John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 3-15-1990 The aC rroll News- Vol. 78, No. 7 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 78, No. 7" (1990). The Carroll News. 956. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/956 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Carroll News Vol. 78, No. 7 John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio 44118 March 15, 1990 Pax Christi chapter forms Organization, to promote social justice student of the by Marcellus Neatly Staff Reporter yearannouced Pax Christi John Carroll re­ by Alic e Carle za11on of the Year were the Car­ ceived its charter from the Student Asst. News Editor roll News and Phi Kappa Psi. Union Tuesday, joining the ranks A member of each SU organi­ of more than 30 other Pax Christi Nominations for the Studcm zation panicipated in the voting. student chapters in the United Union Organization of the Year The award was implemented this States. Award and the SU Person of the year to recognize effons of cam­ Pax Chrisu, a Latin phrase Ycar A ward were voted upon at pus organi7.ations. meaning peace of Christ, is an the S U meeting last Tuesday. The Lynch worked on the SU Film international orgamzation origi· Sophomore Class won the organ­ Series as co-director and initiated nally formed after World War II izational award as junior Pat the Mcd1a Club, which publicizes for the sake of bringing peace to Lynch received the individual any major event through the France and Germany. honor. Housing Dcpanment or the SU. Today, the 8,500 member or­ Sophomore Megan Clifton "The award doesn't mean as ganization is geared towards dis­ nominated the Sophomore Class much to me as docs the apprecia­ annarnent, peace education, al ter· because of the numerous activi­ tiOn of the hard work I put in," said natives to violence, primacy of ties it has sponsored and the over­ Lynch. "My work was shared by conscience, and a just world or­ aJI support it given to the SU. many other people who deserve der. "The award is for the whole most oft he credit for getting things As a member of the interna­ class," said Jc.ff Stiltner, sopho­ done on short notice." tional organizauon of Pax Christi, more class president. "h was the Pete S ymada, sen 10r class presi­ PCJC plans to educate the John students who who responded and dent, was also nominated for serv­ s:;aaoll communily about the is­ Sophomore Megan Clifton supports the efforts of Pax Christi supponed us all year." •ce to the senior class and the SU. sues of peace, social justice and John Carroll by signing a petition, presented by member "I think we were so successful The winners will be recognized environmental concerns through Mary Beth Fraser, against United States funding of the El because we had everyone work­ with a plaque which is planned to presentations and a monthly news· Salvadoran government due to the its human rights violations. ing together," he added. be presented at the SU Inaugural Ieucr. pholo by William l..ul.bs Other nominees for the Organi- Dmncr on March 20. "As Christians we feel that we members. should be moved to work towards "I went to Fr. Dister and men· LeCtUre to focus on business, psychology peace and social justice. As indi· tioncd that there was no peace and insurance company, 1mplemcnted This lecture, which was spear­ by Alexandra Kasarda vidual members, we educate our­ social justice group on campus," an internal consulung program for headed by JUnior Diane Lynch, selves about peace, then go out said Dew. "He said he had been human resource managers about vice president of Psychology Club, into the community and try to trying to get one formed on cam­ The Psychology Club, with which he will speak. marks a change m relations be· promote awareness," said Dennis pus. Sohehandedmesomeinfor­ support of the College and Arts Fader was formerly the corpo­ tween the two schools which have Dew Jr., president of PCJC. mation on Pax Christi. I read it and Sc1ences and the School of rate vice pres idem of Progressive. had their dtfferences m the past According to the PCJC char­ over and felt this was something I Business, wi II present a lecture at He will be spcak10g on the role of "The neat thmg about this lec­ ter, the organization also plans to really wanted to do." 7:30p.m. on Monday, March 19 the external consultant and emo· ture IS that 11 is bringing the two provide an opponuni ty for stu· Anton Zuiker, PCJC newslct­ in the Jardine Room which will tiona! aspects involved 10 being schools together. I think this is a dents to actively participate in tereditor, stressed the need ofact­ focus on management and psy­ an entrepreneur. great way to foster a relationship various justice writing campaigns ing on a change of heart. chology. Intended for those interested 10 between them," said Lynch. and food and clothing drives. "I think the basic atti tude of The lecture, entitled "How management, human resources, Dr. Beth Martin, a professor of They also plan to provide as· Pax Christi is that you cannot Corporate Business Applies Theo­ consul ting, and industrial psychol­ psychology who oversees students sistance to the homeless of Cleve­ change the world unless you ries of Management and Indus­ ogy, the lectures will address in the industrial psychology pro­ land and help in the organization change yourself. We always have trial Psychology," will feature two common student questions such gram implemented in October, ofEanh Day atJCU every spring. to remember that. Instead ofprac­ prominent businessmen, Barry as what undergraduate elective sees this lecture as a great oppor­ Moderated by Rev. Jack Dis­ ticing what you're preaching, we Fader and Steven Johnson. will prepare one for a manage­ tunity for students. tcr, S.J., the group presently has should preach what we are prac­ Johnson, corporate manager of ment career, what the "real world" "It will give students a realistic over 30 participants, including stu· ticing. We want people to be aware management at Progressive Insur­ is like, as weiJ as how to make the view of the opponunities open to dents, faculty and administration of that attitude," said Zuiker. ance Corp., a 1.2 million high-risk transfer from school to work. them," she sa1d. Page2 EDITORIAL The Carroll News, March 15, 1990 Housing costs go through the roof at Carroll With the advent of the 1990's ing transportation costs. venience by living off campus. occupants. Ifa housemate were to perience any of these problems. John Carroll University is com­ One example would be a two "Commuting," as oneex-com­ renig on the lease, the remaining Transportation is not necessary baaing inflation by raising room room rental unit inside a local muter said, "is a pain. You don't occupants would be unexpectedly on campus because one's most and board prices. At the close of a home. Two bedrooms, a bathroom, know what's happening on cam­ experiencing extra costs. House­ important needs are provided for two year period we will have seen and laundry and kitchen privileges pus, and you son of feel out of it." mate incompatibility could make by remaining in one location. Also, prices rise by $1,050. Does this were offered for $225 a month. If Another student who will be conditions uncomfortable, but in residents know in advance what price increase force more students two people were to rent this unit experiencing the affects of the in­ theeventofthissitualion it would they are getting for their money, to consider the alternative of liv­ for nine months, housing would crease said, "My father can help be difficult to fmd alternate hous­ the fee is all-inclusive. A Septem­ ing off campus and how would cost $1,012.50 per person. With me pay for an apartment, but he ing mid-semester. ber- June lease is automatic. this change ultimately etTect them? additional expenses considered, definitely cannot afford on-cam­ Unexpectedcostsrequiremore Prices rise steadily throughout If one is able to find a local the cost will be nearly $3,700, pus costs." financial security for off-campus the years, but a $1,000 increase in household with a bedroom for rent, $1,000 less than next year's room Living off-campus, one is faced residents. Some landlords require room and board alone over two it is considerably less costly to and board rate. This hike has forced with dilemmas that campus resi­ renters to have a stable job, or to years is taxing on students' re­ live off-campus, even consider- some students to sacrifice con- dents do not face. First, transpor­ have a legal guardian co-sign the sources. Should students be forced tation cost and availability are lease. Also, many leases run for a to sacrifice the convenience of determining factors. If one does full year, which presents a prob­ campus residency? Can the uni­ not own a car the savings and lem to those who need a Septem­ versity justify the cost when the convenience of living off-campus ber- June lease. result is traumatic to some stu­ are jeopardized. Additional unexpected ex­ dents? Secondly, one must decide to penses may be incurred in the event When one considers the prob­ either live alone in one unit, or to ofa landlord failing to cover main­ lems of living off campus, it is share a house or apartment with tenance costs.
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