitter loyal to the Yanukovych regime. The 80th A graphic used by one of the latest Twitter As a result of these storms, with pre- exchange between two socially conscious storms. made messages released on the day of the and tech-savvy Ukrainian Americans, Lara (Continued on page 3) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2014 No. 8 WINDOW ON EURASIA Moscow, not nationalists, responsible White House issues statement Russia: sanctions are ‘blackmail’ WASHINGTON – On February 20, the KYIV – Russian Foreign Affairs Minister for Ukraine conflict, says UOC-KP official White House, Office of the Press Secretary, Sergei Lavrov said U.S. visa bans imposed issued the following statement on Ukraine: on Ukrainian officials and similar sanctions by Paul Goble Unfortunately, the Russian government “We are outraged by the images of considered by the European Union are a did everything it could to ensure that “this Ukrainian security forces firing automatic form of “blackmail.” Meanwhile, Russian Those who try to “simplify” the situation choice would not be realized,” Archbishop weapons on their own people. We urge President Vladimir Putin is sending in Ukraine and argue that “either the Evstratii says. Indeed, President Viktor President Yanukovych to immediately Vladimir Lukin to Kyiv to act as a mediator Greek-Catholics or the Galicians or the Yanukovych said in Vilnius that “he was withdraw his security forces from down- between the Ukrainian government and nationalists” are the foundation of the forced” to delay signing or “otherwise town Kyiv and to respect the right of peace- opposition leaders. The Kremlin Ukraine would be threatened with an eco- Maidan are wrong, according to ful protest, and we urge protesters to announced the move on February 20 after nomic catastrophe” as a result of various Archbishop Evstratii, the secretary of the express themselves peacefully. We urge the a phone call between Presidents Putin and Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Russian measures. Ukrainian military not to get involved in a Yanukovych. Reports say Mr. Yanukovych Church – Kyivan Patriarchate (UOC–KP). “The roots of [the current conflict] are conflict that can and should be resolved by requested the dispatch of a Russian media- The key role in the Maidan movement, not in Ukraine,” the archbishop argues. political means. The use of force will not tor. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said the archbishop told the Portal-Credo.ru Whenever anyone talks about “civil war, resolve the crisis – clear steps must be Russia would like to see a strong govern- website, is being played by the residents of the disintegration of Ukraine or such, all taken to stop the violence and initiate ment, and not “a doormat” in Ukraine. “We central Ukraine near Kyiv, “the spiritual and this flows like a dirty stream from foreign meaningful dialogue that reduces tension historic heart” of the country which “sup- media which are quite widely broadcast to will certainly continue our cooperation and addresses the grievances of the ports Ukraine’s European choice, its sover- Ukraine from our northern border.” But in with Ukrainian partners in all areas we eignty, independence and democratic Ukraine, he says, “with rare exceptions,” Ukrainian people. The United States will have achieved agreements on; we will do future (portal-credo.ru/site/?act= there are none who share those views. work with our European allies to hold all we can to fulfill promises given to them,” authority&id=2067). As a whole, he says, there is “neither the those responsible for violence accountable he said. “At the same time it is necessary for But it is not just central Ukraine that desire nor the inclination that a civil war and to help the Ukrainian people get a uni- the partners themselves to be in good supports a European choice for the coun- should break out in Ukraine, that there be fied and independent Ukraine back on the shape and for the Ukrainian government to try, Archbishop Evstratii continues. civil conflict or the struggle between vari- path to a better future.” (White House) be legitimate and efficient so that no one ous parts of Ukraine which could lead to could use it as a doormat to wipe their feet. Ukrainians across the country do, adding EU envoys meet with Yanukovych that he does not “feel and does not see” the dividing up of the state.” So, yes, we stick to all our agreements but that in any region of the country there is In the current situation, the role of the KYIV – Three EU foreign affairs minis- at the same time we find that the govern- support for “the creation of some separate Church is especially important. The level of ters of European Union countries – ment needs to focus on defending people.” state formation and its separation from religiosity in Ukrainian society is high, the France’s Laurent Fabius, Germany’s Frank- (RFE/RL) another part of Ukraine,” as some have sug- archbishop says; consequently, “the role of Walter Steinmeier and Poland’s Radoslaw Acting mayor resigns from PRU gested. religious organizations in the events which Sikorski – were meeting on February 20 Such ideas, and indeed the entire crisis are taking place in the country is impor- with President Viktor Yanukovych in Kyiv KYIV – The acting mayor of Kyiv, in Ukraine, the Kyiv Patriarchate official tant,” although it does not take the conspir- in the latest attempt to promote a political Volodymyr Makeyenko, announced on atorial role some have suggested.
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