WELCOME TO Sacred Heart Catholic Church 322 W. CTH A, Stetsonville, WI 54480 Tel: (715)678-2395 Fax: (715)678-2033 Email: [email protected] Sunday, November 1, 2020 - Liturgical Year A, Cycle II FEAST OF ALL SAINTS 1st Reading: Revelations 7:2-4, 9-14 2nd Reading: 1 John 3:1-3 Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12a Pastor: Father Mike Hayden; Deacon: Patrick Gierl / Email: [email protected] Mass Schedule Confession Schedule Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri– 8:30AM 3:00 – 3:30 PM on Saturdays Wednesday - NO MASS CCD: Saturday – 4:00PM Grades 1-4: 2:15PM-3:30PM Sunday – 8:30AM Grades 5-11: 6:30PM-7:45PM Mass Intentions 10/31 (Sat): -Trimner Family by Kathy Trimner 11/1(Sun): -FEAST OF ALL SAINTS -For People of Sacred Heart Parish 11/2(Mon): -ALL SOULS DAY +Gail Jochimsen by Guy & Penny Olson 11/3 (Tue): +Poor Souls in Purgatory 11/4(Wed): -NO MASS 11/5 (Thu): +Darrell Damm by Debbie Stuttgen 11/6 (Fri): +Deceased Fathers by Amy & Nick Brandner 11/7 (Sat): +Alice Rindt by The Family 11/8(Sun): -For the People of Sacred Heart Parish Readings for the Week of NovemBer 1, 2020, 2020: Pray For… * Laura Hayden * Vera Ann Block * Ron Hayden Mon 2: Wis 3:1-9 Ps:23 Jn 6:37-40 * David Brost * Frances Hemmer Tue 3: Phil 2:5-11 Ps 22 Lk 14:15-24 Wed 4: Phil 2:12-18 Ps 27 Lk 14:25-33 * Fr Frederick Brost *Florina Jochimsen Thu 5: Phil 3:3-8a Ps 105 Lk 15:1-10 * Britni Freas * Karen Olson * Gordy Galetka * Cathy Peissig Fri 6: Phil 3:17—4:1 Ps 122 Lk 16:1-8 * Jeanette Gierl * Aggie Robida Sat 7: Phil 4:10-19 Ps 112 Lk 16:9-15 Greeters Lectors Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Any lector available Any lector available None at the 4:00pm Mass at the 8:30am Mass Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers None None MISSION STATEMENT FOR SACRED HEART CHURCH The Sacred Heart Catholic Church is rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we welcome all to respond to the voice of Christ to live the commandments, practice the beatitudes, and celebrate the sacraments, which engage us to build a community of love by serving each other. ++From the Desk of Father Mike ++ FEAST OF ALL SAINTS When the peace activist Jesuit Father John Dear was discerning his vocation, he took a trip to The Holy Land. One afternoon he went up the hill where Jesus preached His Sermon on the Mount. On a plateau overlooking the Sea of Galilee, he found the beautiful little Church of the Beatitudes. He prayed there, asking for a sign to confirm that he was really being called to a life of ministry. Just then, two Israeli jets came from above the lake, streaking toward him at a low altitude. The jets roared by, passing just above him and disappearing in the west. From that moment on, John Dear embraced his call to promote peace. Today’s Gospel invites all of us to follow Jesus up the hillside to sit in the grass and hear His Sermon on the Mount. In Jesus’ eight blessings, he invites us to discover our own ministry and calling in the Beatitudes through our poverty, meekness, mourning and quest for justice. Jesus calls us to be merciful and pure and peacemakers. He blesses us for being His followers. Weekly Financial RePort – October 24 & 25: Loose-$127.00; Envelopes-$2,741.00; Maintenance-$140.00; Candles - $23.00; Mass Stipends -$ 30.00; Scrip - $1,040.00 (Profit - $28.22) = TOTAL - $4,101.00. World Missions - $495.00. Income Needed = $3,541.00 Per week. Thank you for your generosity! OFFICERS of SACRED HEART Secretary: Kris Zuleger 715-678-2374 Chairman Religious Ed: Karleen Sperl 715-748-4888 Bookkeeper: Peggy Hraby 715-748-6443 Chairman Financial Committee: Donna Dowden 715-678-2255 Council Chairman: Alan Hraby 715-748-6443 Maintenance: Chris Paul (Cell) 715-965-4116 SHCCW President: Lori Huther 715-965-4044 Bulletin Editor: Karen Sulko 715-748-6527 [email protected] [email protected] Also copy: [email protected] Announcements CSA: Sacred Heart Parish goal this year is $20,057.00. Total payments - $5,295.00; pledges - $2,250.00, with 24 parishioners responding. There are envelopes in back of church for anyone wishing to donate. May God bless you! SACRED HEART CEMETERY: A reminder: All decorations and other items placed by headstones need to be removed no later than this Sunday, November 1st. CONTAINERS/JARS from meals for Father Mike are in the basement kitchen. Please pick up yours if you would like them back. “My thanks for all the prayers, cards, goodies and meals I received while recovering from knee replacement surgery. I felt well cared for in both body and soul. I appreciate your care and concern.” --Father Mike SCRIP SALES RETURNING TO THE FOYER! Stop by before or after weekend Masses to purchase gift cards for your favorite retailers. Use the cards to pay for routine items, or gift the cards to others. You purchase the cards at face value, but since the Parish obtains the cards at a discount, it is an easy fundraiser for our Parish. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to sell scrip occasionally. Contact Lynn Paul for more info – 715-965-8354. EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINES: Items for the November 22 bulletin are due by noon on Friday, November 13, and for the November 29 bulletin, they are due by noon on Thursday, November 19. FINAL WISCONSIN BISHOPS LIVE-STREAMED PRO-LIFE ROSARY is this Sunday, November 1, 7:30pm to 8:00pm lead by Archbishop Jerome Edward Listecki, Archdiocese of Milwaukee. To particiPate, visit www.diolc.org/live May God’s grace be poured out upon our state, our nation, and our world. LIFE QUOTES: “When considering faithful citizenship, the U.S. bishops have reaffirmed that ‘the threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority because it directly attacks life itself, because it takes place within the sanctuary of the family, and because of the number of lives destroyed.’ ”--USCCB ST MARY’S ANNUAL HOLIDAY FAIR at the Colby Lions Shelter is Saturday, Nov 14 from 10:00am to 2:00pm No luncheon or vendors due to Covid-19, but they will have: Chicken Dumpling Soup $7.00/qt and Chili $8.00/qt. Artisan breads, Stolen, Scones & Other Baked Goods. Homemade Wreaths for sale. Silent Auction & Cookie Walk. “Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, today we rejoice in the holy men and women of every time and place. May their prayers bring us your forgiveness and love. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” Mass Intentions: Please call the rectory (715) 678-2395 or drop an envelope in the collection basket --($10.00 per Mass) or send an email to [email protected]. Thank you. Wedding Anniversaries: 11/14/1980 - Joseph & Donna Dowden, 11/27/1971 - Neil & Linda Micke; 11/28/1970 - Alan & Peggy Hraby. Please keep them in your prayers PRAYER FOR DIOCESE OF SUPERIOR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS & LAY LEADERS: “Eternal Father, thank You for the clergy, seminarians, religious women, staff and lay leaders in our Diocese. I lift them all up to You, but especially (name) today. Sanctify him. Heal and guide him. Continue to mold him into the likeness and holiness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May his life be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.” This week we pray for: 11/1: Rev Samuel Schneider; 11/2: Rev Ronald Serrao; 11/3: Rev Joseph Stefancin; 11/4: Rev Thomas Thompson; 11/5: Very Rev James Tobolski; 11/6: Rev Gerard Willger; 11/7: Rev Andy Anderson Saints of the Week: 11/1: All Saints, 11/2: All Souls, 11/3: St Martin de Porres; 11/4: St Charles Borromeo ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK: MEDFORD DENTAL CLINIC Please let them know you saw their ad in our church bulletin. .
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