AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM—IN ADVANCE. JSSJRFSD EVERY TUESDA^ MORNING, BY A. HOMER BYINGTON, itt 1800. |1oIitus, ^gritnltatt, Mttbanits, ftt fUts, titration;, &. &.- % J»% Btfes^cr.—gcbdcij to f«al S*te f* Iittesfs> ©mtal gsfeJIijorct, fitainrc, VOLUME XXXVI.—NUMBER 28. -^= NORWALK, CONN DAY, JULY 12, 1853. fairest expectations with a suicidal rash­ XUMBEB S89---NEW SERIES. Iter—and, giving "her birth, her mother while he was employed with his studies hiding her face in tns lap, while the curls ness. O, God! why was I so reckless ?" had died, "if she left bim, he would be W. E. 2 P B o& & 4'a & c feigning a siesta, but in reality watching of her shining hair swept the floor. "O, The idea of meeting with Lelia seemed a lone, childless old mail, fc>r llkely he OULD invite the alention of this and As clsitscture. and loving him. Slle was jealous of Herman, my husband, do not leave me, infinitely worse than death. In his the neighboring coiBiiunity to his vast FriemtdsM??. should' never see her again. Bes.,,les'lie A. H. SYHTS-TOS, Editor & Proprietor. W his slightest attentions to others, and she dear Herman! do not go again to that dreams he nightly beheld her, but she stock of goods.\t 6 which artlitions are weekly [We copy below, from Barry's "Hor- IIow oft the burdened heart would sink had required this pledge before marriage, being made.) comprising araill and general as­ Office West Side the .Bridge in Leonard s ticulturis," a very valuable essay on a In fathomless despair, delighted in lavishing costly gifts upon cold country. When you come baciv, always romping with the slaves, Building. over store of F. St. Joan. v sortment of 3 that Herman was never to take her from was «*. jj alligator, or reclining subject to which attention is much need­ But for an angel on the brink, your Lelia may hive grieved herself to er FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS, him. home. In mercy standing there ; plajing wu. ^ grew bate the selected with the greatest care, and from the ed. It is by c. Vaux, Esq., of New- Thus had Herman, by one rash act, death, for indeed I shall die before your SUBSCRIPTION RATES S' ^ At parting, Signor Velasquez placed in indolent repos, V;s £elf coutrol. in best which the Now orlc aiavket will aifoid. Alt angel bright with heavenly light. Villnre Subscribes by Carrier, per yoav, -! - - £2 00 bu'ro-, the partner of the late lamented rendered himself unhappy, thus he lived return.'' aoJ When not paid in advance «o - - - - JU He has also a choice select-ill of And bom of loftiest skies, in his hand a purse heavy with gold, very vision; he lost . himself aud and°beloved Mr. Downing and its good daily in splendid misery. Three years '• But be reasonable, Lelia; liush sob­ Br Mail and 1'ost Ridur:? do SMHIO as iibovo - - ; Perfamery, Who shows her face to mortal race, fact he created misery tor Ti,oS« livii!" out of am- Carrier's district, and calling whispered his blessing and adieus, bid 1 50 'sense and valuable suggestions are a fair In I'rienship's holy guise. of his wedded life had passed; he had bing for a moment and listen to me. I at the Office for tiifir l'nlitre, in ailenni?; - uO Including Labia's extracts riall kinds, eologne him God-speed, then returned with the revelled in it. When not paid ina-lvaii'-tf - - - - water in a variety of styles, ate. His stock ol now attained his majority, the age at A libera! reduction made to f lubs. ivpe of the character which Mr. Vaux Upon the brink of dark despair, have a dear mother, a dear father in PATENT MEDICINES,_ mournful Lelia to the shore. His cheek had indeed blanched to iu throws which, in his own country, he might England. Do you suppose I never Comprises an immense vaviity. principally of into all the professional'enter­ With smiling face shestands; ADVERTISING RATES. During the voyage, Herman was alter­ original purity, but there was stamped articles which have gained aj-eputation among prises upon which, as an architect, he is And to the victim shrinking there have taken upon himself a share in the want to behold them again? Besides One Square, 1G lines or les.~. of Brevier. 1 inseri.un l- .J nately light-hearted and depressed. To upon it a deathlike hue. His old father do do do do do 2 d" »» the people, and are valuftljlc nedicinn.1 prepjuu.- employed. The article speaks for itself; Out spreads her eager hauds ; ressonsibility of government. how childish in you to say I shall never tlo do do tio (i<» •» «!'* ^ • tions. \ In accents low. that sweetly flow drown thought he would indulge in bois­ augured no good, because Herman's Per month, for continuance, thorcattor - * lie would invite the attention of the ladies to but. we will preface it with one remark He was weary of his wife; hard come back. I tell you I shall come Yeorlv advertiser*. restricted to their o»uIfntimatc To his awakening car. terous mirth—apparently the gayest of appetite had failed him, dinner being business. per square, including paper, per jeai i- • his F A NOV GOODS, made to us by Greeiiough, the sculptor, words to say when we think of the beau­ back ; and will you not be my wife just Those averaging -i sqrs, stan.lin* advertisoaieut do l.> 00 which arc too numerous to jarticularize, and She lures himback—his deathward track— the "-ay—and then for hours he would now his ultimatum of happiness. His One Column per year, subject to •; - tO shortly before his death that the most tiful relation in which a wedded pair the same .' Nothing can annul my vows Special or Editorial Notices, per sqr. ouch iii-i-ition 1 00 which for taste and elegance are beyond all ri­ Toward Hope's effulgent sphere. stand gazing over the ship's side, lost in mother sighed and thought of the con­ Obituarv Notice.;. Resolutions, &c. ctaw-t at above rail • valry in this vicinity. 1 nappy circumstance for America was the should stand to one another; yes, lie my honor is more sacred to me than my Very particular attention ispaid to preparing Sweet Friendship! let me daily give gloomy revei ie. He longed, with ill- sumptive tendency of her family, and cheapness and greater facility of building was tired of her whims: instead of stri­ life.'' I'HYSICI AN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Thanks to my God for thee! concealed impatience, for the hour when Herman, though he was not aware that BUSINESS ving, like a true man, to reconcile him­ But Lelia still sobbed wildly; she and supplying families with pure and unadulte­ for the present, with wood, for, with no Without thy smiles 'twere death to live, he should hail dear England once more. such was the case, was rapidly becom­ rated mediciftcs. His prices tfill compare fa­ permanency to the buildings of the coun­ And joy to cease to be. self to her odd humors, and patiently could not but perceive lately lier hus­ vorably with those of any otlur establisment. As they came on soundings, a rush of ing a misanthrope—worse, a monoma­ Oh, bitterest drop in woe's cup full— bear her caprices, instead of winning her Attorney and Coiinselcr at Lav/j Pure Wines. Liquors. ScotcliiAle and Porter, try, there was the better chance for a na­ bands indifference, even when, with all niac. To have no friend in need! tumultuous feeling, glad and exhilira- OFFICE OVER M.iLLOIiVS STORE, selected expressly for medicinal use. tional taste in architecture to act, v:hm to look with more pleasure upon his fa­ the warmth of her sunny clime, she was To struggle on with grief alone, ting, filled his breast; his fancy clothed Even the fair women ia the brilliant NorwaSl;, C&tssk. vorite pursuits,as in that time he might lavishing carrsses upon him. She was LACKING as is Blacking. : It, ueed only be mch, taste should arise, and form itself. Were agonv indeed. the long, dark line of coast in hues of circles where his presence had become apulicd to the leather vitli a sponge or We trust Mr. Vaus's suggestions are have done, he hated her presence. Ev­ tormented with an unaccountable dread, G. S. Ferry, brush, 'it needs no ru' bing, bat makes a fine beauty ; and when at fast he landed on necessary, marked his altered counte­ B ery day he became more morose, and al­ a something that told her she had lost Attorney and Coaaseler at Law polish, wffi no:- injure the leather, but makes it somewhat of an avatar to such a desira­ JO.S-IN JONES. British soil, he could have knelt and nance, his absent mein, with interest n> «olt and is a good preventive in wet weather. Don't you remember lame Sally, John Jones? lowed himself to become more and more her husband's affection ; that he did not Norn-all-i Ccim. For sale at LOjDKWOQD'S. ble era.] f kissed the very ground. unmixed with manv a suspicion as to Lame Sally, whose nose was so brown? unhappy. His fine, glowing complex­ ''Whatever may be the prospect for love her with the same devotion that It was but the work of a moment to real state of affairs, so that before Who looked like a clam when you gave her a ion «Tew sallow, his beautiful eyes rest­ J-0HBI AUS-TEBE5S American architecture in tlie good time once characterized their union ; and she smile, order a coach and drive to the residence his name was the constant them coming, there can be little doubt of the less and hollow; his young brow already felt, that if h«r influence to retain him at And went into fits at your frown? of his parents.
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