CunnrcuLUMVrrAE Name: GuyRYDER Birthdate/place: 3 January1956 - Liverpool,United Kingdom Nationality: British Languages: Englishmother tongue, Spanish and French Mr. Ryderhas a provenrecord of leadershipat the internationallevel, including as GeneralSecretary of the InternationalTrade Union Confederation. He led the unificationprocess which brought the ITUCinto beingin 2006,thus ending many decadesof divisionin worldtrade unionism. He has nearly30 yearsof experiencewith the ILO in differentcapacities: as a memberof UKnational delegations, asa representativeof international trade union organizations;as Secretaryof the Workers'Group; as Directorof the Officeof the Director-General;as Executive Director; and as Directorof the Bureaufor Workers' Activities.In thesedifferent capacities, he has been a committedpractitioner of tripartismand supporter of thevalues and objectives of theOrganization. Throughouthis professional career, Mr. Ryderhas worked in an internationalsetting and developedcapacity and enthusiasmfor cooperatingin a multi-culturaland multilinguaI environ ment. He hasbeen called upon to manageinternational organizations where effective use of limitedresources was a high priority,and to lead them successfullythrough complexprocess of change. Sept.2010 to present: ExecutiveDirector and DeputyDirector-General, International Labour Office, Geneva With responsibilitiesfor International Labour Standards and Fundamental Principles and Rightsat Work,he overseesthe ILO'swork of supervisionof the applicationof ILO Conventionsand Recommendations;its activitiesto promote the 1998 Declarationon FundamentalPrinciples and Rightsat Work,and the International Programmefor the Eliminationof ChildLabour (IPEC). He also has responsibility for the runningof ILOConference and Governing Body sessions. Overthe pastyear he hasundertaken high-level missions to Bahrain,Colombia, Fiji, Greece,Myanmar and Swaziland. He alsosupervised the successfulcompletion of the processof reformof the ILO GoverningBody which came into effect in November201,L. CV - [iuv Rvder E Nov.2006 to Aug.2010: GeneralSecretary of the InternationalTrade Union Confederation(ITUC) Feb.2002 to Oct.2005: GeneralSecretary of the InternationalConfederation of Free TradeUnions (ICFTU) AppointedGeneral Secretary of the ICFTUin February2002 and elected to that post at the 18th ICFTUCongress (Miyazaki, Japan, December 2004), he initiatedand led the processof unificationof the democraticinternational trade union movement. With the comingtogether of former affiliatesof the ICFTUand of the World Confederationof Labourand independentnational centres, in November2006 the ITUCbecame the mostrepresentative international organization in the historyof the tradeunion movement. He was elected as the firstGeneral Secretary of the ITUCat itsfounding Congress inVienna in November2006. Heled ITUC delegations to the G20Leaders' Summits in Washingtonin l-995,London and Pittsburghin 1999,which met with G20 Headsof Governmentand Chief Executivesof concernedinternational organizations. He also led ICFTUand ITUC participantsin biennial leadership meetings with the IMFand the World Bank. Amonghis achievements at the ITUCwas the facilitatingof a cooperationagreement betweenlsraeli and Palestinian trade union centres, the establishmentof sustainable developmentand climate change as key priorities, and the initiationof engagement withthe All China Federation of TradeUnions. In thisperiod, Mr. Ryderserved on a largenumber of outsidebodies including the AdvisoryBoard of the UNGlobal Compact. Mar. 1999to Jan.20O2: Director,Office of the Director'General, lnternationalLabour Office, Geneva Sept.1998 to Feb.1999: Directorof the Bureaufor Workers'Activities of the lnternationalLabour Office, Geneva In hisfirst periodof serviceat the lLO,Mr. Ryderserved as Directorof the Officeof the newlyelected Director-General, Mr. JuanSomavia. During this time, the ILO's DecentWork Agendawas formulatedand won wide acceptanceamong the ILO's tripartiteconstituency and in the internationalsystem. C\'- Guy Ryder E 1993-1998: Directorof the GenevaOffice of the InternationalConfederation of FreeTrade Unions (ICFTU) 1988-1993: AssistantDirector of the GenevaOffice of the InternationalConfederation of FreeTrade Unions (ICFTU) In histen yearsat the GenevaOffice of the ICFTU,Mr. Ryderwas directly involved in all aspectsof the work of the lLO,liaising with ILO staff and servicingWorker participantsin all typesof ILOmeetings, including the GoverningBody and the InternationalLabour Conference. He was elected Secretary of the Workers'Groupof the GoverningBody,1993-1996, and ofthe ILOConference,L994-L998. In June1998 he servedas Workers'Group Secretary to the ConferenceCommittee whichelaborated the ILODeclaration on FundamentalPrinciples and Rights at Work. 1985-1988: Secretaryat the IndustryTrade Section of the InternationalFederation of Commercial,Clerical, Professional andTechnical Employees (FIET), Geneva At FIET,he undertooka rangeof activitiesfor professionaland technical employees, includinga Europeansurvey of payand conditionsand guidelineson useof new technologies,and runninginternational trade union networksfor a numberof multinationalenterprises. 1981-1985: Assistantat the InternationalDepartment of the TradesUnion Congress (TUC), London At the TUC,he had responsibilitiesfor relationswith LatinAmerica, peace and disarmamentand the lLO,He was a memberof the Britishdelegation to the lnternationalLabour Conference from 1982to 1984and assisted the BritishWorker memberat sessionsof theGoverning Body. **rl. C\,'- (luy Rvder E.
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