4010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 2 Are you a card-carrying member of the which he subscribed was, "Attack, at­ CONFIRMATIONS Muslims," a listener asked Clay. tack attack." All this week, the Sena­ Executive nominations· confirmed by Cassius looked as much amused as be­ tor from Georgia has not missed a trick. mused. "You wouldn't want me to marry the Senate February 28 (legislative day your daughter, would you? I'm not a Sammy Whenever there .was even a smell of a of February 26), 1964: Davis or a Chubby Checker marrying white civil rights bill, the Senator from Georgia has been on the attack, and tonight he MARITIME ADMINISTRATOR women. · I want to be with my own. You Nicholas Johnson, of Iowa, to be Maritime don't see drinking in Islam. You see the has found it possible to inject into these Administrator, Department of Commerce. women, they wear dresses down to their very serious proceedings a description of ankles. They never done wrong. No jail the antics and tactics and words of one record, no women record, no drinking record." Cassius Clay, who proclaims himself a It was that 'kind of a day for Cassius. It could have been a day when he'd gloat or king and who is, indeed, the boxing HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strut. champion. Certainly, Cassius Clay was Clay sees a lot of things clearly, after his fortunate in selecting the field of athletic MoNDAv, MARCH 2, 1964 own fashion, for a kid of 22. competition he did, because that field is "I'm the heavyweight champion," he said, , open to all; and, thank goodness, he can The House met at 12 o'clock noon. "but right now there are some neighbor­ be the boxing champion of the world. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, hoods I can't move into. I know how to There is complete integration in boxing; D.D. offered the following prayer: dodge boobytraps and dogs. I dodge them and Cassius Clay can be the boxing by staying in my own neighborhood. A man Isaiah 41: 13: For the Lord thy Goti don't want you, don't try to force him. champion of all races, creeds, and na­ tionalities; he can be the boxing cham­ will say unto thee, Fear not; I will help Stay with your own. Tigers stay with tigers, thee. red ants stay with red ants, Cubans stay pion of the world. On the other hand, if he had selected some other field, he 0 Thou God of all love and mercy, as with Cubans. This fighting and stuff is un­ we draw nigh unto thee in prayer, may necessary. Why do two Negroes have to go would not then have been able to make 2 miles out of the way to a white school, full use of his great ability. we understand more clearly that, every­ upsetting the whole school? If there was thing which the world can give and a separate Nation, there's going to be more Mr. RUSSELL. Let me say to the Sen­ bestow upon us is too small for the soul peace." ator from Minnesota that I am sorry that and its dreams and aspirations. "You treat me right, I treat you right," at this time I must leave; but I thank Grant that our lives may be fragrant Cassius said. "You hit 'me, I hit you bac~. him for his kind words. with the spirit of that more abundant I treat everybody right. I respect every­ Mr: HUMPHREY. Mr. President, the body. I'm peaceable' by nature. I couldn't life which we know by instinct, by revela­ Senator from Georgia has thanked me tion, and experience is the only kind of be condemned and punished for not running for my kind words. In turn, I thank the with the mob. They're just educated fools, a life that can satisfy our longings and just running around. I'm not joining no Senator from Georgia for his contri­ yearnings for peace and joy. forced.integra.tton movement, because 1t don't butions, which we have enjoyed. No We earnestly beseech that Thou wilt , work. A man has got to know where he be- doubt in the weeks ahead we shall have redeem and restore the ~oul of hu- longs." . the benefit of more of them. ·manity and bri~g it into oneness with It's ditftcult to say where Oassius belongs, Mr. President, on that happy note, and Thy holy will and heal it of those inner even so far as the Army's concerned. "l in light of the drama of those events of discords which torment and thwart the had a special case. They sent it to Wash­ the past and the drama of the events to ington," he said. efforts for spirit of peace on earth and According to rumor the "special case" is occur in the future, I warn Senators that good will among men. a claim of conscientious objections. Clay they should be·present on Monday and on May all who hold positions of leader­ denied he has already made one on rellgious the following days, because the Senate ship and trust in government and the grounds. However, he does not deny that will be engaging in important debate and affairs of state courageously and faith­ he may make one. "I'll do whatever they will be doing some voting. fully seek and hold fast the ways of truth think is best for me," he said. Clay did not identify "they." It could be and righteousness. Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. the Muslims. It co\Ud be the syndicate RECESS TO MONDAY, AT 11 A.M. which owns him. It could be the Army. Cassius insists only that he is a man of Mr. HUMPHREY. · Mr. President, with peace. that happy admonition, I move that the THE JO~NAL Senate stand in recess, under the order The Journal of the proceedings of Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, it is previously entered, until Monday, at Thursday, February 27, 1964, was read certainly a pity even to give thought to 11 a.m. and approved. the making of a motion that the Senate take a recess at this time, after we have The motion was agreed to; and <at 6 been having the benefit of a presentation o'clock and 8 minutes p.m.) the Senate took a recess, under the order previously MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE of some of the more vivid chapters in A message from the Senate by Mr. the history of our country. entered, until Monday, March 2, 1964, at 11 o'clock a.m. Arrington, one of its clerks, announced This morning, I was at the White that the Senate had passed, w!th amend­ House for the swearing-in ceremony for ments in which the concurrence of the the new Director of the U.S. Informa­ NO~INATIONS House is requested, a bill of the House tion Agency, which sometimes is called of the following title·: · the propaganda agency for the Govern­ Executive nominations received by the ment of the United States. The name Senate February 28 <legislative day of :H:R. 9637. An act to authorize appropria­ February 26), 1964: tions during fiscal year 1965 for procurement of that gentleman is Carl Rowan-a na­ of aircraft, missiles, and naval vessels, and tive of Tennessee, who later became a UNITED NATIONS research, developmel)t, test, and evaluation, citizen of Minnesota. I have always had Walter M. Kotschnig, of Maryland, to be for the Armed Forces, and for other pur­ great admiration for him, and I felt that the representative of the United States of poses. he would do a good job as our Informa­ America to the 19th Plenary Session of the tion Agency Chief-or, as some would Economic Commission for Europe of the The message also announced that the say, the chief of the propaganda agency Economic and Social Council of the United Senate had passed a bill of the follow­ of the Government. But I confess that Nations. ing title, in which the concurrence of IN THE NAVY the House is requested: although I respect the good judgment Adm. Harry D. Felt, U.S. Navy, to be which President Johnson displays when s. 944. An act to provide for the presenta­ placed on the retired list in the grade of tion by the United States to the people of he makes these appointments, I won­ admiral under the provisions of title 10, der whether he made a mistake when he Mexico a monument commemorating the in­ United States Code, section 5233. dependence of Mexico, and for other pur­ did not give consideration to appointing UNITED NATIONS poses. the Senator from Georgia to that posi­ Kenneth T. Young, of New York, to be the tion, because never in my life have I en­ representative of the United States of The message also announced that the countered anyone more able or more America to the 20th Session of the Economic Senate agreed to the report of the com­ skilled in the use of propaganda. In Commission for Asia and the Far East of the mittee of conference on the disagreeing fact, he is much like the French general Economic and Social Council of the United votes of the two Houses on the amend­ who said that the military principle to Nations. ment of the Senate to the bill <H.R. 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 4011 9640) entitled "An act to authorize ap­ publics of this hemisphere.
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