THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1998 INSIDE .............. t Follow Kool Kot, Puttymon ond Spinner os •.••.,.they dine ond review Mor~el Monio. Q.~!!Y Sqndial SEE SPOTLIGHT, PAGES 7. 10 VOLUME 44 (AllFORNIA STATE U NIVERSITY, N OR THRIDGE N UMBER l 07 CSU seeks CETI partnership ~ UPA visitor to work wi th Microsoft on an $1210 $13 million from 1he infra- .... Deal would appropriate relalionship." structure projec1 if it's built. arrested link technol9gy "The more we learned at>out · ''We would have more darn nc1- A 25-year-old man wa< arresied 1he process of forming publiclpri· working ou1lc1 s around the cam- 'CET11s and charged with anemp1ed mur· on 23 cantpuses. vme pannerships and the more the pu s and a faster networking der after al legedly crying 10 suffo- CSU explored new ground, 1he behind these (oullelS)," Crase going to give cate his ex-girlfriend, a CSUN s1u- By CELINE OHANIANS more we have sought ndditionaJ said . den1, campus police Sdid. Staff Writer consultaiion and assessment ~ it us the .. ;he· unidentified · suspect' relates 10 CSU risk, equity and Campus access technology we allegedly IJ'ied co smother 1he The Ca li fornia Si ace debl, all of which have appropri· Ken Swisher, media relations woman Monday at about I0:45 University syslem is continuing alely added 10 1he delay," Wilson manager at the CSU Chancellor's need to be a. m. with a chemically-drenched negotiations leading 10 a panner- s:.1 id . Office, said GTE and Fujitsu will washclo1h m !he Unh·ersity Park ship with GTE and Fujitsu for lhe have access 10 1he 2i CSU cam- competitive.' Apanmems Building 13. Heather California Education Technology Funding puses, which are compri sed of Hall. said Ll: Mi chael J. Sugar of Initiative. which will provide a The s1me, however, is unable 10 344,000 'ludenis and 38,500 fac- - Ken Swisher, lhe Depanmem of Public Safety. new technology infra.;,;1ruc1ure for providC lhe estimated $300 mil- ully and s1;:1ff. ~tedin relations mnnag.er The victim escaped and r<.ul to 1he 23 CSU campuses. lion needed 10 build the infra- ··we be lieve the concept of CSll Chw1ccllor's Ofllcc UPA Building 14, Rosecrown Hall. Microsoff und Hu ghes structure. CETI is the way 10 go in 1enns of where campus police are located. Elec1ronics, 1hc corporalions orig- Dr. Susan Curzon, vice provost gelling lhe 1echnology our sludenlS The suspect, who is nol a CSUN inally envisioned, will no longer for lnfonnalion and Technology and facuhy need," Swisher said. petitive if it is not on the cutting studenr, wa~ arrested off campus at be CETI panners because a finan- Resources, said the technology "(CETI) is goi ng 10 give us 1he edge of 1echnology," Wilson said. about 4:20 p.m., Sugar said. cial agreemenl could no1 be infra.~truclure will provide more technology we need to be compet- Some of the pannership's The suspect was being held on reached between 1he CSU and lhe 1echnology, networking and itive," he said. goals include selling computiog S500,000 bail. He also ha< S 1.162 two corporations. emailing capacity. nnd telecommunications goods worth of ou1standing warrants. "If we have 1he panners invest New partners • and services to the universities. according 10 Sugar. Public/private nnd we're able 10 share some of Wilson said lhe CSU system returning a reasonable profit to The victim sUffered facial partnership the revenue togelher, we hope (the may seek additional new partners the corpornte partners and using a injuries and was treated at CSUN President Blenda J. CSU) would move forward wilh who are in1ercs1ed in developing portion of revenues from saJes 10 CSUN's S1uclenc Heallh Ccmer, Wilson said in a. report that she ils technology," Curzon said. and helping fund 1he infrasuuc- enhance the infrastruc1ure and Sugar said. expects negotiations 10 continue Dr. Mark Crase, director of ture initiative. desktop resources on a regular 1lle matter is under investiga- in10 1he next academic year, dur- CSUN's Technology Support "No uni versity can maintain its basis over 1he I 0-year projected tion by campus police. ing which the CSU is "continuing Group, said CSUN would benefit academic quarity and remain cdm- span of 1he pannership .. -Lily J. Maximo Students get into Spirit Day By JOSE ISRAEL LEMUS said more s1udent1; need 10 get Staff Wriler ~ mvolved on cmnpus. " We' ve 'got 10 gc1 a spirit hree campus organiza- going.'' Saunders said. "Not. many tions kicked off c~1 mpu s people arl! attending :ii.porting Spiril Day al 1he events on campu~ . There is a lack T U ni on·~ University S1uden1 of spiril and we have to fociliuue (a Court of Community on way) io i.ncrca..;e prick and !<ipiri1 Wednesday, encouragi ng CSUN among the uni\•cr.;;ity's ..;1udents." siudem, focuhy and ""IT pride While a 7-fooi Mmador greeted and a Ma1ador attitude. accord- ~tudcnt s, communications freshman ing 10 organizers. Jackie Lee said wi1hou1 school spir- More than 400 s1uden1s it, the cwnpus mmosphcrc suffers. helped kick off 1he celebnuion, ''That's whal we need here," Lee watching hip hop band 1he Ho said. '1lle 3trnosphere here is kind Riders, and reggae artist of boring if you don 't have a school Common Sense. spirit. I like ii, it feels cool." Sponsored by Project With 1he Matador insignia Community, the In1ercolleginte painted on her face, and red. while Athletic Program and the US.U. and black colors paioled on her Spirit Day was pan of the USU's arms aod legs, Sludenl Monica 20th annivemry celebratioo nod Solornuio won lhe firsl of lhree !hose will be followed by a series of prius given 10 wi1h 1he mosl G"l:OO"" DUA"T• / ONU' J.lA'o'OIW. pride. spirit days each and every Mamdor CSUN'a chNrlellders pump up the crowd 11 the USU Court or' Community during the first Campus Splrll Day. Wednesday through next semes- "I'm very proud 10 be a CSUN ter, according to Michael tudent." Solorzano, who received CooJ'!'rman of the Office of a $50 gift certificate 10 Blockbuster S1udenl Development und two tickets to Universal •"The intent is to increase pride Studios, said. · in the university," Coopennan Office of Student Developmenl said. "We wan1 everyone 10 feel Ac1ivilies Cooidina1or Jamie G. proud lo be a Mallldor and 10 Rigney liked 1he event's idea. have a 'Mnta-1ude.' "' "! think (this evenl) is 1enific," He said a group of volunieer Rigne~ said. "I'd hope more people studcnlS, the "Matador Maniacs," would have a Matador spirit will be out on Weclmi<lays, pro- You've got to have a ' Mnta-lude'." moting CSUN spirit by giving Business junior Brenda Erazo. a 11-TUDE' away6""~setostudenis. "Malador Mapinc," said she volun- faculty and Slaff who we..- school teered in 1he pirit promotion group oolors: Red. white and black. because it's fun. .J Dawne Saunders, one of the "It's a big way to gel involved ADJUSTMENT.• athletic deportment's cheerlead- on campus. We've got to have ·fun m who danced during the event in college,'; Erazo said l>;.1il~ Sundial News Wire ~h~~~ ·~ ~l9~ -------------~~--------------------------~----- JAc.KSo.-J IO BE MY NOW won't back /JNl7 IS Go1'-'G To JAIL- Tl /1 (: Jones' court case -IR.'ttiJ{., To ' fxroeT ASHINGTON (AP) - weaken the laws tha1 prot cl't 1ho ... c Declaring its na1i onal board righ1s." · MON~'1 F/l011 . M e-, and local chap1ers over- • N'OW did not poll its member ... n1p. W it. Ireland said . bul it was clear from con- whelmingly against the 'National Organiza1ion for Women said tac1s wilh about 500 chapter .. around ~ Wednesday it will not file legal papers the country that 1he lo c~ll ~ro up ... H€-R. Ot; 01 on behalf of Paula Jones in her sexual opposed filing a friend-of- 1he·coui'1 GR.ouNf? H(:Q - harassment lawsui1 agains1 President brief, by margins of ai lea~t K·to-1 :md • Cli nton . possibly 10-to-r.' /VO Jt:L-l-0 NOW President Patricia Ireland " Hard cases make bad law :· lr ~l;md toid a news conference the women's said. The conservati ve Ruth erford PVV PING Po f5 .' I group be lieves such a "highly charged lns1itute. whi ch is fin ant1ni.:, legal ' politica l'' lawsuit should not be used expenses for Jones. and h1:r .. pole,. .0 ' as a 1est case for stopping sexual woman Susan Carpenter Ml: :..11llan 6 I ~ harassment in the wo~kplac~ . · "are using 1his case 10 adv ;,tn Cl' 1heir Ireland also said her group "decid- own political aiendas." she .;;iid . ed not 10 work with the disreputable Decrying the.. poli1ical pos iti on ... of right-wing organizations and individu- the institule, Carpenter McMillan and als advancing her cause, who them- other " women's rights opponenh ... selves have a long-standing politica l Ire land said: "Paula Jone s ha" ... ur· interest iO undermining our movement rounded herself wi1h a phal ;in x of Cosby.'daughter' to to strengthen women's rights and poli tically motivated law yer .. ... carry Qut ~entence - UBLIN. Calif. (AP) - Autumn "She wa.< hoping to avoid !he stigmfi of Jack son. the woman convicted of having her children born in prison. She D trying to ex tort S40 million from now realizes 1ha1 can't be avoided:' Abortion,-foes say they comedian Bill Cosby by claiming to be Jackson was sentenced in December his daugh1er. was scheduled 10 report to uftcr testimony showed she faxed a prison Wednesday to begin serving a 26- demand for theJponey on Jan.
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