T he Canadian POCKET DIARY 1909 PUBLISHED BY t h e B r o w n B r o s . LIMITED. MANUFACTURING STATIONERS . T O R O N T O . DOMINION OF CANADA Se a t o f Go v e r n m e n t —Ot t a w a . Ernest J. Lemaire, Chief Clerk and Private Secretary to Governor-General—His Excellency The Right Honourable Premier. Sir Arthur Henry George Earl Grey, Viscount Howick, High Commissioner for Canada in London—The Right Baron Grey of Howick, in the County of Northum­ Honourable Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal, G.C. berland, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, and a M.G., LL.D. (Cantab.), 17 Victoria St., London, S.W. Baronet; Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distingui­ Sec’y., Can. Gov’t. Offices in London—W. J. Griffithe. shed Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, etc., etc. Asst. Secretary and Accountant—Arthur W. Reynolds. Staff.—Governor-General’s Secretary and Military Secre­ tary, Colonel J. Hanbury Williams, C.V.O., C.M.G.; DOMINION OF CANADA Aides-de-camp, Captain G. F. Trotter, D.S.O., Gren­ Formed of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and N.B. in 1867. adier Guards, Captain D. O. C. Newton, Duke of Manitoba and North-West Territories joined in 1870, Cambridge Own (Middlesex Regiment), Lieutenant British Columbia in 1871, Prince Edward Island in 1873. the Viscount Bury, Scots Guards; Comptroller of the The new Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan were Household, Major G. F. Paske, 3rd Oxfordshire Light created by special Act of Parliament, 1905. Infantry ; Private Secretary, Arthur F. Sladen, Esq. Clerks—Charles J. Jones, Chief Clerk; W. H. Walker, Ar e a a n d P o p u l a t io n . A. F. Sladen and F. C. Pereira. Prov. Capital. Area sq. miles Pop. 1901 T h e M in is t r y (Ca b in e t ). Ontario .................... Toronto 260,862 2,167,978 Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, P.C., G.C.M.G., K.C„ Quebec.......................Quebec ................. 351,873 1,620,974 D.C.L. (Oxon.), President of the King’s Privy Council New Brunswick----Fredericton 27,985 331,093 for Canada, First Minister (Premier). Nova Scotia............... Halifax .................. 21,428 459,116 Right Hon. Sir Richard J. Cartwright, P.C., G.C.M.G., Prince Ed. Island....Charlottetown.. 2,184 103,258 Minister of Trade and Commerce. Manitoba .................Winnipeg 73,732 246,462 Hon. Richard William Scott, K.C., L.L.D., Sec. of State. British Columbia__Victoria 372,630 190,000 “ Sir Frederick William Borden, K.C.M.G., B.A., M.D., Alberta ....................Edmonton .......... 253,540 ......... Minister of Militia and Defence. Saskatchewan Regina ............... 250,650 ......... Sydney Arthur Fisher, B.A., Minister of Agriculture. Yukon.......................Dawson................ 207,076 . “ William Stevens Fielding, Minister of Finance. N.-W. Terr, (as at present constituted) 1,922,735 ......... “ William Paterson, Minister of Customs. “ William Templeman, Minister of Inland Revenue Ch ie f Cit ie s o f Ca n a d a w it h P o p u l a t io n . and Minister of Mines. Montreal 350,000 Sherbrooke, Que 13,500 “ Louis Philippe Brodeur, K.C., L.L.D., Minister of Toronto, Ont 275,000 Stratford, Ont 13,000 Marine and Fisheries. Winnipeg, Man........ 100,000 Guelph, Ont.................... 13,000 “ Frank Oliver, Minister of the Interior. Quebec, Que............... 75,000 Charlottetown, P.E.1.12,500 “ Allen Bristol Aylesworth, K.C., Minister of Justice. Ottawa, Ont 65,000 Edmonton, Alta 12,000 “ Rodolphe Lemieux, K.C., LL.B. Postmaster-General Hamilton, Ont 60,000 Three Rivers, Que 12,000 and Minister of Labour. St. John, N.B 50,000 Berlin, Ont....................12,000 “ William Pugsley, Minister of Public Works. Halifax, N.S 48,000 St. Catharines, Ont.. 11,500 “ George Perry Graham, Minister of Ry’s and Canals. London, Ont 43,154 Valleyfield, Que 11,000 NOT IN THE CABINET. Vancouver, B.C 35,000 St. Hyacinthe, Que.. 10,500 Hon. Jacques Bureau, Solicitor-General. Victoria, B.C.............. 25,000 Regina, Sask..................10,000 T h e P r iv y Co u n c il Of f i c e . Brantford, Ont 20,000 Woodstock, Ont............10,000 Rodolphe Boudreau, Clerk of the King’s Privy Council Kingston, Ont 18,200 Belleville, “ .............10,000 for Canada. Calgary, Alta. 16,000 Chatham, “ .............10,000 Francis Kents Bennetts, Assistant Clerk of the Privy Peterboro, Ont 14,500 Brockville, “ ........... 9,000 Council for Canada. Hull, Que 14,300 Port Arthur, “ ........... 8,500 Henri G. Lamothe, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. St. Thomas, Ont 14,000 NewWestminster.B.C. 8,000 James G. Foley, Chief Clerk and Deputy Clerk of the Windsor, Ont 14,000 Niagara Falls, Ont 8,000 Crown in Chancery. ______ _ Sydney, N. S 14,000 Fort William............... 7,750 Eclipses, 1909. Kates of Postage f In the year there will be four eclipses— two of the Sun and two of the Moon. P o s t C a r d s — Canada and U. S., 1c. each; Great Britain, Newfoundland, &c., 2c. each. I. A total eclipse of the Moon June 3rd, part­ ly visible at Toronto, the Moon rising eclipsed: L e t t e r s — Canada & U.S.,2c. peroz.; Unit’d King­ dom, Newf’ndland & British possessions & pro­ Total eclipse begins June 3rd, 7h. 58m. p.m. tectorates (except Bechuanaland Protec., 2c. Middle of eclipse... “ 3rd, 8h. 29m. p.m. per ½ oz., Postal Union countries. 5c. per ½ oz. Total eclipse ends.. “ 3rd, 9h. 0m. p.m. N e w s p a p e r s — Less than 1 oz., posted singly, ½c.; Magnitude of the eclipse=1.164 per 4 oz,, 1c.; Great Britain and Ireland,2 oz., 1c. M oon’s d ia m e te r....................= 1 .0 B o o k s , C i r c u l a r s , D o c u m e n t s , &c.—Canada, per II. A central eclipse of the Sun June 17th, vis­ 2oz., 1c.; U.S.,Newf’dl’nd, Gt. Britain Europe, ible at Toronto as a partial eclipse:—Eclipse per 2oz., 1c. Limit of weight,5lbs.; size, 2 ft. in begins June 17th, 4h. 0m. p.m. inLong. 123° 3' length, 1 ft. width or depth; to be open at end. east from Greenwich; Lat. 25° 41' N. C o m m e r c i a l P a p e r s , D o c u m e n t s . &c.—Canada, Middle of the eclipse at Toronto at sunset. 2c. per oz,; Great Britain, U. S., 5c. for first 10 III. A total eclipse of the Moon Nov. 26,vis. oz., and 1c. for every additional 2 oz. ible at Toronto P a r c e l s — Limit 5 lbs.; size 2ft. by 1 depth or Total Eclipse begins Nov. 27th, 3h. 14m. a.m. width—United Kingdom (Canadian mail only), Middle of eclipse “ 27th,3h. 55m. a.m. lim it, 11 lbs., 16 cts. first lb., 12c. each addi­ Total eclipse ends .. “ 27th, 4h. 36m. a.m. tional lb. Customs Declaration of contents and Magnitude of the eclipse=1.372 value must be made out at P.O No parcel Moon’s diam eter ................ = 1 .0 Post to U.S. IV . A partial eclipse of the Sun Dec. 12th,in­ F o u r t h -C l a s s P a r c e l s to be left open at end. visible in Toronto. Limit of weight, 5 lbs.; size 30 inches in length MOON’S PHASES, 1909. by 1 ft. in depth or width ; 1c. per oz. or frac­ New First Full Last Moon Quarter Moon Quarter tion ; 1c. per oz. to U.S. D. OF M. D. OF M. D. OF M. D. OF M R e g i s t e r e d L e t t e r s for Canada, U.S., Great Ja n u a ry ....... 21 28 6 14 Britain and Europe, 5c. reg. stamp. F eb ru a ry ....... 20 26 5 13 P a t t e r n s & S a m p l e s —Canada, limit, 3 lbs., size, M arch ........... 21 28 6 14 2 ft. by 1 ft. in width or depth, 1c. per 2 oz. or A p ril............... 19 27 5 13 fraction. May ............... 19 26 5 12 United K’g’dm, limit, 5 lbs.; size, 2 ft. in length, Ju n e ............... 17 25 3 10 by 1 ft. in width or depth, 2c. per 4 oz., and Ju ly ............... 17 25 3 10 1c. each additional 2 oz. 23 1 8 E u r o p e , & c ., b y 8 A u gu st........... limit, 12 oz.; size, 1 ft. in. in { 15 31 width b y 4 in. in depth, 2c. per 4 oz.; 1c. each September... 14 22 29 6 additional 2 oz. O c to b e r------ 14 22 28 6 U.S. limit, 8 oz., size, 1 ft. by 8 in. in width by November ... 12 20 27 4 4 in. in depth, 2c. per 4 oz.. and 1c. each addi- December ... 12 19 26 4 tional 2 oz. Festivals and Anniversaries, 1909. Value of Foreign Coins in Canadian Cur- New Year’s Day.Jan. 1 _Holy Thurs.. May 20 rency, for Customs purposes. E p ip h a n y .............. Victoria Day.. 24 Value in A ccession of K in g P e n teco st—W h it Monetary E d w ard V I I ..
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