International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2003), 53, 1601–1605 DOI 10.1099/ijs.0.02691-0 Amycolatopsis kentuckyensis sp. nov., Amycolatopsis lexingtonensis sp. nov. and Amycolatopsis pretoriensis sp. nov., isolated from equine placentas D. P. Labeda,1 J. M. Donahue,2 N. M. Williams,2 S. F. Sells2 and M. M. Henton3 Correspondence 1Microbial Genomics and Bioprocessing Research Unit, National Center for Agricultural D. P. Labeda Utilization Research, USDA Agricultural Research Service, 1815 North University Street, [email protected] Peoria, IL 61604, USA 2Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center, Department of Veterinary Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40511, USA 3Golden Vetlab, PO 1537, Alberton, South Africa Actinomycete strains isolated from lesions on equine placentas from two horses in Kentucky and one in South Africa were subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic study. Chemotaxonomic and morphological characteristics indicated that the isolates are members of the genus Amycolatopsis. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequences, the isolates are related most closely to Amycolatopsis mediterranei. Physiological characteristics of these strains indicated that they do not belong to A. mediterranei and DNA relatedness determinations confirmed that these strains represent three novel species of the genus Amycolatopsis, for which the names Amycolatopsis kentuckyensis (type strain, NRRL B-24129T=LDDC 9447-99T=DSM 44652T), Amycolatopsis lexingtonensis (type strain, NRRL B-24131T=LDDC 12275-99T=DSM 44653T) and Amycolatopsis pretoriensis (type strain, NRRL B-24133T=ARC OV1 0181T=DSM 44654T) are proposed. INTRODUCTION been associated with nocardioform placentitis. Most of the severe infections were caused by the recently described Over the past decade, actinomycetes have been reported to actinomycete Crossiella equi (Donahue et al., 2002). A small be a significant emergent cause of placentitis and abortion in number of strains isolated from placental lesions appear to horses in Kentucky (Giles et al., 1993; Hong et al., 1993; be members of the genus Streptomyces, whereas additional Donahue & Williams, 2000). The term nocardioform strains identified as members of the genus Amycolatopsis placentitis has been used to describe this distinct type of have been isolated from placental lesions since the late placentitis in horses, in which lesions are observed on the 1980s. Two of these strains, isolated from lesions on chorionic surface of the placenta and Gram-positive placentas from mares in Kentucky during 1999, along branching micro-organisms are recovered upon culture. with a strain isolated from an equine placenta in Pretoria, The condition was first diagnosed in 1986 at the University South Africa, during 2000 (Volkmann et al., 2001), were of Kentucky Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center, but this characterized in a polyphasic taxonomic study. type of placentitis has only recently been confirmed to occur outside Kentucky. In Kentucky, at least three different groups of bacteria (all Gram-positive branching bacilli) have METHODS Primary storage of strains was as lyophilized ampules of Published online ahead of print on 28 March 2003 as DOI 10.1099/ mycelial and spore suspensions in sterile beef serum held at ijs.0.02691-0. 4 uC. Working stock cultures were maintained on slants of The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession numbers for the 16S rRNA ATCC medium no. 172 (Cote et al., 1984) and stored at 4 uC gene sequences of Amycolatopsis kentuckyensis NRRL B-24129T, T until needed. Gross morphological observations of colonial Amycolatopsis lexingtonensis NRRL B-24131 , Amycolatopsis pre- toriensis NRRL B-24133T and Amycolatopsis mediterranei NRRL characteristics were made after 14 days on ATCC medium B-3240T are AY183357, AY183358, AY183356 and AY184424, no. 172 (Cote et al., 1984) and those described by Shirling & respectively. Gottlieb (1966) for the International Streptomyces Project. 02691 G 2003 IUMS Printed in Great Britain 1601 D. P. Labeda and others Biomass for extraction of DNA was grown as 7-day streak Table 1. Fatty acid content of equine Amycolatopsis species cultures on ATCC medium no. 172 agar plates. Chemo- Species: 1, A. kentuckyensis NRRL B-24129T;2,A. lexingtonensis taxonomic analysis of strains for fatty acids, cell-wall T T diamino acid and whole-cell sugars was performed on NRRL B-24131 ;3,A. pretoriensis NRRL B-24133 . Values are autoclaved biomass by using previously described methods percentages of total fatty acids present; minor components are not (Staneck & Roberts, 1974; Grund & Kroppenstedt, 1989; shown. Saddler et al., 1991). Physiological tests were evaluated by Fatty acid 1 2 3 using the media of Gordon et al. (1974). Allantoin hydrolysis was evaluated in the basal medium suggested iso-C14 : 0 2?19 4?14 3?44 by Gordon et al. (1974) for aesculin hydrolysis. Phosphatase iso-C15 : 0 14?15 10?18 7?91 activity was evaluated by using the method of Kurup & anteiso-C15 : 0 3?25 1?22 Schmitt (1973). Temperature range for growth was C15 : 1 B0?99 1?66 3?313 determined on slants of ATCC medium no. 172 agar C15 : 0 5?13 4?21 3?11 (Cote et al., 1984). Genomic DNA was isolated, purified and iso-C16 : 0 17?19 42?85 45?49 sequenced following previously described procedures C16 : 1 cis 92?26 4?03 (Labeda & Kroppenstedt, 2000). A phylogenetic tree was C16 : 0 2?97 2?21 constructed within the ARB software environment for C16 : 0 9? methyl 3?32 1?46 sequence data, developed by Wolfgang Ludwig and Oliver iso-C17 : 0 2?39 2?05 Strunk, Lehrstuhl fu¨r Mikrobiologie, University of Munich, anteiso-C17 : 0 6?64 1?67 1?37 Germany (http://www.arb-home.de), using evolutionary C17 : 1 cis 910?06 7?75 8?86 distances by the method of Kimura (1980) and linkages by C16 : 0 2-hydroxy 2?85 7?75 12?28 the neighbour-joining method of Saitou & Nei (1987). C17 : 0 6?22 3?28 2?68 Genomic DNA was isolated and DNA relatedness between C17 : 0 10-methyl 5?29 1?83 2?58 Amycolatopsis mediterranei NRRL B-3240T and the equine isolates was determined spectrophotometrically in duplicate as described previously (Labeda, 1998). strains represent individual species, with 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities between them ranging from 99?2to 99?8 % and similarity to A. mediterranei NRRL B-3240T RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ranging from 98?8to99?4 %. Determinations of DNA relatedness among these strains and with A. mediterranei All three strains were found to have meso-diaminopimelic NRRL B-3240T, as shown in Table 2, confirm that these acid as the diamino acid in hydrolysates and arabinose and strains represent distinct novel species, based on whole- galactose as the primary sugars in whole-cell hydrolysates. genomic DNA relatedness of significantly less than 70 % The predominant phospholipid was phosphatidylethanol- among all three equine strains and with A. mediterranei amine with small amounts of phosphatidylmethylethanol- NRRL B-3240T. amine, while the primary menaquinones were MK-9(H2) and MK-9(H4). These chemotaxonomic properties are very Gross morphological characteristics and differential phy- characteristic of members of the genus Amycolatopsis. Fatty siological properties of these strains (as shown in Table 3) acid methyl ester profiles of all three strains (Table 1) are consistent with molecular systematic observations and consisted of straight- and branched-chain fatty acids, also demonstrate clearly that the strains are different from each typical of Amycolatopsis. Moreover, these micro-organisms other, as well as from other described species in the genus produce branching vegetative mycelium that fragments into Amycolatopsis. It is proposed that the following novel species ovoid rod-shaped arthrospores, which is typically observed should be created with their respective type strains: Amyco- for members of this genus. Morphological and chemotaxo- latopsis kentuckyensis NRRL B-24129T, Amycolatopsis lexing- nomic properties of the strains are in good agreement with tonensis NRRL B-24131T and Amycolatopsis pretoriensis those described by Lechevalier et al. (1986), when the genus NRRL B-24133T. Formal descriptions of each of these Amycolatopsis was first proposed. species follow. Additional actinomycete strains isolated from equine placentas in Kentucky during the 1999 and The 16S rRNA gene sequences determined in this study for 2002 breeding seasons are currently under study to deter- equine isolates NRRL B-24129T, NRRL B-24131T and NRRL mine if additional strains that are representative of these new B-24133T and A. mediterranei NRRL B-3240T have been taxa can be found, as well as additional novel species. deposited in GenBank under accession numbers AY183357, AY183358, AY183356 and AY184424, respectively. Phylo- genetic analysis indicates that all of the equine isolates are Description of Amycolatopsis kentuckyensis closely related to A. mediterranei NRRL B-3240T with a sp. nov. bootstrap value of 95 % by neighbour-joining analysis, as can be seen clearly in Fig. 1. Tree topographies from the Amycolatopsis kentuckyensis (ken.tuc.ky.en9sis. N.L. fem. maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood methods adj. kentuckyensis from Kentucky, named after the place of were very similar. The topographies strongly suggest that the origin, state of Kentucky, USA). 1602 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53 Novel equine Amycolatopsis species Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree of the genus Amycolatopsis, calculated from 16S rDNA sequences by using Kimura’s evolutionary distance method (Kimura, 1980) and the neighbour-joining method of Saitou & Nei (1987). Bootstrap values, expressed as per- centages of 500 replications, are given at branch-points. Bar, 0?01 nucleotide substitu- tions per site. Well-developed, yellow-orange to brownish-orange sub- The type strain is NRRL B-24129T (=LDDC 9447- strate mycelium is produced on most media. Aerial 99T=DSM 44652T). Isolated from an equine placenta in mycelium that ranges from light orangish-white to greyish Lexington, Kentucky. Implicated in nocardioform placenti- orange-white in colour is produced on most media. A faint tis in mares. brownish soluble pigment is produced on some media.
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