EI Malc:riado THE VOICE OF THE FARM WORKER in English Volume II Number 18 Delano, California November 2/EL MALCRIADO, Friday, November 15, 1968 I I__E_I_M_a_l_c_r_i_a_d_o_s_a_y_s__ l ItZ· BY THE EDITOR OppOSlUon to the things which so Dur' The elections are over. We'll many of us are struggling for. ITLIONG LEADS UFWOC •••. leave the analysis of what happened He had himself photographed with DE Page ;) to the professionals. What we feel his maw full of grapes. Assi~ at EL MALCRIADO is a sense of He said the law is sufficient to assen GROWERS HOPE FOR HOLI­ deep sadness. protect farm workers. recto: DAY SALES• •.•••••.••••• We have many visitors in Delano, He said we need more "law and sent f Page 5 and they usually stop by EL MAL- order," and intimated that rather to a CRIADO's office on their tour of than remove the causes ofdisorder, for n A PUZZLING PUNISHMENT•• the clinic and the Forty Acres. we must "enforce" order•.•a policy cence Page 6 Most of the people we meet are which history shows to be self- Cha people with a profound sense of re- defeating. San J WETBACKS FLOOD CALIFOR- sponsibility toward their disadvan- The people of the United States, severl NIA • •.•••.•••••••..•••• taged brothers. Whether pacifists or at least a little more than 50 in late Page 9 or not, they have deep concerns a- percent of those who vote, still do Whi. bout the war. not understand. Contini A CHRISTMAS GIFT FROM They know about, and are aware Our struggle will continue. A the ad! DELANO • ••••••••••••••• of the importance of "The Move- union-busting song and dance man was iJ Page 15 ment" which is growing in the U- has been governor of California diet. I nited States. The people who come since 1966, and though he has tried Cha, I to see us are people who know, at he has not been able to put the check EL MALCRIADO, The Voice of the Farm least in a general sense, why our United Farm Workers out of busi- by his Worker, is pub! ished twice monthly by black brothers and the browns, and ness. Black people, and Filipinos, had nOl the UNITED FARM·WORKERS ORr.ANIZINr. COMMITTEE, AFL-CIO. Subsc~iptions in the poor everywhere,. are refusing and young people at the universities :omple the United States and its possessions recove! are $3.50 per year, and foreiqn, in­ to submit to the tyranny of hunger and La Raza still raise their voices cludinq Canada and Mexico, US $5.00. any longer. in dissent. The I Subscriptions for members of UFWOC, AFL-CIO are included in monthly dues. So, we get a little complacenthere. Perhaps Nixon will see to it that ing ca Editorial and busir.ess offices lo­ No visi cated at the northwest corner of ~ar­ "Well," we think, "everybodyseems the law is not reworked to protect ces Hiqhway and Mettler Avenue. Dela­ to know what's happening. Every- farm workers. Perhaps he will see Itlion no, Cal ifornia. Address all correspondence to: EL body knows the danger of having .a to it that legal and illegal impor- Chavez' MALCRIADO, Post Office Box 130, Dela- no. Cal ifornia 93215. man like Johnson in the White House. tation of strike breakers continue. Second class postage paid at There's no danger••• people will not Whatever he does, we know he Delano, Cal ifornia 93215. permit the election of such a man••• " will be in favor of any measure to For advertising rates, con­ And then comes November 5. defeat us and against any measure tact Federico Chavez at (805) Richard M. Nixon will soon be which might benefit farm workers. 725~1337 or the mailing ad­ ress listed above. President of the United States. So, we are saddened, and worried, t:============:......~H:e~w::a:s~e:.:l:ec::.:.:t::ed::....::o::.:n~a:....::p.::la:tf:or:.:m:.::o:.:.f .:::C~O~N~T~I NUED ON PAGE 3 EL MALCRIADO More and more people are finding out that ~ P.O. BOX 130 subscription to EL MAtCRIADO is the best way 'DELANO, CA to keep up with the farm worker struggle. 93215 Don't be left out--send in 'this coupon today! FILL OUT THIS CARD AND SEND IT WITH $3.50 TO THE ABOVE ADDRESSI FOR A ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO EL MALCRIADO, SENT TO YOUR HOME EVERY TWO WEEKS FOR ONE YEAR. NAME-nombre ,English__ E~pano1__. EL MJ CaNT ADDRESS-domici1io about the -------------------------------------- of the ( CITY-ciudad STATE-estado ZIP We had finally bE Yet, w who DO Don ~t Buy CaliforniaGrapes I continue end they El guajalote grande is watching you. ' The Vr til that de EL MALCRIADO, Friday, November 15, 1968/3 ASST. DIRECTOR ITLIONG HOLDS DOWN FORT' ltliong to Head Union During Chavez's Absence DELANO, November 5--UFWOC Assistant Director Larry Itliong told assembled strikers tonight that Di­ rector Cesar Chavez will be ab­ sent from Delano "from three weeks to a month" because of his need for rest and quiet during convales­ cence from a back ailment. Chavez, who was hospitalized in San Jose for nearly a month with severe back pain, returned to Delano in late September. While convalescing at home, he continued to participate actively in the administration of the Union. He LET US ALL BE was in traction, and on a special diet. Chavez went to San Jose for a NAMECALLERS check up recently, and was advised by his doctors that his condition had not improved, and that a month's :omplete, rest was necessary for his , recovery. The UFWOC Director is now be­ ing cared for in Santa Barbara. No visitors are permitted. Itliong will lead the Union in Chavez' absence. It is imperative that we in ,the radical movement know exactly who our oppressors are. That means, among other things, calling names­ especially the names of those key money-powers and their servants who attempt to remain invisible behind the screen of their power apparatus. One such figure,- brought recently to the attention of the Guardian, is the man above: Dr. John S. Foster,. Director of Defense Research and Engineering for the Defense Department. His job? To hand out more than $60 million per year for scientific research on behalf of U.S. imperialism. One of his interests. indeed, is the "motivations" of the Columbia rebels. In a future issue of the Guardian therefore, you will learn more about him, including his address. Among other of our recent and regular features: Oa two-paye diagram of the power structure that dominates Columbia University Oa detailed breakdown of U.S. military arms manufacturers 0 regular dispatches from Southeast Asia and Paris by Wilfred Burchett 0 former SNCC­ member Julius Lester's popular column 0 new lef' Hnalysis by Carl Davidson 0 book, film and record reviews 0 'nuch m'ore in 20 to 24 pages tabloid Subscribe today. EL MALeRIADO SAYS CONTI NUED FR0f'1 PAGE 2 Okay. Enclosed is $ __ [or a: __one-year regular subscription (52 about the decision made by the voters weeks) at '$ 7, __one-year student or G/ subscription at $3.50 (include name o[school). __ten-week trial subscription at $/. On all but the ten. of the United States of America. week trial. please add $2 [or Canada and Latin America, $3 elsewhere We had hoped that people were Name.e _ fi~ally beginning to understand. Addres<5...- _ CiIY --.5Slale.e ,ZZjp, _ Yet, we know th~t there are many Sch00 11 _ who DO understand, that they will continue to help us, and that in tJ:1e 197 E. 4th 51. end they will be a majority. N(~w Yorl-:, N.Y. The Union will keep fighting un­ 1f)(J09 il that day comes. I 4/EL MALCRIADO! Friday, November 15, 1968 A BAD DAY FOR FARM W'ORKERS ELECTION RESULTS SPELL TROUBLE, a by Y. A. Perdimos for Malcriado Pol itical National Labor Relations Actcover­ is. In the long run, the strength ifor Editor age for farm workers difficult in of the Union depends on the dedi­ a r The next two years will be dif- the 9lst Congress. cation and loyalty of its members-­ mer ficult and dangerous ones for the AND THEN THERE'S NIXON not on the opposition or support o United Farm Workers Organizing At the very least, President (!) of politicians. we~ Committee as the result of state . Nixon can be expected to oppose the As U FW OC Assistant Director men and national election results from grape boycott and to work toward Larry Itliong said recently, "We yeal November 5. preventing the extension of the NLRA have not had much sympathy or un­ yero Most ominous of all for the Union to farm workers. derstanding from the present ad­ cor( is the fact that Republicans took Nixon at his worst could bring ministration. Whether or not we port control of both houses of the Cal­ back braceros and open up the bor­ win this strike depends on you, G ifornia State Legislature, w hie h ders to even more strikebreakers. the members, and the amount of CUrl mea n s Governor Ronald Reagan He could launch all kinds of har­ sacrifice you are willing to make a YI ought to have a cooperative rubber. rassing "investigations' of the Union to build the Union," he said. Cor( stamp for anti-Union legislation. and further increase the govern­ We can break their nia The Union can expect the introduc­ ment's p,urchases ofgrapes, already haughty power: gain our P: tion of some kind of anti-boycott at record highs.
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