cftS Maintenance Base Team Wins No-Delay Plaque Passengers May Select Seats on Super Connies Los ANGELES—Come Monday, July 19, passengers boarding Super Constellation flights at origin sta­ tions of Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York will have an oppor­ tunity to select the seat they desire to occupy in flight. They will select their seats at check-in time. A display board showing the seating plan of the aircraft will be on display at the airport where passengers check in. Individual seat tabs will be hung on the board and as the passenger selects his seat, the tab is pulled from the board and stapled to the ticket envelope. If passengers check in at both the airport and uptown city ticket offices, a certain number of tabs will be assigned to both locations. Hostesses will direct passengers to their proper seat at boarding time. NO DECAY ALL THE WAY means a plaque for the winning maintenance G. A. Seay, J. A. Anderson, J. J. Cassidy. Back row: L. S. Kelso, L. W. And what if a passenger simply team at Kansas City. L. L. Heimer, superintendent of maintenance for the Goolsby, R. D. Schaumberg, A. W. Panick, A. R. Lee, H. T. Carver, U. W. doesn't care where he sits? That Central region, and Ben Hart, Kansas City general foreman, accept the Smith, A. E. Custer, A. C. Swanson, I. L. Bowman, T. J. Morris, J. H. makes the job easy for the check-in plaque on behalf of station maintenance personnel from Einar Einarsson, Mobley, John Warner, J. M. Modrcin, C. E. Morgan, E. W. Henderson, agent—he just grabs any available superintendent of line maintenance planning. TWA's four domestic main­ C. B. McMillan, M. A. Fisher, Barbara Wright, R. L. Merrit, W. J. Kelly, seat tab and staples it to the ticket tenance bases compete against each other in the contest: Kansas City, Marie Wilson, P. T. Coker, Rosie Shinners, W. M. Wayman, B. G. Hart, envelope. Los Angeles, International and LaGuardia at New York. Kansas City men E. H. Einarsson, D. E. Beyer, L. L. Heimer, C. D. Travis, R. W. Crow, H. N. and women present for the plaque presentation are, front row, P. J. Bunker, A. H. Smith, A. H. Grine, A. S. Maynard, E. B. Cowger, O. O. Fraher, R. F. Crow, H. W. LaMar, J. W. Hughes, S. M. Syzmula, E. F. Deaver, E. C. Hughes, Rufus Hall, Oscar Crass. As of yesterday, Kansas First Scoopful Miner, C. A. Moore, Luz Aguirre, Joe Imler, R. C. Frey, H. H. Burkhardt, City still held a slight lead in the current month's contest. K. C. Captures Of Dirt Moved First Round In At KX. Airport KANSAS CITY—The first scoop­ ful of dirt has been moved at Mid- On-Time Derby Continent International airport in Platte county, site of TWA's new KANSAS CITY — TWAers from Overhaul base. the Kansas City line maintenance Preliminary "clearing and clean­ base shaded their co-workers from ing" began Monday with excava­ LaGuardia by a fraction of a per­ VOL. 17, NO. 28 TRANS WORLD AIRLINES EMPLOYEE PUBLICATION JULY 15, 1954 tion proper getting underway yes­ centage point to win June's open- terday by the Clarkson Construction round in a new "No Delay All the company on the engine overhaul Way" contest. building to be built for TWA. This Kansas City had a 95.9% oper­ TWA Man Plays engine overhaul building is sup­ ating record and LaGuardia had a TWAers Win $5000 posed to be ready for occupancy by 95.7% mark, based on number of Name's the Same Sept. 1, 1955. The rest of the originating aircraft going all the WASHINGTON — Reservations base, including the big hangar, is way to destination without main­ Agent Joanne Judy received a call to be completed by Jan. 1, 1957. tenance delay. Third was Los An­ asking her to make hotel reserva­ In Suggestion Plan geles, 94%; fourth, New York In­ tions and to recommend a few good ternational, 91.8%. restaurants. KANSAS CITY—Two $1,000 suggestion plan awards topped the $5,000 Charge Put on In the contest all mechanical and Joanne informed the caller that jackpot distributed to TWA employees this week for money-saving ideas. equipment delays are charged the office did not make reserva­ against the maintenance base from M. R. Wilson, lead mechanic at the Overhaul base, was the top winner tions, but she would gladly give him of the week. He received $1,000 for his suggestion to modify a bench in which the flight originated. Thus, several hotel numbers. Delta Passes a delay on Flight 87 at Amarillo the cylinder overhaul section to permit the installation of heaters under "Well," said the man indig­ the cylinders. Cylinders must be - NEW YORK—A service charge would be chargeable against La­ nantly. "I'm with TWA in Hickory heated for the removal and instal­ pair procedures to return these col­ on pass requests will be assessed by Guardia line maintenance, since it and I know we have such a serv­ lation of valve seats and guides. lector ring units to service. Delta-C&S Airlines on and after produced the aircraft for the flight. ice in Washington!" This had previously been done by Previous awards made to Straut­ Aug. 1 as follows: Round trips, $3 The contest therefore seeks to put A puzzled Miss Judy finally playing a flame on the ports. In­ man and Thompson, master me­ per person; one-way, $1.50 per per­ aircraft on the line on time and found out the caller really was with stallation of the flame under the chanics in the sheet metal shop, are son. ready to go "all the way." TWA—the Textile Workers of cylinder gives a more uniform and as follows: Joint awards, $1,000, The central pass bureau will not The June contest developed into America—but she still doesn't know rapid heating of the cylinder and May, 1954; $273, December, 1953; process Delta-C&S pass requests un­ a hot battle between LaGuardia and where "Hickory" is. Does anybody? reduces damage to the cylinder and $136, October, 1953; $100, Oc­ less accompanied by cashier's check Kansas City almost from the start. fin dampeners. The savings being tober, 1953; $943, March, 1953. or postal money order. No personal With five days remaining the two realized from this installation war­ Strautman has won individual checks will be accepted. bases were tied; on the next day San Francisco Ups ranted an award of $1,000. Another awards of $994 and $1,000. BaGuardia went ahead, but in the BRANIFF INTERCHANGE FILED € idea to fabricate kit boxes in which G. W. Calhoun, mechanic in the final three days the men and women Load Mark to 770 all the small parts of cylinder as­ from Kansas City caught and engine overhaul section, devised a WASHINGTON—TWA and Bran­ sembly could be set up prior to iff have filed for a one-plane inter­ passed the New York crew, win­ SAN FRANCISCO—TWAers here tool for the alignment of the tool moving the items to the assembly change service between San Fran­ ning by a slender .2%. loaded 770 passengers July 1 for used for boring boss guides. This line resulted in increasing efficiency cisco and Houston, subject to ap­ a new one-day boarding record. In tool permits a more accurate align­ A month-by-month record is be­ in the assembly of cylinders and a proval of the Civil Aeronautics addition the station boarded 17,775 ment and a reduction in reborings ing kept on the scoreboard in each $210 award. He also received $17 Board, with crew interchange point base hangar so all maintenance per­ travelers in June (a 79% load fac­ and holes that are off center. For for another suggestion. Amarillo. The flight would serve sonnel can see at a glance which tor) for a new monthly record. the savings involved. He won $250. Los Angeles and Ft. Worth-Dallas. station is piling up the best mark. W. C Strautman and D. R. A. H. Gardner, foreman, engine BINGHAMTON—Graduating into Thompson hit their second maxi­ Although Kansas City held a overhaul, received $200 for an idea the "big business" class in June mum award. Their proposal for thin advantage as of yesterday in turned in while he was an inspec­ K. C. MINSTREL SHOW was Binghamton, boarding 1,083 taking worn collars from one port the current month's standings, New tor. Believing that the service life passengers in June to top the 1,000- of the BD and CB collector ring Kansas City — TWAers will York LaGuardia was closing in of tappets could be extended as don blackface Friday, July 16, mark for the first time in one and reusing them on another port rapidly. Yesterday's standings: long as the wear on the two holes in the employees club minstrel month. On July 2 TWAers loaded in such a way that this previous was within .002 of each other, he extravaganza at Municipal au­ Kansas City 95.3% 60 travelers for a new one-day wear was covered and to fabricate ditorium's Music Hall, 8:15 p.m. New York LaGuardia 95.2% proposed increasing the wear toler­ Come on out, bring your family New York International 93.2% mark, beating the former mark of another joint for a different part of ances and the use of a definite type and friends. • /x-"'-;,^ Los Angeles 92.9% 58.
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