A 'A; •«**• C hototuottl) f i l e t ' 438 FIFTY-SIXTH YEAR CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21. 1930 NUMBER 49 l - ===» BARN AND CRIB ARE THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME CHATSWORTH SCHOOLS BANDIT SLUGS DESTROYED BY FIRE OPEN MONDAY, SEPT. 1 DOUBLE WEDDING EARLY SUNDAY MORN —BUILDINGS RENOVATED The barn and crib on the Joseph I The singing of the so-called lo-1 TARES PLACE IN THOMAS MOLLOY Diets estate, 4 4 miles south of Chats- ’ ousts and the shortening of the days ] worth, burned early Sunday morn­ -brings to mind that summer is. ing. It Is thought the fire started drawing to a close and that school, AND ROBS HIM either from a stroke of lightning or days will soon be with us again. CLIFTON CHURCH spontaneous combustion of the hay. i It is a fact for Chatsworth Town­ The farm Is tenanted by Mr. and ! ship high school and Chatsworth Country Oil Station Scene of Mrs. Otis Bargraann Aho were awak-' public school will convene on Mon­ Raboin-Bennett; Morel-Quick ened by the fire and summoned help. day, September 1st, for the lnaugu- Nuptials Last Saturday [RE Daylight Hold-up Mon­ They succeeded in getting the horses | uration of the 1930-31 school year. day Afternoon. out of the barn. The barn was fill­ Both buildings have undergone their Afternoon, ed with hay and straw (forty or fifty] annual renovation and will he in ship _______ 'IP loads of the latter) and the loss In shape for opening day. | As was the case last year the up- 1 Miss Helen May Raboin, elder re Phone II Thomas Molloy was slugged and that llne amounted to about $500.; robbed by a young man about 19 barn was insured for $1,000, | per three classes of the high school daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rab- years old at the Molloy service sta- wblcb "*11 on*> partially cover the; ! will be registered during the morn- oin, and Clarence Cook Bennett, eld­ I H I i m M IH tion a half mile south and a half loBa* 11 was a ,rame structure, built ing of September 1, while the first er son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Ben- mile west of Piper City between 2 25 >ears a * ° - 34x40 feet- 20 feet t0 lyear pupils will not be required to nett, were united in marriage Satur- I I11 H 111 IM >H and 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. ,tbe eaves’ and had a 16x34 foot ad' register until afternoon. This ar- day afternoon, August 16th, in a The fellow escaped but his lden- dlt*°n U8ed as a c10w1bar“‘ rangement gives the faculty a bet- double wedding ceremony that took tlty has been pretty well established I The cr,b contained 2.000 bushels J ter opportunity to get the freshmen place at 4 o'clock in the Methodist and his arrest Is thought to bo only of oa«8’ a ‘>ortlon of w,llch was saved lineal up on their various programs Episcopal church at Clifton before a matter of time )y Mr and also avoids many embarrassing an assembly of nearly two hundred narsman and neighbors who ' m Mr. Molloy, who is 78 years old, be‘Pt>d remove it from the building situations for the beginners. ] persons, more than fifty of whom was alone at the station which is on- be,ore the buUd,"S 8,arted t0 burn' The present indication is that the were Chatsworth friends. ly a short distance from the country There was $300 insurance on the enrollment at both schools will be Miss Ruth Kathryn Morel, of Clif­ home of Mr. Molloy, Ills daughter, crib . :.d $250 on contents, belonging I practically the same as last year. ton, and Basil Charles Quick, of Ta­ and his son, James. He was serving I to the iaietz estate. The burned1 It is understood that the Catholic was City. Michigan, were the other oats were estimated at 300 bushels. ! j school (St. Patrick’s Academy) will young couple who pledged the mari­ m served a fellow coming toward the Part of the oats belonged to „ the I I open the same day as the public tal vows in the same specially phras­ station, walking from the east. The ;Dletz ea,a,e’ a por,ion to ° “s nars- schools, as it generally does. Rev. ed and beautifully enacted ceremony. eustomers remarked that he would i m a n n some ,0 1 Ptt‘r ^broen. Fr. FitzGerald is out of town and The nuptials were distinguished probably want a ride and they would Mr' »a'gmann also lost some of this announcement was not obtained by somewhat unusual elements of — m move on but not before they got a his farm tools, harness, etc., alto­ authoritatively. sentiment. The brides were next- pretty good look at the fellow. The gether sustaining a heavy financial door neighbors and inseparable com­ highwayman stopped at the service loss. 2 HELD FOR ROBBERY; panions until their second year of station and asked for a bottle of The barn will be rebuilt at once, AT FAIRBURY; A THIRD high school at Clifton, and the cere­ pop, following Mr. .Molloy into the wo are Informed. BELIEVED IMPLICATED mony was performed by’Rev. W. W. building. He asked to be shown Howard, of Thawville. the minister lU.h) some more pop that was in a cooling UVINGSTON CO. HOME (Bloomington Piiiuagri w ho married the parents of both Clyd« box on the floor. As Mr. Molloy K v. in*; liu i I, a iy• 1-'. ami l*rid<■S all! Who through tlle years BUREAU 3RD IN STATE oi Fa ii y, are stooped to get a bottle he was slug­ STATION i tin , ag** 1 7, both bur has :figured i:i memorable e euts in in ’ ♦* conn m jai ! cma rgfoi with loo The ladies of the ged on the top of the head with a Th< Livingston Count;. II mu Un- both families i:- • • A. iv I*. Ti a roi ami Itar and m pop bottle and was rendered uncon- reau now s a.i is third in tin* stati­ K ’ li cuu ri ii proiLhid beautiful a i Leiistu: i U1VH at Fairl]any early tioi: - of ferns and yel- st i >us from the blow, the bottle he- from the point of nu :uh< r-bi; :u- gene!:-al decora Sli ■ :no m ine. r*.»udo s ■ , ns of low itad whit*.- gladioli. lng broken and the contents thrown cording to an announcement mad" LAST BAND CONCERT 300 ATTEND AMERICAN F.i \ is also Uifii.ig lu !Id In’•ivii”. - Frc e d in g the marriage. Neil : 4 . over tlie walls of the building. by Miss Anna Searle. ••ouiny home INCLUDES SEVERAL LEGION COUNTY PICNIC i ::. : !h i i-SlU.'.lliun. T rim hie. eousi n of Miss M ■rel, ren- When Mr. Molloy regained con­ ndviscr. The county organization i- it) 1 ADDED FEATURES 1 lu r is fovin:- i in Iihcat- •d in da solo Bac -flou nod's sciousness some time afterwards lie m.ide up of 31 units with a total AT P.ONTIAC ON SUNDAY tiered1 as a mu til c -i'jIti i; p O! it IV'ji iit taxi t:lriv»*r “ A vo Maria" and At Dawning”, V found that his pockets had been membership of 6! 3. I'nits with their The Chafswuna municipal band l.lrn Su mi ay nigtu am!1 tin* ■I h v t of an Miss Anna Msirgaref Itilby playing Sales turned inside out and what money corresponding membership are t-t played me eigulti and last conctrt of GET A Tic aDi .idaiue at th< Livingston an to h . tLiul city,, I Os• t.'.ur wi.ii .Max tiie fiiano a coo mpaniment. he hud on ills person and in the mo­ follows: Pontiac 74; Charlotte 21: tile season last night Dow tin beiilU- juv’v Vmri<on Ledon and aiixi!- Drt d ga­iv telr, who is 1King held :n the r-s Mary Ruth Kerrins, of Nor- k m . ney till was gone. His son, James, Cornell 34; County Club 1:*; Cuiloin stand on the south side of tit linn- I y picnic i a Chautauqua par: .1 Mi o> unt y jail at !'< oi la it is i Inj light he procession;il while came to the' station and found ills 23; Dwight 34; Forrest 27; Fayette eipal business street. iday was smaller than expected inai. play ed t OF 30 PER CENT'S tinat III itly.’u atri ilia; 1. IVe 1-t-en im- tlie clorg;. man proceeded to 1lis place father in a dazed condition and he "u; Ksmcti 12; Belle Prairie 52; Tlie crowd in .attendant t was la. g< (due to tin heavy rain Satuidav night plicated in the burglary at Fairbury. and the bridegrooms un 1 their best was removed to his home. There Campus 26; Piper 16; Pella 22: and, although always appreciative, and Sunday fort noon However, quite a number arrived early in th“ At t:ie A. .X P. store tile letr dur- men advanced to their positions be- was a long, deep cut on the top of Reading ; Pike 37; Sunbury 21: was even more d. :.ionsti ulhe last 30 Commercial National Bank secured 6"“ pounds of cane sugar, ior“ the altar his head and a bruise on his fore­ Dana 22; Rooks Creek 29; Owego night, being insistent in applause. forenoon from points in the county* four sacks of flour.
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