STATEMENT OF MEDIA RELEASED TO DAILY NEWSPAPERS PID Islamabad 02-07-2020 Pakistan Academy of PID 18x2 05-07-2020 Award -2019 All Pak 1. Jang, (C) Letters 2. Dunya, Lhr/Fbd/Guj PID (I) 23 /20 3. Dawn, (C) 4. Express, Multan 5. Khabrain, Multan 6. Bhulekha, Lhr 7. Aaj, Pesh 8. Wahdat, Pesh 9. Kawish, Hyd 10. Talar, Qta 11. Mashriq, Qta 12. N.Waqt, Ibd 13. 92 News, Sgd/Qta/Pesh 14. Intikhab, Qta 15. Jhoke, Multan 16. Deyanat, Skr 17. Dharti, Khi 18. Final News, B. Nagar 19. Shamal, Khi 20. Frontier News, Pesh 21. Meezan, Qta Poverty Alleviation & PID 8x2 03-07-2020 Corrigendum Local 1. Asas, Rwp Social Safety Division 2. Pak. Today, Ibd PID (I) 24 /20 Pakistan PWD PID 6x2 03-07-2020 Corrigendum Local 1. Pak. Observer, Ibd PID (I) 25 /20 2. Express, Ibd 3. Jinnah, Ibd M/o Railways Circle 27x4 03-07-2020 Wanted R.L.K 1. Jang, Rwp/Lhr/Khi PID (I) 26 /20 B/P Color 2. Dawn, (C) 3. Bus. Recorder, Lhr/Ibd B&W Ord 4. Bolan, Hub B&W Ord 5. Nawa-e-Hazara, Abt M/o Law & Justice PID 14x3 04-07-2020 T. Notice Local 1. News, Rwp PID (I) 27 /20 2. Jinnah, Rwp 3. Express, Ibd 4. Asas, Ibd Pakistan Railways PID 24x2 04-07-2020 Auction Local 1. Jang, Rwp PID (I) 28 /20 2. Pak. Observer, Ibd 3. Azkar, Ibd Cantonment Board, Wah PID 16x3 08-07-2020 Auction Local 1. Pak. Today, Ibd PID (I) 29 /20 2. N.Waqt, Ibd 3. Jinnah, Ibd 4. Pakistan File, Ibd POF PID 10x3 03-07-2020 Trainees Local 1. Express, Ibd PID (I) 30 /20 Required 2. Dunya, Ibd 3. News, Rwp 4. Kashmir Times, Rwp NTU, Fbd Kenad 15x8 05-07-2020 Admission All Pak 1. Dawn, (C) PID (I) 31 /20 2. Express, (C) 3. Bus. Report, Fbd 26-07-2020 4. Exp. Tribune, (C) 5. Dunya, (C) 6. Bus. Report, Fbd 7. Awaz-e-Subh, Pesh 8. Sahafat, Ibd 9. Paigham, Fbd 10. Askar, Qta 11. Aftab, Multan FPSC PID 54x8 05-07-2020 Consolidated All Pak 1. News, Rwp/Lhr/Khi PID (I) 32 /20 2. N.Waqt, Multan 3. Mashriq, Pesh 4. Mashriq, Qta 5. Kawish, Hyd 6. K-2, Gilgit 7. Aaj, Pesh 8. Asr-e-Nau, Mustang POF MCP 30x4 05-07-2020 Admission All Pak 1. Express, I/L/K/F/P/M PID (I) 33 /20 2. Dawn, Ibd/Lhr/Khi 3. Ausaf, Ibd 4. Sada-e-Olas, Qta 5. Jinnah, Ibd POF MCP 27x4 05-07-2020 Admission All Pak 1. Express, I/L/K/F/P/M PID (I) 34 /20 2. Dawn, Ibd/Lhr/Khi 3. Ausaf, Ibd 4. Maloom, Qta 5. Kaleem, Skr M/o Inter Provincial PID 18x3 03-07-2020 T. Notice Local 1. Pak. Today, Ibd Coordination 2. N.Waqt PID (I) 35 /20 3. Capital Times, Ibd NH & Motorways Police PID 16x2 03-07-2020 T. Notice All Pak 1. Pak. Observer, (C) PID (I) 36 /20 2. Express, (C) 3. Geo Khabar, Noshera 4. Fouz-ul-Azeem, Qta President’s Secretariat PID 8x2 03-07-2020 T. Notice Local 1. N.Waqt, Ibd PID (I) 37 /20 2. Dawn, Ibd 3. NHT, Ibd Pakistan Railways MCP 27x4 03-07-2020 Outsourcing All Pak 1. Jang, (C) PID (I) 38 /20 B.Page 2. Dawn, (C) Color 3. Express, R.L.K B&W Ord 4. Green Gwadar, Qta B&W Ord 5. Nawa-e-Watan, Ibd B&W Ord 6. Jurat, Lhr B&W Ord 7. Frontier Post, Pesh B&W Ord 8. Pakistan, (N), Ibd B&W Ord 9. Hotline, Lhr B&W Ord 10. Markaz, Ibd B&W Ord 11. Global Peace, Ibd IESCO PID 29x2 03-07-2020 T. Notice Local 1. Express, Rwp PID (I) 39 /20 2. Nation, Ibd 3. Jehan Pakistan, Ibd 4. Musalaman, Ibd IESCO PID 12x2 03-07-2020 T. Notice R.L.K 1. Nation, (C) PID (I) 40 /20 2. N.Waqt, R.L.K 3. Akhbar-e-Haq, Ibd 4. Nawa-e-Sharar, M.Wali District Magistrate (ICT) PID 16x2 03-07-2020 T. Notice Local 1. Jang, Rwp PID (I) 41 /20 2. N.Waqt, Ibd 3. Nation, Ibd 4. Capital World, Ibd CDA-265 PID 10x2 03-07-2020 Corrigendum All Pak 1. Dawn, (C) PID (I) 42 /20 2. Jang, (C) 3. Al-Sharq, Ibd 4. Asas, Rwp ZTBL PID 12x2 05-07-2020 Wanted R.L.M.K 1. Nation, R.L.K PID (I) 43 /20 2. Jang, R.L.M.K 3. Graff, K.Pur NDMA PID 22x2 03-07-2020 T. Notice R.L.K.P 1. Nation, (C) PID (I) 44 /20 2. Express, Ibd/Khi/Lhr/Pesh 3. Intibah, Pesh 4. Bal. News, Qta Pakistan PWD PID 45x4 05-07-2020 Wanted All Pak 1. Dunya, Ibd PID (I) 45 /20 2. Ausaf, Ibd/Glt/Mzbd 3. County News, Ibd/AJK/Pesh 4. Lead Pakistan, Ibd/Pesh 5. K-2, Gilgit 6. Nawa-e-Pak, Ibd CDA-266 PID 10x3 03-07-2020 P. Notice All Pak 1. Nation, (C) PID (I) 46 /20 2. Jang, (C) 3. 92 News, (C) 4. Public Eye, Ibd 5. Autan, Ibd 6. Post Int’I, Ibd PTDC PID 10x3 03-07-2020 IFB All Pak 1. Nation (C) PID (I) 47 /20 2. Express, (C) 3. Mehran, Hyd 4. Mainwali Exp, M.Wali Senate Secretariat PID 35x4 03-07-2020 Wanted All Pak 1. Jang (C) PID (I) 48 /20 2. Nation, (C) 3. Bakhar Times, BK 4. Ausaf, Ibd Senate Secretariat PID 20x2 03-07-2020 T. Notice Local 1. Express, Ibd PID (I) 49 /20 2. Nation, Ibd 3. Sarkar, Ibd PID Karachi 02-07-2020 Name of Client Agency Size Pub. Date Caption Region Name of Newspapers (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Railway PID 20x2 04.07.2020 Tender Notice All Pak 1.Dawn (C) PID K No.13 2. Jinnah (C) 3.Express (C) 4.Kawish (Hyd) 5. Nawa-e-Shamal, Sialkot 6. Azmat, Lhr 7. Awaz-e-Shar, Pesh 0 PMA School PID 20x2 05.07.2020 Wanted Karachi 1.Jang (K) PID K No.14 0 State Life PID 14x2 03.07.2020 Public Notice KLI 1.Dawn (C) PID K No.15 2.Jang (KLI) 3. Sama, Lhr 4. Sindh Post, Khi PMSA PID 10x2 03.07.2020 Notice Karachi 1. Bus. Recorder, Khi PID K No.16 2. Dunya, Khi 3. Awami Mahaz, Khi CB Manoora PID 25x3 05.07.2020 Public Notice Karachi 1.The News (K) PID K No.17 2.Expres (K) 3. Pak, Khi SSGC PID 9x2 09.07.2020 LPG Ad Karachi 1.Express (K) PID K No.18 Navy PID 15x2 10.07.2020 Tender Notice Karachi 1.Express Tribune (K) PID K No.19 974 2.Ummat (K) 3. Waka, Khi ICMA Connect 27x4 04.07.2020 Admission KLI 1.Express (KLI) PID K No.20 2. Pahanji Akhbar, Khi Railway PID 20x2 05.07.2020 Tender Notice Karachi 1. Bus. Recorder (K) PID K No.21 2.Express (K) 3. Momal, Khi Urdu University PID 21x4 05.07.2020 Registration KLI 1. Pak Today (C) PID K No.22 Program 2.Jang (C) 3. Independent, Qta 4. Commercial News, Fbd NBP PID 54x4 06.07.2020 EOGM KLI 1.Dawn (C) PID K No.23 2.Jang (C) 3. Urdu Times, Ibd 4. Pakistan Point, Ibd KPT PID 9x2 03.07.2020 Corrigendum Khi 1.Pakistan Today (K) PID K No.24 2.Ausaf (K) CAA PID 16x2 04.07.2020 IFB-4056 KLI 1. Nation (KLI) PID K No.25 2. 92 News (KLI) 3. Sindh, Hyd CAA PID 11x4 04.07.2020 Tender Notice KLI 1. Exp. Tribune (KLI) PID K No.26 4061 2. Jehan Pakistan (KLI) 3. Sindh Affairs, Khi CAA PID 11x4 04.07.2020 Tender Notice KLI 1. Exp. Tribune (KLI) PID K No.27 4063 2. N.Waqt, (KLI) 3. Sindh Line, Khi CAA PID 10x4 04.07.2020 Tender Notice KLI 1. Exp. Tribune (KLI) PID K No.28 4064 2. Nai Baat, (KLI) 3. Frontier Times, Ibd CAA PID 10x2 04.07.2020 Corrigendum KLI 1. Express Tribune (KLI) PID K No.29 4067 2. Dunya (KLI) 3. FIR (Rwp) PID Lahore 02-07-2020 Name of Client Agency Size Pub. Date Caption Region Name of Newspapers (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) LESCO PID 5x1 01.07.2020 Shutdown Lahore 1.Exprss Lhr PID(L)12 2.Ausaf Lhr 3.Mashriq Lhr 4.Nai Baat Lhr WAPDA PID 15x2 03.07.2020 Notice All Pak 1.Nation Lhr Rwp PID(L)13 2.Express Lhr Rwp Khi 3. Betaib, Lhr WAPDA PID 18x2 03.07.2020 Notice All Pak 1.News (C) PID(L)14 2.N.Waqt Lhr Rwp Khi 3. Appeal, Khi WAPDA PID 18x2 03.07.2020 Notice All Pak 1.Nation (C) PID(L)15 2.Jang (C) 3. Jidat, Pesh MEPCO PID 10x2 03.07.2020 Notice Multan 1.Express Mul PID(L)16 2.Ausaf Mul 3.Aftab Mul 4. Multan Nama, Mul MEPCO PID 50x4 03.07.2020 Notice Lhr Mul 1. Nation Lhr PID(L)17 2.Ausaf Mul Lhr 3.Tijarat Lhr 4. Aaj Kal, Lhr MEPCO PID 25x4 03.07.2020 Notice Lhr Mul 1.Business Recorder Lhr PID(L)18 2. Dunya Mul Lhr 3.Sang-e-Meel Multan 4. Naya Dour, Multan MEPCO PID 8x2 04.07.2020 Notice Multan 1.Khabrain Mul PID(L)19 2.Ausaf Mul 3.Naya Daur Mul 4.
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