■ j- I Vol. XVIII. Third Series. Comprising March & Dec. 1925, April & Dec., 1926. BACONIANA 'A ^periodical ^Magazine 5 I ) ) I LONDON: 1 GAY & HANCOCK, Limited, I 12 AND 13, HENRIETTA ST., STRAND, W.C. I927 ► “ Therefore we shall make our judgment upon the things themselves as they give light one to another and, as we can, dig Truth out of the mine ' ’—Francis Bacon <%■ 1 % * - ■ ■ CONTENTS. MARCH, 1925. PAGE. The 364th Anniversary Dinner I Who was Shakespeare ? .. IO The Eternal Controversy about Shakespeare 15 Shakespeare’s ' 'Augmentations’'. 18 An Historical Sketch of Canonbury Tower. 26 Shakespeare—Bacon’s Happy Youthful Life 37 ' ‘Notions are the Soul of Words’ ’ 43 Cambridge University and Shakespeare 52 Reports of Meetings 55 Sir Thomas More Again .. 60 George Gascoigne 04 Book Notes, Notes, etc. .. 67 DECEMBER, 1925. Biographers of Bacon 73 Bacon the Expert on Religious Foundations 83 ' 'Composita Solvantur’ ’ .. 90 Notes on Anthony Bacon’s Passports of 1586 93 The Shadow of Bacon’s Mind 105 Who Wrote the “Shakespeare” play, Henry VIII? 117 Shakespeare and the Inns of Court 127 Book Notices 133 Correspondence .. 134 Notes and Notices 140 APRIL, 1926. Introduction to the Tercentenary Number .. 145 Introduction by Sir John A. Cockburn 147 The “Manes Verulamiani” (in Latin and English), with Notes 157 Bacon and Seats of Learning 203 Francis Bacon and Gray’s Inn 212 Bacon and the Drama 217 Bacon as a Poet.. 227 Bacon on Himself 230 Bacon’s Friends and Critics 237 Bacon in the Shadow 259 Bacon as a Cryptographer 267 Appendix 269 Pallas Athene .. 272 Book Notices, Notes, etc. , 274 DECEMBER, 1926. The Locality of “Love’s Labours Lost” 281 Further Notes on Anthony Bacon’s Passports 285 The Psychology of ‘ ‘Shakespeare’ ’ 289 The Shakspere’s Assumed Coat of Arms 298 A Word to Anti-Baconians 301 Shakaspeere Commentaries by Gervinus 304 A Study of ' ‘The Tempest’ ’ 307 New Light on the “Doubtful” Play of Edward III. 319 Bacon Tercentenary Celebration at St. Albans 329 Tercentenary Criticisms of Francis Bacon .. 332 The Passing of the Tudors 334 An Historical Discourse .. 337 Further Notes on the A. A. Headpiece 340 Book Notice, Notes, etc. .. 344 INDEX OF NAMES. PAGE, PAGE. Acton, Lord.. 149 Coke, Sir Edward . .78,I27 Addison, Joseph .. 79, 238, 255 Colonna, Francesco.. • 7°. 72 Albanus 56 Cowley, Abraham . 255 Amboise, M. • -77. 249 Aquinas, St. Thomas *33 Daniel, George 29 Aristotle 196 Dawes, John 29 Arundel, Ada 343 Dean, H. P................... 134. 298 Astor, Hon. Wm. Waldorf 59 Denning, W. H. 3*9 Aubrey, John 77, no, 229, 248 Dixon, Hepwortb . 80 Dowden, Prof. 83 Bacon, Sir Nicholas . •• 5. 4* Dudley, John 27 Bacon, Thomas 6 Durning-Lawrence, Sir Bacon, Francis 44 Edwin 33 Bacon, Anne 5. 293. 345 Bacon, Anthony . 94, 286, 331 Eagle, R. L. 52 Bacon, Nathaniel, . 132, 338 Elizabeth, Queen 27, 99, 214, 342 Bagehot, Walter 128 Barley, A. H. 307 Fitton, Sir Edward. 127 Earnham, Alice 5 Flower, Chas. E. 280 Barton, Sir Plunkct, Bart Fuller, Abbot 26 127, 212, 277 Batchelor, H. Crouch 3, 24, 55. Gallup, Mrs. Elizabeth 68, 130, 279,344 Wells 135. 352 Begley, Rev. Walter . 77 Gareune, William de 57 Berners, Ralph de .. .. 26 Greenwood, Sir George . 60, 277 Bettenham, Jeremy 213, 270 Grimshaw, W. H. M. 3°4 Birch, Thos. 112 Grimston, Sir Harbottle 5 Bothwell-Gosse, A. .. 86 Gundry, W. G. C. .. 57. IO5 Burke, Edmund .. 128 Bunten, Mrs. A. Chambers 93, 285 Hardy, Harold 344 Bushell, Mr. 269 Hickson, S. A. E. .. 37 Hill, Mrs. Ernest .. 279, 344 Caius. Dr. 54 Hopper, Chas. W. .. 280, 350 Camden, William . 299 Howard, Harold Shafter 129, 140 Cantor, Prof. Georg. 104 Cartier, G^n^ral 7 Jessie, La no Cecill, Robert •36,335 Jonson, Ben n, 84, 107, 226, 244, Cockburn, Sir John A. 1, 73, 131, 3i8 147, 281, 341 J. R. of Gray’s Inn 18, 90, 137 INDEX OF NAMES V PAGE. PAGE. Lawrence, Basil, LL.D. IO Sidney, Sir Philip .. 300 Leith, Miss Alicia A. 43, 50, 57, Skipsey, Joseph 54 83. 301. 329 Speckman, Dr. H. A. W. Lewis, Dr. 73 15, 67, 276 Lodge, Sir Richard.. 33i Spedding, Jas. 123 Luken, Dr. 288 Spencer, John .•27. 342 Springer, Bernard . 87 Macaulay, 255, 228 Still, Colin .. 307 Maister, Count Joseph de 227 Sutton, W. A. (S.J.) 159. 196 Mallock, W. H. 33 Sydenham, Lord 68 Margoliouth, Professor 137 Minsheu 53 Tacitus 78 Molloy, Chas. 263 Tenison, Archbishop 92, 124 Moor, Rev. C. 4 Theobald, W. 159 Muller, Max 10 Thompson, Sir E. Maunde 61 Tidder, 124 Nash, G.......................... 187 Twain, Mark 328 Newbold, Prof. Romaine 288 Newman, Prof. F. W. 25 Underhill, Wm. 292 Nichol, Prof. John . 258 Vaughan, Lord Chief Justice 339 Ockley, Henry 189 Verulam, Earl of .. 23 Osborne, Francis no Verulam, Lord 74 Owen, Dr. Orville Ward 124 Vincent, T. .. 169 Voynich, W. M. 288 Parker, Willard 15 Parsons, John Denham . .68, 139 Waddington, Samuel 146 Penzance, Lord 72 Walker, Henry 293 Perez, Antonio 101 Wats, Gilbert 247 Pott, Mrs. Henry 13 Wallbancke, Matthew 335 Powell, Thos. 252 Weber, Hofrath 15 Weever, John 109 Raleigh, Sir Walter 30 W hate ley, Archbishop in Randolph, Thos. 191 Whitman, Walt 25 Rosher, G. B. 33 White, Richard Grant 112 Rawley, Dr. .. 76 Whittier, John Greenleaf 297 Rawley, G. 160 Wigram, Sir Edgar.. 9 Ruston, R. M. 347 Williams, Bishop . 173 Williams, F. Lake . 79 Selden, John 339 Wittemans, Fr. 133 Selcnus, Gustavus .. T5 Wolff, Prof. Emil . 16 Seymour, Henry 26, 117, 137, 289 Woodward, Parker. 226, 332 Shakspere and Shakespeare 289 Shelley, P. B. 227 Yelverton, Sir Christopher 214 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. PAGE. PAGE. History of Canonbury Tower 26 Further Notes on Anthony Cambridge University and Bacon’s Passports 285 Shakespeare 52 ' ‘Shakespeare’ ’ only a name Sir E. Maunde Thompson’s on a play and a play on alleged ' ‘Shakespeare’ ’ a name 289 MS. of ' ‘Sir Thomas Queen Elizabeth the first to More’ ’ 60 question Shakespeare’s Biographies of Bacon re- Authorship 290 viewed 73 The Assumed Coat of Arms Anthony Bacon’s Passports said to have been granted identified with "Love'Love’s to Shakspcre 298 Labors Lost’ ’ 93 Shelley and Bacon as Poets 301 Bacon as the Author of Allegories of "The Tem­ ' ‘Shakespeare’ s’' Henry pest" discussed .. 3<>7 VIII ........................... 117 The "Doubtful" Play of Tercentenary Number, con­ Edward III in relation to taining the "Manes Veru- the Shakespeare Sonnets 3i9 lamiani" in Latin 1and An Account of the Tercen­ English 145 tenary Celebration at St. Bacon at Gray’s Inn 212 Albans 329 Pallas Athene, as the Some Further Notes on the Grecian Spear-Shaker 272 A. A. Headpiece .. 340 The Locality of Scenes in "Love’s Labors Lost" .. 281 £ . -Kt Vol. XVIII. No. 68 (Third Series) Price 2. Baconiana MARCH, 1925. CONTENTS. The 364th Anniversary Dinner Who was Shakespeare ? By Basil E. Lawrence, LL.D. 1 Th& Eternal Controversy about Shakespeare. By Hofrat Weber-ELenhoff i Shakespeare’s” Augmentations.” By J. R. (of Gray’s Inn) i An Historical Sketch of Canonbury Tower. By Henry Seymour 2 Shakespeare-Bacon’s Happy Youthful Life. By S. A. E. Hickson, Brig.-Gen., C.B., D.S.O. *■ “ Notions are the Soul of Words.” By Alicia Amy Leith 4 Cambridge University and Shakespeare. By R. L. Eagle 5 Reports of Meetings Correspondence Sir Thomas More Again ' gO George Gascoigne Book Notices, Notes, etc. 4 - LONDON GAY & HANCOCK, LIMITED 34, HENRIETTA STREET, STRAND. W.C; MflaK ' 3 1 he Bacon *i (INCORPORATED), •r CANONBURY TOWER, CANONBURY SQUARE. LONDON. N. 1. 'THE objects of the Society are expressed in the i ! * Memorandum of Association to be :— 1 1. To encourage the study of the works of Francis Bacon as philosopher, lawyer, statesman and poet; also his T character, genius and life; his influence on his own ii and succeeding times, and the tendencies and results of • his writings. J ft 2. To encourage the general study of the evidence in favour ■ •’/• of his authorship of the plays commonly ascribed to *4 Shakspere. and to investigate his connection with other -■ works of the period. 5 Annual Subscription. For Members who receive, ’ without further payment, two copies of Baconxana tf (the Society’s Magazine) and are entitled to vote at p the Annual General Meeting, one guinea. For Associates, who receive one copy, half-a-guinea. Single copies of Baconian* from Gay & Hancock, ii 2$. plus postage. To Members and Associates, r ts., pins postage. j /Officers of the Society: The President, The Hon. Sir John A. Cockburn, K.C.M.G.; Vice-Presidents, Lady Durning 4 <'*: Lawrence, Miss Alicia A. Leith. H. Crouch-Batchelor, Esq., i Granville C. Cuningham, Esq.; Chairman of Council, Capt. G. C. Gundry; Hon. Secretary, Mrs. Teresa Dexter, > <"206, Clive Court, W. 9 ; Hon. Treasurer, Mrs. Henry Wood, 32A, Clanricarde Gardens, W. BACONIANA. Vol. XVIII. Third Series March, 1925. No. 68. it should be clearly understood that the Bacon Society does not hold itself responsible for the views expressed by contributors to “ Baconiana.” THE 364TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER. HE Annual Dinner was again held at Stewart’s Restaurant, Piccadilly, where a company of over sixty members and guests assemble* presided over by the President, the Hon. John Cockburn, K.C.M.G. Among the guests v Lady Sydenham, Sir Edgar Wigram, Bart., Rev. Prebendary Gough, Mme. Francois Millet, Charles Moor, D.D., F.S.A., Dr. F. Chamberlain, LL.B., F.R.H.S., F.S.A., and Mr. E. P. Hewitt, K.C., LL.D. At the conclusion of the Dinner, the toast of The King having been duly honoured, the Chairman proposed : “ The Immortal Memory of Francis Bacon.” He said they had met to do honour to the memory of the greatest Englishman that had ever lived, Francis Bacon.
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