80 Cuban Invaders Surrender In Bloodless Panama Climax 6AMrd Troops ~e No Action - Crisis OJ OWQn bi 6-0ay and tM PeopZ. of IOWG Cit~ 'Dictatorship' Reason "~sLalJhshea In 186I! - !<'lVe Cents a Copy ~UOC:I8U!C1 heu Leased Ware and WIrephOto · Uruted Presa Inlernatloo"\J teased WIi't' Iowa 1.1ly. Iowa, ~aturaay , May 2, J!1~1I Told For Invasion PANAMA (.fI - The invasion of Panama fell apart Friday in ~ coastal area whcre it began. Tie bedraggled invaders surrend· ered and were taken without a • fiilit to lace their punishment. The main body of the invaders from Cuba-more than 80 men­ pdt down arms in a quick, blood· rs. uce Ives. ost· Iell climax to the action that be· ,an Sunday in this strategic Cen~ral American country . The lurren_ to Pana.".nian .....,. WII carried out under .... Puts Blame l 'Y" .. repr.llm.tlves of tho Steel Workers May Day Celebration- OttanlJ.tlon of American St.tos COAS) In .... IIttl. cOllt.1 town III . ~~ de DI ... Tho inuders On Charges tNk ,nr tho town after ....ir To Demand Iendifttl and then hol.d up thor. IftfI spont moat of tho w.. k Reds Whoop It Up Morse ..Iklnv surr.nder. By Record Pay MOSCOW {.f\ - Russians wound carpent.r .. Hu.reth, for .11 gels Square behind goo e'stepping The announcement that they Capehart Asks Senate had given up was made by Fer· up with dancing, Ceasting aod work.rs of tho world. soldiers and self·propelled guns. In P.rls, about 5,000 followe" nando Lobo, head of the observa· Hopes To Avoid Strike drinking a May Day festival peg. The 77·year-old pontiff addressed To Censure Morse an overflow crowd of more than of .h. Communlst.run G.neral tlon team rushed to Panama by ged to the theme that the Soviet t\le Organization of Americnan Appear To Be Fading 45,000 workmen oC italian Catholh: Confederation of Labor booed a WASHINGTON (UPf) - Claro Boothe Luco regretfully resigned States to check on the invasion. Union is invincable. Action at St. Peter's. mention of Prellcionl Chari" de NEW YORK CUPl) - The G.ull. In a M.y D.y spooch by Friday a Amba sador to Brazil He said more than 80 and per· "Attempts by Imperialists to tum Gray skies and rain cut the United Steel Workers of America tholr IIcr.tary g.n.r.I, !knoit on grounds lhat S n. Wayne hips as many as 86 men had put back the wheel of historY are In May Day celebration in Italy, Franchon. Franchon c.lled D. Morse's "cxtradordinarily ugly" dewn their arms and banded (USW ) , demanding a larger share vain," Defense MinJster Marshal which has the largest Communist Gaull.'s go •• rnm.nt r ..ction.ry. charge mad Ilimpo!;slble (or her tbemselves over to guard troops. of tile industry's "fabulous" prof· Rodion Malinovsky declared at the party west of the Iron Curtain. traditional parade across Moscow's There were long parades in War­ to (ulfill her d lIcate Latin Ameri· p'nama Minister oC Government, its lbis year, put the finJshing A scant 20,000 atended Rome's can mission. Red Square. "No (orces in the major raily in the Plana del Po­ saw, Budapest, Tirana and Qther J.D. Bazan, put the number at touches Friday to the most ambi· Communist capitals. Shortly after thc lady diplomat 87. world are capable or overthrowing polo, where 100,000 have assem· handed her re igna\ion to l'r Id!'nt tious contract ever sought by the the Socialist camp." Ir~q had its first celebration of • Lobo, Brazilian ambassador to I)led in past years. Eisenhower, 11 . [Jomer E. Cape· union. May Day. Thousands of workers the OAS, said, "There are a few S'Y In. U,S, military I.. ders Rival rallics were staged in Ber· and peasants paraded through hart, (R.lnd.) called on the Scnate Hopes for avoiding a 1959 steel Invaders-four or five-who have h.d call.d for tho UII of force lin, whose status Is at issue in Baghdad, seat of the lertlst·influ. to censure Morse ror his attacks strike' appeared to be fading. DOt surrendered." He added that ",Inlt .... Soviet Union, Milin. the East·West foreign ministers enced government of Premier Ab· on Mrs. Luce. Capehart said he David J. McDonald, president of a small band of about five men ovaky w.rned that his .rmed conference opening in Geneva May del Karim Kassem. would conf!'r wit h other ~e nators the USW, said Oatly "Common bad been spotted ·bearing for Pan· forcel "wlll doll I crulhlng blow 11. Riot squads of police from bow Red China took the occasion to to decide what action to take. equity demands that steelworkers ama City and said they may be to any_ who trill to Interfere East and West Berlln stood watch tell the world once and (or a II Mrl. Luce told the P,....id.. llt share equitably in tilese immense Panamanians. Most of the invad· with tho pe.c.ful work of tho at the border to see there was no that Mao Tze·tung is still its boss. that If she w."t to Brazil, big party was made up of Cubans. profits made possible in part by $oviet poopl •• " raiding. Radio P.iplng .nnounc.d M.o Mono'. "furious and foolish" their efforts. " ch.rges could be exploit.d , by An o.rllor .ov.rnment an. May Day is the labor day hoLl· More than h." • million W.st WII .... only Chinese to be pic· "This c.n be don.," MeDon· day in much o( the world outside BorliM" r.lIi.d Mar tho Mrdor tured with M.rx, Eng.ls, l.nin "any politic.1 ,'.ment" s.. k ing ftIVIICfmont had IIld two-third. to discr.dit tho United St.tes. • Id told I MWS conferenc., with the Unlled States and Canada. te clwor I eleclar.tlon by their and Stalin In the portraltl put up w .bout " members of .... in­ She allO Slid sh. would be IUb­ ••slon force hid pvlled out of a substantial improv.m."t In But the Soviet Union's emphasis mayor, Willy Br.ndt, th.t Wut for ••Iant r.lly in P.lpl",s Gat• Wigli .nd frlnll' ben.fit, .nd 110 is always on intcrnational affairs, B.rlln will rem.in fr.. of Com­ of H.. venly Peace Square. Itct.d to Morll', "continuoul ....... de Dios and w.r. haraument." mlrehint toward .... m.in hi.h. ste.1 prlc. incr..... " and its claim to be the vigilant munllt rulo, Japanese Communists denounced TALKS TO NEWSMEN- Mrs. Clar. BOCIth Luc. talk. to nlwsmen The USW chief said a substantial champion of peace. "And lhe sad (act is not that I. way leading to thll capit.l. ; Walter Rcuther, vice president lhe United State ·Japan security II she Ilaves tho St.t. Dep.rtm.nt Frid.... after resigning .1 Am. wage increase for steelworkers Picked units of the armed forces but Brazilian·A merican policy, o{ the AFL·ClO, drew applause pact in Tokyo rallies. baSliHIor to Br.dl. H.r rui.nation wal announced after sh. con­ would be lho victim," she said. The later information from would be "a real shot In the arm led a four·hour parade of military May Day was observed as a Lobo indicated, however, that the with a pledge o( American sup­ f,rr.d mort than .n hour with President Eisenhower at the White Mol'S , chairman of the Senate (or the economy o[ America and of and civilian organizations in bri!o port, voiced in a twangy, hcavUy holiday throughouL Latin Ameri· main body called it quits in the HoulI.- AP Wir.pkoto. Foreign Rclations Subcommillec the world." Hant sunshine unoor the eyes oC accented German. ca. on Latin Aml'rica, , aid Mrs. Luce little town. However, top spokesmen of tile Premier Nikita Khrushchev and "It is not your freedom alonc Venezuelan Communists carried . National Guard troops were de· and the President "are to be com· nation's steel producers stood by other Soviet leaders who stood that is threatened by Soviet tyran. some "down with Yankee impe· D • dO M 0 mcnded Cor the decision th ey have ployed around Nombre de Dios their guns that no wage increaSe atop the Lenin-Stalln' tomb. ny," he said. "It is also our free. V t B earlier in the weck but they had rialism" banne~s in a parade with 0 e Il· lu Ice ay ring reached." H added thal he stood ~as justified this year and left Whilo M.y DIY won it, wldolt dom as well, because freedom is other workers In Caracas. , re "on the record" he made in tight. held. 0(( an attack While 'ncgoUa· little doubt that th.ey Celt 1959 was obll".nc. from CO"""""ilts Ind indivisible." Hundreds of UlOusands of Cuban tion~ by the and Cuban ing her nq\Tlination. bAs the yea~ _for. action to halt. 1he ~I~ ........ ~"t . at Aero the border, perhaps , a emissatld went on. The fiery Or D moe ;at also Wage-Pllee " 'J '.r thi quarter oC million marched Although the largely bloodless W~l. I Vlt~,n Il\VofI~ ~ I ~. a ~~:arob~r~~~~eaV~1 if~: , f.ederal "Suit en Alabam '- !>!\ id h<: would "",vqr rliq\!h" from The.lnernatiortal . Wa!>e ~ .'cy tlon.f St. " ...ph tho humble through East Berlin's Marx:En. C.astro Ollstlld FjIIlgencio, Batista' "UI • It •• .
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